Idrfnrc Uupm Daily rectus Tuesday, December 17, 1948 An Independent dftlly newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Ruper t and 411 communities comprising northern nd central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Clans Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. f. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. ' H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION HART SCORES PtalE MINISTER JOHN HART, well known for his sagacity and persuasiveness, has done an excellent job of negotiating at Ottawa on behalf of the province of British Columbia, it appears evident. He comes back from the Dominion capital with an agreement providing for grants in aid or the equivalent thereof which will net this province some nine million dollars per year more than it has been getting. He yields, in return therefor, a "lease" on th3 income tax, corporation tax, succession duties and other lesser prerogatives for five years. In other words, he obtains from Ottawa some sixty percent more than British Columbia was getting before in return for no greater temporary concessions and exactly no permanent commitments. .'. The approval by the session of the Legislature next month of Mr. Hart's agreement is, of course, a foregone conclusion. It would appear to be worthy of: unanimous endorsation. The agreement will make it possible for British Columbia to proceed with a number of undertakings and projects of major importance which have been hanging fire for soine time, important among these being items of social' legislation and educational program. It will make possible wider assistance to the municipalities which is expected to be recommended in the pending report of the Golden-1 berg commission. It had been conceded that Mr. Hart would arrive at' a satisfactory agreement with Ottawa. From all that can be gathered from the announcement which was made by the Premier yesterday, it has been an eminently satisfactory one. Another Excuse SEEMS to be a "doubtful" IT explanation which Hon. J. A. MacKinnon, the minister of trade and commerce, has offered for the recent sudden and entirely unexpected decision to cali off grain shipments to the Prince Rupert elevator. The minister gives as the reason the fact that the northern Alberta crop this year has been a wet one and that the local elevator has not sufficient drying facilities to Justify the grSin belnt handled here. It might be well as the Prince if, Jf, Sf Rupert Chamber of Commerce will doubtless do, to advise the minister, although it seems incredible if he does not already know, about the drying facilities of the plant which has capabilities equal to that of any of the major terminal elevators in the country for the drying of wet grain. Prince Rupert is getting fed up with the various excuses that are being so regularly offered for passing the place up. This of Mr. MacKinnon's about the calling off of grain shipments is one that we would like to have further explained. FOR SALE DISC WHEELS I Suject to prior sale or withdrawal, War Assets Corporation has available for sale: ,31 ONLY DISC WHEELS Steel disc wheels, 5.00x19; Hi" hub x 5" length of shaft bearing, lined with brass bushing:. CW Alemite grease gun nipple. These wheels i, suitable for trailers. Have been installed but show no , signs of wear. CW tiies and tubes. Tubes appear to be in good condition. Made in England. 20 only manufactured by "Pirelli." 1 only manufactured by "Dunlop." 10 only manufactured by "Goodyear." I; Located at Vancouver, B.C. !lERMS AND CONDITIONS: Offers to purchase merchandise are invited subject to Tthe following conditions: (a) The Corporation shall have the right to accept or to reject any or all offers in whole or in :. part. 1 (b) If an offer Is accepted, sale will be on "as 1 where Is" basis, without warranty of any kind (except as to the Crown's title), and will be subject to the other usual Sales Conditions of I ' the Corporation. ' (c) On acceptance of offer, purchase price will be : payable In full. (d) Purchasers will be required to take delivery of merchandise sold (or to remove from the premises) at their own expense within a time t limit set by the Corporation. TIME: Offers forwarded so as to reach the address noted below on or before the 23rd day of December, 1946, will be considered, unless an offer satisfactory to the Corporation has been received and accepted prior to that date. Offers should be addressed to the Branch Sales Manager, War Assets Corporation, 1108 W. Oeorgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. i WAR ASSETS CORPORATION ;j!08 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. :Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND' SOLE FILLETS COP FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones . . . No waste . . . No Fuss. Try them today from your butcher. I r i L.anadian rish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. GOOD AMBASSADORS Editor, Daily News:, In international affairs the Importance of good ambassadors cannot (be overestimated. Peace or war migfit even depend oh the relationships established by the personal representatives of various countries. But an equally valuable asset is the establish ment of cordial relationships be tween the ordinary people of different countries. It is in connection with the value of good relationships between adjacent countries that I wish to refer to some of our best ambassadors. These are the members and coaches of our local Booth Memorial High School basketball team. For years the team has engaged in many series of games with our Ketchikan neighbors. These series have resulted In the formation and continuance of many friendships. The present Bo-Me-Hi team has lived up ta the highest traditions of thi past. The quality of their play, their teamwork and their sportsmanship have all berr. of the best standard. Just as high and just as important has been their behaviour off the plnyin? floor. To each of the .players, to their coaches and perhaps most of all to Alex Bill, should go the congratulations of all citizens for the fnler.did impression the "Rainmakers" have left in Ket- f chlkan. These lads r'ay well, combine well and live clean. I am 1 sure we are all proud of thr:n. J. S. WILSON. RELIGION ON JOB Editor, Daily Nows: We have never made a habit of "talking reUgIonM,on the Job for. while that niteht bo venr "religious." t. certainly would not be Christian for ouf time belongs to he boss. V cf er wonder what folks mean when they say "I'm just s. rellgloui a:. MANSON'S JEWELLERS "The Home of Better Jewellry' LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Quality Repairs Economy Prices at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St, (Near the Post Office) So-and-So." The Hindu Is so religious that he allows his child to starve because he will not feed it -with milk from the "sacred" cow, nor Interfere with the "sacred monksjf' who Is stripping the fruit off his vines nor dispense with the "sacred' vemiin that are destroying hU cereal. Well the other day while working in a public place, we met a business man and inquired about our account. This led to a brief conversation about, the teaching of science in our schools and mention was made of the official classroom nttitude toward the Christian religion. At noon the bo.s was oh hand to call us on ;,he carpet for "talking religion on the jcto" and to warn us that religion would not be- tolerated here. It seems a customer had gone to the office to register a com-iplaint to the management, who In turn, Iphoned the boss. We cant see how this poor chap would have any difficulty .saining entrance on the basis of Jesus' statement that "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye cf a needle than for a rich man to enter the klsgdoin of Heaven." But then we didn't lose our Job after all and, though we had, a true Christian, bein? full of the love of his Master, never holds a grucge. How could he. If he believes that "all thlncrs wo:k together for good to them tint love God ." We do wish he had left his name though, for we would like l ttU him of the "love cf God In Christ Jmus" how that "God so loved the world that he gave his only be.?ot.ten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish tout should have ever-lastln life" and that this "friend of sinners" warned, "as It was In the days of iVoah they knew not (though well warned) until the flood came and took them all away; evm .so shall the coming of the Son of Man be." THE CARPENTER. LAWYER -AUTHOR Erie Stanley Gardner, detective rtory writer, practlwd law for 22 years. Canadians. BURNS L AKE VOTING TIE BURNS LAKE When a t'.e count resulted last week at th village election between Verne A. Taylor and William J. Me-Kenna for the seat cn the village commission, the returning rfficer. Rev. A. W. Atklrwon, gave the casting ballet in favor or Mr. Taylor, who has been chair-ran of the board of village commMonsr for th past fwo years. Mr. McKenna Is the 'ocal ptt-nater. It was thn flrt time that a vote has been re-(lulrtd in the (village election rince the stirring days of the late n-m Pntth, Harrv Jewell and 'Andy Ruddy, all doughty I Time-H !Gels T ef.ri I .vj a sav -1 by a p: .,. in a cv; r'h; to a radio t , replied- -QiTjp,. of wh skr t'M " Next, day c WESTON-SUPpo ... if. ' m i w'- Mrs. Chariot!. told hue had r. ,t 1, has celebrated !. ti uo.y. Advertise h The JBHlSi j . i f THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE in the Cannes, sGrasse and Nice regions of France earn their living in the growing and processing of orange flowers, jasmine,- roses and other flowers for perfumes. Thousands of people in Canada earn their living directly or indirectly in the production of nickel. A large part of the perfume produced in France is exported to other lands. Less than three per cent of the Nickel produced in Canada is consumed in Canada. The rest is exported, and the money received helps to pay for French perfumes and other products necessary to good living in Canada. Canada cannot keep on importing from other lands unless Canadian goods are exported. Each increase in the export of Canadian Nickel means more workers employed in the Canadian Nickel industry. It also means jobs for the other thousands of Canadians who produce the power, steel, lumber, explosives, machinery and supplies used by the Canadian Nickel industry. By constantly expanding the use of Nickel at home and abroad, the Canadian Nickel industry brings additional benefits to Canada and 1' THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, 25 KING ST. WEST, The Seal of . Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AJVI. TO G A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES cnop suey enow mein FOR OUTSIDF ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Table anil I'.oudolr Lamps from Presto Piessure Cookers Electric Motor Kits Remington Dual Shavers Remington Threesome Shavers . Marconi Ualtery Radios (mantle she) C-tube peiformance Crystal Sets and Kits from RUPERT RADIO AND nil n' 1. 1 t-.l inf. A - . - 1 f " It -ii i cm I TOR HERE ARE A H SUGOI RIIPPORT RADIO AUC1"" IV II AT BE