i. Si- M Mi ldrfnrc Uiu'crt Daily JTkUis Thursday, March 7, 1946 Cc n D 1a(lio Dial T r IV 1240 Kilocycles - (Subject to change) ' ' THURSDAY P.M. 4:dOColicert Time 4:30Artie Shaw's Orch. 1 5:0ovocal Varieties 5:30Joc Reichman 5:45 Platter Parade S:0OrSupper Serenade S: 15 Perry Como 8:30People Ask 6:45AU the World Sings 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Panorama S:0OWinnipeg Drama 8: ?0 Story of Music 9:00 Music to Remember 9:30 Designed for Listening 10:00VCBC News 10:15 The Frasers 10:30Spotlight Bands 11:00 Silent FRIDAY A.M. ' 7:30 Musical Clock S:00-CBC News 8:15-Frd Waring 8:30-it-Music for Modems 8:45 Little Conceit 9:00 BBC News 9:l5rMdrninB Devotions 9:30 Ka to Mendelssohn D:45jTninscribed Varieties 10:00 Showtime 10:30 Roimd-UTj Time 10 : 45 Homcmakers 11 :C0 Scandinavian Melodies 1115 Thoughts for Today 11:30' Weather Forecast lf;3l-Message Period - 1 1 " " " 11 ' - - i Becoming more popular every day Gyro Convention Coming In 1947 Since it has been arranged that international and district Gyro conventions will be held Jointly in Seattle in 1947. the projected district convention for Prince Rupert will probably be held in 1947, it was disclosed at the monthly business luncheon of the local Gyro Club, yesterday. The district convention this year will b held at'racoma Au-pi'.tt 3. 9 and 10. and it is possible that as many as four local Gyros with their wives may attend. Committee reports at yester day's luncheon included one from a special committee announcing that the Kitsilano Boys Band would not be paying a visit to Prince Rupert, r- Drawing; from anion? five members win nuallHed took p?ace aivl the winner of the attendance cup for 1945 was G. A. Hunter. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts incurred on and after this date unless authorized by myself. Signed: MIKE ANDERSON Queen Charlotte City. (55) SOLD IN RUPERT ONLY AT 2TVc specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. W I TN E S SjJ THE RUP-REC SHOW While the negotiations wth Ottawa continue in regard to the disposition of the Y.M.OA. War Services building, the Rup-Rec show must be kept "on ice." Scheduled originally for this Friday, the show will be postponed until the building negotiations are completed. Under the present ruling, only children are permitted to use the "Y" building ((other than service personnel) and then only in organized activities. Should the opening of the building to adult civilian personnel be delayed by the authorities in Ottawa, it may be possible to present the Rup-Rec shovr for children only to show the youngsters what their classmates have accom-1 plished in the last few months ; of practice and what they may ! expect in Rup-Rec' classes. WHAT5 DOING AT PRINCE RUPERT RECREATION COUNCIL CYM5 by JIM NAST BASKETBALL GAME If you had planned to attend the Rup-Rec show this Friday and now have that evening open, we suggest that you attend the basketball games at Acropolis gymnasium. The series should prove exciting. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Wc should have known better but we will learn by past experience and not make the same mistake again. You have probably noticed the Rup-Rec show would have conflicted with the basketball series to the detri ment of both had not the former event been cancelled. With the steady increase of sports events, displays and social affairs in the city, some method should be planned to avoid the clashes which will certainly arise in the future when tw?o or more activl- -a--Hi . K9H'BAi a ii zxSi' -Sx Wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MWBtm J5, to $IOO Merit ' FOR S29.7S TO $31.75 -i-i-ft$i Mens and Boys Store Ml Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL G:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. Thinking of Gardening? Then see us for jour GARDENING SUPPLIES Kennic's Seeds - Garden Tooh Hose and Fence Netting fertilizers Vlgoro, Bone Meal, Sheep Manure, Sulphate of Ammonia, Sulphate of Potash, 4-8-12 Fertilizer. Gordon's Hardware McKrlde Street Phone M I ties are held on the same evening. This difficulty can be overcome by establishing a 'Community Calendar." All that is necessary is to gain the support, of all the groups who are interested In the promotion of basketball games, baseball games, sports days, large dances and other functions, io cb-oper-alc in preventing conflicts of this sort. Each promoter or chairman of an entertainment or sports committee could phone a central office say, the Rup-Rec office and state that on a certain evening three weeks hence he is planning a public carnival, boxing match, dance or what4j;vc you. By reference to the Community Calendar at the head office, he could ascertain if other events were planned for this evenhig. If they were, another evening could be suggested. In this way, there would be no possibility of conflicting dates. We feel certain that it will be welcomed as a constructive suggestion by all committee chairman who have been faced with the difficult task of cancelling an event at the last minute to avoid a clash with a more popular event. What Is your opinion? WEDNESDAY CLASSES The Wednesday evening classes at the Y.M.C.A. increased in attendance over the same period last week in spite of the fact that they -were not announced in this column due to uncertainty regarding use of the gym. Tapping last week's class by four members. 75 junior ? turned out for the class of recreative gymna sties. Preparations are being made for a mass display of radio. 221 4th Ave. East. Phone Black 633. (50) FOR SALE 14-foot Inboard motor boat. Apply Box 93, Dally News. (57) FOR SALE--6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (62) FOR SALE 1934 Chev., good condition, heater and spare tire. Serial No. 642404. 1320 8th Ave. East. (56) FOR SALE Modern duplex annrtment. stucco front. 327 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 889. (tf) FOR SALE Immediate occupancyHouse, seven rooms, hot' water heating, fireplace, modern. Splendid location. Price $3500 cash. G. P. Tinker Co. Phone 57. FOR SALE New four -room modern house in very good condition, including all fur niture. Vacant April 1, at $3LU0, with hair cash and balance monthly. Apply H. G. Helgerson, (57) girls' activities in the spring. Total number of youngsters under instruction during the three-hour gymnastic period last night totalled 140. WHAT'S ON TONIGHT- 8:00 pjn., Y.M.C.A, Weather Forecast Today and Friday Cloudy and mild with rain showers. Fresh southwesterly winds, Maximum temperature today. ; 45; minimum Friday morning, i 34. Advertise in The Daily News. No. 14-46 IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE OP HENRY SCHMIDT, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS HENRY SMITH. DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS TAKE NOTICE that letters probate of thn last will of Henry Schmidt, otherwise known as Henry Smith, deceuscd. formerly of Trlnce Riiprt. British Columbia, who died at Prlnuo Rupert. BrltUh Columbia, on or about the 29th day of November, 1944, were Issued to Alfred J. Stelnert. sole executor, of Prince Rupert, BrltUh Columbia, out of the Prince Rupert District Registry of the Supreme Court of British Columbia on the 18th day of February, 1946. All persons Indebted to the said estate arc required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to the solicitors of Alfred J. Stelnert forthwith; and pursuant to Section 28 of the Trustee Act all persons liavlnR claims against the said estate are required to file the same properly authenticated with the solicitors' of Alfred J, Stelnert on or before the 15th day of April, 1946. after which time distribution of the said estate will be made, having regard only to claims which have been so filed. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C.. thin 23rd day of February. 1946. BROWN AND HARVEY, Besner Block. Prince Rupert. B.C., solicitors for Alfred J. 8telnert, Executor. First publication February 23. 1916. - - Classified Advertising - - :iasslfleds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum 'charge, 60c. Birth Notices: 60c: Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 2. FOR SALE FOR SALE Six-roomed house, Ninth Ave. East; 1',-. lots; in good condition. Full basement, oil-burning range, inlaid linoleum. All for $2700. Apply Collart & McCaffery- 6l) FOR SALE Radio with record player attachment; also sewing machine. Phone 38. (60) FOR SALE Furniture. Apply T18 U.S. Army Barracks, Skunk Hollow. (01) FOR SALE One thousand used bricks. Phone 547. (tf) FOR SALE Steel crib and mattress. Apply Suite 1, Short-ridge Apts., anytime before Monday. (58) FOR SALE Late model 14 h.p. Rrgal Marine, new condition. Complete with propellor and shaft. Enquire 19, Cow Bay. (58) FOR SALE Large house on two lots with basement and furnace on 6th Ave. by Havs Creek Bridge. $100 revenue plus own living quarters. $5000 easy terms. Apply Collart and McCaffery Ltd. (58) FOR SALE 1930 Chrysler. Ap- piy vtn Ave. East. (59) FOR SALE Slx-tubc Phllco HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Woman or girl as housekeeper or help. Two In family. Sleep In preferred. Good wages and liberal time off. Phone Black 69. (61) HELP WANTED Woman wanted for housework, several hours weekly. Phone Green 805. (58) WANTED Woman to do housework, live in, good wages. An-ply 722 5th Ave. W. (tf) HELP WANTED Woman wanted to do housework; part time. Phone Green 769. (58) WANTED - Reliable, eflicicnt housekeeper, 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sleep out. $60.00. Phone Blue 240. (58) WANTED Secretary-Manager. Applications for the position of 6ecretary-manager of the Canadian Legion. B.E.S.L., Branch 27, will be received up to 12 noon, March 9, 1946. Knowledge of bookkeeping and organizing ability required. State qualifications and experience. Ex - servicemen only need apply. Address communications to Secretary A. M. Davis, Box 623. Prince .Rupert, B.C. Mark envelope "Application for Manager." For further particulars phone A. M. Davis, Black 80(3, after 6 p.m. (56) FOR KENT FOR RENT Five-room furnished suite; Immediate occupancy. 1529 Atlln Ave (corner Graham and Atlln). Phone Blue 516. t (58) FOR RENT Four-rooin suite, steam heated. Box 94 Daily News. (61) FOR RENT Furnished room. 1142 Park Avenue. (58) FOR RENT Two-room apartment, $14 a month. Apply 221 5th Ave. East. (61) FOR RENT Rooms. Private entrance. 1021 2nd Ave. West. Phone Blue 874. (57) FOR RENT Pleasant room, close in. 209 cth Avenue East. (57) FOR RENT 7 -room house, furniture for sale. Revenue $75 month. Apply 549 9th Ate. West. (C3) FOR SALE Five-room house, central location. Partly fur- nnn,lt, R?MSt F? REN,I-62,2 Pser nished. Vacant now. Phone ' Street. Phone 309. (59) Red 918 or call 736 Cth Ave. F0R RENT-Sleeping roo"n7. Wcst- .J60) close in. Phone 38. (59) " FOR SALE New tuxedo, size 42; also dress shirt and patent WANTED shoes, size 9. Rivers, 1651 Her- man Place. (57) WANTED Coach or sedan in dcnendable running order, FOR SALE Crown typewriter, with reasonably good tires. Apply Bayvlew Hotel. (60) Phone Black 322 after six, (53) ' FOR SALE OR RENT Meat and WANTED Engine for 33foot grocery business. For particu- boat. Phone Black 018. (56) lars phone Black '628. (60) PERSONAL MACHINERY CIVIL SERVICE TO SAW better lumber more EXAMINATIONS economically, use the modern PREPARE NOW for Spring and and up-to-date type National Fall examinations Letter Car- Portable Sawmills, manufac-ricr, Postal Clerk, Clerk 1 and tured by National Machinery II, Customs Clerk, etc. Full Company Limited. Vancouver, particulars upon request to B.C. (tf) M.C.C. Civil Service School, ' ' 301 Enderton Bldg.. Winnipeg, RADIO SERVICE Mah. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. RADIO SERVICE For guaran- teed radio satisfaction phone SLENDOR TABLETS arc effec- (5 and an Associated Radio tive, 2 weeks' supply $1: '12 Technician will call. McRae I week- 5, At all dugglsts (58) Bros, Ltd, TOQAY 'til SAT. at 1:00 - 2 48 - 5:08 7:43 FROUK APPROVES CAIRO, Eiyot King Farouk has ap:jrovrd the anpointmenf of Mustafa Abdul Razzak as rector of Al Azhar Unlverjlty. the oldest Moslem university in the world. Teaching at the university has been almost completely religious. V. XPERT RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTINO PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mail Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 -3 It; the Giitier and Glow Show oftheVearjP I iank Sinatra rwSSKES. "House I Live In" Jl Cartoon News 0kP Serial at 2:30 - 4:50 jfg WmHSi j fifj DANNY KAYE IN FANTASY .Music, Romance ami (lr In I un-fillfd "Wonder .Man" Romance and the supernatural make for the duel themes of a Technicolor comedy "Wonder Man," openln; today and continuing Friday and Saturday at the Capitol Theatre. Danny Kaye is in the starring dual role of identical twins of vastly different temperament wno arc in love with two girls. Just before he is to appear as key witness in a murder trial, a night club cn'ertalner is murdered, and h's restless spirit takes over the caTccr of his twin, a studious young bookworm. As a consequence he gets into the mo,'t hilarious Jams with the obcctvof his affection ((Virginia Mayo) as well as with Buzy's sweetheart (Vcra-El-len). Complication? pile up on each other until a truly hilarious climax brinps relief to the harassed hero and sets his brother'.! spirit at rest for, all lime. Again Danny Kave exhibits hi" versatility in song, dance clowning and just plain acting. Sumctuous dancing and musical production numbers are Introduced between the comedy sequences of "Wonder Man." CHINESE FOOD HANDLERS ARE GIVEN COURSE Fourteen Cninc:; ft : workers attended he rvj Wednesday nights 1 x ...J r 1 1 1 .. I .lowed hy prat:' : t classes were c inclu:1 i s. tary Inspret -r M R hJ Thwp will be . m..j.r r .rjcxt.Monday and Tin ALWAYS REAM MR HER MEM CCIKNCE bai proved thert rl certain food dements eerjc I needs for health. If there in enough of (hem in a child'itxxl Krious things can happen suck 1 1 loss 01 appetite, stunted gronl soft hones, poor teeth, faulty ocnrl ueiccmc eyesight. Oraltine supplements the Jin elements frequently deficient i' ordinary foods. Three scrvinri Oraltine furnish a significant pori of child's daily requirement! 1 Vitamins A, Hi, I). Riboflavin H 'and Niacin and Minerals Glad Phosphorus and Iron. In addition it provides the l food substances- -complete froiM to build muscle, nerve and bo&iw high-eneray foods for vitality endurance. It thus acts as an insunul against food deficiencies tbatrtjna normal growth. So if youtchild eats pnorly,isl underpar, perhaps nervous, by I try delicious Ovaltioe for ol growth and better appetite OVALTINE AUCTION SALE Saturday, March 9th 2:30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PKOl'KKTV OF MRS. A. M. KIVEKS Consisting in part ns follows ABC Electric Washing Machine; Helntzma Pi";'" Ele'ctrolux Vacuum Cleaner; Walnut Bed Room Suit' Trillght; End Tables, and numerous other article a" In good condition. TERMS CASH, This sale will be held at the I.O.Ii Hall, Fifth Ave. and Mcltridc St. J. H. M Al R Auctioneer Sales Rooms 171 Third Ave. E. Phone Itlack 13" We Have Done IT Seeing is iclietlng COME IN Look for the "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the Mat" " indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) tfH Phnni 1ft inH to V.U-" .