13rfiKc Rupert Dally JSctos Tuesday, December 17. 1946 Modify HITCHENS IN TOP SHAPE FOR ' WINDLE BOUT Trimmed down to 144 pounds by weefcs cl intensive workouts lanky Len Hltchens reached the in Sports TORONTO IN LEAD AGAIN Maple Leafs Defeated New York and Chicago in Game Over Week-End TORONTO f Winning over the New York Rangers at heme diimax of his training period last in tne Maple Leaf Gardens Sat- night and from now on will urday night and travelling to toper elf until he meets Benny Chicago to defeat the Black Wlndle in the 10-round feature ' Hawks Sunday night, the To-bout of the Canadian Legion ront0 Made Leafs are back, in boxing classic in the Civic Centre , tne leadership of the National Saturday night. The former Canadian Army welterweight champ hopes to put on a pound or two In the Internal, which would bring him .somewhere near his "best lighting weight, 147 pounds, which was his weight when he defeated Al Di Salvo for the army welter crewn in 1914. Len Is not forecasting in. what round the fight will end but he doesn't think that it will go the full 10 periods and he is confident that he will be able to lay low his older opponent well before the final bell. Last night in the- Conrad Street School training centre, Len kept two of the preliminary . fighters busy as sparring partners, trading blows and strategy with Leo Adoluh, who will meet Darrow Gomez in thesemi-f.ndw-j, and with Guss Gustav-son, a 159-rpounder who will meet 163-ipound Steve Bright of Hockey League with a scam one-point margin over Montreal Canadiens who won over the. Rangers in New YotI; Sunday night. There was only the one game Saturday night and, in the third fixture Sunday night, Boston, playing at home, won over Detroit Red Wings. (Next league fixtures will played Wednesday night Detroit at Chicago, New York at Boston. The league standings to date: W D L F A Pts Toronto 13 4 5 73 54 30 Montreal 13 3 6 81 50 29 Boston 8 7 6 63 55 23 Detroit 7 5 12 69 86 19 New York 8 3 12 50 73 19 Chicago 5 2 13 Sd 79 12 BASKI7TRAI.L STANDING W L Senior "A" 99 T,axl 11 Rainmakers 9 rori iiowara in tne preliminary b. C. Packers 4 card; , Savoy 2 Lea describes Gustavson as "?,ood," which is what Gustavson. will need to be if he is going to b?at wiley Steve Bright, whose t?l?-its have been recorded in local ring encounters in earlier .yean. According to Legion -fight com-mitt?e chairman Jim Nlcoll, interest ij high in the Hltchens-, .W'n-fle ftsht, and the sale of' tickets has been good. He tells cf three trophies v.tiich the committee wil laward for special evert, and cf a Canadian Legion tronhv which, will bpmmp th property df Ihe jflghter Judged to te fie raineit loser. , Kitchens, incidentally, has ex-presied a desire to meet Young Tcp-my Burrs, who cut a con-s dc r'jJe swath in local fight c'rcles during the war when he was posted here with the Canadian Army. Before Hitchef.s beat Di alvo for the national army t tle in Ottawa in 1944, Di Salvo had trounced Burns in Prince - Geo-ge. Len would like to make the circle complete and get a chance at Burns who Is now In Vancouver. AND 0 1 7 10 Senior 'B" Maceys 6 6 Co-cp 2 10 Port Edward 2 2 Girls' League Rainbirds 7 2 People's Store 3 6 Sweet Sixteen 0 2 Junior League Gyro 7 2 Grotto 6 3 Canadian Legion .... 5 4 Watts & Nlckerson . 0 9 BLUE TO BROWN Blue zircons are apt to brownish in color. turn stands at present, is as follows: Len Hitchens 144 vs. Benny Windle 147 (final). Darrow Gomez 150 vs. Leo Adolph 153 (sfmi-rmal). Steve Bright 163 vs. Gus Gustavson 159. Alex Gomez 139 vs. Harold Etn-erson 146. Ellly Anderson 14G vs. Bobby Jones 142. Sandy Hamilton 115 vs. Billy Mccnesney 115. Bob Andprsnn 1in v: TVolto Sr.turday night's Une-up, as it j Carlson 115. BASKETBALL CLOTHIERS TAKE TEN-PlN LEAD "Watts arid Nlckerson tool? three games from General Motors last night to assume undisputed leading prare in the: 10-pin bowling league while Savoy defeated BA. Oil two games to one, and Imperial Oil tock the odd game from 99 Taxi. In individual ccoring, S. Smith tied the high single score of 221 previously set by Scoop Bury, and Norman "Klnslor bowled highest three game score of the season to date with 56M or ihe triple, getting an average of 189. This bettered the previous three-game' record of 55C held by Scoop Bury. WATTS & NICKERSON A. Dewar 145 155 151 E. Pierce 143 147 150 R. Vuckovitch 158 151 122 R. Anderson 171 139 175 E. Garner 147 146 139 Handicap 45 45 45 Total 809 783 782 SAVOY Sparks 174. 148 162 Smith , 149 127 221 Ciceone 154 133 128 Simundsen 130 166 144 Bury 142 191 193 Handicap 32 32 32 Total 781 797 880 IMPERIAL J. Kershaw 177 162 133 ' G. Howe 165 141 172 J. Currie 160 153 161 D. Arney 131 158 157 N. Gunderson 143 156 184 Handicap 27 27 27 Total 743 797 834 GENERAL MOTORS J. Davis 126 145 103 L. Gainer 105 129 122 M. nelkestad 93 135 185 Baxter 117 169 150 Haugen 112 92 120 Handicap 45 45 45 Total 598 715. 725 B.-A. OIL Wick 153 151 132 Klnslor 186 168 214 Windle Ill 124 165 Comadtna 120 201 172 McMeekin 168 179 143 Handicap .-. 30 30 30 Total 708 853 85C 99 TAXI R. Houston 147 146 145 L. Beaudry 121 135 140 P. Morrison ...168 1 39 156 D. Houston 171 140 165 R. Moxley 133 117 145 Handicap 50 50 50 Total 790 727 801 SHORT SPORT Vancouver's Jimmy McLarnln and Billy Townsend scored knockouts at Boston 14 years ago. McLarnin, who later became the world's welterweight champion, put Sammy Fuller down for keeps In the eighth round after flooring him four times, while Townsend, seml-flnalist on the card, sprawl2d Andy 5a viola to the mat In three rounds. WEDNESDAY NIGHT at 8 o'Clock New Metlakatla vs. (Tonight's Game Cancelled) CIVIC CENTRE Prince Rupert Tickets On Sale at Door SPORTING GOODS KAIEN HARDWARE PHONE :j We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West KWONG SANG KING HOP KEE CHOPSUEY HOUSE 612 Seventh Avenue West"" (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE 1.1.1 P.O. BOX 98 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE SI "He's my guest this round." Prince Rupert Bottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE PhonC IJlllC 7.37 We buy . . . all sizes Pcrfcx Beer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c por word per Insertion, minimum chnrtrr, 50c. Birth Notlc, 50c: Cards or Thanks, Death Notlcra. Funeral Notlevs, Marrlafe and Eugagement Announcements: W, FOR SALE FOR SALE 2 solid burner Mof-fatt hot plate, practically new. Phone Blue 043. 95 FOR SALE Black velvet evening coat, size 16. Apply 150 8th Ave. East. (294) FOR SALE Ladies all-wool coat "size 14 to 16 (barenlni like new. Blue 712. (294) FOR SALE Dominion piano. 251 5th West. Phone Blue 331. (298) FOR SALE B?auty Salon, fully equipped. Sacrificed due to 'illness. Address Inquiries to Box 867. Prince George. 292) FOR SALE 31 foot trolling boat, 16 HP. Regal engine, fully equipped halibut chiv, roller and shute. Apply office, Fraser Rooms. , . (295) FOR SALE Immediate occupancy. Well located five-room cottage on corner lot; full cement basement. $2800 cash. Terms may be arranged. Inquire Armstrong Agencies. (293) FOR SALE Lovely home Section 2 close in. 9 rooms $4,000 terms. Phone Red 296. (294) FOR SALE Combination troller and halibut boat "Dual." Can be seen at .Fishermen's Floats. (294) FOR SALE O'Shoorn "Kerries (reg ). We are accepting orders now for Xmas shipment. Their pedigrees speak for themselves, ccpy sent on re- quest. Ch. Camarch O'Shoorn. Ch. Sidano's Carefree Lady. Dr. J. A. Folinsbee, 760 Marine Drive, West Vancouver. (292) FOR SALE jNew and Used Fur niture at the lowest prices. All wool blankets; floor lamps from $4; battery radios In best condition; dining room sets from $25; beds complete from $10; sheets 95c; couches $7; new fancy mirrors, mattresses all sizes; Gurney's new cooking stoves $84, Also other useful Furniture and Hardware. B. C. Furniture Co. HELP WANTED WANTED Miners for Silbak-Premler mine. Apply National Employment Servrce Office. (297 HELP WANTED Ward maids at Prince Rupert General Hos-Pital. (tf) WANTED Sitter for New Yea?s Eve. Transportation home guaranteed. Postal Station "B" P.O. Box 1188. (294) WANTED Experienced silk Ironer; best wages. Apply Pioneer - Canadian Laundries. (294) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD At reasonable rates. Apply Box 185, Dally News. (tf ) FOR RENT FOR RENT Room. Apply in forenoon or 5 to 6 p.m. at 233 9th Ave. East. Ladies only. (298) for RENT Small house. 2 partly - furnished rooms and bath. 109 9th Ave. West. (298) FOR RENT Suite In Apartments, Blue 815, MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. Utl WANTED WANTED Chesterfield and rut-Must be In good condition. Phone Black 617, evenlnp,.;. 29C WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4 room furnished suite. Write J. E. Parker c-o War Asset. City. (292) WANTED A bath in good ahape, 5 feet long. Box 189, Dally News. (292) BUSINESS TEKSONAL NEW MODERN METHOD bookkeeping system. Exceptionally simple, STANDARDIZED, complete, proven. Practising accountants save upwards of 25 in time alone. The best system In years. Enables you to take on more accounts and do what you have with wonderful standardization and facility. Write Box 213, Na-naimo, B.C. (296) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Post Office key on New Fishermen's Floats. Owner may have key by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. (tf LOST On 3rd Ave., small brass key. Finder please return to Dally News. (295) FOUND Yale door key on rim;. Owner may have same by calling to this office and paying for this ad. (to . Grotto CIGAR (STORE Wholesale andRetail Tobacconists GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S SUNDRIES SMALL QUANTITIES ROLLS RAZORS RONSON LIGHTERS Make Your Choice Early See "Br" or "Bud" Bay I A A Protect Your Boat From FIRE See Us for KIDDE-LUX COS Fire Extinguishers We recharge C O 2 Extinguisher after use, in our own plant in Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Building Supplies Coal Phone' 051. and 652 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 Geo. IT'S A G I jr awes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Olven Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Em Blue 14.1 Res. Red 127 Ask for Oeorge FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Tlione Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre 5 AV OLD VIRGSHS , TO THOSE WHO WAITING FOR CARS AM) TRI We have taken ovrr all order j r :i depa were placed with S. E. Parker Ltd w.j Us policy of filling the oldest omI Orr c will be open for inspection tl( L:'.3.a ilj lo see where he jstandj on t),-1 Ji ." BOB PARKER LIMIltl FORD 3rd Avenue AND MONAPCH at Port Edward, RC DEALEUI For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE CIIOT siirv m CHOW MI 7:00 ajn. to u CO c t. RUPERT MOTORS II PRINCE RUPERT B C PARTS AND SERVICE DEP01 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH (D none,! DESOW DODGE AND FARGO TRUCKS REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION ALTERA! GREER & BRIDDEI Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 5C1 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & ST Established 1910 FURNITURE AND HOUSaiOLD Cgg PACKED, CRATED, STORED i AND SB TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND r..,,irwr TAItEFUL AND W Kiiir. in in iv. r.i riiui'i - SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or Call . . . EDWARD LIPSETT for Expert Radio Repa PHONE 237