jptiiuc Rupert Dadp Betas Wednesday, May 22, 1946 'Publlshr-d every afternoon wept Sunday by. Prince Rupert Dally News Llmlteiv Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, , British Columbia. Q. A.jHUOTER, Managing Editor. Subscription rates: By Cltj.Cal-rler, per week 1 ITT Month' Per fear By MaU, per month rer rear i i Quality ' Repairs ; Economy ; Prices at .40 M -00 PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) MEMBER A B.C. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Of nee Department, uuawa). THE HALIBUT PROBLEM WITH LESS than three weeks of operation, the 19-1G halibut quota for Area No. 2 lias been well over one-tjliird exhausted so the fishing season 'for this area, to which the larga majority of the legitimate haliblit vessels of the Prince Rupert fleet;are confined, may not be expected to last much beyond the end pf June which is short enough indeed. Two factors contribute to the sudden exhaustion of Area No. 2. First, many of the large American vessels help to clean it out by getting in their digs instead of going on to mori remote Area No. 3 in which they! will be able to operate later and i.thtjp have things pretty well to themselves. Second, there have been' a)arge number of vessels, which $f not normal halibutters, which fish halibut before the salmon season opens. It- is said that there have been more units fishing halibut so far this season than ever before. These are the Veasons and it is very difficult to kf)ow; what to do about it. If might be physically possible in some way or other to reduce the in-tensjty of fishing. Certainly, there is no way of making more fish which rules out any idea that conservation measures might be ameliorated. ANGLING SEASON OPENS I ATE MAY and the angling season! L We mayhaye been, a little reluc- -tant about i during the busy war years when we weren't supposed to be devoting too much, time to leisure and relaxation, but that's over now. So tie anglers can go forth with free consciences, and full-brimming en,-thusjasm. An angler will tell yoit that it does; you good to get out fishin'. You get close' to Nature and you feel mighty fine as you get up at dawn, which conies very early these days, the tempting waters and, then, to sense the strike and feel the tug and commence tlie battle. You may be fly-bitten, you may be weary but you'll be satisfied. You'll have the peace of mind that conies with good fishing (or bad). You'll have communed with your angling friends. You'll have developed a patience and have enjoyed a relaxation that fits you better for the daily work. Yes, angling's a great thing and it's one of the things that we have par excellence around Prince Rupert, to hear the soft breezes rustle the fresh new greenery, to watch the glint of sunlight on the sparkling ripples of the azure blue lake mirroring the shades of the perfect skies, to flick your fly or cast your bait in REVIVE THE EXHIBITION CO MANY THINGS are being plan- ned this year May Queen Day, Port Day, Civic Centre CarnivaU-that we almost reluctantly suggest considering any more but we really do believe that something should be done, in a preliminary way at least, about reviving Prince Rupert's Exhibition which at one time was a real event here and which many of us still recall with pleasant memories. May Queen, Port Day, Civic Centre Carnival all are worthy undertakings but there is something distinctly appealing about the old Fall Fair. For one thing, and we think this very important, there is nothing' like it to develop and foster the community interest between the city and the agricultural hinterland. Equally important, it encourages local horticulture and city beautification. The Fair, itself, may not be a money-maker it may have to have attractions in adjunct to finance it but it has its very definite advantages and benefits and satisfactions. It keenly interests a certain section of the community both local and district to whom such events as sports day and carnivals do not appeal but in conjunction with which it could very well be held. . It is timely, we think, to consider reviving the Prince Rupert SmeVourPiscitrded I PRESTO COOKERS For . . . i FASTER, ; TASTIER, ; HEALTHIER I COOKING See these new pressure cookers, now on i display at Gordon's Hardware McBHde.sUeet $msm For the National Clothing Drive For the Relief of Needy People Overseas Have you seen the towns where the streets are anes through rubble? Where the homes are brick shells? Where there are no shops? You can imagine the destitution the peoples' dread of. win-, ter. Give that they may live. Start digging out unwanted clothing now. Have it ready for the drive when it starts. nc-s DRIVE SOON! PHONE 311 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND UJ3.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 CITY INVITED TO CONVENTION Asked to He Represented at Convention of Canadian Mayors and Municipalities in Vancouver A letter has been .received, .at the mayor's office asking If Prince Rupert, In view of the convenience, of the venue on, this coast, Intend to be represented at the forthcoming convention of the Federation of Mayors and Municipalities In Vancouver on June 24. Owing to the - ' put-standing Importance of the gathering, the matter wlllbq brought before the city council next week. "I do not care personally whether I go or not,"' commented the mayor who was Inclined to feel that the. Importance of- the gathering warranted the city, being represented. Invitation has already been. extended from Eastern Canada, to visit Prince Rupert either going or coming to the convention ljut there has been no lntlmatlon; as yet that any will be comjng. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston, Co. Ltd, Vancouver, Bralorne B. R. Con B, R. X Carlffoo Quartz Dentonia Grull.Wlhksne Hedley Mascot Minto .'..'....... Pend Oreille Pioneer Premier Border Premier Gold Privateer Reeves McDonald Reno Salmon, Gold Sheep. Creek Taylor Bridge ,. Whitewater Vananda Congress Pacific; Eastern . HedleyiAmil.-, Spud galley 'L..'Sl. Cenjraf Zebalos r..r Oils, a: 'p. Con.'?Af:.:..A..;....; Calmont ri C- t.i iicme .. Toronto Aumaque Beattl?' Bobjo , ...v.. Buffalo Cen. iz..:..... Con. Smelters ..- Eldona ...'...L.'......'..'..'......'.;. Eider Giant Yellowknlfe ... Hardrock Jacknlfe Jollet Quebec Little Long Lac Madsen Red Lake MacLeodpockshutt Moneta Qma. Pickle Crow San Antonio, Senator Rouyh 1. Sherrit Gordon ............ Steep Rock ..:v..'.r: Sturgeon River Lynx Lapaska God's Lake Negus '. 13.75 .14. .14 3.35 ,43 li 1,68, .05 3.40 550 .09, 2.01 .60 1,50 4.5. :19. L4.o; il .13?, 4.8 .13 24. .12 2St -2.15" 1.60,' 3.10 .90 1.25 .21 ii 2.1 97,T8 .68 .92 .20. .85-. 380 2.4'0 Z2 3.75 5,00 .90 2.6?' 3.45 ; .29 .33 -.45. ! .75 2.45 Buy more War Savings stamps e fAuMlMlt 4-P0INT GUARANTEE OF. ml John Bulger Ldf Third Ave.,.opp. post Office i X 770 VACCINATED BY HEALTH UNIT 'A total of 170 persons In Prince Rupert have been vac-cfnated against smallpox during the last two mo nt lis, according to figures provided by Miss Joyce Lslje, superintendent of Uie Prince Rupert Health Unit. The Unit 'is npw obtaining permission; from parents of elementary school children to Immunize the youngsters against the scourge which has caused several deaths in Seattle.receqtly, (Of. those who were recently vaccinated, 415 were, adults, 102 were high school students, and 253 were pre-school children and Infants; Miss Leslie says that parent wjth children. In the elementary schools are responding cordially to. the Health, Unit's plan to vaccinate the children, and that the program will begin after the May, 24, holiday. CFPR Radio Dial 1240.Kllocycles (Subject to, change! WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Your Music 4:30 Pops On Parade 4;45-,The Frasers 5:00r-Let There Be Music 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5;45 Supper Serenade 6;0O CBC News 6:15 CBC News Roundup 6:30 Fashions In Music 6:45 B.C. Prog.-Con. Bdcst. 7:00-rLet's'Play Charades 7:30 Invitation to Music 8; 00 Sports Commentary 8:15 Juliette 8:30 Kaleidoscope 9:00 CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9:15 Midweek Review Talk 9:30 Western Songs 9:45 Favorite Stories 10:00 Speaking of Records ifl;15 Dance. Orch. NBC 10;30r-Dance Orch, NBC 10;557-CBC News and Int. 11:00 Weather and Fishing News 11:03 Silent OOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICE OP APPPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BEER LICENSE NOTICE U hereby given that on the 3rd day of June. neit. the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board tor consent to transfer, of beer license No. 7404 Issued tn, respect of' premises being part! of a building iknqwn as Central Hotel, situate at the corner of Lit Avenue, and 7th SStreeX'iTlnce'.Ru-pert, B C upon the lands described as. Lots numbered Eleven (11) to Fourteen (14). Inclusive, In Block number, Ten (10), Section One (1), Map No. 923. Prince Rupert Land Reglstery District, In the Province of, British Columbia, from Albert Dixon, Harold Oarforth Dixon and Sidney Waterfleld to Central Hold ings Ltd., having Us head office, at 789 Pender Btreet west, Vancouver, B.C., the. transferee. .DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 25th day of April. AD 1948. ! CENTRAL HOI.DINOS LTD., ' Applicant and Transferee. (121) Diplomats Dined By London Mayor LONDON, KH- For the first time in six years the Lord Mayor of Ioridon, Sir Charles Davis, entertained members of the diplomatic corps to a banquet at the Mansion House. Gold loylrjg-cups were passed around the tables, but no bread or rolls were served in response to the food minister'.-, appeal to save bread. The Lord Mayor welcoming his sues'- "aid "They lived with us all through nights and years of danger and horror." CFPR TONIGHT 6:30 p.m. HearMAJ.-GEN.G.R. Pearkes, V.C, Member of Parliament for Nanaimo Sponsored by the INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 This Is Our Business Take advantage of our many years of a,uto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop and Oarage Is under the management of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has had many years of experience In car and truck work. CONSULT US! Terrace Machine Shop AND OARAOE Terrace UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT .' Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY O at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD If f She reads THE DAILY NEWS and guides the FAMILY BUYING. QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES "HAID.A .QUEEN" Super Marine Stanraer Flying weekly passenger, air express and air freight trips from Iince iRupcrt via Queen Charlotte Islands to Vancouver, R. Q. SERVICE TO AND FROM, ALL COASTAL COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water) Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. POINTS Plane leaves 8:30 a.m. Thursday. Plinn i null-- hjcul, vj. ix. o i tn iJiviuLirj, rnnce Rupert Hotel, for rates, space resen-a-tions and information. Phone 436 EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST, AND MOST Ul'-TiO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-CO,URS,E MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO, 4 A.JL Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5. p.m. to 8 p.m. Music by "Esquires" Mondays and Thursdays 10:30 to 12 p.ik CHINESE I)I$nE 'PECIALTY W E OAT EfR 'TO PARTIES i .'it i " CHOP SUEY ' 'CHOW'MKIN fur outsiih; orders, riioNi; i:s:t 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST First Ave. and Eighth St. J BOX No. 997 PHONE 678 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT. (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 1G7 TERRACE JUMai Auctioneer SALES AKRANGFU and Conducted t Your Convenience SALES ROOMS I I 1 I III! M - Phone Black 156 If it's the Attention of The WOMEN You M'unt . ADVERTISE in 7 The DAILY WM and Youll Get It! Does your Merchandise, your Service or whutever you have to offer MATCH WOMEN'S DESIRES? The women of Prince Rupert and District watch The Daily News, fur buying ideas. THE DAJLY NEWS gets into the homes. . . . As ll)e women and their families READ, they BUY. .If you have what the women and th.eirfamiljes the logical way to increase your business is 0 vertise in The Daily New,, which inlorms