iVnu'll enjoy our Orange Pekocy Blend TEA BUY MORE WAll SAVINGS STAMPS RUNNERS For Young and Old Eiiiurs- sizes 5 to 10 ur,(i Kisses' sizes 11 to 2 1.10 BOYS' -Sizes 1 to 5 ...... 1.35 forms' 11 to 13 i.!sr. lirrLE fiENTS' Sizes 6 to 10 , 1.1." BEN'S OXrOUDS Sizes 6 to 10 11.75 Rui'l let lack of running shoes spoil your recreation. 15 1) V NOW WHILE THEY LAST CUT RATE SHOE STORE Oar Friend: c e e e C ID r H M D i'm di itii.:' who shop In the city, you can get what you ta in .nc luuuwmg minus ui wie vaiulii tiunc . . . I.U.L HARDWARE . STATIONERY RAM'S' WEAK CKOCKLRY TOYS and GAMES cosmetics GREETING CAItDS SOUVEMKS SIMPLICITY PATTERNS HOUSEHOLD ITEJftj NOVELTIES SEWING NEEDS i d ir..;iiy other things. Make the VARIETY STORE your shopping centre when in the city. THE VARIETY STORE i'Wherc Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars" PHONE: 112 TAXI ON CALL NIGHT AND DAY y (Ucli for the New Ford It's SMART BIG THRIFTY TO OPERATE RELIABLE . . . When you want the best in motoring pleasure look to FORD. Re- , member: "THERE'S A FORD IN YOUR FUTURE." S. E. PARKER LIMITED "The Home of Friendly Service" f O. Box 38 a 170 E. 3rd Ave. A. M acKenzie Furniture f'-aby Car LIMIT E I) A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" arriaccs- .MnHn hv i.invrf vnllv imholstered. storm- ercof curtains. Carriages you will be proud to own. All .7.H.W" M,h" CaiagcsFully upholstered and stormproof curtains All .... -t cu -.11 "'Wren's rnmm.wi.. ri.t. wnk ,.. sir. r.o " '"V VllrtllS tVlbll lliXJ ftChilrT i niias Hassincltc $." -18"x36", with mattress tS Baskets-Prom !?' wjck irom wnicn 10 suppiy you. uwua tau ft L sont l ao-D- for your convenience. t'i Thir.1 ... mmr - .ivfiiuc west t rnone a Announcement I'otne Motor! P,,V . . . NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT LONG MOTORS UlK DAYS - - . . 8 A.M. TO 9 T.M. SLIAYS . . . 1P.M. TO 4 P.M. P1 is a serviVn i vnu are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON KIN PLANS BOYS' CAMP A boys' summer camn m.-iv ha established in the Prince Rupert i area mis summer by the Prince Rupert Kinsmen Club if plans presented to the club's monthly mectina last night are carried out. Favoring the proposal, the club appointed a four-man committee to investigate the possibilities of the scheme and re port back to a later meeting. Possible sites for me camp are Lakelse Lake near Terrace and Rainbow Lake, Just cast of the city. Considering the project for further report is a committee consisting of Jack McRae, R. G. 'Moore, Charles Collins and Clarence Thomson. Discussion or a communication from the Prince Rupert Industrial Relations Committee which sfiusht ideas for the development of Industry in the city aroused considerable discussion but. as a matter of club policy, it was decidJd to concentrate on service activities rather than take part in activities felt to be more in the realm of other types of organizations. In discussion Bruce Stevens said that he felt the people of Prince Rupert would do well to try and develop their own small industries rather than be continually seeking the ear of the government and Canadian National Railways, PUREX TISSUE 6 33 ROLLS STRICTLY DELICIOUS APPLES 45c CHRISTIE'S RITZ PACKEVS 29c FRESH EGGS Direct from the Farm GRADE "A" LARGE Per Dozen Cartoned 44c 46c Fancy Wrapped AQp 3 POUNDS MO1 FRESH BUNCH CARROTS 15c M POUNDS Maurice Irving, chairman of the T. B. Seal committee, reported that, while the 1945 drive had fallen short of the money raised In the previous year, the per capita -contributions of Prince Rupert were greater than ever before. Net funds taken through the sale of Christmas seals this year were $2,331. "The T..B. Seal drive was well supported by Prince Rupert people in spite of the decline of poulatlon," he said. "In 1944 the city had the greatest per capita response of any city m the prov-, lnce, and last year It was even greater." In his report Mr. Irving expressed the opinion triat the visii last year by the mobile X-ray clinic had Increased the awareness of tuberculosis danger and had thus been i factor In Prince Rupert's excellent response to the seal drive. The Kinsmen Club will handle the drive this year, It was announced. The meeting was held, at Katy's Klcen Kitchen.. President Bill Jarmson was chairman. Mr. and Mrs. George Mac-Adams of Terrace are expected to arrive in the city on tonight's train and sail for Vancouver tomorrow night on the Catala. Fair Way Food Market (KOSS INGRAM) 20!) THIRD AVENUE WEST Just Below the Daily News WEEK-END VALUES! CALIFORNIA PRUNES Medium Size. 2-Pound. Cello Bags 35c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2-POUND CELLO BAGS Regular Bars, EACH 29c CAMAY SOAP 5c TOMATO JUICE Heinz 2 20-oz. tins. Offp FOR MtP cr-y GREEN BEANS Choice Quality 20-oz. tins, Offp 2 FOR AO1 JUICY SUNKIST ORANGES 252 Size Per Dozen :. Dozen 37c Sj.OO FRESH SPINACH 25c M POUNDS ssssss kuanim mxm ARRIVING FRIDAY MORNING FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET PHONE 434 ORDERS TAKEN BEFORE 3 P.M. DELIVERED SAME DAY BRITISH COLUMBIA'S Use SS5 FINEST SALMON KWONG SANG HJNO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 3 pjn. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 pan. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 Genuine DUSTBANE or SISAL FOR DUST CONTROL Greater bulk means more for your money PROMPT DELIVERY ON JANITOR SUPPLIES PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE WHOLESALE 330 Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 Phone 632 Local News Items A For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open Day and Night. (tf) ASheardown'a deliver dally. Today's orders delivered tomorrow. We're as near as your phone. (tf) Announcements Presbyterian Tea. March 14, Mrs. A. Flatcn. Junior Chamber of Commerce St. Patrick's Day Ball, Civic Centre Auditorium, March 45. C.W.L. St. Patrick's Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, 2:30 to u:uu. uara party, 8:oo p.m., K.u. Hut, March 16. St. Patrick's Dance, Saturday, March 16, Oddfellows' Hall. Bobby Woods orchestra. Varden Singers Concert. Booth Memorial Auditorium, Wednes day, March 20, 8:15 p.m. Jobs Daughters Tea. home of Mrs. L. W. Kergin, 4th Ave. West, March 21. Come and bring a friend. United W.A. Tea, Mrs. David Allan, 420 4th Ave. West, March 28. L.O.B.A. tea and sale, April 3, Oddfellows' Hall. Women of the Moose Bazaar and Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, April 11. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 18. W.A. Canadian Legion Tea and Novelty Sale, May 10. Old Time Dance, I.O.D.E. Hall, every Saturday. IN THh SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF CHARLES O. SVEDMARK, DECEAKFn INTPJTJTU TAKE NOTICL that by Order of ins i-innnur juntrt kicmpp iw.. iui..a nf thft Stinrpmo rVinrt nf ttrlticv. r1- uuiwia, x wua uu me inn aay 01 f eo- lumj, n.u. iuto. appointed Administrator nf t.hp Fstfltp nf rViQrtflo rt Svedmark who died on or about the 27th rfav nf Auf.it A n ion ai. persons Indebted to the said estate mi- n-miirro " pay me amount or their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons haying claims against the said Estate are required to rile them with mc properly verified on or before the 31st day of March. A.D. latu, tailing wnicn aistriDution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATLD at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 27th day of February. A.D. 1946. GORDON FRASCR FORBES. Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Sons of Norway meeting, tonight, 8 o'clock, Oddfellows' Hall. O. T. Sundai, pioneer Terrace business man, is paying a brief visit to the city. Having arrived Tuesday night, ie will be returning to the Interior tomorrow. A Basketball Dance, Friday, March 8, Oddfellows' Hall, 10:30, In honor of visiting teams. Everybody welcome. (58) Mcmbirs of the Moose Lodge turned out in goodly number Tuesday night at a regular meeting with Governor Douglas Wood In the chair. Following the business session, refreshments were served. A Canadian Legion W.A. meeting tonight at 8 in the Clubroom. Major D. M. MacKay, commissioner for Indian Affairs for B.C., and F. E Anfield, Indian agent at Bella Coola, will sail tonight to return to the south on the Prince Rupert after having attended sessions of the annual convention of the Native Brotherhood of B.C. at Port Simpson. James H. Smith, well known Terrace merchant and president of the Terrace Board of Trade, is paying a brief visit to the city, He arrived from the interior on Tuesday night's train and will be returning to the Interior Delielot Economical I LONDONDERRY ICE CREAM OR LONDONDERRY for DESSERT NO SUGAR NEEDED Yov can vt honty or corn tyrwo lo mak Londonderry lc Gam or Dvuvt. follow simple directions and recipes contained lit eoch pock age to make smooth, creamy Ice Oeam or flavorful Desserts quickly, easily! Each 15 -cent package ol Londonderry Ice Oeam makes 1 6 servings, Londonderry for Dessert makes I to It servings. At your grocer's, br send Si .00 to Londonderry for 7 packages, postpaid. L0ilD0nDRRy Bake sweeter, tastier bread! - em 1 i505 Dominion Square Building, Montreal, P.O. FLEISCHMANN'S FRESH i jr ilk -.aM Am NO WAITING no extra steps! Full-strengtb Flcischmann's fresh active Yeast goes right to work. Makes sweeter, finer bread! And makes it aster! You can be sure of tender, smooth texture lightness delicious flavour every time! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, insist on Flcischmann's fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. It's dependableCanada's tested favourite for more than 70 years. f ' (I MADE IN CANADA .-rm ti . ... ' SUNDRY SPECIALS ... Simms Shaving Brushes 5()f 75 $1.00 $1.50 Combs We have a large stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dressing Combs of all types. Bought In large quantities, tt'e offer exceptional values from '10c1 to "5c- Colgate's Three-Feature Tooth Brush Guaranteed Nylon, Cleans, Polishes, Massages -'.)(; Plastic Soap Boxes Plastic Tooth Brush Holder For Home and Travel fits all standard tooth brushes 1!5 Gillette Tech Kazor with Five Gillette Blades-Special .I!)?- Pal Razor Blades I for IO(i 10 for 25 25 for 50 for $1.0!) 0RMES LTD. St. Patrick's Cards By KUSTCKAFT Ranging from 5c ' 25c DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, Bookbinding, Printing-, Stationery Birthday and Every. Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Tens THIRD AVENUE dtinte Utipctl DaHg J3clpg Thursday, March 7, 1946 II Nu FPUPAD u ii u l ii iv l nit : w rvixn I'umionaDie inese t , A . . ... I 1 uiuMcry ma re n uays in a suit 01 fine underwear. it ii!i r.-- - - - 5. nhnnsfl from t.hp Ranmi I T.2rT , 4T2 .. - -"B- i - ,-,. ..'ii-r i i. : fr .o'w naison s uream uomDinaiions nw fi'X ' .vts ........ I'linr m t spring needle knit. Wool and IM I -w: cotton. Per suit. $.."00 Mercury No. 88 Merino Combinations 75 wool. Per suit $5.00 Mercury Crusader Combinations Natural shade pure wool. Per suit $7.00 Mercury Cream Combinations Light weight fine cotton. Per suit $l.i5 T.D.Q. Buttonless Combinations Medium weight cotton. Per suit $a.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP" short Notice Auction Sale of Household Goods, Etc. on SATURDAY, MARCH 9 In CLAI'P BLOCK, Corner Second Ave. and McBiide St. CO.ADIENCING AT 2.30 VM. SHARP Instructed by owner, Mr. J. H. Comer, who Is leaving town, I will sell regardless of price, to highest bidder: Westinghouse Electric Vacuum Cleaner; 2 Chesterfield Tables; Chesterfield Suite, 3-piece; Electric Grill; 12-volume Encyclopaedia; A.B.C. Electric Washing Machine; 3 Linoleum Squares; 1 Violin and Case; No. 3A Autographic Kodak; Combination Radio, 9-tubc, and Gramophone with Pecoider; 2 Vanity Dressers; Drop-Leaf Table and 4 Chairs; Walnut Bed with Spring-Filled Mattress; Hassock; Single Bunk Bed; Heater; Chest of Drawers; Mirror; Glasses, 'and other articles. MUST BE SOLD! TERMS CASH Quality Repairs at Economy Prices GEORGE J. DAWES The Auctioneer PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) PHONE RED 127 Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone. 580 JUST RECEIVED . Vclour and Mohair Chesterfield Suites. Also Solid Hardwood Bedroom Suites. furniture TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J. II. Mair) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 Trappers Attention Highest Prices Paid for Your FURS O SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL BILL SHRIABERG B.C. FURNITURE Phone Black 321 EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 a.m. to 1 am. LING THE TAILOR Wc are taking- cleaning- and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street n ' t.