Iprincc Rupert Daily jQctos Wednesday, August 21, 1946 l An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the up. building or Prince Rupert and all the communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. PublUhed every afternoon except Sun-??y..b? i?lnce Kupert Dally News limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H O. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : By City Carrier, per week 15 l"er Montn 65 Per Year 7.00 By Mali, ner month 40 Per Yetrr 4.00 Noted Musician T,o Visit .Canada TORONTO -Bernard lielnze, .Australia's best known musician, I plans 'to visit Canada this win- I ter. During January and Febru ary hj will make a concert .tour J of thej Dominion. While on tour ; MEMBER A.B.O. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Ofllce Department, Ottawa). OF DIRECT CONCERN AN INTERNATIONAL incident which brings a state of "near war" betwqen United States and Yugoslavia is something that even -here in Prince Rupert is fraught with i immediate concern. War between United States and Yugoslavia would, probably, imply war between United States and Russia. Westprn Canada and Prince Rupert would well be in the vortex of war between 'Russia and the United States. Canada, as General Pearkes reminded Parliament only Monday, would be the battlefield. Prince Rupert 'would, possibly, be the scene of hostilities unless the United States was so .quick on the draw that Ithe Russians would never be able to get this far along. The situation in Iran and the Near East, in Palestine, in .the Dardanelles all are of immediate in- . terest and concern in Prince Rupert.; Failure to compose differences in such great gatherings as the Paris peace conference and the United Nations' organization all might have quick and immediate bearing on physical events to ensue even here. No longer is our interest in such events and proceedings remote and detached. PORT DAY POSSIBLY there is no more appropriate sort of a celebration for a community such as Prince Rupert than that which is planned for tomorrow in the revival of the Portf Day' when all manner of water ' J competitions, including several of commercial aspect, will be staged in a big list of events which will take up the entire day morning and afternoon. From the sea Prince Rupert to large extent derives its living and it is fitting enough that we should have an observance and recognition of marine affairs such as this.; The Junior Chamber of Commerce is to be congratulated on its enterprise and energy in staging this significant event. People who were here; before tlte war will remember the f jne Port Day we had in 193 how much interest was taken in it and how successful it was. Tomorrow's event gives every promise of being equally intriguing. People, of Prince Rupert are advised to turn out and spend the day along the waterfront. They. will find the program that is to be offered enjoyable, instructive and interesting. GOVERNOR-GENERAL , ipRINCE RUPERT is being honor- ed for a couple of hours late this afternoon with a casual and informal visit by His Excellency, Viscount Alexander, the Governor-General, Ladyf. Margaret and family. There wilFbe no official formalities qii; this occasion since the call here is but incidental to the transfer of the vice-regal party from a quiet cruise along the coast to rail here for their return journey to. Ottawa. The Governor-General, since his arrival in Canada, has been losing no time in familiarizing himself, with the Dominion and, in an unob-' strusive and quiet way, has been learning about the country. The people of Prince Rupert may feel a little disappointed that they were not encouraged to do His Excellency official honor" at this time but they hope that it will not be long before he is back again when the community may have the opportunity to extend its formal welcome and proffer its fealty to the Empire and crown of which he is the official representative. STUPID VANDALISM MUCH favorable coramen t had been heard during the past week about the direction signs erected in various parts of the city by the Prince Rupert Public Relations Council. They were to have been of benefit and convenience to motorists . heading on to the Prince Rupert Highway. However, hardly had the signs been up for a week than one of them at the main corner of Third Avenue and McBride Street was the victim ;of no4curnal hoodlums who ripped t ilown ;one of the direction boards altogether and left it split on the ground while the other was twisted out of place. There are few enough people who have the initiative and energy to provide the city with such conveniences. Naturally, they become discouraged when idle and senseless ,lioolirans can find nothing better to do than to destroy them. Citizens who may have any information about the persons who commit such acts should exercise the responsibility of good citizenship and assist the authorities in bringing about due prosecution. he Is scheduled to direct the Vancouver and Toronto symphony orchestras and the orchestra of Les Concerts Sym-phoniques de Montreal. Dr. Helnze, professor of music at the University of Melbourne and principal conductor of the Aus tralian Broadcasting Commis sion, Is to arrive in Canada in December. His four-month visit to Canada follows a- 1945 tour of Australia by Sir Ernest Mac-Millan, conductor of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. ' Advertise in the Dally News. THOUSANDS MAKE PILGRIMAGE TO STE. ANNE tfE BEAUPRE This procession Is at the famous Canadian shrine of Ste. Anne de Beau pre, where pilgrims from all parts of Canada and the United States are visiting, RIDE ON TOP OF POLICE CARj ENDS IN JAIL Intent on taking a drunken native into custody, city police entered a milling throng of protesting-natives on Third Avenue West at 10:30 Saturday night and after a fracas, emerged with two men one at them a purely f voluntary passenger who had apparently perched himself, on top of the' police car to watch the "fun." Inside the car was the native whom tle police sought taken from seeking crowd estimated by po lice to have numbered 200. 'lit had the makings of an ugly riot," said . Sergeant .Hall, wro with three other policemen, took part in the arrest. "How ever, the police got their man and got him back to headquar ters before things got out pf hand." A charge of drunkness was laid against the native, and a similar charge against the man who had ridden on top of the car. The police did not discover ..that the man was astride their vehicle until they were moving out of the danger area. They kept going until ,they got to headquarters. The man's weight on the car's sheet metal top made "a dent big enought to take a bath in," police said. The police' received minor cuts and bruises during the fracas. The crowd dissolved after the police departed. LETTERBOX uggested picking up .the .steel from the Prince Rupert 'branch'. The poor man must be in. very bad company, almost .like DaTijel In the lions' den as related In ths scripture. We have Jinown for years that; something was wrong with men In the kev .positions of our na tional railroads , biit, ja ,hay , Inefficiency was a real reveia-1 ton. On December 5, 1915. Transport Minister Chevrljr, speang' In th House .of Commons, stated that the Canadian National was exploring the .possibility of hTT-ing one or" more of the new yes-; f!s for the west coast service built at Prince Rupert but plans were not advancea sufficiently to nermit of making a definite Settlement. Evidently plans were advanced sufficiently the other day for Mr. Chevrler to let us know that the ships must nnt be built here as the men .mijht find themselves unemployed after that Job was done, .A policv pf curtailing pll government Industry can pnly bring about a severe depression with Its bread lines and .relief queues. I suggest that we should strongly demand the resignation of those who are steering our country on to the rocks and show them that the time is past. when such double-dealing will be allowed, ANDREW WASEND. prancois Lake Honors For Girl Vets The Misses Marion anil Virginia Keefe liactc , From ' War Service FRANCOIS LAKE On Satur day evening about fifty neighbors and friends gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Keefe .to celebrate the originally return o civil life from Me a trouble- canauian ,Air orce oi Marion and Virginia Keefe. The Women's and Farmers' Institutes sponsored the party and the evening started off with whist. Mrs. Reginald 'Partington, secretary of the Women's Institute, presented the prizes ladles', Mrs. J. Jeffrey; men's, Charles Hunter, consolation prizes, Marlon Keefe and .Fred Kempton. .Membecs of the Wpme,n!s ,ln-1 stltute served an abundant and delicious lurch at midnight and the room was cleared for the real event of the evening the presentation of gifts to Marian and Virginia. Marion was told that there was r ?lf for'her hut she must f il-low various clues to find It. She had to deprive one gentleman of his glasses and place on a certain lady's nose In return for a slip of paper with another .clue She had an amusing time flxlm a pair of ear-rlns on her Dad, and finding another clue in Lee Cooper's boot. The clues led her to the final one where she had to place a chair In the middle of the- room and on it a certain young man. She had to tell him DRY DOCK TOLIOY : that after blind-folding him, Daily News, fd ' s,t " hU a,nd Mr. Vaughan. president of ihe KM?l,nV Wften was ready Canadian National Railways. Zl surely let the cat out of the bag I . u .t n when he was here lUImA;!?a ! 1 ,ad P " 'et us know that certain men, antagonistic to the develqpmen wl lT ril LZ wavf rtT ret rr1 ? f - - s ,s; n,? Vou f 1 i fTStTing clue the lad's pocket told ifron'w . , he"y Marion to take Virginia with her fl"! LP1l '1 '0 -find their gilt, ,n 1,-r bed. They were soon downstairs, and Virginia carried her parcel to, the table and unpacked a pair i ... I llll s- m ir-..HBKWf ' ', RADIO AND GENERAL J5UCCTRIC KEI'AIKS.... A skilled electrician will soon put your radio Into good listening condition. Cal Ion us for all electrical repair work prompt efficient, service. RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC We Pick Up and Deliver of pictures, then read the presentation verse composed for her. (Virginia was vjsltjng Rupert last year as "Miss Tweedsmulr" at the Beauty Contest), Marlon then unpacked her gift, a large mirror. She also read her poem and thanked all in her own delightful manner. Virginia thanked the assembly In a few well chosen .words. The guests formed a ring with the two young veterans of World War II In the centre, and "They Arc Two Jolly Good Fellow.?" made the rafters ring, .followed by "Good Night Ladles". led by the stentorian Hunter. W. E. Funnell smarted off a program of singing and recitations with his usual breezy skits and songs. .Others contributing, were the Misses Hilary a,nd Pat Partington, Hush Heave and Fred' Kempton. The party broke up at 2:30 after a delightful evening which will Jong be remem- . bered by all wl)p were there. 1 NEWCASTLE, Eng. ? A special police squad patrols Newcastle East End every Sunday to curb street gambling. Steamship Service from PRINCE u ur tui I OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY .TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT-TICKET OFFICE Going Places "PORT DAK"! Go further, faster with 4FF'D.I Ftt GAC Amu, I l - K - 11 I - . 1 4 J mm I VI II 1 1 1 1 : . y. Slcif AHEAD of the crowd. cei HEAD, start anil keep in the LEAD I t! dependable, .TOl'-,PER'ouM.N7) ' quality. Whatever you need, there's a 'II . .4 1IiiIheI!,iI l.tu- .. "V iiiumu i,u uiiu ,'i.u nit ITOUlK'U T ii'liiiravAr inn c-aa llm elfr r 11 ' m j ) TW BRITISH-AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED Prince Rupert Bottle Co also messi:noi:r service i10ne !,. rr w li v . . , , .... I'erfcx lleer Whiskey, Cs l),.4h.a i':n PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERV .i f 'r in. If' : r- ' Bk I WHHV.V X t fill LLLLLLLLLLLLLWLLLLLLLLLLkifr, V . BHBHUfflL nFWV I 1 1 1 1 Hl 'y K. iMFtBBWH I II s,ia-.' .r jl m v Business? W - Make no mistake about.it, market con- uuiuiij ,uif: guutg to gei more tumcv"- Till i rr iiui v tire yim f'Uiiii iu ue .miij ,"v starts? Will you be as fully known to ! buying public as you skould be? , Or will you have been forgotten by I buying public and be away behind in ' keen competition which is coming soon? ri. i l ... n '"- u-ai ijin is to frt vnur rnsiomer s uyu - - , u , witri t snmo vin..ln. loir in t ,uBium nrimea mailer every " .DAILY NEWS. You need only a modest appropriation to leep,f -tiycly jn .touch wjth the buyers for yvjioni you tint 1 r nM lal 1 m m. 1 J It1 VI unvc soi nuicn toaay but whom it wouiu to cultivate through the easy way of advertung 1 DAILY .i ii V .Progressive local ware o merchants are fully a value pf advertising in the Daily News. Is your name among them in these pages, you .unpreparedly napping? or ..i