WW i -W i. TTT... It I eft -:.7s.-.-.-y -il :-vu flfe7 Goodness, no Since ve been serving Grape-Nuts Flakes . L...Lnc mi hutbnni- r1r!r1r1 lha r;.. ...... . .1 "Would you believe it, I've found telns for muscle; phosphorus for thing everywhere . I've call- teth and bones: 11 it joniv me v.....q iron for the blood; UU Ulvi -n I - o tustairs to tasie mai maity-ncn, Ufte- flavor of Poet's drape-Nut lies.' "And you should see my family tear .k. Aav'm artfvltlAit rm thai mvl nrjjhment Grape-Nuts Flakes give ROYAL HOTEL A Hme Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. l P.O. Box 196 and other food essentials." . "Umm . . . may I step In for a bowlful?" "Certainly nd I want you to try the almply grand muffins I've Just finished making from one of the recipe on the Orape-NuU Flakes package 1" May 24 PARADE OF CHILDREN, PETS, STUDENTS' DECORATED CARS AND FLOATS Line Up Court House Grounds at 11:30 for Judging Move along Third Avenue to Fulton Street, then up Fulton Street to Acropolis Hill. if 3ft 3ft Prizes for Best Entries in Each Class 2ft if ift FRKE ICE CREAM AND POP FOK EVERY YOUNGSTER IN TJIE PARADE ... ENTRY- FORM CUT OUT AND MAIL to; j Kinsmen's Club, P.O. Box -826, Prince Rupert, B. C. or leave at Dally News or Evening Empire, j Be sure to mark a cross beside class to be cnteted. 1 ENTRIES CLOSE MAY 23 t l CHILDREN'S CLASSES Pets Doll buggies Tricycles Best dressed boy or girl Best dressed boy and girl Most original costume Wagons Funniest costume HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES Bicycles Best dressed Small floats clown or novelty School floats costume Decorated car Decorated float NAME ADDRESS. for the kiddies ... MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 3(17 236 Second Avenue West Wagons and Wheelbarrows Oct them something to play with outdoors. We have wagons and wheelbarrows in all sizes at riglit Prices at THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Local News Items A C.C.F: Broadcast, Thursday 7:30 p.m. CFPR. II. d, Archibald, M.P. (121) Gordon Hyland, B.C. Packers representative, arrived in the city this morning on a business trip from Vancouver. Miss Kay Watson returned on the Prince Rupert this morning (rom a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. O. Krause and daughter, Miss Jean Krause, who have been on a trip to New York, Milwaukee and Akron, returned home on last night's train. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Black and family will leave a week from Saturday on a motor tour which will take them as far as Lethbrldge, Alberta. They wili travel south to Kamloops, thence over the TransCanada Highway to Calgary and south to Lethbrldge to visit Mrs. Black's family in the Alberta city. Mrs. Dorothy Moody and family of Tintagel arrived in the city on last night's train from the interior and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bulger until they proceed tomorrow night on the -Prince Rupert to -visit wtyh Mrs. Moody's mother in Victoria. Mrs. Moody is Mrs. Bulger's cousin. T. A. McMartin of Smlthers arrived in the cityon last night's train for a brief business visit He will return to the interior this evening. A For Quick Reliable Taxi Serv ice, Call 60 Taxi. (130) Dr. P. E. Moore of the De partment cf Pensions and Na tional Health at Ottawa arrived in the city on last night's train from the East. He is here to pay a visit of inspection to the Miller Bay Hospital which is be- lng opened up as a sanitarium for natives. notice Applications. jEpr a position as clerk In ttyjffaty, Engineer's office will be received by the undersigned up till noon May 27. Give full particulars as to education and other qualifications In first letter. CITY ENGINEER, City of Prince Rupert. (123) Announcements C. W. L. Bridge. Whist and Crib-bage, May 23, KC. Hut, 8 pjn. Modern Dance," Oddfellows Hall. Friday, May 31, Bobby Wods Orchestra. Eastern Star Tea, May 31, Mrs. Rochester's, Prince Rupert Hotel. United Tea, Home Cooking, June 6, Mrs. George Rorie's, 220 4 th Ave. West. Anglican W.A. Tea, Saturday, June 1, Mrs. Parkins, 855 Bor den Street. Presbyterian Church Tea, Mrs. Robert Parker's, 805 Summit Wenue, June 20. Get your Marxist and current lamphlets at Room 8, Stone 31ock. Open evenings 7 to 9. A For fresh killed frying chicken and boiling fowl sec Scotts Meat Market. (122) Dong Sing of the Prince Rupert Hotel returned to the city on. last night's train from a trip to Smlthers. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLean returned this morning on the Prince Rupert from a honeymoon trip to Vancouver following their marriage here two weeks ago. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY J Q. How can I prevent the thread from coming out of the needle of the sewing machine when removing the material? A. The needle will not un-. thread If It is raised to the highest point before taking out the cloth. Q. How can I prevent tired feet when ironing? A. Place a thick rug ' under the feet while ironing, or while standing very long at any other task, and the work will not be nearly so tiresome. Q. How can I mend a rubber hot water bottle? A. By using several layers of mending tissue, setting In place with a warm Iron. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN ROBERTS. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS BOB ROBERTS, DE CEASED INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W. E. Fisher, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of Brit Ish Columbia, I was on the 10th day of May, 1946. appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Roberts, otherwise known as Bob Roberts, who died on or about the 8th day of September. 1945. All persons Indebted to the saw estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebted, ness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of June, 1946, falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 10th day of May. A.D. 1946. GORDON F. FORBES. Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C, 122 G. SELVIG TJcneral Contractor We do basements, reshlngllng, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen Demolish or move buildings 100 Satisfaction Guaranteed CALL BLUE 010 and we will give an estimate P.O. Box 654 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 An electric hot water heater! No more fires to stoke on hot summer days; no waste fuel, keeping water hot when it is not being used. Clean, economical, convenient. Plan now to know the joy of an electric hot water heater. pluc m... Sea Cadet Orders R.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK' Lleut.-Cmdr. A. S. Mitchell, Ai.nual Inspection May 22, 1916 Annual Inspection of this establishment by Lieutenant Commander Grant, R.CJi. (R.). Assembly Point Naval Drill Hall. Rig of Day Officers, No. 5's complete, brown gloves; Ratings, No. 3's (summer), lanyards. Compulsory parade for all ranks. Parade Schedule 6:45 p.m. Band, Guard, Markers to Muster. Band and Guard. 7:00 p.m. Prayers, Colors and Divisions. 7:07 Sentries posted. 7:15 Prepare for Inspection. 7:30 Inspecting Officer received onboard. 7:40 Inspection. 7:55 March Past. 8:15--Inspection of rifle squad, band, seamanship, range and signals classes to commence. 9:00 Secure. 9:15 Sunset. O. O. D. Midshipman R. D. Cruickshank. ' Duty Petty Officer LS R. Overgaard. Duty Division Rodney Divi sion. Officers to report to Executive Officer's cabin 6:45 p.m. JOHN WILSON Lieutenant, R.OS.C. Executive Officer TOO LATE TOO CLASSIFY WANTED Furnished apartment or tmall house, close in, clean and respectable. Permanent. Box 122 Daily News. (122) Women Seek Jobs As Air Hostesses , CAPETOWN, 0) While the scarcity of nurses In South Africa grows daily more acute, Hundreds of young women art flocking to become South Africa'? air hostesses. More than 250 applications have been made "by unmarried girls to fill 12 posts on the South African Airways. Personality, poise, Intelligence and appearance, complete bl-llngualism and a knowledge of flrst-ald work .are among the main qualifications required. Although their work will be pri marily on passenger aircraft in 6:50 Hands fall In, March on South Africa, service may be re quired on special trains on cere monial occasions, and those chosen will be known officially as "travel hostesses." Advertise In The Dally News. Military Orders 1st. (R) Bn. Prince Rupert Regt. (Mdi by Capt. A. W. Burnlp AOC. Notice: There will be a miniature range shoot held on Saturday afternoon for formers members of the 1st (R) Bn. Prince Rupert Regt. (MG). Those attending parade at the Armouries at 1330 hrs 25th May 46. FOUR LOCAL VETERANS PRINCE RUPERT DECORATORS Let us hang your wallpaper or do that Interior decorating. We do save you money. See our wallpaper samples, "Lest You Forget" Blue 285 Box 1422 Stn. B. MIS Largtst esatliskt iit. Western. Canada IT IS INEXPENSIVE to protect your furs against moths and other' hazards. REJUVENATE your furs during the summer months by sending them at once to the specially constructed, fire-proof, refrigerated, spacious, bank-like vaults, of R. J. Pop Lf,d. Storage Charges $2.00 per $100.00 valuation. Use our complete fur service by a highly trained staff. aMtttWf 1 ( TO ENJOY L ELECTRIC prince Rupert Dalle Ji2ctos Wednesday, May 22, 1946 JACKETS BOX 13C6 Oil Burners Installed For Sport and Outdoor Wear "Fairway" GABARDINE JACKET With contrasting trim $7.50 "Fairway" SPORT SWEATER Clipped rayon, zipper front $9.00 "Fairway" GOLF JACKET Hyrovized, fawn shade $10.75 GABARDINE GOLV JACKETS $0.95 to $9.00 "THE MEN,S SHOP" PHONE 108 Serviced & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman S.Julian REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" i Warm Weather Accessories ... rLAY PENS 3G"x36"x24M, assembled A $7.50 unassembled I'.:. $5.85 DECK CHAIRS, PORCH CHAIRS, RECLINERS with bright striped canvass and hardwood frames We appreciate your Mail Orders Goods forwarded at once. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert J. KESTEN Furrier "731 DAVIE STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. FUR STORAGE " SAFE RELIABLE AND INSURED WE TAKE TRADE-INS AS PAYMENT ON YOUR NEW FUR COAT ORDER NOW HAVE IT READY WHEN YOU NEED IT. WE DO REMODELLING, CLEANING, GLAZING, REPAIRING arid RELINING REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL y Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 Representing Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. HOSE BELTING TIRES and TUBES and Accessories CARRIED IN STOCK FRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE ."Manufacturer's Agent Phone 632 Plumbing. and llcaling Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 P.O. Box 772 3 KWONG SANG IIINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST i (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 9 I 1