Ian Ci.rrnCV uuiv www .... be E.iuu.e- - H) """' v ; " (Tine . , abrupt end for a couple of hours on in 'ln when word was received at the c telephone wire hivitpn. jW- Ij3- wai dancing be- Iti - violin, guitar hte jthf Lodge (f tnenllnnni u r Kcmpton of Prince Rupert . T ! Ink Am. Visitors Are Intrigued T?imnrr fnlnnhnnn wirn w?' r,: s; the. 3lrS I 1 i ,1i,,n,tt1inin Alf Tfmrm- u;c imhhv nt nnotocrannv. nis fiflppn slcco i) someone ,ki- a QUICK re- Kcmoton volun- t ,. reported that wir, ro. the jod UQW CAN i y y it vw agan the phones from the W A Landon, iansoi' and Melva i a, the Landing, if warm sunshine. Dolyn aa.vinfs at mc Stanlev Parker . ... . .a , aaciif uuioc aim m good umc Biiio Bowman en irai Burns Lake ELaki- friends to a me beach of the Kl) Friday evening ian show at the garner and all ;Uf time Aiier ano consuniln doughnuts there stoics- but It was alee edge that ar.es- reaenca its fc rr and sat right ik count ' George that he has in an intcreslln these round her i and then sits up I her face Then over again but Brcjnd more than I tes. Oeorgc will for anyone wish f;s clever animal Imink ranch any i Nelson have lased the Newton lie; west of the F'oralee. and will leg house as a I Paradise P'cv also have a h5 lake with a first visitors are IT. J Tierney of If. Who ItllpilHrH ' night but, find- : :o good, they arc If a week and pyed themselves. nave fished In prthern lakes hi pn the states but ' finer fly-fishing Ptp on Francois p' the rainbows " the bay by the pounds and F or. the fly Most Wa frnm Mm Burns Lake Hos. H'Rjt been ill n ria 'fe and he is now wars old, it ls fwtot and nurses V""1 ay in bed, The Seal of Quality BTISH JMBIA'S 1 ' SALMON ROYAL TEL P Tom Home P 75c un iHot and nij Hotter vwa 'BJJJox 198 Peter Peebles was taken to Burns Lake Hospital In the early hours of Saturday morning, and It Is expected that he will have to undergo an operation. By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I harden the bristles on a hair brush? A. After washing the hair brush, hold It for a minute under the cold water faucet. This will harden the bristles and make the brush last much longer than tf rinsed In warm water. Q. How can I restore thin silk? A. Dip it in a weak solution of gum arable, two level tci- spoonfuls dissolved in a quart of water, and then strain through cheesecloth. q. What can be used for toasting small pieces of stale bread? A. For toasting the odds and ends of stale bread, which would otherwise be wasted, try using a cornpopper. Then there's the Inventor who devised an 11-foot pole for people he wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole. Announcements Alt kdvcrtlstrarnu in inn column will be charged (or a tull month it 26c a word. Special train to Telkwa Bar becue. Leave Prince "Rupert Saturday midnight, Aug. 31, return Tuesday morning. Fare $8.00 re turn. Oet information and tickets at all Co-op stores and C.N.R. Ticket Office. Tickets limited. (199) Port Day, August 22. Old Time. Dance, Prairie Ram blers, August 31, Oddfellows' Hall. L.O.B.A. Bazaar, Oct. 23. W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 20. "IIOVKKN'MKM- I.NJIOK ACT" (Section 281 NOTICE OK APPLICATION FOB CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE Notice Is hereby given that on the 10th day of September. AD. 1946. the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 7350. Issued In respect of premises being part of the premises known as the Commercial Hotel situate at the cor ner of First Avenue and Eighth street, in th Cltv of Prince Rupert, Prov ince of British Columbia, upon the lunrix described as Lots Thirteen iiji and Fourteen (14) In Block Nine (9) Section One (1) Map 923. Prince Ru pert Land Registration District, irom Prince Hotel umuea to nnw mku alczuk, of Prince Rupert, the Trans feree. DATED at Prince iiuperi. u u . mis 2nd day of August. A D. I4. Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Hildge Tourist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. WAR BRIDE IS HONORED Airs, Cook and Airs. Morkl are Hostesses for Airs. Joan Tweed The home of Mrs. J. Cook, Am brose Avenue, was the scene of a delightful shower last week in honor of Mrs. Joan Tweed, an English war bride no recently arrived on the Aquitanla. The guest of honor was pre sented with a beautifully decorated basket of muy useful and lovely gifts. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Morkl were Joint hostesses and served dainty refreshments. Those present be sides the guest or Honor and hostesses were Mesdames D. Morrison, C. Erlckson, A, Bell amy, R. Wilson, A. Peterson, L. Franklin, II. Helgerson, II. Jo-hanson, C. Berg, O. Tweed, B. Codvllle, J. McDougal, A. Messer, C. Mclntyrc, W. Matlkka, and II. McKinnon, and the Misses Johnson, Franklin, Peterson, Tweed and Morkl. KEN OLSEN IS LAID AT REST With three pastors officiating, funeral service for Kenneth Ol- rcii, young son of Mrs. Theresa Skaaland of this city, who lost his life in a tragic drowning ac cident at Port Albernl several days ago, took place yesterday afternoon from the chapel of the B.C. Undertakers to Fair view Cemetery. The clergymen were Rev. SUvert Amundsen, Revi A. O. Aasen of this city, and Rev. Ole Aadland of Bel lingham. Miss Irene Dahlbcrg presided at the organ to accompany the hymns which were "When Peace Like a River" and "What a Friend We Have In Jesus." Mr. and Mrs. Nystad sang as a duet "There Is No Disappointment in Heaven." Pallbearers were Howard Tof- tager. Ray Schcrk, Lars Olsen, Melvin Hetland. William Lcver-ett and Victor Peck. Many beautiful offerings ,were CARNIVAL IS GOING STRONG 1 The Civic Centre Carnival ls going strong. Another crowd of two thousand turned out last night. The stage shows and the big dance vied with each other for interest and popularity. All the while the carnival features. where fine prizes are the reward for skill and luck, plied a great trade. The same bill ls being repeated tonight. Advertise in The Dallv Mews. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black .107 238 Second Avenue West Our Summer CLEARANCE SALE Continues Printed Silks and Jersey JUST WHAT YOU WANT AT BARGAIN PRICE Toe Out for the Carnival BUY ON BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges W.T.P.B. Regulations "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" Greenville Band Here Celebrated Naas Kiver Musical Organization Arrives For Port Day "You can tell the citizens of Prince Rupert that we appreel ate having been invited here to take part in the PoiA Day cele bration and we will do our best to please," said Fred McKay, conductor of the famous Green vllle Concert Band, to the Dally News following the arrival of the forty-piece musical organization this morning from Arran-dale cannery on the Naas River where its members have been Dr. Howard P. Stockton of Tor onto arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Rupert to enter dental practice here as an associate of Dr. Jens Munthe. Miss Mavis Overend of Van jouvcr arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning to spend a holiday with friends Miss Overend formerly lived in Prince Rupert. Miss Eva Munthe, niece of Dr, Jens Munthe. arrived in the city from Oslo, (Norway, at the week end, and Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Munthe. She plans to staj permanently In, Canada. Advertise In The Dally New? JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Local News Items.... spending the summer. The band regular weekly luncheon of the was making preparations for the filling of Its engagements this! afternoon and will likely be in procession along the city streets later in the day. Mr. McKay and Mayor II. M. Daggett chanced to be callers in the Dally News office at the same time at noon today and His Worship extended an Impromptu welcome at that time of which Mr. McKay was very Among those here with the band party are Leonard Douglas, president of the band, and Peter Calder, senior chief of Qreen- vllle village. Mrs. S. E. Alexander returned! to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a three weeks' trip to Vancouver. Attention! Oddfellows and their wives and Rebekahs. A banquet will be held in the Commodore Cafe at 6:30 p.m., August 27 in honor of our Grand Master. (201) Miss Owen McRae returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday trip to Vancou ver. Owing to the Civic Centre Quarters being tied up by car nival proceedings this week, the rnnce Rupert oyro Club was cancelled today. The club will meet again next week as usual. The Misses Constance and Edith Agasslz of Agassiz, round - trip passengers on the Prince Rupert today, are the guests of Col. and Mrs. A. Hamilton Orant while in the city. Their father was the founder of Agassiz. Provincial Police inspector C. K. MacKenzie, of Victoria, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert today to relieve Inspect or H. H. Mansell who Is leaving on tonight's train for Edmonton on a ten-day. holiday trip. John A. Clarke, well known B.C. Packers cannery manager. sailed aboard the Catala yester day afternoon on his return south after a brief business visit. He made a trip un the Skeena River while here to study reasons for the failure of the salmon run in this area this season. For that Port Edward Trip- Tommy's 77 Taxi. Grotto, (tf) Miss Randl Thorscn, who has been attending school In Vancouver, arrived in the city today on the Prince Rupert to spend a two-weeks' holiday with he? brother-in-law and sister, Dr and Mrs. Jens Munthe. She will enter University of British Co lumbla this fall. REDDY KILOWATT Your EleclritSetyflit "Fat what you can and can what you can't" is an excellent slogan to remember these summer days when fresh fruits and vegetables are in season. Of course it's not always convenient to do your canning the same day you Mrs. A. Duffus returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver, being accompanied by hr daughter, Mrs. R. F. Hltchlns of Vancouver who will pay a visit here. Harry Lake, who lived in Prince Rupert as a boy during the very early days, was In the city yes terday renewing old acquaint ances. He was here aboard the Catala after making the round trip to Stewart. Mr. Lake is iden tilled with the B.C. Telephone Co. The Hollywood Cafe is now open for business from 11 a.m to 8 a.m. (211) William Priest of the Dally News typographical staff return ed to the city on the Prince Rup ert this morning frpm a vaca Hon trip to Vancouver and Nel son. Mrs. Harry Wright is sailing tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for a holiday trip to Vancouver, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. W. H. Leach, and sister. Miss Betty Leach, of Gmithcrs, who have ben visit lng here. A Long trips or short, day or night, 93 Taxi at your service. (tf) Miss Dorothy Tait. director flf public health nursing for the Provincial Department of Health, is dire to arrive In the city from the Interior at the week end. Miss Tait will meet with the Prince Rupert Union Board of Health on Monuay afternoon. Russell Brealey, grand master of the Independent Order of Oddfellows for British Columbia, Is due to arrive In the city next Monday from his home In Van couver In the course of a tour of provincial lodges. He will be .uiest of honor at a banquet plven bv the locai Ijodge, Mon day night, after which he will If avc by train for Prince George. Vlan now io buy the new electric appliances as they become available. BP yLJLJL see a particularly luscious lot of berries or crisp fresh vegetables. But with an electric refrigerator, products may be kept farm fresh until you have time to can them. You can buy in larger, budget-saving quantities, too, without fear of spoilage. IBHPnTTnnTvBIhTTMiBjHi Due to the critical shortages of automobile parts, we urge motorists more than ever before, to LUniJICATE and SAVE WEAR, If you wish to continue to ride. We use only the best grades of oils and greases. Call us for an appointment ... rilONE 5(10. Pennzoil and Peerless Motor Oils RUPERT MOTORS LTD. CHRYSLER TARTS DErOT PUnce Huuctt Dnilu J3ctos Wednesday, 'August 21, 1946 Tweed Pant FOR $J25 $(j.25 "THE MEN'S SHOP' 532 THIRD AVENUE c Boys and Youths Size ranges are now complete. ages G to 18 years. clotiiim; m imiMsiiiitcs PHONE 343 PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS A. MacKenzie Furniture , LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" TEHRAN BRITISH INDIAN CARPETS 1 Tehran British Indian Carpets, 8T'xOT' $188.50 1 Tehran British Indian Carpets. DT'xll'lO" 265.50 1 Tehran British Indian Carpets, G'2"x9' 17.0') 1Tehran British Indian Carpets, 6'3"x8'0" 11G.00 With modern home-loving women, the carpet is chosen first. Most people only buy carpets once in a life-time. We invite your inspection. rhone 773 327 Thiiil Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. WE INVITE YOU To drop in and see our selection of "Sunworthy" Wallpapers. You will find McUtide Street : the patterns smart and modern, and will be surprised at what small a cost you can buy beautiful papers for your rooms. Gordon's Hardware General Contractor PHONE 311 We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. . Demolish .or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL IlLUE G10 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : PRINCE RUPERT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1331 Phone 80S Evenings: Green 103 l Fine Wood for Sale! NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class li-lnch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord Second class trimmings up to 14-inch lengths, $8 per cord Third class, various lengths uncut $6 P conl FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE H EMMONS TRANSFER Phone Black 156 Office: Night Phone: Black 665 J. II. Male's Auction Rooms pn Rnv 1131 station B Third Avenue East