II n a n n B- a a a u : 9 Ji a j a i a a a rftuc Rupert DnHp J3cU)jaf Wednesday, January 30, 1946 You 7 e holding the Right Bag... For BAGS - SCARVES - ACCESSORIES j" WALLACE'S I1HBBHIIIODI BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Bulldin? Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabinets Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Thone Black 126 Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. HOME SERVICE O Course!. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street CLEANING AND REPAIRS Chimneys, Stoves, Oil Burners, Furnaces Window Cleaning and all Home Repairs PHONE BLUE 934 or 743 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow 3Icin Chinese Dishes our .specialty. Open 6 ajn to 2 a.m. PHONE 1 7:! We Deliver Your Order COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN (Make this your comfortable home in Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA GOOD EYE SIGHT WE SELDOM THINK OF EYESIGHT UNTIL IT SHOWS SIGN OF FAILING As longer evenings bring more reading, sewing and close work, we Increase the burden on already over-worked eyes. It is wise to protect your eye sight by having them scientifically examined at regular intervals. - MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENTS FOR EXAMINATION NOW Cor. 3rd -Ave and 5th : "AS . vw'Z Optometrist Room 4 STONE BLOCK PROMPT SERVICE ON REPAIRS Telephone 593 PRINCE HUPEKT Box Z" Becoming more popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY ' at CENTRAL HOTEL 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. TRIPLE HOOP GAMES PLAYED Savoy, formerly known as In-tcrvets, downed Macey's 44-35 to increase to four wins their standing in the Intermediate Basketball League while Bo-Me-Hi defeated Co-op 38-30 to achieve second place In the league standing, a position they hold along with Macey's. The two games were played in the Armory last night and lollowed a first game In the Junior League series In which Watts & Nickerson defeated High School by a score pf 32-14 The Bo-Me-Hi Co-op game was a close tussle throughout, with Ciccone leading the scoring for Bo-Me-Hi with 10 points. C. Miller and Don Hartwig played outstandingly for Bo-Me-Hl, Miller especially showing good for min his first complete game of the series. Boyo Ourvich, who is in the unique situation 0f being manager of the Bo-Me-Hl team and also a player on the Co-op aggregation, proved that he can you OUGHT TO SEE THE dOUGHNUTS MY MOM MAKES WITH AUIIT, JEMIMA n ';oi:knmi:nt i.icmok act" notice of application fob consent to thansfer OF BEER LICENCE LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 i LEAFS SIGN EDMONTONIAN Connie Smythe Takes 19-Year Old Jimmy MacPherson EDMONTON Nineteen-year old Jimmy MacPherson, a leading scorer In the Edmonton Junior Hockey League, has been signed by the Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League. The 200-pound left winger has been a standout -with the Edmonton Maple Leaf Club for the past two seasons. He wil! report to the Toronto club nex fall. adjust his loyalty to suit the occasion by making himself Coop's top scorer. He ran up a score of 12 points. The game was close all the way, except in the final minutes when the students put or? a splurge, sparked by Jimmy For- man. which netted the final eight points. v Savoy Wins Over Macey's The Savoy team, which recently changed its name from Inter-vets, showed its usual efficiency t.T rlnminatp Mappv'e r n n,a Macey's. whose game was not up to the usual standard. Leading scorers for the winners were J. Davis and M. Holke-stad. while Hogan led the Macey scoring parade. Davis rolled up 19 points, while Holkestad had 11 and Hogan 10. In the Junior game, the first of what is intended to be a .series, the Watts & Nickerson group whitewashed the High School boys. The final score was 32-14. Jimmy Flaten of Watts & Nickerson led his team's scoring with 14 points, and Tommy James led High School with 8 points. Line-ups For Three Games Here are the line-ups of the three games: Bo-Me-Hi Co-op I Bo-Me-Hl F. James 4, R. Lav-i?ne 4, D. Hartwig 6, C. Miller 6, J. Forman 2, E. Ciccone 10, M. Thompson 4, J. James 2. Co-op G. Vlereck 9, Johnson j-8, Gurvich 12, Sheppard 1, Sharp, T Menzies. Maccy-Savoy Macey's R. Cruickshank, B. i Menzies 2, J. Hogan 10, B. Pierce 4, D. Murray 6, M. Teng 4, ,R J Hflkestad 9, S. Olofson, A. Arnt- stcn. Savoy M. Holkestad 11. Eby 2, J. Davis 19, Vukovich 7. Arnev on the 5th day or March next the ' " I undersigned Intends to apply to the atts & Nickcrson-IIigh School Liquor control Boara ior consent to transfer ol Beer Licence No. 7399 Issued In respect of premises' being I part of a building known as Knox I Hotel, situate at First Avenue In the I City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots numbered Thirtee-i I 1 13) and Fourteenth (14) of Block! Two' (2) of Section One (ll Map 923, ! Prince Rupert Land RCKlstration District In the Province of British Col- 1 umbla. from Knox Hotel Company Limited to Eeaudoin Hotel Co. Ltd. of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C this 29th day of January A D. 1946. BEAUDOIN HOTEL CO. LTD. Jules Vanderbeck, President Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COA1. STOKERS Barr&Anderson Watts & Nickerson Flaten 14, Skog 10, Graham 2, Davidson, Scherk 4. Norgaard, Intermela 2. High School T. Forman, A. Lien 2, T. James 8, W. Wong 4, T. Boulter. G. Carlson, O. Eids-vick, B. Scharff With Minora Blades.' Greater comfort, plus economy that's the lowdown on Minora. It's the quality blade In the low-price field. FITS YOU DOUBif-fDCE RAZOR Valentines Day FEBRUARY 14th SEND VALENTINE GREETINGS . . . by . . . COUTTS CARDS Large Stock Now On Display AT in Sports 'CASE AGAINST . ; DUROCHER OFF AAA Gambling In Hockey Defenceman Babe Pratt's Expulsion is Explained MONTREAL The expulsion of Defenceman Babe Pratt by the National Hockey League and from his club, the Toronto Maple Leafs, was carried out because of his refusal to conform to the rules of the league. League President Mervyn "Red DuTIon said that he wanted to emphasize that there was no evidence that Pratt had been gambling against the Leafs nor did he believe that he had. The N. H. L. president said he had personally interviewed Pratt and that, during the conversation, the Toronto defenceman had told him about an unsuccessful effort to bribe him to throw a game. Dutton said there ! is no scandal in connection with ' this case. Prat; is being disciplined for violating rules against gambling. Canadiens Swamp Quebec Sr. Highs of 44-35. Savoy's combination flT1 ninv ,.r -nrK kki .,, night, Montreal Canadiens of proved to be too much for he National Hockey League de feated an all-star team of the Quebec Senior Hockey League 13 to 3: The Canadiens had too much power, speed and finesse for the amateurs to cope with. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Felonious Assault Charges Against Dodger Pilot Being Withdrawn BROOKLYN There will be no lawsuit against manager Leo Durocher of the Brooklyn Dodgers as a result of the felonious assault charges which he faces. Durocher's attorney, Hyman Barshay. says that an out-of-court settlement has been made with John Christian, a Dodger fan who was injured in an alleged fight with Durocher at Eb-betts Field last summer. Durocher's trial on the assault charge Is set for March 11. Hockey Scores Pacific Coast Los Angeles 4, Vancouver 3. GUARD AND STARVE Crab spiders stare to death after laying eggs, because they are too busy watching their eggs to eat. Genuine aspirin MARKED THIS WAY I Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c Birth Notice: 50c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices. Marriage and Engagement Announcements: t'l. SWAP FOR RtJTI TRADE Quarter section In Al- FOR RENT 2 room suite, fur- berta for truck, house, boat nlshcd, hot and cold water or what have you? Apply and oil range. Black 906. itf) Daily News. (281 "r. : : r: T OFFICES FOR RENT Stone WANTED Building. Up-to-date rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply S. O. WANTED Coal and wood range Furk, Room 6. or W. F. Stone with water jacket, good con- Store. Phone 563, (30) dltion. Apply Box 81 Daily - News. (26) FOR RENT Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. WANTED Male High School Reasonable weekly rates to re-teacher desires one or two liable tenants. Commercial room suite or room in apart- Hotel. 28 ment block or hotel. Clean, pou SALE comfortable, central. Phone Red 876 or Box 1059 Station FOR SALE Household furnl- n (25) ture. 1140 8th Ave. East. Phone J Green 983. (30) WANTED Late model car. Ap- F0R gALE Wurlitzers. Phone ply Room 80 Prince Rupert 06. ' (30) Hotel, 6 to 8 p.m., before - Thursday (25) F0R SALE Household furnl- " ture. baby buggy and high linn ivtvTin chair. Louise Apts., basement suite, 247 5th Ave. West. (30) WANTED Reliable woman to FOR SALE Rowboat. 16 feet; help with housework for one clinker-built, suitable for In-month. Phone Black 991. (23) board or outboard motor. phone Blue 367' aftcr 6 WANTED-Urgently. woman for housework, Easy cooking. For , " few weeks. Mother Just home FOR SALE 4-burner Hotpoint from hospital. Reasonable range ln excellent condition; wage. Hours 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and separate refuse burner Call at 1545 6th Ave. East witn hot watcr CPus. Phone 83. (26) HhnL1.nHEDpo"17,KY0man11f0r FOR SALEllule7fourrooms housework. Reliable, vill ng and j u.v,.' ,..i worker. 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m ,t,ath' newy dfcorated, Sleep out. $60.00; or mother's complete new plumbing and helper, 4 to 8 p.m. $24.00. wiring. Fully furnished, $3,000; Phone Blue 240. (25) unfurnished, $2,500. Apply Collart and McCaffery Ltd. LOST (28) LOST Man's watch "Merit." FOR SALENew and used fur-Waterproof, stainless steel. niture selling at lowest prices. Silver expansion bracelet. 2 -piece chesterfield bed, Phone Red 715. Reward. (28) Khrolcr make, perfect condi- t7qt rT7 ; tion, $65; used smoking stands, LOST Necklace of crystal beads $1.75; used hassocks, $2.50; in vicinity of Presbyterian records, 25c; used battery cabi-Church. 1128 8th Ave. East. Re- net radios; electric mantel ward. (927) radios; tools, some are Just like new; office desks; kitchen sets, slightly used; RADIO SEUVILL' plete beds. B.C. Furniture RADIO SERVICE-For ,guaran- -lzll teed radio satisfaction phone FOR SALE 6-room furnished 6 and an Associated Radio house. 742 7th Ave. West. (36) Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. FOR SALE Large floor sun ' lamp. Cost $70 new. Apply Pi0neer R0mS' Ph0ne MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more snmnis ""OLS anfi rniiFr.rs COLLEGES economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National STENOS, TYPISTS, POSTAL Portable Sawmills, manufac- CLERKS for Government work, tured by National Machinery You can train at home. Free Company Limited, Vancouver, Information. M.C.C. Schools. B.C. (tf)1 Winnipeg.. An Announcement To the Motoring Public ... NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT- LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - 8 A.M. TO 9 T.M. 1 P.M. TO 4 P.M. This is a service for your convenience . . . you are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON mm mi joah mm Rtmtmbtr htr i 'Trtt! HOB KILL 1 IN TECHNICOLOR raEEEm. YO&AV a4 sm: went TO THE RACES- Capital BASKETBALL FERKUARV 1st and 'Jnd KETCHIKAN HIGH BO-ME-HI U. S. COAST GUARD vs. CITY ALL-STARS ACROPOLIS GYM 7P.M. .Space Donated by - ... 32 TAXI Day and Night Servia Quality Repairs at Economy Prlcei PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) un Lamp 275 Walt ItS Lamp $22.00 Hours of Sunshine ii few minutes. (Prince Rupert) LIMITC Phone Black :lI For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS - OTTOMAN ."' COFFEE TABLES $1 !. MAOAZINE RACKS (glass) !." CHENILLE BED SPREADS, Priced Sll.!)." to Jji'JO.T." furniture TAFT & O D O W E S NOVELTIES (Formerly J. II. Malr) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT The Key to Economy and Satisfaction . . . That's what The Varlctv Store offers you. Our stocks are lari?e and varied, you'll find personal needs, family needs, and manv hniisnimiri cnmiuu ..J.. UjlJJiU J, J applaud 'the savings prices!' ' - V v THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" . . . . ..TlftS uLfNtKAL CONSTKU"v CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES KinrtTU Urrt rniirTniirTlAU fl Phone ro:i "12 Second Avenue West Evenings , orccB'