Prince Rupert Diillprsctos Saturday, June 15, 1948 5EA CADETS- it JOBES" WIN Boys' Whaler Race .and Girls' Cutter urint Prove Interesting Honors for the local Sea. Cadet .Corps were ably upheld on the .westerly cjjopned waters of Prince Rupert harbor last evening jvlwn the local boys by a smart jmrgin flf at least four lengths Outdistanced a crew of .H.M.C.S. Charlottetown. The experience and superioreo-ordin-ation of the Cadets was clearly demonstrated in the control and handling of the rraft. The nn-lad3 held their commanding lead over the nliiiR course. Equally interesting was the cutter race of girls in whi,-h .Job's nuohters edp.ed out the Wenettes in a close contest. The Wrenettes started out in the lead :but the Job's Daughters, with a Jnnser and steadier stroke, pull-,ed into the lead and finished a full length ahead. The races attracted a considerable crowd of spectators to vantage points along the waterfront. Commander John Wolfenden of HM.O.R. Charlottetown was starter and Lieut. Cmdr. Eddy, naval officer In charge here, was judge. I After the race, the .ilrls of Job's Daughters went through the amusing tradition of throwing the coxswain overbpacd. With Frank James as coxswain, the Sea Cadet crew consisted of nob McChesney. stroke. Stan Hemmons. I en Youngman, Charlie Currie and John Kennedy. The H.M.C.S. Charlottetown crew comnrised Lt. Tilley, coxswain, LS Martin, OD Den- lington, OD Duguid, OD Pal-llser and OD Miller. Crews for the girls' team were as follows: Wrenettes Joan Croxford and Ruth Walton (strokes), Ethel Hemmons, Lorraine Youngman, Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free I'ltlNCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue M.I Res. Red 127 Ask for George Gone over the horizon is Marse Joe and coming up the road Is Aikansas Will. The few veterans left who covered the New- York Yankees during all their championship seasons are still saying that it couldn't'have happened to two finer guys. Joe McCarthy deserved the rest, for his gallstones by this time must oe as big ?.s his Irish heart. There was some speculation at first as to whether Joe was invited to quit by Larry MacPhail or resigned of his own free will. When he was in Brooklyn Mac- iPhall used u fire and rehire Leo Durocher every other day. He never once did that with McCarthy. The old redhead had too much respect for Marse Jce, the little ex-minor leaguer from Louisville who won the National League pennant with the Chicago Cubs in 1929 and then piloted the Yanks to eight flags and seven world's championships all within 12 years 1932 to 1943. ,It might be that Bill Dickey will make a good manager for the Yanks. He's a real student of the game and it should bo pointed out that if he dldnt care so much about playing with the Yanks after two seasons In the Navy, he might be managing the Newark Bears today. weeks before McCarthy resign Nina Youngman, Edith Jordan, Yvonne Simonsen, Marissa. Win-die, Joyce MacDonald and Dorothy Hutchison. Job's Daughters Audrey Hunter and Dorothy Kergiri (strokes). Marion Shenton, Lote Lakle, Mickey Murray, Yvonne Morin, Lorna Donaldson, Gwen McRae, Joyce Watts and Solveig Mork. Frank James was coxswain for the Wrenettes and Bob McChesney for Job's Daughters. Keep your Orders well Ahead for our Quality Coals! (Baseball. Scores American Boston 5, Chicago 9. St. Louis 1, New York C. Philadelphia 5, Cleveland 3. (13 innings). Rational Chicago 5 Brooklyn 1. Cincinnati 1, Boston 4. St. Louis, New York, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia postponed, on account of rain. ed, MacPhail was asked about Babe Ruth, the Babe's Mexican Jaunt and the days Ruth spent as an $18,000 coach with the Brooklyn Dodgers when MacPhail was boss. "Yu know the Babe called me up and asked If we would consider him as our Newark manager." said Larry "I told him I would but. that wa offered the Job to three others ahead of him. Thpy were Bill Dickey. Frank Cro?etti and George Selkirk. Well, Dickey and Crosettl still thought they could play ball with the Yankees and Selkirk took the Newark Job." Thus, one of the greatest catchers of all time now steps in tq prove what oldtimers al ways say: "Catchers make the best baseball managers." 'And they have a .good selling point there because the catcher is the only player on the diamond who have all the players in front of and facing him. A little wave of the hand o,r a tip of Ills mitt and he has his fielders in po sition. Connie Made still tps off his fielders with his scorecard. The manager of the Athletics was a catcher himself. And there fl FO film tVat avAnflnn .. - Vs r. A f ew t tn.i EA-buuucia wuu uieu i uoiug so Daa in uie American League. Luke Sewejl led a weak St. Louis Brown team to the 1944 Dennant and last year Steve O'Neill brought the world's championship to the .Detroit Tigers. Both were catchers with long careers behind the bat. OVERRATED CAMEL It Is quite doubtful hzt, camels, as many suppose, can go without water for a week with out great discomfort or physical danger. Two or three days is believed tn b? the limit. il I 1 SWEET caporal . erehnodgaretteeo CIGARETTES & Sweet Cap. I gfo 1 , " f "Th puretl form in which tobacco con be imoled" VjT f i r PHONES 11G - 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY TWENTY HOMES BURNED IN $503,000 BLAZE AT CHICOUTIMI, QUE. Eight firemen received hospital treatment for burns and injuries sustained while fighting $500,000 blaze which swept through Chicoutimt, Que., resulting in 20 houses being burned and 32 families left homeless. Photo shows firemen on the .scene. Russian Banking Soviet financial Operations Explained by U.S. Newsman After Five Years In Russia . By EDDY GILMORE NEW YORK (AP) The Soviet Union's vast economic setup Is almost as complex and bewildering to foreigners as are the political alignments of the UJ3.S.R. and sub-divisions of the land which occupies one-sixth of the earth's surface. This correspondent who has just returned from nearly five years' residence iji Russia herewith answers a few questions put to him concerning the Russian way of doing things in the realm of business and finance. "How does the banking system operate? Russia has a state bank called the "Gosbank" which has mors than 300 branches. Among its numerous functions, the Receives taxes and other revenues; prints the money and mints the -coin, although but little of the latter Is' now being done; floats state loans; grants j credits of a special nature; hol(ds reserves of foreign currencies. Half the profits of the "Gas bank" go Into the bank and the other half goes directly to the government. There Is a sub-division of the "Gosbank" which operates rhecking and savings accounts for Russian citizens and corporations, makes loans to would-be home-owners and finances returning soldiers. Another Im-tvirtant sub-division looks out for the financing of collective and state farms. There Is no such thing as direct loans to Individual farmers. Arc there any companies or corporations other than government agencies? Are small shops and department stores privately owned? Generally speaking all companies or corporations are government- owned and operated for the "people." There are some Individual enterprises. The shoe-shining business for instance, is made up. of IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL LARSEN, DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W. E. Fisher. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of Brit ish Columbia. I was on the 12th dav of June. 1948. appointed Adminis trator with the will annexed of the estate of Michael Larson, who died on or about the 7th day of January. 1940. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay tho amount of their Indebtedness to mo forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me nroD- erlv verified on or before the 15th dav of July. 1940. falling which dis tribution will be made havlne rceard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 13th dav of June. A.D. 1948. ALBERT EDWARD RODDIS, Telegraph Creek. B.C. Official Administrator, 151 Re: Certificate of Title No'. 1C415-I to ti six Hundred and Sixteen (816), Range Five (5). said to contain One Hundred and Seventy-one (171) acres, more or less. Excepting thereout the Right of - Way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, said to contain Six decimal Four Five (8.451 Bcres. more or less. WIIERFAa ant Uf - t 1 . ---- -i ; ,i uui ui wpn of the above Certificate of Title iaut;u m me name or Robert LecK Mcintosh has been fUed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month iium m uaie oi me nrtt publication thereof. IfWUP A Pmvlilnn.l rn.ifinn,. of Title, in lieu of said lost Certifi cate, unless in the meantime valid obtectlon be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, D.c this Oth day of June. 1946. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (161) persons who buy their equipment from state stores, pay a certain specified licence and thnkeep all their profits. In eettaln liberated sections of Russia .small ;fhops are being run on an Individual private -profit basis. tThls also include small restaurants. It ls my opinion that this will. not continue after the 1LS.S.R. gets her liberated areas .back on their feet. Private, Business In Baltic, Republics This business for private profit also prevails In the republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as certain sections of White Russia, the Ukraine and Moldavia. It applies only to small establishments and enterprises and generally on a basis of a place hiring 10 or fewer employees. How can the operator of a small shop improve his take-home Income? ' If he's one of the private profit men mentioned above he can do it by the obvious method of selling more or increasing his profit,. but i In .considering these operators too much emphasis thould.not be placed on them, for they constitute but a fractional part of the, Russian business scene. Is there any counterpart In business or industry of the farm .system whereby farmers are allowed to sell that part of their produce not taken over by the government? The answer is no. This output Is taken over by the state. Advertising by such private enterprises as may exist Is permitted to a small extent in the liberated areas, but there is nothing which would compare with the advertising done by a medium sized retail men's store Modern 'Etiquette I By ROBERTA LEE ' Q. Is it obligatory to send a gift upon receiving an announcement of a birth? A. No. Q. When giving a party for children, Isn't It better to allow them to play their own games, rather than to arrange their entertainment? ' A. No. Adults can always plan the games and entertainment much better than small children. Q. What Is the proper hour to leave after an informal dinner? A, About 11 o'clock, unless, of course, there is some form of entertainment that lasts until a later hour. Q. Is It customary to call on new neighbors In larger cities? A. No. Halibut Sales Canadian ' Chief Skugald, 42,000, Cold Storage. (Ceiling price) TINY POSSUM The average opoiim at birth' Is so Unall and light that It would take 270 of them to weigh an ounce. SECRET WEAPON Very few people know that the lion has an extra claw. It is concealed in the hair near the tip of his tall. In an average North American city. All In all, to use an under statement, the outlook for the business man in business for prl vate profit is not bright. It's not a part of Communism or Socialism as recognized by the Soviet Union. T;H IS AND THAT School Tli CroifF Maulira .Im" fro If '.'In. "Looking for a fight?" Ormes ltd. Pioneer Drtuzffijts STORE HOURS Monday, Wednesday andiFriday 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 noon till 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. D A I L Y I),E,L,I VJ3.R V S V JCE PHONE 81 Briefs ;Erom Britain lly the Canadian ITeas ELY Eng. P' Rosalind Lang-ley, two months, died of suffocation when a cat curled up on her face as she slept in her pram. LONDON B When Wandsworth Council agreed recently to open tennis courts on Sundays at -10 a.m. Instead of 2 pjn., Councillor Nelson-Barrett said the churches could hold snorts. men's services at 0:30 a.m. or ,earue HASTINGS. Fdig. )-Halngs' last anti-invasion defence, a massive concrete machine-gun post on the White Rock parade, Is bejng demolished. LONDON CP) Because "many people with sincerely held opinions would object," Britain will not adopt the Russian practice of issuing interest-bearing bonds tax-free, with a lottery which gives prizes to lucky bond-hold ers, the chancellor of the ox-euequor announced. FARINGDON, Berkshire, Eng. CP) Oarlngdon Rural district council Is asking the ministry of works to remove wartime camouflage from the White i Horse at Uffingtoji. a 374-foot carving in the chalf hillside said to have been ordered by King Alfred. " LONDON CP) Many towns are planning playing fields as war memorials said Sir Noel Curtls- jnnett. treaSUror ROCliK:;n.. i lWt woiki,, .,, known a; i, , .. dow ol on,, emtcd tor ut u,. stmvpii a LONDON HSOd in ! ."' ' ' . torn n(.i i.,,, ., . fo rthp lir.r ,,,,, n u J-eon race :,iiJre ujj'"- KESTON v,i taWM of Kc-toa walk ttf; hmum 01 liieir p-,r;.h nn anoint cnim ''v"J ,MTVH- )linl . v.. . J " 0 H'j. LONDON t .Bn in v a o By. y-i" or L'i-ir to work on V n u, me employer fede-ar- clua,"s lo pay for the of urn inn v U.S. RETAINS WIMBLEDON Th5 f, States ret.i:i:ivi . . "V i iUD toaav uhrn t - , n won the .sin"le mat :b I the Americans a fcur t margin in tho bc:t t. i series for the trophy . been held by the lUtu s since 1931. Drouth bc:t ; Curry of Great b! i j- United State , wjn u t matches yeU;:ixj The skins of i.r make pockc ib; ;k pouches. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY o at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERf H0TE Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE 17.'C LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND VSX FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE 'EVERY NIGHT! h o u n s 6-11 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY 2-11 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11 THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations (Members only on Sundays) NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors BOX Ml PHONE RED 5C1 IM). Phone Blue 850 P.O. Box Hfi Green & Kermode Builders and Painters AM Interior and Free Estimates and Exterior Work Prompt Service