w: Si i Si' f! Nil ZS iSrfnre Hupert Daflp r3etos Thursday, June 13, 1946 IIIIRIIIRIII IIBHBIDHIBIHHII Aw A ) 4 SAVOY HOTEL Car! Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FKASER STREET Prince Rupert It's Wallace's - for - Summer Leisure Wear e Slacks Sweaters Slack Suits Bath'uiH Suits For smart lounging, those gently AT COAL! Have you inquired about The Philpott, Evitt COAL BUDGET PLAN Be WISE now! Be WARM next winter! PHONE 651 or G52 COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE G7fi Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE EVERY NIGHT! HOURS : 6-11 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AX' 1U11JAY FRIDAY 2-11 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11 THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations (Members only on Sundays) z a H a B B n a B B B B B fl B B B B B tailored Wallace Play Time Togs " are the talk of the town. Come in q and choose your favorite today. -WALLACE'S! Of Course! IBBBHBBBBBBU ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS BULKLEY CAFE CHOI" SUEY CHOW MEIN Our Specially Open-Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m. to C p.m. Located at Hulkley Hotel SMITHERS, B.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 FLYING TO TORY MEET Local Delegates Left By Air For Vancouver Prince Rupert's delegation to the British Columbia Conservative Association meetings in Vancouver Friday and Saturday for the purpose of choosing a new provincial leader in succession to the late Hon. It. L. Mait- land left by Queen Charlotte Airlines flying boat Haida Queen this morning. They are Dr. It. G. Large. J. T. Harvey, Alex Mackenzie and G. J. Dawes. C. H. Orme will join them in Vancouver. Dr. Large will return next Monday on the Princess Adelaide. Mr. Harvey will return on the Prince Itupert Wednesday. Further evidence of the lengths to which" British publishers went to keep faith with the reading public is illustrated by one daily newspaper that had to transport their paper CO miles before delivering a single copy, but despite this handicap, was never more than a few minutes later reaching the streets than In peacetime. Of all kinds, fro m I) e s i g n to E r e c t i o n . WESTERN BRIDGE & Steel Fabricators Ltd. Vancouver, 1J.C. ft -r tt riffflwfflr IN THE SUPREME COUUT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP SADIE BEAUDIN. DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. W. E. Fisher, made on the 30th day or May. AD. 1946. I was apjiointed Administrator of the Estate of Sadie Beaudln, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the I3th day , of July. AD. 1946. and all parties indebted to the Estate are required fto pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 30th dny of May. AD. 1940. GORDON P. FORBES, Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. June 30 IN THE SUPREME COUHT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE WILLIAM NICHOLSON BELL, DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 3rd day of June. A D. 1946, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of William Nicholson Bell, deceased, and all parties having claims arcalnst the said estate are hereby required to furnish 'same, properly verified, to me on or before the 15th day of July, A D. 1946. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C , this 3rd day of June. A D. 1946. ALBERT EDWARD RODDIS. Official Administrator, Telegraph Creek. B.C. ;IVEiC.MI,XT I.KjiOJt ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE NOTICE is hereby Riven that on 2nd day of July next the undersigned Intends tq apply to Vic Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 7364 Issued In respect to the premises being a part of n building know nas Terrace Hotel, situate on Kalum Street In the Village of Terrace, B.C. Upon lands described as Lots Twelve (12) Thirteen noi aim rourieen fill or ninrk STEWART LOTS CHANGE HANDS STEWART In addition to the selling of business and residen tial property incidental to the revival of mining activitv in tin. Portland Canal district, a num ber of town lots have also been changing hands and the board of villaee commiion. i uda been , ridding itself 0f some tax- $4200 WILL BUY G-room house, 5th Ave. West, near McDride. In excellent condition; basement, furnace, electric stove. Apply Collart & McCafferv Ltd- (143i FOR SALE G room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. Weat. (140 jGOOD BUILDING LOT in the j centre of Prince Rupert's best business area. Apply Box 123 j Dally News. (tf) ! FOR SALE Four-room house. $1GOO cash. Apply 225 9th Ave. fcast, evenings. (143) FOR SALE 7-room house on waterfront lot at Dodcn Cnvo 32 -volt power plant, wired for city power. Oil burner range and sundry furniture. All for $2200 cash. Apply Collart & McCaffery Ltd. (140) FOR SALE 10 and 12-lnch cedar shiplap, fir flooring and dimension, going at $25.00 per thousand. It won't last long at these prices, so hurry. J. Sackner, Dyer Apts. (142) FOR SALE New and used furniture at the lowest prices. We buy new and used furniture and hardware and pay better prices than others. Used hassocks, $2.50; used gramophone records, 20c: used Rogers 1347 spoons and forks, 65c; used Daroer chair, $35.00; used dining room set. 7 pieces, $42.50; used radio, 7 tubes. $15; used gate-leg table:, $4.00; used and new paint brushes, best quality, from 15c; new Gurney ranges; also electric irons at reduced prices; slightly used pool table, like new, complete, V7, price. D.C. Furniture Co. Dlack 324. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES every Saturday at 171 Third Avenue East, (tf) LAM Kl.CilSlllV .CT Re: Certificate of Title No. 16415-1 to Lot Six Hundred and Rltteen (616). Range Five (5i. aald contain One Hundred and Sev enty-one (171) acrei;. more i "I l,C I lil (I, UIKTrif-T. I 1 r I h.f.n , I .... . .1 I .. 1 I . Avoiding Bread Waste In Canada Wil to or less. Excepting thereout -the Right - of - Way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Bald to contain Six decimal Four Five (6.45) acres, more or lean. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of foos of the above Certificate of Title issued In the name of Robert Leek nicintoBli has been filed In this of- t"7s 8lxt?in? .,309) Hane shlU' nt the expiration of one month S i,1'1 n to D1itrl;t' Ma Tom the date of the first publication Prince Rupert Land Registry Dlatrlct. thereof. Issue a Provisional emmets p,S' ?rlSh Colu,rabla' f Title, in lieu of said lost Certlfl- from Lmllle Willie to Terrace Hotel cate. unless In the meantime valid Limited, having Its head office at oblectlon be mode to m" In writing, the Village of Terrace. B.C. the trans- DATED at the Land Registry oVVlcI: ''datbd SSSTjST th'S 6th day ' at Terrace. B.C., this 28th day of May 1D46, AD : ANDREW THOMPSON TERRT?ansf,crIeELS "" 1 Wy nellsPrao? Titles. I 1VI I reverted property. As soon as materials become available, there should be something In the nature of a building boom here. As a recognition of the role of the British provincial press in wartime, the King in his 1946 New Year's lLst conferred a knighthood on the wartime president of the Newspaper - - Classified Advertising - - and Engagement Announcement: 12. FOR SAMS FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet 961 10th Ave. East. Ui2 KOR SALE -Black 412. Lumber. P fl o n e (138) Ontario. FOIt RENT FOIt RENT Double room. Phone Red 443. FOR RENT Two -room suite.. 537 8th Ave. West. (138) WANTED WANTED TO RENT Four to six roomed house with option of buying preferred. Box 131 Dally News. (143) WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 room house. Apply No. 4 Eagle I Rooms (138) FOR ceived SALE-Tenders will be re- J WANTED Persian kitten, male. by the undersigned until noon of Fridav. .Timo 14, 194G, for the purchase of trap-line, situate north of Kismugallum Lake, Latitude 51.45, Longitude 128.30, and belonging to the estate of the late William Howard Cava-nagh, deceased. Terms: strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Gordon F. Forbes, Acting Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of William Howard Cavanagh, deceased. (139) Phone Black 160. IILLI' WANTED (140) HELP WANTED Driver for delivery truck. Apply Hulkley Market. (tf) WANTED Ward maids for Prince Rupert General Hospital. Apply Matron. (tf) Ykrsonal RUGS and Chesterfields cleaned and shampooed. Phone Blue 318. (140) EXCELLENT COMMISSION to agents calling on householders with new postwar line of Electrical ADDlianccs not on salp anywhere in Canada. Enquiries ; was (139) LOOK YOUNGER! Restore natural colour to greying hair wun Angellque Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Lady's watch along Second Avenue. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Phone Black 945. (It) WALLET Finder Dlease keeD money within and return to address therein. (139) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machlnerj Company J.'mlted, Vancouver B.C. ,tf) Agents'. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Green 995 PROBLEMS OF RAILROADING 'Dynamic Not Static" Declares C.N.K. Chier to Maintenance-of-Way Men MONTREAL Delegates from all parts of the Canadian National Railways system in Can ada and the United States representing 18,821 malntenance- of way workers, meeting here, heard S. W. Falrweather, vice-president, research and develop ment, say that the problem of operating and maintaining a railway was "dynamic not static" and commend to them the scientific point of view. "We should be keenly alert," he said "to the changin? content and form of railroading to the fact that old methods are replaced by new and tint the old materials give place to better. We nave the promise of even greater changes in the future than we have experienced in the past. In your field of activity I commend to you the scientific and enzineerinu point of view. With access to the best nfnrmation, with our own in ventlve ingenuity and with co- 1 operative action, the Canadian National will continue to be in the forefront." Attending the sixteenth an nual meeting of the sy-sh-m com- miuee, union-management co operative movement malnten ance of way department the men were meeting with reprr- nta fives of the management to di;;- cuss mutual problems rrgardln a department which rcquin d the expenditure last year of $70,000, 000 on the 24.000 miles of line , Speaking of highway cmppti Hon Mr. Falrweather said tha' the first factor in the problnn Informed public opinion Invited from men now nn m,. n , . j tr . , i 'd"ay naa maae an :n RarCoatilSI-'-.udy of it and a new "VWI (I 1 UK'.ll developed. The commonsm' ex pressions of the railway never railed tn carry convict '"n wiM the sensible-minded public. The public must be convinced that the problem was a national one which must be dealt with Forty-seven hundred daily and weekly newspapers, the largest number ever used at once In the United States, were recently used by one concern for advertisements regarding wheat conser vation. KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ? TT2 Red Gillis has taken over Robertson Hottlc Huyers and the business will be known as the PRINCE RUPKRT Ehottle COLLECTORS rhonc Blue 737 aAAAA AAA A AAA AAA A aa AAA A Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 1 A.M. TO 1 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Music by "Esquires" Mondays and Thursdays 10:30 to 12 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE l.'L't 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST FILM COMEDIAN LOSES HIS LIFE LOS ANGELES, M Charles Butterworth. 40, whose subtle drolleries and tangled metaphors carried him to success as a film comic, died early todav after his automobile had struck a lamp-post, catapulting him to the pavement. He WAS rctlirnlnrr from a night club when his car shaded more than 50 feet into the pool. He was a former newi- paper man. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Main and little son. Gordon, have arrived in the city from Saskatoon by fat Way Whiffled Parker r"n 0f spi M, to Prllll'r , hoes are a1 fislllh; financial retn men are a! ... for red :;m ,, pound and ear anrl and Mrs. D J KUdle Bracken Veronica lak( THAT BLONDE- STARTS TOMOrtRQW A SHOW MAT LOW Of Lfltfrni' Iff W W ?Jrr r sn wrzs in tf 1 P? SHOWS AT 1:00 - 2:54 - 4:56 6:58 - 9:00 I50X 1308 irffch STARS AMI VIOUNS ANIMAL THICKS MOUSli: CO.ML HOME SEItlAL NtW'S Efipilsl GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING! AND DESIGNING NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O B:x 13E1 Phone S.l Evenings: Qreen 1(J.'I Oil CtirnersSTjlM Installed , m tm jjwiiaK piiom; 8 and Serviced PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman S. Julian REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 (iirrn 7S7 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST WEST York General Construction See or Phone Us on a New Insulation KIMSUL Soincthiiijr New and the liest Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction Y6u Name It. and We Can Do It WE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING Phone Ulack 12C Day Phone Ulack 731 Evening 1 Save The Lives Qf Thousands Of People Facing Famine : . ..-v...7.. , ot the lamino which threatens so many of the world's people This garbajrc dump might Ijelong to any Canadian town. Homes, restaurants and bakeries, all can help prevent this appalling waste. One slice - Ss ei by e)'e,ry Canadian is equivalent to throwing away over oOO.OOO loaves of bread. If the daily waste of even this much bread were eliminated, these half million loaves would not find their uiu saiuage. inc nour used to make these loaves would bo saved, lhc wheat required for, this flour, remaining at the elevators, would then be shipped to those in need. The wheat thus saved would give 900,000 hungry people 1,000 calories a day. Their life lies in our hands. Use less bread. Waste nothing. Share with the Hungry I ''iC C Wl: w Ml Pritl