timely TERRACE Topics d 1 & !ttci n tfnlU mrlvpri nn t M) V1S1U WUII I1LT Mis ICmil Haugiand. ner.ai meeting of the and Df.trict Board of L held on Tuesday eve- ... . Tdrrir0 TIMfcl will , E T Kenney, minister of is and forests, and O. P. Mel- j. L. CUKKY CHIROPRACTOR It pain Chiropractic 1 If nerve doubly so! jith Block Green 995 rose, deputy minister of lands as hquored quests On Monday evening Mrs. R Ola.nzer held a showtr for Mrs Milton Alger, rccntly-arrlvedi war bride from En -land, at the home of Mrs. Ytreberg. An enjoyable time was spent and Mrs. Alser received many attractive and useful gifts. Thcs-; present were Mrs. S-mellenburs, Mrs. McLellan, Mrs. Amdam, Mrs, R. de Kercmmeaux, Mrs. C. C. Pratt, Mrs. Llndbers, Mrs. T Turner, Mrs. Coje, Mrs. Kirkpat-rick, Mrs. Spence. Mrs. Ytreberg, Mrs. E. Ilauahland, Mrs. E. Fin-layson, Mrs. C. W.. Alger, Mrs. A. Brooks, Mrs. Earl, MLss D. Cole, Miss M. West, Miss P. Little, Mis.-, J. Colwell, Miss o. Little, Miss G. Molitor, Miss J. Warner, MUs M. Little, Miss E. Crego, Miss N. Oliver, Miss J. Spence and Miss B. Colwell. L'yrex Baby Bottles .... 10c 'Tuffy Caps, glass 10c Rubber Bottle Caps .. . 10c Lined Diaper Bag .... $1.50 Johnson's Many rowaer 28c and 55c Johnson's Baby Oil GOc and $1.10 Johnson's Baby Soap .. ISnBaby Bottle Nipples, from ... 5c Rubber Crib Sheeting;, from 90C Baby Pants, finest quality 4Cc High Chair Pads, consisting of padded seat, back and arms $2.50 Ormes Ltd. "3ht Pioneer Drtqtists Prescription cnemists Phone 81 Sweet Sixteeii's LEADING CONTEST Sonja Sorenson, who has gone over the 25,000 mark and is leading the field In the. Kinsmen's Club's May Queen Contest, She Is the nominee of Booth Memorial School and Is backed by the Junior Chamber of Here to Inspect Local Sea Cadets To conduct an Inspection of the local Sea Cadets Corps tonight, Lieut. Cmdr. K. E. Orant, newly appointed staff officer for Sea Cadets in British Columbia, arrived in the city on. the. Prfnce Rupert this morning rom Vancouver. He w,ili be here until tomorrow evening when he.wlll return south. 1 1 Advertise In ,the Daliy News. "THE. CREDIT HOUSE Of QUALITY" Fashion Firsts BUY ON budoet plan-no Carry Charge. No Interest. Terms in accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. Britain Delivers the Goods! Dressmaker Suits Fjne. fabrics, designed and made jit Sweet Sixteen's own. factory in Vancouver. . .f ti FASHIONS THAT ARE '- ' APPEALING AND FLATTERING ' ' ' ' Cool,r Printed, SILKS AND JERSEYS Gay, feminine 'a n d attractive to c a r r y you right through the summer in style and comfort. Meccano is back again Set No.O $1.95 Set No. 1 $2,60 Set No. 2 $3.50 Set No. 3 $5.25 ' ALSO MECCANO DINKY TOYS Priced from Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday, WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND- HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) phones: Bus. Blue t, 1." Res. Red 137 Ask for Qeorge. STEWART NEWS Latest from Portland Canal Mining Centre NEWS OF MINES-WARM WEATHER-BIG UNION DANCE-SOFTBALL GAME STEWART J. O. LeFrancois, general manager of the; Gold Drop Mines Limited, arrived in Stewart last week and is busy getting things in trim for intensive development this year. The contractors advanced the tunnel 522 feet during the past winter. It is in 800 feet but air conditions have been badly retarding thp work. Arranee-T ments are being made to take care of this. Evan Harris, superintendent for tl)e Morris Summit Gpld Mines, was In town this week having made-two round trips to the property during the past week. His crew Is busy moving supplies across the Salmon Glacier and is confident that, by the time of the break-up on Summit Lake, they will have accommodations for 40 men at the. mine. Some of the machinery will hqve to await the break-up and be rafted across the lake to the property. Mr. HarrLs says he expects to have 400 tons of material in to the mine this year. It has been a tough struggle, he says, but things are getting easier now. Owen McFadden arrived from' the south and now has a pack train of 23 head of horses herf In readiness for the opening up of the trail to the property on Willoughby Creek. The Stewart Tennis Club Is away to a flying start and the members are looking forward to a successful season. If the weather man keeps on as he has been going for the past week or two there is no doubt of it. The thermometer soars to 80 degrees in the daytime and drops to 32 degrees at night. Blankets, sweaters and coats are still required. The gardens are doing well notwithstanding the frost at night. The local Union held a dance in the pioneer Half, Hyder, Alaska. It was a very successful affair both socially and financially. There was a big turnout " Activities bj Rup-Rec V SWIMMING-It Is definite now tliat Rup-Rec instructress Marjorie Jackson will leave for Vancouver to attend a swimming course for instructors, sponsored by the. Canadian Red Cross. On her return, she will, teach swimming at the McClymont Pool. Mel Harper, who gives a good deal of his spare time to showing National Film Board movies at the Centre, is, we discovered today, a topriiotch swimmer. Mel swam for the Y.M.CjA. and the Pacific Club in, Victoria before he turned pro and he has prom ised to assist in whatever way possible In the summer swimming program. WORLD SERIES AT CENTRE FQNldllT Raymond Springs, who saw a preview of the 1945 World Series' film yesterday afternoon, says: "It's really. good the way1 Hank Greenberg knocks those heme runs is worth seeing." The ,show starts at 8:00 o'clock tonight In the Centre auditorium. Tills will be a real thrill for ball, fans, young and ojd, The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON BULKLEY CAFE CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Our Specialty Open-Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday. 8 a'jn. to 9 p.m. Located at Bulkley Hotel SMITIIERS, D.C. from the three communities of Premier, Hyder and Stewart. The Premier Orchestra was assisted by Stewart musicians. Miss Ilntt of Premier won the ladies' door prize and ticket No. 104 won for, the men. The owner of the ticket was not there to claim it. A. blind raffle in which there was three boxes containing a Silex coffee percolator, an electric Iron, and a bottle of lubricant. The winners were Johnny Praza, coffee percolator; John Castle, electric iron, anil Alfle Teed, the bottle of lubricant. All are of Premier. The iron and the percolator could not be shared but Alfle did all right with the bottle. A foxtrot contest was won by Mr. and Mrs. B. C. A. Lees of Stewart and the waltz contest by, Mrs. Lees and Mr. Smlthson.. Mrs Dot Thomas and Johnny Pjraza, comprised the Premier Orchestra. Mrs. Edith Behnsen, Sam Kirkpatrick, Tern Klrkpat-rick and Billy Orr represented Stewart. It was a big evening and everyone enjoyed them-srfves to the utmost. A' softball game between Premier and Stewart again resulted lri the Hlllbillys losing to the tune of 21 to 16. This was held on Sunday but most of the boy; were off their game. It was 3 p.m. before they got underway and the ball was hard to see against, the dark green of the mountains. i CANDIDATES HOLDING BACK lay Queen Contest is Closing Tonight Slight change In scores of the May Queen contest indicated tli is morning that sponsoring o: Kanizations were waiting until later today before turning in votes for their respective candidates. The name of the queen-elect for the gala May .24 celebration Is to be announced tonight. A Kinsman will remain on duly at the Canadian National ticket office oru Third Avenue until deadline time , to' receive' tickets and money as well as to sell tickets to thoe deslrious of casting extra votes for their favorite candidate. The Kinsmen Club is desirous, of obtaining eut flowers from home gardens of Prince Rupert citizens for the purpose of decorating the May Queen float, President Bill Jar.mson announc- IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT and IN THE MATTFK OP THE ESTATE OP LKONIE MORIN, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS LEONIE MERRY, DE CEASED TESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order ol His Honor. Judce Fisher, made nn I lie 10th day of May. A.D. 1946, I was appointed Administrator or me Estate of Leonle Morln, otherwise known as Leonle Merry, deceased, and all parties harlng claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to tie on or before the 15th day of June. VD. 184S. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount o( their Indebtedness to me lorcnwun. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 11th day of May, A.D. 1946. OORDON P., FORBES. Acting Offlcfal Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 131 doh't romr after iniiscntiont u tatintbirinkinitakt v... -Wednesday, 1946 May 22, ;ed . this . morning. "Any , -person willing to .donate .flowtrs," said Mr. Jamison. J'.'is requested to phone and. a member of the club will: arxangeto pick up. the fjowers.. before; Friday." It Is, evident from reports received from Kin, headquarters that many local businesses are cplidly: behind: thp summer camp project for Prince Rupert chil dren. Donations, to date, havi .beep received from.he follow- Ipg concerns: Nelson Bros $25 Edmunds St Walker 25 Whiz Fisheries, . 10 Prince Rupert Hotel 10 City Transfer 10 Long Motors 10 Geo. Hill St Sons Ltd 10 H. C. YHelgerson Ltd' 10 Boost Birth Rate Australians Told CANBERRA, &WUnless Australia boosts its birth rate. Its population wilj fall frcrn 7,000,-000 to 2,000,000. In the rjext 100 years, according to T, .Mayes, professor of obstetrics at Sydney University. He said in an address here that unless changes were made the decline of population would be barely detectable In the next two decades but after I960 it would plunge. "The parental instinct satisfied now when the. average famr ily is insufficient -for the pur-Jose of replapsment," he said, 'For replacement, a family of I three Is necessary." AnjiQiiin$ement ... W.. M.MARTIN Hs taken over and is now operating the- SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET FULL LINE OF CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES Your patronage would be appreciated 536 Seventh Avenue East PHONE 40- "We're all set for a More Beautiful Home with this FREE COLOR GUIDE! They're, looking, at Sherwin,-Williams exciting new portfolio "A Guide to More Color-Full Homes". It't packed-with wonderful ideas for making your home, more beautiful, more satisfying to live in. This beautiful collection of the biggest color photographs youJve. ever seen. wilL help you transform your home; it includes illustrations of expertly-decorated living-rooms, dining-rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, playrooms, bathrooms, sunrooms, dens, as well as attractive home exteriors; with complete color and paint specifications, and. paint color chips. " Ebvti-v I CITY I ITM I J ,l.rVKsH 1 mm PAINTS " VARNISHES - ENAMELS 46-20 HOWE & McNULTY 609 Second Ave. Phone 36,4