OTHES DRIVE GOING AntAD ta,pr impetus During f,t U'etk Hoped For ,ndlr (or the national Mn. rinvp are coming' In ', iui:torlly but have not 3,'n, n ;.he peak anticipated ;hf. v iuiniccr committee in ,gt. ,,, Uie localx campaign. :rdin,: mm ; to airs. j. j. uniis, c chairman, three iiave been collected nt i trail wteii uuii sue ( Dili lie campaign vo as-ult miens of war ravaged rtin .in: the next weeK. irciHj uiai uie cny uas noi -opui .nun which It had dur-t)h it.it clothing drive last - - - lul, ttr collected, she said. ,,.Vl' ! tnnk that we should m ;it. well in proportion ,(, dici in uie last urivc. S o bald that people iMv arne bundlea of clotlf- .iii.-ibute can have It -d to a collection cen-. . i i . jit c A nrlnd. A truck will ..ii i mnd. SiU 0 BY WEIGHT - n ww requires that bread j o weight alone. DIRECT O K Y OF CHURCHES Times of Services n nil churches at 11 a.m. o m and tlunday School irrpt a:, i.hown. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL ' immunion 8:30 a.m. . -r.dny (School 12:30. luiue too) ST PITER'S ANGLICAN Seal Covo " TiitST "baptist "i tec E. at Younf! St. (544) ST PAUL'S LUTHERAN A ; at McBrldn St. P :r A. O. Ansen I Black V22) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenue Enst Hi A F MacSween, IV A. (Cireen imai nil .TllkT lf' j.ll.l.uni.i .lu.'i i Frtiser Btrc-t O Adjt, P. L Oorrlo (Black 209) MUST UNITED C 16 6th Ave West ter U. A. Wilson, M.A. (Green 613) Regular Baptist Services I.O D.E. Hall "!) Ave and McUride St.i ! Dieach Christ . . . CRUCIFIED, ROWNED OMINO 1:15 p.m, -Sunday School. j p.m. Gospel service. ICI.I.OW THOU ME" IF YOU ENJOY HEART GOSPEL SINGING COME! fta. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. niE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. Local News Items . . . W. II. Wilson Murray left on last evening's train for Montreal whence he will fly across the Atlantic for a visit to his native Scotland. Harry Calderwood sailed on the Prince Rupert Thursday night for Vancouver to attend a Masonic Grand Lodge A Moose Met ting-Monday, June 17, I.OD.E. Hall, 8 "p.m. (141) A Will anyone having Information as to any former Sea Cadets who were decorated, mentioned in despatches etc. during the war, please give particulars to the Secretary, Navy League, Box 1457, Station B, or to any member of the Navy League Executive. This Information is desired for statistical purposes. AIRLINE HEAD VISITS NORTH It. B. Spilsbury, president of Queen Cahrlotte Alrllncj and A. J. Spilsbury, radio engineer of Spilsbury, Hepburn Co., Vancouver, arrived In the city late Friday afternoon on a business trip in connection with the air line company. They flew from j Vancouver in one of the com-I pany's Waco monoplanes and continued on to Ketchikan this , morning. Archdeacon Urges Utility Churches LIVERPOOL, Eng. (CP; A suggestion that "utility" churches be erected in new housing areas I until materials are available for proper buildings was made by Ven. C. F. Twitchett, archdeacon of Liverpool. "I don't want to suggest putting up prefabricated churches which will last four years," he told the Liverpool diocesan conference. "But I am asking that we be provided with suitable materials which will not affect the housing program and will give a mission church or hall to serve until we can erect a new church." Church Notice Trlnrf Rupert Full Gospel Tabernacle 221 Cth Ave. West. Rev. J. Llnney, Pastor. 11:00 a.m. Devotional. Subject: "The Only Way to Victory." 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 Evangelistic. Subject: "All Things Made New." Tucs., 8:00 p.m. Bible Study. Thurs.. 2:00 p.m. Women's Missionary Prayer Band. Fri.. 8 p.m. Young People. Come and enjoy good congregational singing. Hollywood Cafe SPECIAL SUNDAY MENU - $1.25 Sunday, June 1G, l!Mfi 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. GREEN ONIONS JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue COCKTAIL CRAB COCKTAIL IIOKS D OUEVKES ..STICK CELERY -SALTED ALMONDS GREEN OLIVES rOTAf.E MUSHROOM NEW ZEALAND - TURKEY with RICE roissoN STEAMED RED SALMON - EGG SAUCE SALAD FRENCH SALAD ENTREES CHOICE BAKED FRESH DEVILLED CRAB IN SHELL, BOMBAY INDIVIDUAL CHICKEN PIE with NEW PEAS GRILLED NEW YORK CUT SIRLOIN STEAK & Mushrooms CHEF'S SPECIAL - GOLDEN BUCK ROAST LOIN OF PORK with BAKED APPLE ROAST YOUNG CHICKEN with RED JELLY " DOZ. EASTERN OYSTERS, FRIED, with LEMON JUICE VECiCTAUI.ESi NEW POTATOES NEW PEAS and CARROTS DESSEIIT STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE or CUSTARD PIE BEVERAGES TEA COFFEE MILK Flki ' Don't forget, Special Sunday Dinner every Sunday. AWNINGS . . . SAILS ... WINDOW 11LINDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S Phone Black 1G9 P.O. Box 302 430 Dowser Street (Behind 137 Fifth Ave.) A Cash for old gold. Bulger's. A Prince Rupert Florists, Mrs. A. It. Lock. Store will be closed from June 12 until July 4. A For fresh -killed chickens, friers and turkeys Scott's Meat Market, Fulton Street. (140) Dr. J. L. Curry, who has been practising chiropractic here for. the past four years, will be leaving next week by car for Ontario where it Is his intention to remain. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mutrie sailed on the Cardena this morning for Vancouver. Mr. Mutrie has been engaged in the practice of optometry here for some time. R. W. Sinclair, general manager of J. H. Todd & Sons salmon canncrs, sailed this morning by the Cardena on his re turn to Victoria after paying an inspection visit to the company's salmon canning plants at Inverness and Klemtu. Mrs. Eugene Heatherington, the former Isabele Connery, will leave Monday night on the Princess Adelaide, accompanied by her little daughter, Leanne, for Seattle to Join Mr. Heatherington and take up residence. Mrs. Heatherington's mother, Mrs. J. Connery, will also go to Seattle In the meantime. NOTICE From this date on, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name, except by myself personally. signed George W. Cook, 629 Eighth Ave. W. P. O. Box 461, Prince Rupert, B.C. June 15, 1946. (141) CHURCH UNION NOT NEW HERE Ontario Village lias Varied Congregation SHANTY BAY, Ont. O) The union of the Anglican and United Churches now being discussed in Canada is not new to this small THIS AND THAT """"" I lir imr;c Maltlirw A'ttttm Prric. I -mili "Your wife's in the reception room, sweetie-pie!" FUNERAL OF MRS. JOHN McCRIMMON Sympathetic and respectful comment from the pulpit, a large attendance of mourning friends and numerous beautiful floral tributes testified to the esteemed remembrance in which the late Mrs. Elizabeth McCrim-mon, wife of Jahn D. McCrim-mon, will be held. The funeral service was held Thursday after noon from First Presbyterian Church with Rev. A. F. MacSween officiating. Mrs. E. J. Smith presided at the organ,and hymns were "Rock of Ages" and "Shall We Gather at the River?" Following the service, interment was made in Fairview Cemetery. Pallbearers were J. R. Morison, Ralph Morin, W. H. Shortrldge, J. M. Simpson, L. S. Arrol and J. E. Munro. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Itupcrt J. Williamson, Vancouver; R. B, Rnllshnrv Vnnpniivpr A .T. Rnlls- Coola; Mr. and Mrs: T. R. Rock- hill, Prince Rupert; George Mc Gregor, Butedale; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Claggle, Victoria; A. W. Brown, Porcher Island; G. Sig-num, Smlthers; E. Mesich, Smithers. Announcements All advcrtlBemcnsa m this column will be charced for a full month at 25c a word. C.W.L. Tea. Sale, 2:30 to 6. Cards 8 p.m. K.C. Hall, June 15. Presbyterian Church Tea, Mrs. Robert Parker's, 805 Summit Avenue, June 20. Sons of Norway Pioneers' Home dance. Friday, June 21, Oddfellows' Hall. Juvenile Orange tea, Oddfellows' Hall, July 10, 2:30-5:30. Get your Marxist and current jamphlets at Room 8, Stone Jlock. Open evenings 7 to 9. Advertise in The' Daily (News. SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT Delightful Affair in Honor of Miss Ethel Bury, About to Be Married The home of Mrs. W. C. Peterson, 1408 Sixth Avenue East, was the scene' Thursday night of a delightful miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Ethel Bury whose marriage to Jerry Vreb-rosch will take place June 27. The highlight of the evening, during which games were played and refreshments were served, came when little Deanna Peterson, sweetly dressed as a little bride, wheeled In a decorated basket which was found to contain many beautiful and useful gifts for the bride-elect. Serviteurs were Mrs. J. H. Owen, Miss Barbara Moran, Miss Joyce Peterson, Miss Ossie Holke-stad and Miss Amle Montesano. Those present were Mrs. Ada Postuk, Mrs. Dot Vickerman, Mrs. Gladys Busch, Mrs. Phyllis Bury, Mrs. Alice Denton, Mrs. Nellie Weiss, Mrs. Ollie Maslens- kl, Mrs. Myrtle Kllborn, Mrs. Dot parlsh, five miles east of Barrle,1 Krv Vnn-.nnvnP. t r.nm. toohAn Mrs. John CVDowes. Mrs. where for years all Protestants, ' mAh' Vancouver;' C. F. Mepham,' Al Wasyk; Miss Barbara Postuk, whether Anglicans, Baptists, I ,,u ir ,,,.... r m, t rvnvfnrH mis Amip Presbyterians, or members of the United Church have teend-ed the 1C8 -year-old St. Thomas Anglican Church. "There is a great communion of spirit here and union Just developed," said Rev. George Lark, rector; who has Just returned to his parish after service as a chaplain in the Canadian Army "Everyone works together when you have Just one church like this . . . there is no division and no competition." "In St. Thomas we conduct a 'low' Anglican service," he said. "And I make sure everyone can follow by calling out page numbers . . . we administer communion after the custom of the Anglican church but United Church people have accustomed themselves to it." And all share in the administration of the church. The two wardens are Anglicans, but the organist Is a Presbyterian and most of the sldemen are United Church members. Vancouver; W. A. White, Bella ; Montesano, Miss Betty Milton, Miss Mimmle Johnson, Miss Gwen Walker, Miss Ossie Holkes-tad. Miss Betty Blake, Miss Joyce Peterson. LONDON 0i An order for six British Vickers Viking airliners, costing about 250,000 ($1,125.-000), has been placed on behalf of Indian National Airways. Each of these aircraft is capable of carrying 2 passengers and a crew of three. ASTHMA RELIEF A Modern Inhalant M(thd (or Htlltvlnj lh Symptomi at Asthma of Non-Cardiac Nalurt and Hay Ftvtr it CAUTION: toad llioraturo Thoroughly and Uit Only Al Dlroctod. CONSULT YOUR LOCAL DRUGGIST Flower Ideas for the June Bride Adorn but do not conceal the wedding gown, is the rule for 1946 bride's bouquets. This principle is illustrated with the crescent-shapjd example at right blending pink camellias, dwarf elf roses and traditional lily of the valley. Well balanced and .easy to carry, note absence of ribbon streamers- just small loops at centre, enough to cover the bride's hands. At left, unusually colorful is this modem brld smaid's bouquet of Glorlosa lilllcs, coral Gerba daisies and copper tulips. ORANGE LADIES ANNIVERSARY Lodges' Twenty-fourth Birthday Celebrated Last Evening "Just like old tlmfcs." That was the spirit prevailing at the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Ladles Orange Lode which event was celebrated at the Commodore Cafe last evening. A presentation was made to Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Mistress Sister Howe. Reminiscent speeches were heard followed by musical num-mers. Bingo and court whist completed the evening, winners for which being Mrs. W. Richards, Mrs. W. Moorehouse and Mrs. J. Murray, The banquet committee consisted of Mrs. Ellison, Mrs. Mol-ler, Mrs. Moorehouse, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Field. NON-STOP CALLIGRAPHY During the Middle Ages it was the custom to write letters together in lines without breaks or pause marks for either words or sentences. 'We've Got One louse EATON'S New Summer Catalogue is now in effect for your season's shopping. Wm. H. FRANCKS Optometrist of Vancouver is now in Prince Rupert Wm. II. Francks Is visiting this city unui Hay 20. Mr. Francks is at the Prince Rupert Hotel and open for appointments. Appointments can be made at the hotel. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing anil steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street HOUSE REPAIRS For General House Repairs, Interior and Exterior Painting, Concrete Basements and Sidewalks. Work done by tho hour or contract. Call us for an estimate. McLeod, Pitt-Cross &Gibb Phone Red 924, after 6 p.m. f (V 9rincc Rupert Daflp jcUjs Saturday, June 15, 1946 , FATHER'S M , IIH I ;,KVji5v WWW HM'W 16 irvif; ' Thinking of a Gift for Him? Here are a few suggestions: Sl'lDEK LOOM TIES All-wool, Washable, Non-crease $1.00 LEATHER BELTS from $1.00 SUSPENDERS Leather, Elastic, or the new "Live Glas" $1.00 and $1.50 SHAVING KIT CASE In Grain Leather.... $1.00 to $."5.50 (Plus Tax) STETSON HATS $7.30 to $15.00 "THE MEN'S SHOP! 1 11 HAAV T - 532 THIRD AYINUE "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY' j ! j CLOTHING AD FURNISHINGS PHONE 345 HELP NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION Announcement . . . W. M. MARTIN Has taken over and is now operating the SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET FULL LINE OF CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES Your patronage would, be appreciated 53G Seventh Avenue East PHONE 402 BE SMART About fijfis The best time to purchase fur coats and neckwear is right now! Why? Because during this season furs arc priced low, our furriers have time to give you individual attention, the new, fresh, prime skins arc just arriving. Select your fur coat today from our collection of 1917 styles and furs. BUY ON BUDGET PLAN No Carry Charge No Interest Terms In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. HELP NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION FOR EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR ALIKE we have quality paint, enamel anil varnish that stand the test of time and weather, a 1 1 seasons. Small quantities for odd jobs, bulk for contractors. HANDSOME, SERVICEABLE PAINTED SURFACES ARE PROTECTION FOR YOUR HOME. GIVE YOUR RESIDENCE THE BENEFIT OF OUR QUALITY PAINT. FOR APPEARANCE AND ENDURANCE. Gordon's Hardware McBride Street TIIONE 3H G. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 PRINCE RUPERT