prince Uupcrt Daily J3eUi0 Thursday, March 21, 1946 baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur Reducing, Facial and General J Swedish Massage Fhone Green 507 erenings for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST aHBUMHBBBMBBaaii Rcbckah Lodge Pre -Vue EASTER FASHIONS Montreal and Toronto Importations . . . Courtesy RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I.O.O.F. Hall -March 25th Monday, 8 p.m. Admission 50c BBBBMR!fBBBBBaBBBIBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND TOOLS on Saturday, March 23, at 2:30 p.m. AT THE AUCTION KOOMS, OPPOSITE CIVIC CENTIIE On instruction of the Official Administrator, I will sell part of the estate of the late Norman A. Watt, consisting of: Considerable quantity of mechanic's tools of all description; electric motor; 2 single beds; bedding and linen; sewin; machine, dresser; Northern Electric Console radio; full-length mirror; rocker; 2 pair skis; washing- machine, and other articles. Also from another estate I will sell: refrigerator; studio couch; 1 range (electric); chesterfield, 3-piecc; 1 neatly electric ironer; 2 propellors, and several 'articles too numerous to mention. Sale starts at 2:30 sharp Goods must be sold Come early GEORGE J. DAWES rs, The Auctioneer Goodyear BELTING HOSE and ACCESSORIES NOW AVAILABLE See Your Local Dealer Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Ltd. DISTRIBUTOR PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE P.O. Cox 772 ; Phone C32 Take invigorating steam LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam, pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street McCutcheon's Pharmacy Ltd. Third at Sixth Street ANNOUNCE that the new I'aiker 51 pen will be on alc in their store this month. Be advised and place jour order now for this latest of pens. , Any make of pen may be obtained here. Our Mr. Samworth, who has had several years experience with one of the leading pen companies, will be pleased to service yoiir pen at any time without charge. McCUTCHEON'S PHARMACY LTD. The Store With the Up-to-Date Service Prince Kupcrl, B.C. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED NOW FOR THE PARKER 51 GET . . Action! Use when you step on the starter of your car or truck CHRYCO Power Line BATTERIES RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED PHONE .'(fit P.-T. MEET AT CIVIC CENTRE To Gather There in Future-New School Question Again Considered The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers Association 'was held Wednesday night in the upstairs lounge of the Civic Centre. Seats were later reserved for the members at the Rup-Roc display following the business ! meeting. j The meeting, presided over by J. C. Gilker, was addressed briefly by Don Forward, who welcomed the P.-T. A. and extended an invitation to thu Association to hold its meetings at the Civic Centre in the future. The Treasurer's report, read by Mrs. Insulander, showed a balance of $432.50. Mrs. E. W. Becker was elected as delegate to the convention of the British Columbia Parent -Teachers' Federation to be held in Vancouver at Easter. Reports On School Plans Mrs. G. A. Hill reported on a recent special executive meeting, held for the purpose of formulating concrete suggestions on Prince Rupert's school building needs, these to be sent tott the city council and school board. The meeting decided that the most immediate need is for a new Junior-Senior High School with Booth Memorial School replacing King Edward as an elementary school. Several possible VflR RAI.K i Mnrlprn rlnnlPY j apartment, stucco front. 327 6iiu live, tviai. A viu ouj (tf) FOR SALE New and used furniture. Chesterfields in good condition; large stock to choose from. Three-quarter and double beds; easy chairs; office chairs of fine quality; new single hot plates, $4.75; new press irons. Everything selling at low prices. Phone Black 324. B. C. Furniture. j sites were suggested and a com-i mlttee formed to examine and j report on the possibilities. The three sites seriously considered j were: The present King Edward ; School site, to be enlarged east- ; ward across Green Street to the depth of three or four lots, the building to be located at the eastern end. and the rest of the area for playing fields. Tills slta was felt to be central enough but cramped for size. Acropolis Hill: the school to ; be built on the site occupied by the old exhibition building with . all available surrounding land to be laid out for school ground, and the large public playing field to be accessible for High School when not otherwise in use. All four corners of McBrlde Street and Sixth Avenue, those streets to be re-routed. This site, it was felt by the committee. i would be excellent from the point of view of convenient and central location, and level, but it was hardly hoped that such a concession as the re-routing of the two main streets would be j given. Several other sites, considered less desirable by the committee, were also examined. The site committee consisting of W. W. C. O'Neill, Mrs. E. Vt. Becker, Mrs. G. A. Hill and Mrs. Black was thanked, by the presi dent, J. C. Gilker. A vote of thanks was also tendered the Civic Centre man- FOR SALE Children's store; profitable Income, low overhead, comfortable living quarters. Apply Wee Tot's Shoppc, 3rd Avenue. (tf) HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper for Interior farm. Apply Room 21 Savoy Hotel. (69 1 EX-SERVICE MEN AND WOiMEN to sell service crests and plaques. Good sellers, good commission. Write for free samples and particulars. Golden Art Plague and Crest Co., 4697 N.W. Marine Dr., Vancouver, B.C. (70) WORK for Prince Rupert District Men Kelley Logging Co. requires for Cumshcwa Inlet camps: fallers, rigging nien and others. Transportation advanced. For particulars apply Carl Zarelli, Savoy Hotel, or National Employment Service. (70) WANTED Man for work in milk plant, steady position for right party. Valentin Dairy. (70) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio j Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. Whifflets From The Waterfront ooaoaooaaaoaaoocHjanoorxnj C.PJt. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. P. L. Leslie, arrived in port at 8:30 this morning northbound for the Alaska ports and sailed again shortly before noon. She carried 113 passengers, many of them Canadians returning to the Yukon for the opening of the season. Only one passenger disembarked at Prince Rupert. Australian Horse Still Works at 51 MELBOURNE, Australia Q -Australia claims to have the oldest horse still working in the world. He is Nigger, a 51 -year-old horse owned by John Croker of Footeray, suburb, of Melbourne. Nigger does light work around building Jobs. Mr. Croker, who bought Nigger In 1895, said the horse who spent his first 17 years pulling a butcher cart, was then put into a timber lorry. Mr. Croker attributes Nigger's long life to a special diet of chaff and charcoal. The charcoal, Mr. Croker says, purifies the blood and kills worms. agement for the evening's hos- ! a 1 ! 1 - rr . It ,V.A nrj piuuiiy. me mtx-uny iiicii au- joumed to the Auditorium where ; the Rup-Rec display was heart- j ily enjoyed and applauded. i , ' 'ssaEs3 " Am will I'limlil Suns lwrillil. Classified Advertising : --. Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Birth Notice; 50c; uaras oi iiiiiiiK-s. uuuwi Sonera, ruuxrai ?40iic;3, Marriage "V and Engagement Announcements: 12. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. Connery and daughters wish to express their heart felt gratitude for the kindnesses and expressions of sympathy extended by many friends during the long months of suffering and at the time of passing of a beloved husband and father. Dr. Large and Mr. MacSweyn, hospital staff and the Canadian Legion are particularly thanked for their untiring attention. FOPv SALE FOR SALE 10 acres and new buildings, 3,i mile from Terrace Post Office. Any reasonable offer considered. Apply J. H. Juclfs, Box 146 Terrace. (69) FOR SALE Pure-bred femab wire-haired terrier. Apply Wcstaway, New Royal Hotel. (It) FOR SALE Orocery store and tourist camp at Prince George. Thriving business. Apply owner, Box 803, Prince George, B.C. (69) FOR SALE Buick 8 dehixe sedan, century model; low mileage, good tires, radio and heater equipped. Cost around $3000. Bill i Morris, Box 81, Smithcrs, B.C. (69) FOR SALE Davenport and other articles of furniture. 307 8th Ave. West. (63) FOR SALE Dinette buffet, steel panel end crib, folding buggy. 913 ICth Avenue East. (68) FOR SALE 33 acres, one mile from Kitwanga, B.C. School on land. Price $500.00. Good buy. Apply Mrs. Fay Rowe, Kitwanga, B. C. (70) FOR SALE Furniture. Apply T-81, Army Barracks, Skunk Hollow. (70) FOR SALE Kitchen range with oil burner. 987 7th Ave. East. (68) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (75) FOR SALE Sealed tenders yill be receivedby the undersigned until rioon of Saturday, March 30th. for the purchase of Lot 19, Block 4, Section 5, City of Prince Rupert, together with two-storey, six-roomed frame building located thereon. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cash. Premises may be viewed by arrangement. Occupation subject to Rental Control Board regulations. Gordon F. Forbes, Administrator of the Estate of Oscar Olson, deceased. (76) FOR SALE Davenoort and two chairs; Beatty electric washing machine and njlscellane-ous articles. All perfect condition; price reasonable. 710 8th Ave. E. (69) FOR SALE 1934 Chevrolet sedan, good condition. Serial No. 4053697. 1320 Eighth Ave. East. (73) FOR SALE Two ladies' evening gowns, size 14, both sheer with long bishop sleeves; each worn only once. Price, each. $18.00 when bought, now $7.50 each (1 white, 1 pink). 18 slightly used popular records and one new Fats Waller record album, all for $5.00. Box 97 Daliv News. (69) WANTED One only. two-Inch, flyball, steam engine governor, thtcaded connections, in good Tlrl TPoct Viflnllcn TIC I7fll FOR KENT FOR RENT Room, close in. Apply 209 6th Ave. East after 6 pjn. (72 FOR RENT Fully furnished housekeeping room and one sleeping room. 801 Borden St. (tf) FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeeping room and one suite. 1142 Park Avenue. (69) SWAP SWAP New 4-plece bedroom suite for dining room suite. Phone Blue 318. (71) PERSONAL Look youngerl Restore natural colour to greying hair with Angellquc Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (70) AGENTS WANTED EXCELLENT COMMISSION to agents calling on householders with new postwar line of electrical appliance not on sale anywhere in Canada. Enquiries Invited from men now on routes. Write or wire Flu-O-Rav Corporation, Hamilton, Canada. (69) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company I-'mlted. Vancouver. B.C. tf lie LAND KEGIHTUY ACT Certificate or Title No. 10071-1 to Lots 2!) and 30, Block 5. Dii- trlct lot 369, Village of Terrace. Man 072. WHEREAS (satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title 'tsucd In the name of Henry Stewart Crcclman hus been filed In this office, notice Is hereby itlven that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost certifi cate, unlcx In the meantime valid objection be made to mc In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C., this 4th day of March. 1946. A.D. Andrew Thompson. t. Deputy Regtstrary of Titles, J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 Advertise in the bally News BACK TO THE BUSH SYDNEY, Australia, (Pi-VUcx-ander Solomon of Gulargam-bone, the first full-blooded aboriginal aippolnted to the New South Wales Aborigines' Welfare Boad, resigned after three months and went back to the bush, lie said he lost too much money travelling to Sydney for board meetings, 375 miles each way. Advertise in the Daily 'News IT with "MAGIC" EGG ROLL 2r. flour 4 tap. Maitlc Haling l'owdcr Jj op. salt 4 tb. sliotlenlni 1 H4 H c. milk 5 hard boiled cftHS 4 I ha. milk 2 lp. lemon julca 3 Up. chuppcil onion 2 lbs, chopped partilcy 2 I hs. chopped ftrt'i'n pepper I 'tip. dry muaturd Salt, pepper, paprika Sift toCelher first 3 Ingredients. Cut in shortening. Heat raft In ninurlntl cupt add milk to mako fi cup; add to first mil-, turt. Koll i' lit i Inch thick, on fioiA-ed huard. tlhop hard lioiled eftl. mix with remaining Ingredients, spread on duufth. Koll up like jelly roll and naka In hot oven (41V F 40 minutes. Serve with cheese sauce. jJipJ' Jf" Clover Leaf will again he avail- BB5 JM''' 'tjK able from Coast to Coast. Hk yffi.:My j T?330 .kJ t Columbia Packers I.ttl. WANTED For Babiei on a I Bottle It is so easy on an Infant's) digestion that doc MADE IN CANADA BHBBaaaCHnBBBHBH "Build B.C Payrolls" 111 !??,mATe?r- tors recommend Pacific Milk tc mothers. One family moving to another part of the country took j a stock with them to take care of their infants. PACIFIC MILK "Irradiated and Vacuum Packed" BlimnDBRBIIBHiaBllli FURNITURE MOVING PACKING - CRATING and STORAGE Est. 1910 XV LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. tansy PHONES CO and G8 You Call . . . ...We Haul Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAI. STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 YOU'LL BE SORRY) C Vlf flffCV KlHUtHt 'CTAfh TODAY 'til SAT. 12:5 230 445.700 , Entertainment for the Whole Fom'l i "KINO OF THE TEXAS nANfiEUS" at 2 5n T V' 9 -05 W DANA JEANNE ,flvl . ANDREWS GRAIN 1 DICK VIVIAN M'T v niwiiro ni niir y TODAY EnQsl flOIIU "Kins ot Texas Bt LA I Beautiful scenes of Prince I nAnWIClCi Rupert and Queen fW. - , . , . ,0Ue isianfls. COMMUNITY 8INOINQ LED BY J A. TENfJ Lloyd Morris, chairman Sponsored by Hill 60 Chapter I.O.I). E. In aid of the National War Memorial Fund Friday Night in the I.O.D.E. Hall at 8 o'clocl Silver Collection Everybody Welcaa I FOOTHILLS Lump, Egg, Nut & Stoker! BULKLEY VALLEY Lump LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd, Phones 651 and (552 NEW PEN AND PENCIL SETS .... arm an c ,J L-JE auu Parker's As gifts . . . beautiful, practical, useful JOHN BULGER LTD. J E W E L E R S THIRD AVRNUE (Opposite Post 0KI PHONE: 112 TAXI ON CALL NIGHT AND DAY re v P C " AMERICANS Betty Best Matched DECAL sets Add color and :charm to your home. See them on display at THE VARIETY STORE "Where- Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.J Completely Renovated and Redecorated" FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUfcY 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. h o m Car! ZarelH, MU