grinct ttupm Dailp j3Jctos Wednesday. August 7, 1946 AfltopenJent cUUy ntm-pafw deTottd to the up-Scram? nr Prince Rnpert and m the communities .coxprtstsg northern and central British Columbia. 1T hr Prince Rupert Dally Newi limited. Third Arenue. Prince Rupert, J BrKHh ColumMa. 1 O. A. Hcrrmt, Mumgme Editor. J 1C. a. PERRT. Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Bj City Canter, per wee : '.S Per Month . . 65 -Per Year ... 7.00 By Man. per rmonth .40 f Per Ye-ir ttm i AXSWlfcS "CARPENTER" ! Editor, Daily News. 1 j It was gratifying to see from ; "The Carpenter's" letter to the ! emtar tnat he had read my ser-J mon of jrt Saturday and that l he agreeicLwith its main points. J There are two statements in his i letter to-which I wish to reply. J First, I did not say that the question of whether or not Chris-i tianity was reactionary could be j decided by appealing to anyone'3 i "personal, reaction thereto". ! Secondly, "The Carpenter" claims that'Jesus did not revise Jhe. Old Testament. The root meaning of "revise" is "to see J again." If Christianity is not a '.revision of' the Old Testament jthen the word has changed its 'meaning. Let me quote Just one , example. Exodus 21 :22 and the verses following enunciate the i law of level measure and declare ; that life shall be given for life, '"eye for, eye, tooth for tooth" ;and so on. Our Lord revises this ; and commands his followers not to resist evil, not to seek for 'even-handed revenge, but to jturn the other cheek. Surely to xee that the Law requires such I conduct for its fulfillment Is to jee it with new vision or to .revise it. . ? R. A. WILSON. READYING FOR jARMY CONGRESS i Under the direction at Brigadier J. T. Gillingham, divisional commander, plans are progressing for the Salvation Army Con-gress to be held iri Prince Ru-fpert for four days commencing .'August' 3ft 'and at which there wllj;be delegates from all parts i of northern and central British Columbia with Col. Archibald Layman, chief secretary and jseibnd-In-tfommand, and Mrs. :Layman coming out from Tor-.'onto as special visitors for the :occasion. A full program is be- flng arranged. , DOUBLE COAL EXPORTS J JOHANNESBURG. Oi South Africa exported 4,511,896 tons of coal in '1945, almost doubling 1938 shipments and placing the Union among the" great coal ex-iporters in the world. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY . PHONE 657 MEMBER AJJ.C. I. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office .1 Department. Ottawa). DIVERSE BOAT BUILDING THE. FACT that a Victoria boat- ' building establishment has been ;abie to secure contracts for the ibuilding of a number of pleasure 'type craft for lake resorts in the Istate of Wyoming is an indication !of.. the .diversity of work available for the shipbuilders these days. It suggests the possibilities that might be available for yards even as far removed as Prince Rupert if they could be adapted to modern require-rhents and demands. !! ( . jlilE DRY DOCK j:A:STCto THE DRY DOCK, Mr. ;M Vaushan, the president of the SrsjilwayV'took the wind out our sails lot his recent visit as to what might IJbe. expected in its future function at least as far as Canadian National Railways was concerned, giving no ,hope of the company using it for other than a repair yard. In spite j of that; however, we cannot bring ourselves to believe that there is no j chance for anything better at the i dry dpek than the present state of al-impst complete inactivity now ex-! isting there. '' In fact, we have no excuse for accepting such a situation. It is up ' tcr us, the people of Prince Rupert, j to- keep agitating for a useful em- ployment of the plant. If we do not, j it js quite evident that no one else ? will. I LETTERBOX WE GET MORE SUGAR THREE MORE POUNDS of sugar for each Canadian for the rest of this year figures out at about one-third of an ounce a day for each of us. That is not a great deal when we come to remember how lavish we used to be with the sweetening material in the old days before the war. Still it allows us to make our coffee a little sweeter or to heap a little more on our cereal or dessert 'and it is the first step towards a further easing. Next thing we will be hoping for the"day when our butter will become a little more generously available too. In the meantime, that might not be so easy but it will come in time. Maybe by a year from now the supplies of these two goods, the shortage of which is about the only shortage we have noticed to any extent while the rest of the world was going so hungry will be nearly back again to the old normal supply unless something unforeseen happens in the meantime. LIVING OFF GOVERNMENT THE EXTRAORDINARY SIZE of our Federal Government payroll is shown in figures just issued at Ottawa. The Government, m March last, was directly employing 147,073 persons in addition to 105,000 employees in the Canadian National Railways; more than 1,000 in the TransCanada Airways; about 1,000 in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; and 1,200 in the Bank of Canada, a grand total of about 255,-273, In other words, about one in fifty persons in our entire population, including children, is now in the employ of the central government. Add to these the employees of provincial and municipal governments and it is evident that a surprisingly high fraction of the Canadian people now work for and are supported by the state. O.C. ISLANDS SCENE OFMTLE Campaign on Between Sawflies And Hemlock 'Parasites About 20.000 parasites, effective in combating the hemlock sawfly which is attacking the forests of the Queen Charlotte Islands, have been imported from Belleville, Ontario, by the Dominion Governmentfj. tree insect expert at Victoria. The parasites have been flown in cold storage from Ontario and released in the hemlock forests on Queen Charlotte Islands. The hemlock sawfly is a relatively new pest in the Queen Charlotte forests. So far authorities don't know if it presages a general infestation, but they believe the parasite may control it. The parasites are being provided by the Dominion Parasite HOME SWEET HOME SYDNEY, Australia, 0 After travelling 2,000 miles by horse and buggy in sea.-cn of a home, a man and woman and their four children have been giverf temporary accommodation in a military camp no longer in use. The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out Macaulay. 'mm Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS ! 1. What is wrong : with this ! sentence? "She was overly anx ious to hear from him." 2. What, is the correct pronunciation of "bouquet"? 3. Whioh one of these word3 U misspelled? Acquittal, acquiescence, acqnarhim. 4. What does the word "diffident" mean? . 5. What is a word beginning with 'torthat meam "to endure"? ANSWERS 1. Say, "She was over anxious." 2. Pronounce boo-ka, oo as in boot, a as in day, accent lart syllable. 3. Aqurfrtum. -4. Wanting confidence in one's self; timid. "The servant opened the deor wMh diffident courtesy." 5. Tolerate. ACADEMY SITE CHOSEN NEW DELHI. India, W The site for India's National War Academy at Karakvasla Lake near Poona has been approved. When completed, the Academy will house 2,400 students, as well as teaching staff and menial staff with their families. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See K. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 mmmmmmW9mWmm2Jm ,0!fmmmmmmmmmm9S ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Phones 116 and 117 i VETERAN WAR CARRIER HERE Steamer General Zalinski I'tvisits Prince Kopert as FTsh Transport Veteran of half a dozen ammunition-laden wartime voyages ficm Prince ..I j pert to Alaska i and the Aleutions, the American Army Transportation Corps freighter Brigadier General M, O. Zalinski docked in Prince Rupert again yesterday, this time engaged in more peaceful "commercial pursuit. The 3,500-ton Zalinski Tuesday unloaded 11 cars of frozen fish destined for rail shipment" to we eastern unuea stales from Alaska. Chartered for the southbound voyage by Northland Transportation Co., the vessel will return to her army duties on the completion of the trip. Master of the Zalinski Is Capt. J N. Zardis, a rotund and friendly native of Crete, who has been in the American shipping service for the last 25 years. Most of his time was spent on ihe east coast until the outbreak of war, then he was ordered to the United States-Alaska service where he has been ever since. Capt. Zardis said that in spite of the fact that he sailed Aleutian waters all during the war, he never had any brushes with the Japanese. "Everything was quite normal," he said, "except for the blackout and an encounter uith a Japanese bomb balloon." This balloon, strangely enough, was sighted by the Zalinski just off Cape St. James at the south end of the Queen Charlottes. "At first we thought It was some sort of patrol, but It kep floating aimlessly up and down, and finally we decided it was a Jap balloon," he said. "We fired tracer bullets at it unUl it exploded and sank burning into the sea." When he told the American naval authorities about the incident later, he was asked why he did not make an effort to sal vage the balloon. "I told them I wasn't going to endanger my ship Just to salvaga a ballcon for them to look at," he commented. '; Cant. ZgrdLs has a softfpot in his heart for the Soyal Canadian Nayy, which went otft'of its vtpv to iuide him through1 Dixon entrance on his first trip to Prince Rupert during the' war. j "We went through the en-. trance at night and the weather i was so bad that there was no vlsi-ibHiry. I felt pretty 'scared about bringing my ship through those waters because of the currents and rocks, but a navy patrol ves-sI came out and guided me as ! far as T rial Island, where they stood by until a pilot came out from Prince Rupert.; The Zalinski Is operated as a surrnly ship for the American Army in Alaska, and has refrigerated holds between decks, and dry cargo space in the lower hold1?. She was built on the Great Lakes in 1919 and operated there juntil she was placed In the deepsea service. Buy War Savings Certificates r . a- mm. Beattie 65 Bobjo 15 Buffalo Caandian 20 Consolidated Smelters. .96.00 Eldona 48 Elder 41 Giant Yellowknife 6.20 Hardrock 67 Jacknife .15 Jollet Quebec 36 Little Long Lac !. 2.00 Madsen Red Lake 3.05 MacLeod Cockshutt 1.77 Moneta .56 Omega 16 Pickle Crow 3.10 San Antonio 4.25 Sherritt Gordon 2.25 Senator Rouyn 61 Steep Rock 2.75 Sturgeon River 20 Lynx 25 Lapasga 22 God's Lake 61 Negus 2.15 Aubelle 43 Heva Cadillac 26 20V2 McKenzie Red Lake ... .88 DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News Is completing a Roll of Honor which it Is hoped may contain the name of every man and woman of this city to serve with the armed forces at sea, or. land and In the air. To make this list complete, It Is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as whole la submitting the names. It Is Impossible for the Dally News or any one person to compile the list complete so we are asking YOU to be responsible lor the submission of the name of YOUR boy, YOUR girl or 'YOUR friend. The following Is the Information we would like you to fill in and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR ; Dally News, Prince Rupert Nami Service (Army. Navy. Air Force) Rank Next of Kin Relation Address Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge If Casualty, Nature and Date - Remember, If YOU do not ubm!t a certain person' name, no one else may. You are responsible. KIN MOURN AT MASS GRAVES Orief - stricken families gather at the mass grave of victims of the massacre of Jewish inhabitants of Jassy to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Jassy pogrom. On the order of the German occupation authorities, thousands of the Jewish inhabitants were shot down after being released by the police. Others were locked up in cattle wagons without food or drink. TODAY'S' STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd Vancouver Bralome B. R. Consolidated B. R. X. .10 Cariboo Quartz 3.30 Dentonia 42 Grull Wihksne 13. Hedley Mascot 1.45 Mlnto 05 Pend Oreille 2.90 Pioneer 4.30 Premier Border 074 Premier Gold 1.60 Privateer 3 Reeves McDonald 1.35 Reno 12 Salmon Gold 18 Sheep Creek 1.27 Taylor Bridge C8 Whitewater 03 a Vananda 38 Congress .12 Pacific Eastern 10 Hedley Amalgamated ... .11V4 Spud Valley .20' Central Zeballos 10 Toronto Aumaque 63 New Printing Plant iFor Vancouver Sun Marwell Construction Co. Ltd. are general contractors for the , $225,000 printing plant being erected at Pender and Bute for .11.75 j the sun Publishing Co. Ltd. .1254 j Plans for the 180-100 feet reln- forced concrete structure were drawn up by archllect J. H. Harvey, 410 Seymour, and show a three-storey building with partial basement. Excavation for the basement is completed and work will now go ahead on the rest of the project. When finished It will be the largest and most modern prlntin? plant west of Toronto of floor space. 45,000 square feet Wisdom is.the principal thing; herefore gel wisdom: and with il thy getting gei understanding. Proverbs 5:7. Are You GoihgfTo Stay In Business? 20 YEARS AGO August 7, 192G i The Patterson and Wright mine at Surf Inlet on Porcher Island made its first shipment of gold ore. The shipment of 80 .tons was consigned to the Gran-I by smelter. Owners of the mine were A. E. Wrlg) of Prince Rupert nd Mj. Patterson of Surf I Point. Suicide by drowning was believed to have been the fate of Fred Nelson of Terrace whose hat and cans were found alons; ,he bank of the Skeena River. ' Nebon was a pioneer of the Ter-' rare district and was reported to have been in a despondent frame of mind. ! Motorshlp Bellingham, Capt. Anderson, of Ketchikan, ran ashore in a heavy fog off Digby Inland. No damage resulted and the vessel was refloated nt high tide a few'hours later. j Advertise In The Dallv Nr DuX7 o. m.c 6J': the War Ofta cemmanric Div:.,:r, prinr: . m t: v drew t'plmKtfrin, . f . LOVIN CABINET' Phone CrJ 117 EC" 4 "W- 'to,C...; MECCANO SETS Jusl Arrived! Set No. 0 Set No. 1 Set No. 2 Set No. 3 Set No. 1 Set No. 5 ALSO Stock Com Magic Motors Accessory Sets - Did NOW ON DISPLAY AT lS!r-Jhi - Make no mistaltc about it, marked ditions arc solnn to net more compel Where are you going to be when the starts? Will you be as fully known buying public as you should be? Or will you have been forgotten k buying public and be away behind H . ... keen competition which is coming so"'" The best plan is to get your customer's eyeN with some regular printed matter every day DAILY NEWS. YOU tlPPr nnlir n mVw1A.l -linn 10 k'efP w.j lllUUf.dl VyjV, I."-- - tively in touch with the buyers for whom yu J r . .. . . j mi noi nave so much today but whom it wouiu i - t . .1 i .i r 1 lii'nptfj tuuivaie mrougn the easy way or advent THE DAILY NEWjj Progressive local merchants arc fully aware' value of advertising in the Daily News. T . . .. Of I your name among them in these pw you unpreparedly napping?