I Kf - 3 b 13n'ncc ttujpm pafly rMus Wednesday, May 22, 1046 rJTodfiffj in Sports Baseball Scores National League 1 St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 4. American League . New York 2, Cleveland 7. Boston 6, Detroit 4. .Wfstern International .. . Spokane 9, Vancouver 2. SALMON BELLIES pEFEAT BURRARD VANCOUVER, -9 New Westminster Salmon Bellies defeated .Vancouver Burrards 13 to 5 In Inter-city lacrosse last night. Business and W. H. CORPJNS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 GAIRUNER'S . CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER l- Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Rhbne Blue 810 (Res. Green 5)55) HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches ( 206 4th Street- : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGING J ' 633 Tatlow Street PhoneOrcert 937 k (After 7, p.m. a.),' it . MORITZ & "'BROTHERSTON General Contractors Building - Repairing Wrecking and ' Foundation Work '"We also move buildings. FREE ESTIMATING Phone Black 943 . INTERNATIONAL ' .Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada B. r. I.OVIN. Phone Orw-n 974 Representative Box 526 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite TMCA FK1NCE KUPEUT. B.C. fyTJ'jFM(Jk 1 1 j if 1 1 lid KX. PROMPT nd EFFICIENT SERY1CI mill nour qUsit to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. LU MA UYUOUfl Cl VANCOUVER. IjC York General Construction See or Phone Us on a New Insulation KIMSUL Something New and the Best Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It, and We Can Do It WE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING Phone Black 120 Day Phone Black 731 Evenings Are you going to Build or Repair? Consult us if you have plans along this line. We will endeavour to meet all your rcquire-enls the .building line . . . large or small. GREER & Builders and, Phone Red 5CI HAL ROBBINS IS DECISION WINNER ELIZABETH, New Jersey, ff Hal Robbins, 138 pounds, of Vancouver, won a six-round decision over Billy Ryan. 142, of New Oilcans. WHERE DRAKE- BOWLED MILTON REGIS, Kent, Eng., Vi MUton Regis Bowling Club opened Its 406th successive season on a green once used by Sir Francis Drake when his ships were in deck at Chatham. Professional MERRELL & GRETSINGER CONTRACTORS Buildings Moved Foundations Built Excavating and Rock Work Our Specialty With Modern Equipment. PH. BLACK 926 BLACK 270 For Free Estimate. If it's a Rock Job ' Call a' Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I. don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 It. House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates -Cheerfully QJve , Promptiattentloti alLwprk. 5 fr j.LUNir Painting '- 'Paerhanging Interior an,4; Exterior ...Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L, RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, eta Income Tax Returns Compiled Beiner Block Ph'(5ne 87 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone Green 486 Evening Green 337 Train Schedule For the East- Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. v Fiom the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p,m. BRiDDEN Contractors P.O. Box 721 TERRACE BALL TEAM TRAVELS Visited Hazelton and Won By 13 to 10 Score TERRACE The Terrace Tigers were in Hazelton on Saturday to play a team there. Score was 13 to 10 in favor of Terrace. Mrs. G. L. Brookes, one of the sponsors of the team, and Curly Casey, coach and manager, accom panied the players. The Terrace Tigers are a Jun lor team made up of High School and elementary school boys and are being sponsored by the bus! ness as well as other people of the town. On Friday evening, a hard time dance was held to raLse funds for the team. Winners "for best costumes were Lawrence Klrkaldy who received $5 and Mrs. C. C. Pratt who won a carton of cigarettes donated by the Pioneer Pil Hall. Winners in the. spot, dance were Bernlce Matthews and Harold Wnalen who received a pair of nylon hose and a box of chocoiates. Pat Dykon donated the hose and G. L. Brookes the chocolates, During the evening, Dr. S. Mills gave $20 to help defray the expenses of the team a'nd D. Van Male offered $10 to ,the player who would bring in the first home1 run at Hazelton. The winner was Ronny Paulson. SHORT SPORT . - ' -.- 4 - Attention of racing enthusiasts all over Canada will be focussed on Toronto's Woodbine Park May 25 for the 87th renewal of the King's Plate, Canada's ; top-ranking horse race and the oldest continuously-run turf event on the' North American continent. With Canada'i new vice-regal couple, Viscount and Lady Alexander, in attend ance, a fiejd of Canadian-bred three-year olds will go to the' post in quest of the purse of 50 guineas,' gift of the King, and $10,000 added money. The royal donation was originally made in 1859 by Queen Victoria In response to a petition from .the Toronto Turf lub through Governor-General Sir Edmund Head for a , Queen's Plate. of 50 pounds "tbbejtin for at Toronto or such qther place in Upper Canada as let Majesty might appoint." Under political pressure,, the race was staged at a number of, Ontario tracks until' Woodbine became Its permanent site in 1883. James White's Don Juan was the first winner of the Plate at Carleton, now West Toronto, In 1860. The Seagram Stable of .Water loo, Ont., has Jjeeh ,the most consistent winner'of .the guineas establishing ah eight-year mon opoly from 1891 to 1898. and carrying off top honors no less than 20 times. A Seagram entry. Kanshore, is a candidate for this year's running. Most successful campaigner in recent yean has been the late H. C. Hatch of Toronto who has .won the plate five times in the last 10 years. The Hatch estate has two entries in this year's race, Palermo, and the highly-rated Bluesweep. The latter will probably be ridden by Bobby Watson who booted home two straight Batch horses, Acara and Uttermost, in 1944 and 1945. Track record over ,the 1'.8 mile distance was set last year by Uttermost who. covered the course in 1:53 45. The Hatch stable established another mark in 1944 when Its three-horse entry of Acara, Ompalo and Say-onara finished first, second and fourth respectively, leaving o'nfy the $1,000 third money ,to an outside competitor. Originally limited to Ontarlo-breds, the race is now open to horses bred anywhere in Can- TRAPPERS AND BUYERS Don't be foolish and sell your, furs at the waterfront when you can fetch them to Gold-, bloom's and get 30 percent more. BEAVER $85 LAKGE BLANKETS .. $70 MEDIUM $40 SMALL $20 Prices for svery thing are 25 percent higher WILLIAM G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE Fishin' Opens ANGLERS UNDETERRED BY SCARCE GEAR, HYING FORTH THIS WEEK-END Reflecting on the eve of the opening of the 194G angling season, signalized as usual by the Victoria Day (May 24) holiday, the local sage on matters piscatorial (guess who?), remarked that the country around Prince Rupert "has more sporting fish per square inch than any other part of the world. Joe Scott, who lives and breathes f angling and knows where the fish and also the fisherman-are, has been sizing iip .things from his observation post and informs the Dally News that the forthcoming holiday week-end will, doubtless, be drawing out as many disciples of Izaak .Wal ton as ever. "It .doesn't maks any difference if they cannot buy a new rod for any price and that fishing supplies of all klnd3 are pretty hard to get, they'll be out .there with the old gear fishing like nobody's business. They'll go by boat and they'll go by car and the wily trout are irt for a tough week-end." Much Interest was taken in the announcement yesterday of the Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club's plan for a 1946 Fish Derby. This will, undoubtedly, tend to spur even greater angling en thusiasm and the. fishermen are Now It's Air Dives For Hooping Cough LEICESTER, Eng., Flying a child with whooping cough up ! to a heLght of 12,000 feet and i then diving steeply towards the ground has proved successful In two cases. George Derbyshire Tlppctprchlro nUnt H1H If flrct. ' for the 18-months old child of a friend. Now he has tried It suc cessfully for ls 11-year old j son. The child coughed as in plane gained height, but at 12, 000 feet the coughing ceased. ada. Sioris, owned by Dr. F. G. Salwisbury of Saskatoon, is entered' this year and Quebec province is represented by Gallant VI, owned and bred by C. H. Conyers. Favorite for the race Is still Kingarvle, king of last year's Jwayear olds,', dwnedby R. S. McLaughlin of ' jOshawa, with Bluesweep, Harry G hidings' Kar-akas and the Medway Stable'; Khabula currently rer.elvins; considerable attention from tht rallbirds.'' "" Good y Pipe ( Tobacco? i jt ip jFffi fc It l u - already awaiting the announcement of further details of the competition. Getting back to the season's opening on Friday and the weekend, parties have been In process of organization for the initial trips and such points to be reached by boat as Leverson Lake, Bill's Lake. Salmon River, Klew Nugget, Lowe Inlet, Red Bluff and Captain's Cove will be visited while such haunts as Prudhomme and Rainbow Lakes and points beyond along the. Prince Rupert Highway will attract 'the automobile fishermen. Expeditions to be led by Dr. R. G. Large, Tommy Wllford and" Con Michaloff are already on thea cards. 1 And next Monday morning, as .the boys young and old drag themselves stiff and weary-back to the job, .the season for tall stories about the big ones that never get landed will commence with as much gusto, as ever. That is angling and its a ereat .art SHAVING'S A CINCH With Minora Blades! For comfort and speed, you can't equal Minora in its class. It's the .quality blade In the low-pr!cefieldl WS YOUR DOUBl-DCf RAZOR WELL, take my tip and tryPicobad It's a Bufley tobacco, and boy is it good! For a cool, easy-packing, smoofh-burning, fragrant smoke, you can't beat it I" Picobac is the pick of the Burley crop, grown in sunny, southern Ontario where climate and soil are the secret ingredients. GET SOME TO-DAY Picobac The Pick of Pipe Tobaccos. KS Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE EVERY NIGHT! HOURS 61 1 -MONDAY, 'TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 2-11 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11 THURSDAY ' PHONE 658 for reservations ' " ' ' " (tyembers'only on Sundays) NATIONAL WQTQT SERYJCE Third Avenue and First Street STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS General Tires and Batteries IUUman Sales and Service LET US AT THE Kaeen Hardware HELP YOU GET The Catch of The Year WATCH FOR DETAILS OF ROD AND GUN CLUB FISHING DERBY ANGLING EVENT OF 1946 Kaien Hardware Co. HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTING GOODS LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Expert saw filing and gumming. Small" band-saws brazed. Planer and Jointer knives ground. Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Phone Blue 850 Green & Kermode Builders apd Painters All Interior and Exterior Work 'DETTOL THI MODIRN ANTISIMIC 7- GENERAL FIRST AID ' GARGLE for Sor Throat PERSONAL USES 50c & $1.50 OltMES LIMITED Pioneer Druggists T PHONE 3 IIKItK'S nothing to equal the thrill of hringing home a beautiful catch of fish. And now with the fishing season open go to it! )c have a selection of fishing equipment to help you bring in the "catch of the season." VISIT US TODAY AND ' SKI5ECT WHAT YOU NKKD! An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . . NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - is n Rprvifo fnr are invited to Operator P.O. Box 1464 Free Estimates and Prompt Service AT LONG MOTORS 8 A.M. TO 9 Ml 1 P.M. TO 1 tM This vnnr convenience . yoU take advantage of it. FRANK MORRISON SAVOY HOTEL fiarl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P O ; FRASER STREET prince Rup SEE US FOR ALL ltE((UHCEMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of printing wrlt Everything in high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain PnJ DIBB PRINTING COMPANY , - THIRD aveni"5 . . ,..krtrtlSOPPv OPOwoo0OffO000nn0a0P0n0nq0nDnno,'BMMV"