toil.... Pacific 1 : all my This 7)t taken from the letter or j ' K, McD. ha.s also been given ; wrc of other users in telllnr j w nke Pacific MllK., 1,lv til .ay it goes farther , n f-hev write of its richne 1 flavor j A r l c I r Mil? HUM I, rl!LI rAt ... . - , j. "uiaiea ana vacuum pacKea WNINGS . . . SAILS . WINDOW BLINDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S a'ack leg INI I. ocal I News items . . . .rhipf and Mrs. II. T. Lock eavms tonight for a three '., hniiriav trio to Victoria. nihh sailed Mon-. night on the Princess Ade-M a trip to Vancouver and da w s Kergin left this ,'r oi aircraft Halda ; on a week's business trip ancouvf He will return by wodnesaay. ..( pn:it!P Rupert to Van-,'t mvj navlng coming here , us government represen- C Vi' - ...xm. nnara. q pp v of Prince George eUc,-.s peaker at the week- nemi meeting of the t?::i)n- Rotary Club at C xa:x:tre Cafe this after- Tnr was a good attend-::ibr;.. Club president I .. I.. '1 l.iail .Hail. i ompbril, representing: I adlan linotype Co., left on tvr.:::'- train for Smith-i. ; diflton after spending Hpv. hnrt nn hnci i Hi- will proceed back to, -jve via Prince George , I Grant, pioneer real i ir, urance man of j ived in the citv on i - train from the ( v.'.: h ul thi s cveninT ; V.inrnuver. Victoria He wa.s accom-r. y by his jrrand-Klpatrick, who will mi rmw evening's return to Smithcrs proprietor of thr 'rof-ery store at d formerly on th" 't Douglas Ltd here i' fity on Tuesday ; t Mr. Jenkins will at St. Andrew's marrow afternoon ma Bourke of Bie-wM arrived in the r' i '1:y nlshfs train ' j skatr hewan town to take a honey-'.Urou'.;h the interior :v r before returning "' .rmrii- . m tills column - as :r a Kit lull mouia st - 5c a word. ii ica. baie. z.av to o. '-tf-.. ;j church Tea, Mrs Parker's, 805 Summit :r June 20. rf Norway Pioneers' ie (!::. Friday, June 21. v Hall. Orange tea, July 10, 2:30-5:30. JC' "ii- Marxist and rnrrnnt at Room 8. Stone fit Hnon ni.nn1nH " t fl 1 1 1 .. . .. ; B.C Pavrolls" 1GS5S? mm I Ml T I .- A II 1 P.O. Box 302 130 Bowser Street (Behind 137 Fifth Ave.) JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST 9 JnAn t?..t T iJ Third Avenue W. D. Lambie sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a brief trip to Ketchikan. Hotel... arrivals Prince Rupert Miss Wicks, Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. Edenshaw, Massett; Francis Millrrd. Vancouver; A. T. Gann, Vancouver; Lyle Colling, Vancouver; Billy McDonald, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. McCandlish, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, Vancouver: J. A. Popl, Vancouver; G. N. Morrison, Vancouver; D. G. Winter, Vancouver. The advertising expense of one well known cigarette advertiser amounts to one and one-fifth cents for one hundred r MKBiDlH A Natural Kealing DV-I dis- cover y with antiphlosistic properties. Promolei healing. Relieves pain and Inflammation, I'm it lor gli rcKrf, In Atklru'B f , i; semv, rii, '!.. mi iAe.m.i.c or JNmriiK .t TOITt DRtCCIST- -II t li. YOUNG BRITONS WANTING PALS Ask (iovernor-Grneral's Aid In Finding Correspondents LONDON. P) When Vlxcmint. Alexander came to Canada as ?c rrwr-tgeneral, he probably did not expect to Inaugurate a pen pal club. However, five young Britons decided His Excellency would be just the person to find them Canadian frlrnris so they wrote to him"for help. In a letter addressed simply to "The Governor General or Canada," seven-year olQ Anita Hill, vriting on behalf of herself and her five-year old sister, thanked Canadians for sending her "hocolate. Her letter reads: "Dear friends if Canada Thank you very much for the chocolate you sent us. My sister and I like it very niuch. I must thank you for my' "'stcr as she hasn't been to 'chool long. Love to all the boys and girls of Canada. I remain, Anita Hill, aged seven, and Pauline Hill, aie five." Their address is 179 Union St.. Middlesbroughy, England. Two letters from 15-ycar old b'ys at Portora Royal School. Enniskillen, County Formanagh. Northern Ireland, asked ths Oovernor-General to put them on "th? list of would-be pen rals." They specified they wanted to correspond with girls. A neat air letter to His Excellency's secretary came from 18-vear old Sylvia Trigg who described herself as "an English working sirl" who wanted to correspond with a girl pen pal. Her address is 7 Benty Road, Green Lane. Dagenham, Essex, The comprehensive coverage of daily newspapers was illus-t-ated recently when an adver-t ' ment featuring an all-steel wimmlne pool drew 1,000 inquiries within a month after CIMC CENTRE ' PRICE (Continued Irom Page 1) program, it would cost about $20,000. Erection of bleachers in the west side of the gymnasium would cost about $15,000, while an additional $3,000 would be required to re-floor the gymnasium. Mr. Forward emphasized the building's usefulness to the community by pointing out that it now has 700 members, and that during May 4,000 people made use of it. Including 31 community groups. Not Satisfactory For Army Civic Centre vice-president Dr. R. G: Large testified that during the month of March, when there was a move afoot for the reserve army to take over the building as an armory, Col. C. C. Ferric, commanding the Thirty-Seventh Reserve Brigade, who had been sent to Prince Rupert to Investigate the building as an armory, found that it would not be satisfactory. "Col. Ferrie looked over the building and apparently did not think that it would be useful as an armory," Dr. Large said.1 "Thus the building would be useful only for salvage purposes." Lieut. Love, Royal Canadian Engineer officer at Prince Rupert, said that the army estimated that there would be about $20,000 worth of material in the building if it were salvaged with army labor. This, he said did not include restoration of the ground to its original condition. E. R. Barr, who is in charge of surplus buildings and lands for War Assets Corporation, estimated to salvage value, above jthe cost of tearing the building down, at $5,000. "From the stapdpolnt of salvage value," he said, "the building is not worth a great deal. There is no local market for most of the material, so it would incur the additional cost of shipping it to some other city." ill A Product of Quality 9 lllll A superfine tissue," creped for. llllll greater softness. Pure Wm. H. FRANCKS Optometrist of Vancouver is now in Prince Rupert Wm. II. Francks is visiting this city unui May 20. Mr. Francks is at the Prince Rupert Hotel ana open for appointments. Appointments can be mude at the hotel. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY o at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD IS HONORED ON LEAVING Members of the staff of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal gathered after office hours yesterday afternoon In farewell honor to M. D. (Slim) Boyer, popular member of the staff for the past four years, who leaves this evening for Vancouver to join the main office staff. Expressing sentiments appro priate to the occasion, G. R. S. Blackaby, manager, presented Mr. Boyer with a handsome en graved wooden plaque, containing signatures of all the staff, as well as a fine pipe. Mr. Boyer replied. Accountant Carlo Han sen also Joined in the expression pf regret at Mr. Boyer's departure. The proceedings were arranged by Miss Marie Amadio and light refreshments were served. Classified Advertising pays. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. What is the correct salutation for a woman to use when telephoning to another woman of her own social position? A. All that is necessary Is to say, "Mrs. Jones? This Is Mary Smith." Q. Should the coffee spoon ever be left standing in the cup? A. Never; the spoon should be placed in the saucer as soon as the coffee Is stirred and never removed. Q. What is considered the most important duty of a hostess? A. Briefly, the sole duty of a hostess Is to entertain her guests, seeing that' each one is having a good time. Philosophers of .ancient Persia espoused the maxim thai "There can be no tyrant where there Is free soeech and debating societies." NABOB DE LUXE ORANGE PEKOE WE SERVE YOU NOTHING BUT THE BEST SPECIAL RED Bit AND BEEP CHOICEST FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS-COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES , DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dailv RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 THIRD AVENUE WEST INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 Trimz Ready -Pasted Wa 1 1 p a p e r Anyone Can Hang This New Miracle Wallpaper NO PASTE NO TOOLS NO MUSS Cttls Your Decorating Costs to a Minimum See the Colorful Patterns and Try a Sample Today! ? Keep House With Paper This Summer You'll thank your foresight in providing plenty of paper napkins, waxed paper, shelving, towels, paper plates, cups and other paper household aids. AT THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" ISHiiice Rupert Daflp Betos Thursday, June 13, 1946 f it MtMM?& i it f Ail J- IIU I TTOvTX yK an - iv. - wWXS Thinking of a Gift for Him? Here are a few suggestions: SPIDER LOOM TIES All-wool, Washable, Non-crease $1.00 LEATHER BELTS from - $1.00 SUSPENDERS Leather, Elastic, or the new "Live Glas" $1.00 and $1.50 SHAVING KIT CASE In Grain Leather $1.00 to $5.50 (Plus Tax) STETSON HATS $7.50 to $15.00 "THE MEN'S SHOP' fV 532 THIRD AVENUE tLOTHIXG AND FURMSHUCS PHONE 34S HELP NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION Announcement ... W. M. MARTIN Has taken over and is now operating the SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET FULL LINE OF CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES Your patronage would be appreciated 536 Seventh Avenue East PHONE 492 'THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY' BE SMART About FURS The best time to purchase fur coats and neckwear is right now! Why? Because during . . . . .. S3 low, our turners nave lime 1, . . to give you individual attention, the new, fresh, prime skins arc just arriving. Select your fur coat today from our collection of 1917 styles and furs. BUY ON BUDGET PLAN No Carrv Charge No Interest 'Term.' In accordance with W.PT.B. Regulations. IIIXP NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION FOR EXTEKIOU AND INTEKIOlt ALIKE we have quality paint, enamel ami varnish that stand the test of time and weather, a 1 1 seasons. Small quantities for odd jobs, bulk for contractors. HANDSOME, SERVICEABLE PAINTED SURFACES ARE PROTECTION FOR YOUR HOME. GIVE YOUR RESIDENCE THE DENEFIT OF OUR QUALITY PAINT, FOR APPEARANCE AND Gordon McBride Street s Hardware -: PHONE 311 G. SELVIG General Contractor We cto basements, reshinglin'g, build fences,' sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION. GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 PRINCE RUPERT ! i ft- f 1