m dtimt Rupert Dnilp tfktos ' Saturday, August 3, 194G An-lrnlcpendcnt dally newspapM- devoted to the up-burnilfig . Prince Rupert and all the rommuultlea ccnnprlslng northern and central BritlbU Columbia. Pi)blkshed ever; afternoon except Bun-dagr by Pilnce Rupert Dally News Upilted, Third Avenu. Prlace Rupert, r British Oolumbla. O. A. HUNTER. ManagMz Editor. If. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Bi City Carrier, per weK 15 Per. Month 65 Per Tear 7.00 By Mall, per month . 0 'er Teir Pi 14 00 MEMBER ABO. , (Authorized as Second Class MaU, Post Oftlce Department, Ottawa). EREE PORTS JUST HOW that magic key to J;, freer commerce the free port -fapplies to Canada's ocean gateways in these days of growing exports and a general disposition to knock down world trade barriers is not widely apparent. : But some ports notably Quebec, Halifax and Saint John, N.B. have jjone on record as supporting the ilea. Others, such as Prince Rupert, Montreal, Vancouver and Victoria, hjavje expressed a keen interest, ijnjnsport Minister Chevrier recently iinnbunc,ed in the Commons that an ! inter - -departmental committee lieqded by J. Emile St. Laurent, vice-diqhrroan of the National Harbor Boards 'is'studying briefs from sev-ora'l of the-ports and will have a report for the next session of Parliament. : Meanwhile, Quebec has taken the lpad in;the agitation and is showering Parliamentarians and Trade Boards throughout the country with dodgers urging a free zone near the old citadel, While not so vocal, Halifax and Saint John also have made bids. The two Maritime ports have introduced a rivalry into the issue by coming Out for year-round open ports an argument which would rule out Quebec Harbor, closing during winter months. Tranapqrt Minister Chevrier has been non-committal on the project because it was under study by the inter-departmental committee. : The spurt of enthusiasm for free port zones, in- the opinion of .some informed circles, may be cooletl w'hen the full implications of freer international trade are discussed-at the world trade conference scheduled and the necessity of their operation for next spring. Free ports may be one of the subjects on the agenda tinder new economic concepts may be dis,eu,ssed. Most persons have a hazy idea pf the general definition of a free port as a place in which merchants ; CITY EXPLAINS Editor, Dally News; As thejeas been an undue amount- pi publicity given recently by the local press to certain 'actions of the city council which has resulted In criticism Qf the council both by the press and local bodies, I have been instructed to publicize the following facts which evidently are not known to those who have Ijeen most vociferous: j (a) :The' Council granted the Application of Chin Jon to reestablish a piggery on Block 39, ectfdn 8, Eleventh Avenue, having In mind the following points: J 1. The applicant was previously engaged In this occupation at this locality for several years of all nations may load and unload goods, unaffected by the country's custom regulations as long as the goods remain ill' the free port zone. A United States department once gave this fuller definition: "A free port is a segregated, fenced and guarded area in which goods, not otherwise prohibited may be unloaded and stored, subject to varying restrictions as to sorting, grading, repacking, manipulation and manipulation and manufacture, and in which such goods, or authorized manufactures therefrom, may be reloaded and shipped to foreign destinations, all without the imposition of the customs formalities and duties applicable to similar goods entering custom territory." When the shipment of such goods into customs territory is permitted, they immediately become subject to the duties, rules and regulations prevailing. Free ports now are in operation in New York and New Orleans in the United States where there are no comparable regulations to the Canadian bonded .warehouse system which has been described as a "Junior Free Port." CONTROLLING ATOM THE BIKINI TESTS suggest I change in the structure and handling of warships, but do not plainly say, "Surface craft are useless; put your effort and money into planes." It is safe to say that navies will go on being built. But the tests have strongly reinforced the impression that the atom has redefined sea power. One bomb may not destroy a fleet. But even one bomb can so damage a fleet either in harbor or on the high seas that dispersion is going to be the first rule of naval warfare. We may never again see armadas such as that off Normandy on D-Day. And manifestly overseas invasions are going to be increasingly hazardous unless or until offensive bombing has ended bombing by the defenders. Even without the Bikini tests it was clear that there is no naval defense, as there is no military defense, against the A-bomb. This failure of defense is the key meaning of atomic warfare. It tells us that no nation can fulfill the first obligation of national sovereignty the protection of its citizens. Individuals every nation must recognize this and insist on effective international control of the atom. Ships are not obsolete, but sovereignty is. sequently his property was in spected by a representative of the Veterans' Land Act with a view to deciding whether It was suitable for a small enterprise such as mink ranching. The Council is well aware that both piggeries and mink farms can be highly objectionable unless properly conducted, and it Is their intention to see that any such projects located anywhere in the city conform to the requirements of city bylaws and provincial regulations regarding health and sanitation, all of which are rigidly drawn so as to preclude all offensive features. In order to avoid embarrassment to the School Board, the settlement which the Trustees and no complaints resulted from have termed generous has been His activities.' ; 2. His property was confiscated bv the Canadian Army on tjie understanding that it would be re-turned, to him at the ex-plration,.Qf hostilities. ' .3. The locaion is one of a very fevrwhich are suitable for farming and similar enterprises. 4. The applicant had previously contrfbutied to improvements to that portion of 11th Avenue ihich provided accesse to his property, In addition to paying tfcxes Aot many years. When Mr. Clark made application to purchase his property he enquired as to the possibility of establishing a mink farm at the location chosen and was told that this would be allowed. He purchased six lots and received the usual reduction granted to e!x-servicemen on the two lots which he Intended to use for residential purposes, paying full price for the other four. Sub- made by the city and accepted by Mr. Clark. H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. Advertise in Tne Daily Nw. Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 LONDON, Q Strawberry growers report being offered the pound of sugar Britons are allowed for preserving in exchange for one pound of strawberries. THIS AND THAT Tlii (M-mur MaltlifM tl.tin St-nitu. Iih. "And now, gentiemen, to our future success. DEDICATION PLANS PROGRESS Plans for the dedication of committee meeting at which de tailed plans were outlined. TU j.ji ii .i 1 1 i. 1 1 - set aside a sum ctf money up to $500 for the construction of the calm and for the plaque. LOTS. OF NEIGHBORS, . The Soviet Union, largest., national unit in the world, Is spread cut over two major portions of two continents, and borders upon H different nations. MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert, LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Rome Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 367 236 Second Avenue West For Sale By Tender CROWN ASSETS Type of Assets: FOUR BUILDINGS, DIGBV ISLAND, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. War Assets Corporation will receive offers to purchase all or any of the Crown-owned buildings described below. The purchaser shall remove the building or buildings, fill In excavations and restore the giound to Its original elevation, leaving the site in a neat and tidy condition in a manner satisfactory to an authorized representative of tho Corporation, FOUR BUILDINGS Bldg. No. 1 Magazine, 30'xl5'. Bldg. No. 2 Magazine, 30'xl5'. Bldg. .No. 3 Detonation Magazine, 8'x8". Bldg. No. '4 Guard Hut, 10'xlO'. Bale of these buildings Includes only such normal plumbing, lighting and heating fixtures as may be installed within the buildings. Buildings to be sold for removal and restoration of site. All ureas and dimensions given are approximate. A certified cheque or bank draft to the value of ten percent of the tender price, made payable to War Assets Corporation, must be forwarded with the tender in a sealed envelope plainly marked: TENDER NO. 403-243 FOR FOUR BUILDINGS AT DIGBV ISLAND, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Addressed to: ERANCII SALES MANAGER, WAR ASSETS CORPORATION, 1108 WEST GEORGIA STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Tenders will close at Twelve o'clock Noon Pacific D.S. Time, AUGUST 15, 194C. The tenderer must state the use to which the building or buildings, or materials contained therein, will be put, as this will be a determining factor In deciding the acceptance of any tender. Tenders received after closing time cannot be considered. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Cheques or bank drafts will be returned to un-"surtessful tenderers. The successful tenderer will, when notified of acceDt-ance of his or her tender, be required to furnish a certified cheque or bank draft for the remaining ninety percent of his or her tender, and in addition, a certified cheque or bank draft for an amount equal to the estimated cost of restoring the site or sites, as a guarantee that he will comply with all terms and conditions of the tender. This cheque or bank draft guaranteeing restoration will not carry interest and will be returned upon the satisfactory completion of the terms of the tender. War Assets Corporation ' 1108 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B. C. NOTF: Passes for insDection of the above buildings must be obtained from the office of War Assets Corporation, Prince Rupert, B.C. Better English 'By D. C. WILLIAMS 1 What Ic urrhnir with this Franklin D. Roosevelt Park by ! sentence? ..T have nothing far-Major General G. P. Hays In ,. mer tQ fiay of the American wartime armies 1 and the American troops wli) 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "Inimical"? I 3 Whlrh nnp nf these words semd on Acropolis Hill, were ',.,,,,,,, Allowable, receiv- further advanced last night at a , accf ssa,ble, accusable. 4. What does the word "in coherently" mean? rusij, meaning fair-haired. LANDS MINISTER REACHES RUPERT Hen. F.. T, Kenney Here Today On Way From Queen Charlottes to Terrace Winding up a tour of the entire province to inspect timber resources and loggias operations in order to have a first hand picture of the- situation to aid I . . . ' 1 l in the framing oi runner insulation In Implementation of th ! ruean report, Hon. E. T Kenney, 'minister of lands and forests, ;anived in the city yesterday i from the Queen Charlotte Islands lend left early this afternoon by car for Terrace and Cmithers. He will attend the Associated , Boards of Trade of Central Brit-1 iih Columbia convention In Ter race next week and then return to Prince Rupert whence lis will fly back to Victoria via Queen Cuarlctte Airlines early the week following. Mr. Kenney is accompanied by C. D. Orchard, deputy minister of lands, and G. P. Melrose, assistant deputy minister. They came north from Vancouver on the headquarters' Cruiser Syrene, Capt. Hauch. anl .visited all major logging operations pn the Queen Charlotte. .Islands In-cludin?:More'by Island and Mas-r.ett ' Inlet on the way. They motored irom Queen ' Charlotte to Port Clements. Speaking of the Cemaron report, Mr. Kenney stated while here that a large proportion of Its 58 separate recommendations had already been implemented by legislation, .Important amon them being one regarding the grading of hemlock and another on Labor Day, September-2. and ' J" TA?Tu? ih adPUon of thc cublc sca,e u. J Z... . j .,, .with ins that means actofurg-.. in ,.., measuring ninwnnri pulpwood. "The "The m ue urea y u.e u"-!.ng forward"? nun u, tauu aim jjiajut at entrance to Roosevelt Park in which Mayor Dagsett and Gen eral Hays will take part. reserve unit, Col, S. D. Johnston, unit commander, Is In charge of the dedication program. Construction of the calm Is expected to begin shortly, and ANSWERS 1. Use further to express some thing additional; farther to ex- The dedication will be followed press longitudinal distance. 2. by a sports program, and will pronounce in-lm-i-kal, all i's as inrhide civic leaders and repres- in it, 'a' unstressed, accent sec- entations by the local military ,ond syllable. 3. Accessible. 4. In an unconnected manner; with out due connection of parts. "He pcured out his story very fast and incoherently." 5. Instigation. tne toronze plaque has already Some authorities believe the been ordered. City council has word Uussian is derived from i major issues of sustained yield and working circles are still, however, before us," the minister said. The only portion of the province remaining to-be visited by Mr. Keriney I a small, area In the Nakusp and Slocan area. TIME OUT LONDON, P' A 'notice went up in the window of. a. tobacconist's in Regent's Park, London, reecntly: "Closed for 20 minutes stocktaking." ; : : : , ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Phones 116 and 117 SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work Everything In high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY 3ESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones . . . No waste ... No fuss. Try them today from your butcher. Canadi lan AND Fish vCold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE ASSOCIATED HOARDS OP OF CENTRAL R.C. INVITES YOU TO ATTENfl cuiyvtim wi m AT-THE ARMY DltlLI, All TERRACE, B.C. Friday, August 9tli DANCING 9:30 - 2 30 Admission: 75c, including RELIANCE OiLBURti Now Available A KELIANCK provides better heat for cookiJ water and kitchen heating; offers you all the if of on neating wunoui iimmng me siove ta ttft-burning unit. With a RELIANCE you can dispose of J household refuse while the burner Is in actJ RELIANCE SALES & SERV PHONE ltLACK 278 P.O. BOX 1X1 It. W. Vlck 201 Sixth Am FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 BRlTlSl COLUMBl 'mud- UN EST SAJ . 'J. TO A COMF0RTA SUMMffl are r!:v'i: The Varietji We've thought of everything from ran t".' odorants, to rifts for your hostess whej T 'J fr A truly marvelous arrav of cooling aco rcfitsfcl preparation, sun lotions, make up and Fi: Ail Many of which you know and many thai wJ l-wl ideas for summer comfort THE VARIETY 5 "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" INCOME! Returns Prfpaj r. e. Momri 324 2nd Ave. DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited , The Daily News is completing a Roll of Hon' ts hoped may contain the name of every man and In the air. To make this list complete- it obtain the co-operation of the public as mlMI.. ,U It is impossible for the Dally News or ' ; to compile the list complete so we are jCi responsible for the submission of the name xuuk gin or your inena. ,, bi ine ionowing is we unuuu..- fill In and send to ROLL OP HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert Nam .... 1 Service (Army. Navy. Air Force) ... Rank . Next of Kin Relation w Address ; Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge .. If f!annltv Mniirn mH lilt . - , . n mmlt a noma .i .. i,r resDOnS'U"' un.ut;, uu UUC CISC WUJk - -