-rfucc Rupert iOaflg JSctos Saturday, June 15, 1916 An Independent dally newspaper devntwi to the up. building or Prince Rupert and al i communities comprising northern and central Hx,..sh Columbia, Published every afternoon except Sunday Uy Prince Rvpert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : By City Carrier, per week Per Month Per Year By Mall, per month Per YeA- . . . :-. ADDRESS.. .15 . . 7.00 . .40 (4.1)0 ROTARIANS AT JASPER Five Hundred Delegates at Convention Opening Today JASPER, Afta Jasper Park Lode officially opened Its fwerity-Bfth season ,here today witfi the arrival of trie first delegates to the annual convention, of the International Rotary Distflct which starts today with 500 delegates present. Unofficially the has beeri operating for several days as this world-known Canadian Rockies summer resort has been the -headquarters for the Paramount movie party headed by Bing-Crosby and Joan Fontaine doing mountain scenes for their forthcoming spectacular techni- color film "The Emperor Waltz." This" party will continue their work for another 10 days at various selected locations throughout Jasper National Park!. During the war, when the ft MEMBER A.B.C. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa). MUST BE ENDED SOON THE STRIKE SITUATION in the British Columbia timber industry, which has already done widespread' damage in loss of business for the employers, loss of wages for the workers and, more serious than all, loss! of progress in reconstruction and; rehabilitation to say nothing of valuable natural products such as fruit and possibly other commodi-tiesj shows sighs of an early settle-merit. It cannot come too soon for, if it does not come soon, the damage will not only have been serious but nigh irreparable. There seems to be so little now between the disputant parties that it a almost criminal the tie-up should be allowed to continue even if only a truce is called at this all-important season of the year. The importance of work being resulted in woods and nulls may not be f$o much in the way of stopping further loss for the operators and the; workers but that much needed materials should become available for' housing and construction generally and for the relief of other industries which are dependent more """"'""''' or less directly upon the maintenance of the supplies of forest products. This is almost midsummer .and public opinion is rising with mounting impatience at the continuance of an entirely nonsensical and unjustifiable situation. A VITAL CONVENTION OF THE MANY important international gatherings that are being held these days certainly none can be regarded as of more vital significance than the United Nations atomic Energy Commission which is in inaugural session at New York. Bernard Baruch put it well yesterday, as the commission opened, that the choice, insofar as reaching a fast agreement in regard to control of atomic energy from the destructive standpoint is concerned, was between the continuation of civilization or destruction of the w"or!d. Horrible as they may have been, the incidents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which brought World War II to an end, we must believe were only the mildest indications of the potency of atomic destructive force. There can be no doubt that this is the instrument that has in the range of its possibility the destruction of .every living thing whether or not we have chosen to believe that fact. We used atomic force to end one war. Its only justification was that it was used for that purpose. Now we must hope that the very terror, rather than the use of it, will prevent another war, the horror and destructiveness of which would be unspeakable, paling all heretofore used methods of attack or defence. Yes, this atomic session at New York is a gathering of the most vital importance. Lodge .was closed for four years, Jasper figured prominently In military operations when news was finally released. It was here that the famous Lord Lovatt scouts received their mountain training; it was also here on Lake Patricia at the foot of i Pyramid Mountain that experiments were carried out on the I fantastic "llabbakuk" ice battle I ship operation, which was1 a brain child of the Quebec Conference. This was one of the prize "hush-hush" secrets of the war. Bookings Are Very High Bookings at Jasper are the heaviest in the history of the Lodge and these include a large number of prominent citizens of the United States and Canada. The Lodge is practically booked for the season. Len Hopkins and his Chateau Laurier Orchestra, well known on the CBC airwaves, will be here for the summer. Entries for the popular Totem Pole Golf Tourney played In September each year, have simply Someday Bill Will Thank You . . So said the Sun Life Agent when he delivered my son Bill's Junior Adjustable policy but he didn't have to tell me that. I know what a help it would have been to me if, when I was twenty-one, I had been given a life assurance policy that could be continued as Whole Life, Life Paid-up at 60, or Endowment at the same age, for as much as five times the original amount without increasing the premium. Especially when that premium was based on rates for a child. I didn't have this great advantage, but I'm making sure my son has it. How about you? MAIL THIS COUPON 70DAYI TOM McKEOWN, 624 Taylor Street, Prince Rupert Box 1283 Phone Blue 240 Please lend mt, without obligation, detail of the Junior. Adjutlahlt Assurance for my son, age fJAKfB , , i ii ,fi j LOCAL PEOPLE INVITED TO KETCHIKAN An invitation has been received by Mayor Daggett for the citizens of Prince Rupert to attend the July 4 celebration at Ketchikan which the people of the Alaska town plan to maice. the bigaest cyvent inyrearg. Planned are colorful parades and a sports festival In which the Ketchikan committee hopes Prince Rupert will be represented. It is understood that a Prince Rupert baseball team will be represented and possibly some local boxers for a fight card in the evening. W. D. Lamble, president of the Baseball Association, says that he, plans to have the baseball team flown up in the Halda Queen. Legion fight promoter Jimmy Nicoll has intimated that some local boxers may take advantage or the invitation by Ray Smith of Ketchikan to take part in a boxing card. poured in, to such an extent that there are 600 applications for the 200 available places in the tourney. The golf course was completely reconditioned during its idle war years under the supervision of the. famous architect Stanley Thompson, assisted by the veteran greenskeeper Bill Brlnkworth. With a few days of hot sun it will be in excellent shape and already low scoring has been done by fling Crosby and members of his party. John Stark after several years in military service overseas, who has been with the C.N.R. Hotel Department for many years, has returned to take over the manr agement of the Lodge. Advertise In 'tie Daily News 1. fo.Trot:icS..lyCh.ck iponcfd by li.lt rnatlowtl At imIuKm el CWi et folk.. RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED CHRYSLER DISTRIBUTORS (NO NURSING SCHOOL HERE THIS YEAR Prinr" Rupert General 'Hospital win not have a nurses' training school this year, at least. The idea was suspended at !. meeting of the hospital board 'art niplit after letters from city :md district schools Indicated a lack of prospective studen' nurses willing to enter Prince Rupert General Hospital. A communication from Principal V. W. C. O'Neill of Booth Mrmci'.al High School informed th board that there are" no prospective trainees this vear but that tlrft.jt(Ja,kpaliilUy tha there might be twiftir'lKree from the graduating class of 1947. Na Interest in entenax train! nr here was expressed by graduating students of the Smithers High School. ' We might as well close the discussion about a training school for the present, at least. said Arnold Platen, chairman of the training school committee. 'We have plain evidence there that we won't be able to get students." The board followed a suggestion that the committee be discharged arid that action In the matter be suspended until a more favorable date. The nurse shortage at the hospital remains highly critical, according to its" lady' superin-tandent, Miss Phyllis Monney H. N. Miss Mooney told the board Hint she heceiuly had to recall two nurses from their holidays to take night duty. "I haven't anyone for night duty," she said. Miss Mooiwy presented the board with a schedule for salary increases asked by the nursing staff, based on an Increase of from $9(1 to $100 a month including full maintenance. The matter was referred to a special meeting whiith will be held In the near future to discuss wages, working conditions and proposals In that regard by the Graduate Nurses' Association of B.C. Board members admitted the need to pay higher wages in Prince Rupert than in southern hospitals, but pointed out the fact that for taxation purposes, nurses at the Prince Rupert General Hospital are charged board and room rates fv only $25 a month, which decreases B usmess an W. H. CORRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branchtt. 206 4th Street : Phone: 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERIIANG ING 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada II F. I.OVIN. Phone drren 974 Itf presontatlve Box 528 117 2nd Ave. W. Oppoiilte YMCA PHINCE ItUPEltT, B.C. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE null nour qlitt to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. LU M UYMCtia R. VANGDUVM.LC Mardl, 12-year-old daughter of Mayor Robert Saunder .- of Toronto. Ont. presents Her Excellency Lady Alexander with a bouquet of red roses The presentation took place after the governor-general had signed Toronto's guest book at the city hall. taxation. Room and board rates I it iMiom linonllnl. .. . I f monthly. Before discussing new salary schedules the board decided to gather information In that regard from southern hospitals, so that some- comparative arrange ment could be worked out. Financial Statement For Last Month Finance committee Chairman Flaten reported that the cost per day ol ODra'ou in May was $4.94 per patient, and that expenditures totalled $10,750 for the month. May In-patients 257 Out-Patlenls 159 In-uat't days 109f Out-pat't days 159 d Prof essiona April May 1945! 201 '248 83 348 1716 2302 88 343 SYDNEY ESCORT BUREAU SYDNEY, Australia Hi A Syd-My rvkse huieau nbw Is providing t scorta for women to dinner parties, dances or theatres. Male escorts of all ages are provided, and their duty ends when they see tlw patron into a taxi and give the driver her homo addiess. i MERRELL & GRETSINGER CONTRACTORS Buildings Moved Foundations Built Excavating and Rock Work Our Specialty With Modern Equipment. PH. BLACK 926 BLACK 270 For Free Estimate. If It's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M. SAUNDERS Blue. CC0 Concrete Sidewalks, Basement I don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1288 Phone Black 82S HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone Green 488 Evening Green 337 Train Schedule For the Fast Monday, Wednesday, Friday- 8 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m, Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "I saw him some three years ago." 2. What la the correct pronunciation of "menial?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Frlendleks, Souless, lifeless. 4. What'does the word "imlt-able" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with Imp that means "threaten? lug?" Answers 1. Say, "I saw him about three years ago. 2. Tronounce nte-nl-al, a as In me, i as In It, a as In at linstreated, accent first syllable. 3. , 8ouhss, 4. Capable of bejng Imitated. VThe characters ofmenuioeed in iow-er stations of life are more use- Achieves Success In Leprosy Fight F.-MT VICTORIA, Southern Rhodesia, f. Dr. B. Molser, who for 17 years has conducted one of the most succwful cam-oninn.i ver waVH iai w:t leprosy, retired recently from Ngo-maliura Irper Asylum here. A total of 2,32 caes were bandied under an Injection treatment devised by him, and the total umibpr of patients discharged was 1 040 of whom only 291 were readmitted for later treatments The net percentage of total rules achieved was 53. PWMRFR BAKBRIFB P,ubllc bakerle came Into ute in Rome about 1C8 B.C. fill, as being imltable by greater numbeai." Attwbury. 5. RUPERT LOOK GOOD TO HIM '""'IKg Visitor & " Hun l.. vi . Underdeveloped .. rr Mi. ... VAZ ; ,area apart frc.n ,.le , i which are n ; ....u .in ... ; r v i I'xololtation Uh' ' Ls believed by VV w" resentative of iv, , here for a w . S'tlffltlli r :i i . Mrs. Jack Khoi m,) mis is Mr w , t Mi to Prlnrr RUp a:id , orably imprr , a A , M great freezing pan' of the c. dlan Fish & t was a revelation to i. good reports oi Pi..:,? 8 he heard befo e ca:n:'- were more than in '"i ' M'.Wali;-. wi, by his Wfe. v. . lea' - j, night bv tlm p Ai: for Vancouver en ut t, Win nl T-rr NAMED AFTF.I? WOC;, Brazil was : amn rllTfll'AnJ ...1.. .1. settler s chief e lovin CABINET SHOP Furniture Itrpalrrd tl. .1-1 I Cl! f. u iiijiain nig - mtci Drapes rhoru (irrrn 971 upposiie uvic icuue The Front Page... THEN THE ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISING is NEWS!! IS READ EAGERLY RY PEOPLE IN TH NIK ADVERTISING NEWS THESE DAYS. PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW A ROUT YOUR fiOODS AND SERVICES. ' IF YOU WANT Til EM TO KNOW, THE WAY TO TVA.h t THEM IS THROUGH THE NEWSPAPER. IF YOU DON'T ADVERTISE, PEOPLE WILL NOT KVKN KNOW YOU. ARE IN RUSINESS AND YOU WILL EVENTUALLY KE OUT OF RUSINESS. FOR No THE DAILY NEWS FOR Ulvcrlhiug