1; ft prince Rupert S?ailp tttw Wednesday. August 7 1916 ""SOCIAL SERVICE Hospital Benefits Scheme to . , Cost About $20,000,000 ' CANBERRA, P A new hospital benefits scheme under which the federal' government will contribute to the cost of treatment began operation In Australia In July. The scheme is part of the government's long-range social service plan, and will cost about $20,000,000. Patients In public . wards of public hospitals receive rvee hospital treatment whatever Iheir Income. Patients In intermediate and Off hot dm, It htlpl ft kltp , regular with KWONG SANG HINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 a.m. ; Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 PLAN DEVELOPED private wards of pubicl- hospitals end approved private hospitals have one dollar a day deducted from Ihe cost of treatment. The money will be granted by the Commonwealth government to the state governments, which will administer the scheme In their own states. Most of it will come from the fund provided by social services taxation. An act covering the scheme I was passed by feceral parlia ment last September, and eacn state has since ratified the legislation. The scheme terminates all other hospital contribution plans. In New South Wales, It affects seven zoned hospital associations, and 30 individual hospital schemes. These associations and schemes are to be liquidated, and any funds they hold, which have not been paid out In benefits to con- trlbtours, will revert to the hospitals for which they collected. The government feels there Is no need to continue the individual schemes because the new plan recoups hospitals for any loBSes suffered on public ward treatment. NO HIDING PLACE BRISBANE, Australia, M Since the start of the, year, Queensland State customs officers have seized enough drugs, they estimate, to put to sleep the 350,000 population of this state capital. They have found narcotic drugs hidden in cameras, in tankers' oil tanks, In logs, clothing, persona, errects and even In false teeth. For Sale By Tender CROWN ASSETS Type of Assets: , . NINE BUILDINGS, II.M.C.S. "Chatham", Prince Rupert, B.C. War Assets Corporation will receive offers to purchase all or any of the Crown-owned buildings described below. The purchaser shall remove the building or buildings, nil in excavations and restore the ground to Its original elevation, leaving the site In a neat and tidy condition In a manner satisfactory to an authorized representative of the Corporation. nine buildings-no. 5 Ratings Barracks, 36x200' Wood Frame. 1 Admin. 'and Sick Bay, 14,590 sq. ft. Wood Frame. 23 AS SchooV, 24x60' Loxtave. 4 Guard House and Boiler Boom Annex, 12x16. -9y34' Wnnri Frame. 2 C. and P.O. Barracks, 40x112' Wood Frame. Staff House (1st Ave.), 75x75' Wood Frame. , Dental Clinic, 25x100' Wood Frame. Naval Garage (Including gas pump and tank), 75x100' Wood Frame. SALE of these buildings Includes only such normal plumbing, lighting and heating fixtures as may be Installed therein. Buildings to be sold for removal and restoration of site. All areas and dimensions given "are approximate. " A certified cheque or bank draft to the value of ten percent of the tender price, made payable to War Assets Corporation, must be forwarded with the tender In a sealed envelope plainly marked: TENDER NO. 403-251 FOR NINE BUILDINGS AT H.M.C.S. "CHATHAM", PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ADDRESSED TO: BRANCH SALES MANAGER, WAR ASSETS CORPORATION, 1108 WEST GEORGIA STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Tendeis will close at Twelve o'clock Noon Pacific D.S. Time, AUGUST 15, 194C The tenderer must state the use to which the building or buildings, or materials, contained therein, will be put, as this will be a determining factor In deciding the acceptance of any tender. Tenders received after closing time cannot be considered. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Cheques or bank drafts will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. The successful tenderer will, when notified of acceptance of his or her tender be required to furnish a certified cheque or bank draft for the remaining ninety per cent of his or her tender, and in addition, a certified cheque or bank draft 'for an amount equal to the estimated cost, of restoring the site or sites, as a guarantee that he will comply with all terms and conditions of the tender. This cheque or bank draf guaranteeing restoration will not carry Interest and will be returned upon the satisfactory completion of the terms of the tender. War Assets Corporation 1108 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. NOTE: Passes for inspection of the above buildings must be obtained from the office of War Assets Corporation, Prince Rupert, B.C. For . FOR BETTER SERVICE AND GREATER .CONVENIENCE, WE ARE LOCATED AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Second Avenue SAILS AWNINGS TARPAULINS CANVAS WORK OF ALL KINDS Venetian Blinds Window Blinds Garden Chairs Shopping Bags Edmondson Awning and Sail Works Phone C32 P.O. Box 303 SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work Everything In high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY 3ESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE pWWooooaoaoooDDaoaooooooO0oonoDfiooHiowKH3WOCHW The Say Experts - - SQUASH Squash is the name applying to various types of edible eourds. including pump kin and Hubbard, which are well liked and generally used. Vegetable marrow belongs to the squash family but might be call ed the weak sister since us personality is so often uninteresting. When properly cooked and well seasoned vegetable marrow Is sweet, tender and has a mild nutty flavor. One reason why vegetable marrow is unpopular Is that when It Is matured It develops a strlngly. coarse texture, so that It should ue used when or small or medium size. Home economists suggest cooking vegetable marrow with toma toes and onions as the Europeans do. Vegetable Marrow Creole requires" one medium vegetable marrow, four medium tomatoes (two cups, cut), one medium onion C2 cup sliced), Vi teaspoon salt and Va teaspoon of papper. Peel marrow, cnut in one-inch slices and remove seeds. Peel and cut tomatoes in small pieces Peel and slice onions. Cook the HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY I Q. How can I whiten the hands? A. The pure' juice of a cucumber is a good' whitener for the hands. Apply on the hands before retiring, rubbing on a little cold cream at the same time. o. How can I wash black ma terials and prevent the color from becoming dull? A. When rinsing black ma terials, add one tablespoonful of turpentine to each gallon of water and It -will prevent dullness. Q. How can I loosen scraps and grease from a frying pan? A. Fill with cold water, add a pinch of baking ssda, and let It come to a boll. 1vrV m ri m 1 & r air 1 mi 00 tomatoes and onion together for five minutes, add marrow and seasonings. Cover and simmer fcr 33 minutes. This makes six servings. FRDxCH DRESSING Nothing adds more zest to the salad materials you brlni rrom your "peace garden" than a good French dressing. Here is one of the best: Mix 'A cup of salad oil, three tablespoons of malt vinegar, one teaspoon each Of salt,. paprika and Worcestershire sauce, 2 'teaspoon of dry mustard, one teaspoon of pepper and a dash of cayenne pepper, in a Jar which can be tigthly sealed. Then, and here is the big secret, add half a can of undiluted cream of tomato soup. No cooking you just shake, chill and serve. SAVING EVERY BIT Saving every little bit of food Is the motto these days. It also apolfs to everything having to do with food and the follow:ng pointers will show the way to greater conservation: Save fuel by cooking several dishes In the oven at one time. Save su?ar by carerul planning and careful cooking. Save butter by scraping every bit from the wrapper. Save all fat. Clarify and use for cooking. Save, sour milk. It makes tender cakes and biscuits and delicious cottage cheese. Fave dry bread to make into Melba toast, crumbs for escal-loped dishes, puddings. Save vegetable watsr for soups, sauces, gravies. Save vinegar from pickles. The spicy flavor adds zest to salad dressings. Save celery tops and parsley. Dry and use for the soup pot or seasoning. It is motive alo'ne that gives character to the actions of men. Bruyere. &HTO MVS! t 4 mm 1 a t 1 1 The Bordrn Co. Ltd. ' , r, WW""- Fresh for Fall! New HARRIS Tweeds JUST IN! rted Col ors Smart Box Styles BUY ON BUDGET PLAN-No Interest No Carrying Charges W.T.F.B. Regulations 1 BE SURE AND SEE lilEMl "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED o We specialize in tender, juicy steaks . and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD I I 1 1 RUSHING TO AID POLIO VICTIMS Sister Kenny, Australian nurse whose method of aiding infantile paralysis sufferers has gained world recognition, is shown coming ashore from the liner Mariooia in San Francisco. Calif. She is rushing to Minneapolis and St. Paul where 419 polio cases have been reported this past year. . SEES ROOM FOR ! 150,000 PEOPLE ! That U.ere !s enough fertile j valley land t-J take care of 150.- ! 000 settlers between Fort St. John I and Nort Nelson, north of Peace River Bridge, is the opinion of B.C. Minister of Agriculture Hon. Frank Putnam. This viewipointj was formed followinj a tcur of 1000 miles over the Alaska Highway and Peace River district :oads recently. On the new Pine Fass highway, ! nklng up the Cariboo Highway and lower British Columbia with the Peace River country. Mr. Putnam reported .good progress being made. In connection wl.h the Minister cf Agiicutturt'a s:atipmrm on district's fertility, Fcrt St. John Board of Trade revealed hit 4C COO a res of land was now under cultivation north of the Peace River bridge. ThLs area north of the river products 03 per cent of all livestock shipments from the B. C. Peace River blcck. 0x$PKrO?? V yyfS Vfc ,1 ll "A J'T m We've thought of everything from nail polishes and deodorants, to gifts for your .hostess when you go visiting. A truly marvelous array of cooling and refreshing, bath preparations, sun lotions, make-up and First Aid Items. Many of which you know and many that will give you more ideas for summer comfort! THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Learn To FLY! AVITII THE TERRACE FLYING CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEE $25.00 Per Year DUAL INSTRUCTION $12.00 Per Hour SOLO FLYING $8.00 Per Hour TRIAL FLIGHTS for Non-Memb ers Rates: $18.00 Per Hour; $5.00 for 15 Minutes Hollywood Cafe I'KINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 8 A.M, Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE 735 THIRD SCHOOLS AN t.'OLLEGES Civil Service Examinations 1 PREPARE NOW for Spring and : Fall examinations Letter Car-1 rler. Postal Clerk, Clerk 1 and 1 11, Customs Clerk, etc. Full particulars upon request toj M.C.C. Civil service Bcnooi., 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg,' Man. Oldest In Canada. No agents. Advertise In the Dally News. NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the office at time nf oresefiting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this . manner in the Dally News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified advertising. YOUR ANSWERS to a COMFORT ARI.R SUMMER are right at 1 he variety Store ORDERS PHONE l.'l.'t AVENUE WEST - - Classified Adve JlaM.'fleds: 2c per word per insertion, minimi PHONE 517 m 60c: Cards oi Thanks. Death Notices. Puner,, Hi and Engagement Annourcemlnu. Si1 CARD OF. THANKS Oscar Alander thanks wishes to thank the many friends for their kind expressions of .sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received during the recent death of the late Paul Brodln. I CARD OF THANKS j Mrs. Rol Barnes desires to express her heartfelt appreciation of many acts cf kindness and ! "ympahty extended by friends In I her bereavement through the passing of her beloved husband. tlti FOR RENT : WANTED TO RENT 5 or 0-room unfurnished house; will consider one heeding re-mod-ellng or re-decorating. Phone Blue 781. (185) FOR RENT Apartment in Bay Apartments; also front housekeeping room. Phono Blue 815. (tfi FOR RENT Two-room suite. 537 8th West. (184) FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 1142 Park Avenue. 184) FOR RENT Comfortable sleeping room; reasonable. Apply 8C6 Fraser St., evenings. tf) FOR RENT Two-room apart-i ment, suitable for bachelor. ! Apply Valentin Dairy. 184 FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 843 9th Ave West. (185) HELP WANTED j WANTED Sun carriers, larVe and small routes, between Mc- j Bride and Tatlow. Apply; Northern Distributors, Green! 917 or Qrefen 767. (tfi ! WANTED Clerk-stenographer' for City Hall. Please apply in writing, stating age, mart'al : status and nrevious exoeri-1 ence to City Clerk. 18C j WANTED Experienced woman! clerk for grocery store. No1 other need apply. Apply j Skeena Grocery. tf WANTED Experienced clerk for grocery store. No other need Hl,J' oivctiiu Uiuvti- (tfi WANTED Maids forkltcheh and ward work; also ward aides. Starting salary will take into account the experience which you have had. Applications will be accepted from native and white glcls. Prefer applicants 18 years of age and over. It will be necessary to live in. Miller Bay Indian Hospital, Phone 635. 187 BRIGHT AND HONEST boys and girls wanting Dally News de livery routes should enter their names at the office. HOUSEKEEPER Good accom modation and wages. 722 West Fifth. tn CLERK-STENOGRAPHER Ap plications in writing giving qualifications and references will be received by local business firm for permanent position as clerk-stenographer, preferably able to keep books. Box 150 Dally News. tf Advertise In the Dully New?! Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue 115 Res. Red 127 Ask for George WANTED. .U th( 4 -"an W'w tween centre,.,. war' B-C Bo,!; WANTED- -Qift Ave board a:;w wa neaithyblb Write N. B a Del. Prince WANTED.- oia...on B, Box iJ Nurd FOR SALE d equipment aaeti-j Blue 943 cr ta i FOR SALE stj bo. iu im r: J Make offer at ; Phone B!a:k ever.:n"!: I FOR Sale" t" ranse wick, t condit,:.::' 415 , phone Green FOR SALE Ketl Expre-j, spor&J set tor snpt jl she:i3 $153. i Box U3. Sffil'Jiel SPEED BOAT, Ji e-.i ..: Pfc:! IF YOU WASTfc Gree; 698. FOR SALE- -23-Iif 1 er 5 ti.p Eijfl good cDndi ij FOR SALE TV males andfsnaij Cul) Blue .8: k ai.d 6 pjn FOR SALE San I and-a-Lalf si timber ciEf : ute::..: ec-s horse- xi k:J $5000. Ap;'..'l8j ton. B.C FOR SALE- Tt c 0 m b d n t.r. room, bedraa : plus iu turJrl of nr.:: :., stove dlLiijra Plu:; f :r-rjt rent-) L::-a and irev bal two ic'j. 8 evervth::? Or. towTi Instil enr.ic WE BUY AND j Used Furi'.? ware See B elsewhere Cri set $16.M' McCIary'i, ' machine $2i.;i terdcM la tM electric good shape H $15 babycs&i hassocks, ino rnmnlete ir" fon from ft I V electric Ourney nPu- scatter rs ment- $1.65 e turf Co. 3rd ' 324 n caw better j economic1 and Vto; d Portable uomp"j LOST At"0dtfj hov nieht, l turs. to WW to regain I rumH IP I Anyone JJ abouU or " j alco kik i will they with ColUrt ALTERATION Bloclcjl ..A IT 1 vnu anu s- you will be pleased. J FREE DELIVERY ur - Dl A Ekl D iROTHgl n m 1 ixi u r w - .nf "HOUSE OF TINE FO ,