s.a 6K ft Wednesday, January 30, 1946 Published every afternoon extfept Sim-lay by Prince Rupert Dally News Umlted, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week 15 Per Month . . . .' ur Per Year 7.00 By Mall, per month 40 Per Year , $4.00 MEMBER A. B.C. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post OfIce Department, Ottawa). Chlorination p h 1 o r i n a t i o,n of Vancouver's v.Oftjr supply will end March Jll, it is officially announced, following decision of the city to drop the treatment now. that the- Army is no' longer interested. The chlorination . outfit at Vancouver will he turned oyer to War" Assets Corporation for : disposal like other surplus war ma- : terials and property. In Prince Rupert a similar situation pertains in regard to chlorination. The Department of National . Defence will no longer be chlorinat-( ing city water. At present the city 1 is- considering whether to take over the plant itself and operate it. ISpme of, the city fathers appear , to bq, toying sympathetically with the idea but it is unlikely that it will ;. get any further than that. There is, no doubt, a considerable feeling V PJon new le buy lh. nw ' l.cfrlcal applianc.t that will lean b. availabU. pert. And, even most of those who might be sympathetic with it, may feel that the city could spend its money on more useful things. Employment of Veterans Prince Rupert employers are, doubtless, disposed to give preference to war veterans over other applicants for positions, their qualifications being equal. If the choice lies between a local or an outside veteran, the decision also, it is to be expected, would be in favor of the local man.. The boys with the local background may be expected to reman) here while many of those 'coming in are merely shopping around and probably will not remain. A large portion of persons in many types of work who drift in tend to leave after a year or two. But the boy who was brought up here and comes Hack expects to make this his permanent life home and is worthy of first consideration. Of course, it is true that some of the local boys will not be returning here and that, to replace them or offset them, some new veterans may well be absorbed in local business and industry. This is a normal state ofi affairs. New people bring new ideas and methods without which no' area can progress or expand. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324. 2nd Ave. .. Phone.. 8H Use ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION for Convenience 'for Saving Money ) 'for Protection of Health No water pans to emptj. No trips to cold room, for food. Buy a week's supply of food at one time. Ice available at all times. No food wasted. 'ood can be purchased in larger quan tities for economy. Sanitary porcelain finish readily cleaned. Prevents deterioration of food. Preserves food values. J. L.CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain ChlropracUc! If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 REXALL STORE Phone 81 and 82 BTHE I 1 Have your prescriptions filled here with confidence. You can be assured that only the purest and finest quality ingredients are used that every prescription is compounded accurately py a registered pharmacist. Our label is your guarantee. Ormes Lid. hs Pioneer Drtu&ists CENTRAL HOTEL Transient Rooms NEWLY DECORATED Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . . . Cafe . In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Fresh Local Raw arid Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY ' PHONE 857 ookinq ror Good Times Economic Conditions Never Better Than at Present, Says . Railway Official THREE RIVERS, Que. Never have there existed economic con-dltionsmore favorable to. high levels of production, consumption and employment, J. F. Prlngle, vice-president and general manager, central reslon, Canadian National Railways, said to the Rotary Club . here Tuesday. During the past 16 years, through depression and war, production for civilian use has been .abnormally restricted, he said, There were shortages pf dwellings and many articles required for personal and business use, while a huge purchasing power had been built up through war savings. ;World trade Ls bound to, be one of the main features of pur post-war prosperity," Mr. Prlngle said. "Canada ranks as, one of the .world's largest tradlivr nations and principal sources of food supply." Providing 90 per cent of the country's land transportation requirements, the railways were the backbone of Canadian transportation, as was shown during the war, Mr. Prlngle stated. Nevertheless they had strong competition from. other forms of transportation and this would be accentuated. "All that ls needed to make our railways successful and enable them to continue to .serve Canada as efficiently as they have In the past Is a reasonable volume of traffic at compensatory rates," he pointed out. "I have little doubt as to the available traffip but this must be accompanied, by fair competitive conditloas brought -abou t by a national transportation policy which will ensure eaclV form of transportation performing the Valiy best fitted." LATE ARRIVAL Even after 50 years, of printing in England, there was no printed English Bible. mm W I TiE S SJ Ss.i r sgy FIGURES Attendance figures, for all recreational classes held in the last four months when totalled appear qyite stagger? Ing. During the months of September, OctobeT, November and December, 180 sports and recreational classes were conducted with a total attendance of 2G45. Considering the condition of the gymnasia In which most of the classes were held, the response to recreative gymnastics has been highly satisfactory. When the Community Centre Is finally obtained by the combined efforts of the Recreational Council and the Civic Centre Association and a thoroughgoing soclo-cultural-repreatlonal program ls put Into effect, the IS TRANSFERRED TO VANCOUVER "Hob" Sutherland Moving South in Service oT Standard Oil Co. Robert Sutherland, manager for the Standard Oil Co. of British Columbia at Prince Rupert since 1940, Is being transferred, to head office of trie company, in Vancouver and will leave.for Uie .south on Monday next. Mrs. Sutherland will be leaving for the south about two months later, is expected. Succeeding Mr. Sutherland In charge here will be N. R. Young who has been assistant manager for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland have made, many good friends In Prince Rupert and will be missed. , . ,'VJ.. rT" "We were rushing to the grocer's before closing time ... Imagine a week-end without delicious Grape-Nuts Flakes! "I can't imagine it brother I Step on It and I'll provide a police escort down to the store so you'll be sure of getting your malty-rlch, sweet-as-a-nut Post's drape-Nuts Flakes I" "OK here we go! Bring on that Grape-Nuts Flakes good nourishment: carbohydrates for energy, proteins for niusule, phosphorus for teeth and bones, iron for the blood, and other food essentials." "They're good all right I That's because they're made of two grains-wheat and malted, barley. And specially blended, baked and toasted ror golden-brown delicious crlspness and easy digestion," "I think I'll get a couple of those giant economy packages." We Have Done IT Seeing is Believing COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day'. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 Watch for the New Ford It's SMART BIG THRIFTY TO OPERATE RELIABLE . . . Wrien you want tjie Best in motoring pleasure look to FORD. Remember: "THERE'S A FORD IN YOUR FUTURE." S. E. PARKER LIMITED "The Home of Friendly Service" P.O. Box 38 -r 170 E. 3rd Ave. WHAT 5 DOING AT PRIN'Cr RUPERT RECREATION COUNCIL GYM 5 by J I'M NAST total' attendance figures will be beyond'all conception What's On Tonight Y.M.CA. C-7 Junjor girls; '7-8, Junior boys; 8-9, Intermediate boys. Conrad School 1-8, Junior boys. Seal Cove School 7:30-9, Intermediate boys, boxing. I.O.D.E. Hall- -8-9:30, ladles' class. N. WESTMINSTER SCHOOL PLANS NEW WESTMINSTER School trustees have roughed out a new school building program which they estimate will cost in the vicinity of $1,000,000 over a five-year period,, Proceeding on the assumption that the provincial government will adopt the Cameron report and accordingly provide. $500,000 of the funds needed, they drew up a tentative rejuvenation program for, the Royal City's dilapidated educational Institutions which will Include building of two large new schools, levelling of Howay and Lister buildings and additions to others. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. l Jonnston Co. Ltd. Vancouver Bralorne B. R. Con B. R. X. 1935 Cariboo Gold Dentonla. Orull Wihksne Hedley Mascot Minto Pend Oreille Pioneer Premier Border Premier Privateer -.. Reeves McDonald Reno v Salmon Gold Sheep cj;eek Taylor Bridge Whitewater Vananda Congress Pacific Eastern Hedley Amalgamated Spud Valley Central Zeballos Oils A. P. Con Culmont C. It. E. Foothills Home Toronto Aumaque Beattle 1 Bob a - Buffalo Canadian CoasQl; Smelters ... Eldona Elder Giant Yellowknlfe Hardrock Jacknlfe Joliet Quebec , Little Long. Lac Madsen Red Lake MacLeod Cockshutt Moneta Porcupine Omega ljlckle. Crow San, Antonio Senator Rouyn . . Sherrltt, Gordon Steep, Rock Sturgeon River, Lynx Oslsko God's Lake 17.75 .24 ' .1C'2 2.8Q 30'2 .24 2.9p .03 V 4.55 0.50 .0934 3.15 .81 1.45 .13 .25 2.00 1.05 .04 .51 .18 .17 .'2 .30 .19 i on 1.40 1.45 .24 .37 88.50 1.14 1.31 8.40 1.15 .39 1.17 3.30 5.10 3.55 .77 .35 4.80 5.80 1.45 2.90 4.15 .38 .40 . 1.40 .71 Lady Janp Grey was queen of England for oniy nine days. j.H.Mai Auctioneer Salex Arranged at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. PICTURES Interesting List for Comlnff Monlh Announced by Manager Harry IHack An Interesting Hst of pictures for the month of February at the CapUol Theatre Is announced by Manager J. Harry Black as follows: January 31 and February 1 and 2-Joan Bennett and George Raft In ".Nob Hill." February 3 (Sunday midnight) "Valley of tile Sun" and "Shake Hands With Murder!" February 4 and 5 George Sanders and Ella Raines In "Strange Affair of Uncle Harry." February 6 and 7 George Formby in "Much Too Shy." February 8 and 9- Rita Hay worth and Lee Bowman in "Tonight and Every Night." February 10 and 11- Arthur Lake and Penny Singleton In "Leave it to Illondie" and Jark Haley and Helen Walker In "People Arc Funny." February 12, 13 and 14 Joan Davis nnd Jane Fnsor In "Kansas City Kitty" and Phillip Terry and Audrey Long In "Pan Americana." February 15 and 18 Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra in "Anchors Awelgh." February )7 and 18 Philip born and Mary Astor in "Blonde .. . .. . m .. A fever ana lum uuimuy mm Rita Corday in "The Falcon In San Francisco." February 19 and 23 Robert Cum'mlngs and Llzbeth Scott In "You Came Along." February 21. 22 and 23 Gary Cooper and Loretta Young In "Along Came Jones." February 24 and 25- William Gargan and Ann Savage In "Midnight Manhunt" and Gall Storm and Peter Cookson In "G. I. Honeymoon." February 28 and 27 Phil Harris and Leslie Brooks In "I Love a Band Leader" and Bill Elliott and Bobby Blake In "Cheyenne Wildcat." A COLD RIDE Lady Godlva took her famous ride in Coventry, England. r Whifflets From The Waterfront jJ Canadian National steamship Prince Rupert. Capt. E. B. Caldwell, docked here ac 1:30 this afternoon from. Vancouver, delayed by snowstorms which low ered visibility along the coast .22 W V! I IHHiHHH 'I irt. STRAINS. SPRAINS T I I end MUSCULAR PAINS' Lumber Sec Us for your BUILDING NEEDS PHILPOTT, EVIH & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Aid I tunny vttrety ptitcl bultytl Willi nd ctilinji ht yew ln pcttrln new '.:1. B H Fftwrtl On Cot Vttvei Fin. h cfin M- moil rtliiblc On Cot qucl-tl titily ppliJ piint Lit us i5.o rl 'b color cud. GORDON'S HARDWARE I Mcl'.ride Street rhoal Welding and Body Repairs No Job is too large or too small for us. Our mechanics nrr ffli W. C. OSHORNE , BOX 202 SCOTTY'S Old Country TERRACE TransfersTi Storage WE MEET ALL TRA1XS-I SERVICE TO ANY P0EC1 IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRi-l experts in body repairs. Dependable, prompt seW TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE V. IMIIOFF TntKAff ' OPEN FROM 5 TO 0 A.M. Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE 110$ Phone 801 Trannfirs Highest PrW Paid for Yo Attention FURS SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL BILL SHKIARERG B.C. FURNITURE I hone Black SSI