News Items MX Tuc.i G.45. (294) . the Royal Poce and . ouih on ctiroute to Piper, has he force. L-al super-National o the city train from as tar as r O. Bow-:cr D. And-?.? experts ivnd In the j Adelaide from the connection on of ontl-m at UM.C. COURT OP CMDIA OF THE 'ON ACT" THE ESTATE DECEASED rE by Order of made on ;:r A D. 1946. trator of the C :ceosed, and ncalnst the required to verified, to 18th day of nil parties :ir required 'uv:: tndebt- X 10831 I t: recti ved bv f.'-A Fore .is i :r 1115 i B.C , thli D. 1948. FORBES. .. 'rntor. DC -298 Deoonita'i Licence if iprmv. 1 .. L it rm ' Mt'Mjv.ito Lair y:"wed :or the Deputy n;i B.C . or It rt B.C A Basketball Centre. Tonight, Civic N. Christopher sailed on the Princes Adelaide last night lor Vancouver. A Carpenter's Union meeting Wed. 8 pjn. Special business. (295) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lasette have returned to their home at Queen Charlotte City while the children, Anne and George, are uclal duties. I remaining with their grand parents, itev. and Mrs. John wnney ior tne winter. James Stuart returned home on the Coquitlam Sunday night irom his studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, to pend the Christmas and New Year holiday season (with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Second Avenue, Weatvlew. AElio Furniture SVor will be closed from Dec. 9th to January 5th, 1947. (d27) Announcements All advertisement m mis column will be charged for a full month M 25c a word. S.O.N. Christmas Tree and Dance, Civic Centre, December 26. Children's Fancy Dress Party, Civic Centre, December 27. Oddfellows Scotch Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. New Year's Eve. 9:30 pjn. Bremner's Orch. Harmoneer's Dance, every Saturday night, 9 to 12, Oddfellows' Hall. Everybody welcome. WALES NEEDS NURSES CARDIFF. Wales 0 Short r.e of nursing staffs in Welsh tuberculosis hospitals is so acute that 500 beds one-fifth of those normally available are unoccu pied. ! Advertise In the Dally News. RADIO AUCTION HAD GOOD NIGHT Junior Chamber of Commerce radio auction provided more than two hours of diversified talent on the air and auctioned off more than a cozen different articles which had been donated by local business houses, on the final program of the three-night show in the Civic Centre auditorium Saturday night. Highlights of the program, which was broadcast from 3:30 to 10 o'clock, and from 10:15 un til 11, included presentations by the Borden Street School choir under direction or -Principal J. S. Wilson, "The First Nowell and "John Peel," a vocal solo by Dr. R. O. Large, "The Cobbler's Song," and a trio composed of Mayor-elect Nora Arnold, Mayor H. M. Daggett and ex-, Mayor W. M. Watts who sans "White Christmas." Bids ranged up to $22 on the Borden Street choir while Dr. Large sang on a $12 bid and the mayoral trio sang for $12 also. Although it will be several days before final Tesults are known, It Is ejected that pro ceeds will be as high as $500, which will be divided equally b?- I tween the Civic Centre, Pioneers' Home and the Salvation Army. The auctioning of articles was carried out .by George Dawes and a passenger car tire was won by Mrs. Clarence Dixon. Walter Smith was announcer and mas ter of ceremonies. STPiIKE FOU PROTECTION HEREFORD. Germany Reuters) Thirty British girls employed In the legal division of the British zone control commission here "walked out" from work recently as a protest against what-they called "the terrifying lack of police protec tlon against thefts of clothing by Germans.' 'Teen Town Formal Dance This Friday An important function of par ticular interest to all Teen Agcrs will be the Teen Town For mal Dance, to be field in the Civic Centre on Friday night. The Teen Agers feel that a for mal dance Is ah excellent means of celebrating the end of the fall term at school and beginning the holidays. Lending their patronage to the formal dance will be Mayor and Mrs. H. M. Daggett, Mayor-Elect N. E. Arnold, Alderman and Mrs. T. N. Youngs, Principal W. W. C. O'Neffl, Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke, Mr. and Ms-s. Alex Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Forward, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Ross and Mrs. Arthur Green. The dance will be featured by the initial appearance of Sammy McCaig and possibly the Teen Town dance orchestra, although the band Is short a couple of instruments and also arrangements. Andy McNaughton will also be present to favor the young people with some of his familiar piano stylings. KISSING UNSAFE WHILE DRIVING NEW PLYMOUTH, N.Z., Iff A magistrate's court here has decided that kissing a girl in the front seat of a car If the car Is travelling along the road at the time is dangerous driving. A driver who admitted that he ran off the road and Into a ditch because he was kissing a girl was fined $13. OIL AS MEDICINE The American Indian crude oil as a medicine. used NEURALGIA Don't lt the pitUess pain of Neuralgia prevent you from enjoying life. Get fast, cafe relief with T-R-C's. fpecUUy made to relieve you quickly of piercing, stabbing pain and dull, throbbing aches. Good ahst fnr T),.,,matir. Arthritic. Keuritic fOOd and! Pain and Stiffness, Sciatica. l.umbago.Get j a box today sue 41 &t oruggisis, SECURITY, HUMOR FOR HAPPY HOME Archbishop of Canterbury's Wife Says Children Must Have Security LONDON (Reuters) Security and a sense of humor are prescribed by Mrs. Geoffrey Fisher, wife of the Archbishop of Can terbury, as essential foundations of a happy home. Mother of six sons, Mrs. Fisher spoke in radio broadcast. "Home-making is not an easy job," she said. "Besides hard work and sacrifice, it needs self-control and patience, but perhaps a sense of humor Is the most Important quality needed for family life." Children needed a feeling of absolute security, founded on trust In their parents. "There Is no more tragic figure than that of a child who has discovered for the first time that his father or mother has let him down. At first he will make all sorts of excuses for his parents, but if It continues he becomes callous and cynical. "Many homes are breaking up because of a lack of truth, faithfulness and love in their family relationships. Children from these broken homes become problems because the se TE v I i,i OP THE .-Hi . i iON act" g , rt MacU," nthiriO be. g i the E tate g A , mMt SALE .-pour d Ad- y r Q '?r? V-.-'V-r, '.! g W X FUR and CLOTH ;';';":iS .. use our - MAW bo!n iCOATS I Xs-C" V i XMAS BUYING . . n hav bei. g I rj? - 1 , 1 No Carrying Charges Continues ! i r-nr" bc w this1 )L7 ilf'i V.rp - -No Interest . 48 8 M TaVaG''nv Terms in accordance c. torbes. g AffSHKS1v' i I with W.P.T.B. ' iUa- ' Regulations i v ' iifrl :m ME TAX lis yPi. Ml J w. " iS!f! cpared - See ?. N- WmfiW L rt 6 in helvy saUn. sizes 32 to g WM in white, blue or rose. lnt)TiMi7r S & f&- g 12. OUTIMER g ,4JMkm Wtef3 i$ Deposit. $2.70- . - Phone 88 g MW?S f X S? r- . iSSf S S Balance. $10.79 COD. ta-i-rTii-nirinSig i ' -A 01 fflIWi 5 JS Send color, size, deposit, ' S W8 ' V P Ifraggfl g g and address to g 1 Serv,ce s M 'im Il a s Kcwfy-fo-irw 3 'tfj Irom f M Mb. hi 7- & V 't V ' llWEmSt: I 8 OCEAN FALLS. B.C i curity needed for their develop ment was taken from them." The family" Is the best train ing ground for life, Mrs. Fisher said, because it represents the community In miniature; and the intimate family circle is the best testing place of character. VISUAL AID Eyes of rabbits have" fields, of vision which overlap behind the head. With this arrangement they can see an enemy ap proaching from the rear without turning their heads. Husbands ! Wives ! Want new Pep and Vim? Thouaanda oi ooupkrn irr weak, worn-out, t-liaosted niMy becauMj Ih: Wek iron 'or Dew vim, vitality, try sT i. iubltt Contain Iron you. too. inn. -r pep at mippllua vltamlD Hi Lowr.ji! loir luttry uiu mJir&c.t fur aale at all drux elores ttrylira. If 5 if v (Elu'tsfutas n bcici icrs y v V V V V V V X rt a . il 2 u w la Nit iraira 'n! Per week for S o u l collection U J CERTIFICATES g &rLE,CT0U,A I of smart frocks 1 , flft " g I'!' I? fL if )) AM I TO . HER CREDIT AND S J&fi ' I-TCIIIKAN -J Ml: .llRllt. i tS5OTn: .'.."lt'fn rrt: 1 1 Market I ' ft K-J 'TaI" TH,SWAY- IE o110 Phone 957 7 V HI V OF QUALIIX f, TiTitKPVK i i rt S i y i a if, m a "4 J. Sirivvt... w V rt b EARLY w-w- vUD!.t. ('c'?'i,c,!'t!Se''e'tte'c'c'i:,s''e,iete,t!tlei, Phone 5G8 liMntc Uuucrt Daily JScUis Tuesday, December 17. 1916 f'w''i,,pewiw!et'eic w' x SCARVES in wide variety Choose His Now While Ranges Arc Complete A large display boxed and loose to suit everyone. WHITES Crepes and Poplins $2.00 to $:J.."0 SILK PAISLEYS 81.75 to $:5.50 ' SILKS In Plain Shades WOOL TARTANS by Jaeger $2.00 WOOLS In Plain Shades $2.50. HAND-WOVEN WOOLS Plain Shades $3.50 mrnsmmmss w s i mmms si i 1 V w i Hi i i n G fSiySSi S Whatever his or her favor- 8 ) V- X ptPT;!gt Wfl I lle type of s,ipper' be S pLMj $ ( il Wf&Ml assured that we have it. J y TOi22iOoJ I SkVm WO Our stock is complete -V cflY p from fancies to mocassins, g g 1 rt .loved .lovedlperfumej?distilIa. erfumesjiTdistillaJ jg y TA ft rf 2 K sra I w'H&H 75 r TO $6.50 T H -fWg 10$4 WinM-lhat seU you dream y ' rt 'lend lend you you an imWa aura of of grace pace and and y y '"Slflm S - wSi'ty-jtVTr(uiM.that Tr) X g $ bspir.devTtiorjlr ' y JrJ I 1 1 gAffrccWPcrfuma WWPerfumfr g g TU ' g I i juo otoj27.5o to $27.50 g g JWfltb i s H&& J' y S H ORMES ORMES g 1 l . limited 1 k g FPiHTWFAR rt gll l . . ; , -J ' g g g Fine New store I rt 'i a ! Mwitic; y'iew!:'e!e'''!5 , g g STONE BLOCK 5 Klf trwm 1 -. -tFPTf 5 MMWmBSSBTOJ'i'if"'lirVIT?Tt JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST 9 John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Xmas Gifts rt rt rt - - rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt X rt A rt rt rt rt rt rt1 rt rt rt .rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt TOYS AND GAMES a most' complete stock for all ages. LADIES' BEAUTY SETS from 25c to 4.00 MENS SHAVE SETS from 39c to 2.50 BOXED STATIONERY )in all sues, including children from 35c to 3.95 Christmas Cards mm rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt 1. rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt You are Invited to come In and look over our large stocks of seasonable merchandise. You will possibly find all the things you want under one roof when you shop at The Variety Store "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" fc ... 1 tor L.ast minute Christnias'Shoppers HIGHLIGHT HER CHRISTMAS TREE Gifts by DuBarry, Tuya, Revlon, Peggy Sage, Molinard, Gemey, Rubinstein, and many, many others. FOR THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE ... Parker and Waterman Pens and Pencils, Shaving Sets by Kingsley and Seaforth, Pipes, Shaving Brushes, Electric Shavers, etc. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD 3rd Ave. at Gth Street 730 Second Avenue 111b umnrj wion J. Alexander rt rt rt rt rt A rt rt . rt rt ; J rt ; rt rt rt ,ti rt rt rt rt rt Phone 79 mrni mrrn PP 117ICI.1 X MEN BROUGM GIFTS! SUGGESTIONS WE HAVE CHRISTMAS FOR YOU OUT . . . Rupert Jewellers REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY PHONE: RED Ultt I M , 9 i X X X X g X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X A A X X .X X X X iff X x rt rt rt rt X X X X X X 'rt: rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt.. I Hi rt A rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt X ,c X rt X X rt X X X rt rt X X X X X X X . X rt X rt X rt ' X rt rt rt rt rt rt rt X X rt X rt X rt 9 rt rt X