H. Watrfa Handicap Totals . BANKERS D. Smith 3. Thornton B. Usick M. Acton B. Laird Handicap Totals 13rfnfc Rupert Daflp JUrtos Friday. December 6, 14C W. AND N. LEAD "B" BOWLING Took High Aggregate Score Last Night Revenuers, Khatadas, People's Store, ;. Whirlwinds Win - Undisturbed by opposition, since Atlin, which was to have opposed them defaulted. Watts and Nickerson strode forward to take the highest aggregate score in lart nighfs ladies "B" bowling with 23Sg. Revenuers were in second place with a tola: ..score of 2,418 in t'vr session against Prices Board. Game scores: Watts and Nickerson 3, Atlin 0. Revenuers 2, Prices Board 1. Khatadas 2, Bankers 1. Peoples Store 2, Oo-op 1. Whirlwinds 2, Dorkettes 1. WATTS tz NICKERSON M. Cross 1C6 140 192 V. Wrathall ru m 89 E- Noble 137 1C8 192 M. Munthe 243 130 109 A. Wrathall 147 144 144 Totals 531 808 793 ATU.V Default. KHATADAS V. Turcotte 95 A. Grimbie 103 B. Payne 145 M. McRae 83 ... 161 .... 103 ... 690 137 . 121 179 107 113 67 724 w.p.'t.b A. Holkestad 98 B. McChesney 75 E. McCrank 130 P. Black 97 M. Johnson 84 Handicap 143 Totals 613 - REVENUERS R. Andreessen 105 G. SUngebye 120 R. Ramsay 176 D. Peachey 106 E. Hlntz 141 Handicap . 94 Totals it-... 742 PEOPUES C. Be8nv 1J. 134 E. Clarke . . 167 B. Paulsen 152 99 122 -196 131 164 108 72 205 119 93 103 103 753 767 134 87 128 122 123 142 142 127 121 110 67 67 715 655 139 188 83 178 129 198' 40 65 ; 79 109 149 149 619 SSS ! 130 141 ! 115 105 i 166 204 I C. Bradley 183 151 C9 Low Score 97 72 Handicap 67 82 97 Totals 703 782 667 CO-OP M. ShrubsaU 118 (S. Johnson 71 D. Simonson 129 I J. Clark i38 B. Rudder ham .... Handicap 77 ! Totals 533 WHIR LWINDS B. Ccwglll 75 A. DeMaere 101 M. Postuk 172 E. Morse 99 E. Mennell ill Handicap 93 Totals 642 DOCKETTES R. Magner 144 E. Osterberg 106 M. Montgomery 163 R. Christenson 152 E. Anderson 160 Handicap 90 Totals 815 TEN-PIN More warmth with less wtijht in this outdooi-mn'i toit of SO 01. icltcttd virjin wool, dttijned with tht onc-picct cape which sivci double itiouldert, tUtvtt, brtart and upper baelc, unstitched except under the arms ... and look at the pocked . . . four roomy onei in front, and S'tat bis utility pocket in the back, which openi at both idei, and reaches rijhl from the waist to just above the bottom hem . . . just try one on and you'll want to wear it Checks of Green and Black, Red and Black, Blu: n: black. BOWLING For Men Of Action a coat of many pockets Pioneer REGISTERED The number 1925 HUNTERS' and CRUISERS' STAG I . 1 1 1 I i 1 97 116 118 72 107 182 118 114 141 130 107 107 C88 691 201 187 109 104 129 128 141 180 91 113 93 93 764 805 80 78 49 83 156 169 i 135 168 195 178 , 90 90 705 764 f Gambling at Ball Games Ketriny Boss Bran ham Says There Are Indications of Players Throwing Games LOS AXUELES, (CP) President W. G. Branhara, retiring boss of the minor baseball leagues, pubmitted a report slating that, "for the first time since the so-called 'Black Sox scandal, there had teen strong circumstantial evidence this past season of players throwing games and being in collusion with gamblers and bookmakers." He said that, instead of getting better, the situation had grown worse in regard to gamblers at ball games. 109 1 27 ' ,n iJi December 8 Savoy vs. Im- periaI OU: B'A- 011 . General 94 94 895 871 Motors; Watts & Nickerson vs. 99. December 15 Watts & Nicker -158 124 son vs. General Motors; Im-163 143 perial Oil vs. 99; Savoy vs. B.-A. 132 162 Oil. 7 r.r.;w v LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE ltablished 1910 Lnm FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOB QUICK. EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 We are here to serve you and guarantee you win be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE 547 P.O. Bex 174 CANADIANS VISIT TROPICAL ISLAND Protect Your Boat From FIRE See Us for KIDDE-LUX C02 Fire Extinguishers We recharge C02 Extinguishers after use, in our own plant In Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT' & CO. LTD. Buildlnc Supplies Coal Phone (551 and (552 a? w E u 1 26! aSkeif and s,traw hats-were popu-Abie fL m J ?taVJ 5,,the Canadian sailors visiting Kingston. trmSJ -V11' Vancouver, an aircraft handler Kdian H?nr H.eSnWn """ng a purchase while another v-anaaian s snior tries a gaudy straw hat for size. ; ANIMALS PLAYED othcr animals handled by the; i Dr."' r a rsi- t.t . . army before use as food. U1U liN VVAK, Casualties amr, fh J LONDCff, it - The Second Oreat War was a mechanized conflict but 120,000 mules. 40,000 horses, 16,000 camels and 15,700 plseons were called in to help the British Armv. War Office figures show that transport services also required 6,000 bullocks and 5,000 dogs were used for a variety of purposes in far-flung battlefields. John Freeman, fin ancial secretary to the War Office, said in Commons that figures did not take into account millions ol cattle, sheep and V1IV V SjA w , port animals were 'a very small proportion of the total He nnkprt for notice of a question whether a suitable memorial foif animals killed In the war would be erected. Classified Advertising; Pays! SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop.. Phone Ti p. o. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert m -fSr. Jamaica, aglow with luxuriant year-round foliage and vivid tropical birds, provided a novel November scene for 1,200 Canadians from the .aircraft carrier "WfTrrior"" and the Tribal class destroyer "Nootka" as the two ships of Canada's peacetime navy spent three days in Kingston harbor recently. The Canadians received a warm-hearted welcome from the people of Jamaica and found much enjoyment in exploring the tropical island. f7 ;V-iPNr-- ' ........ .... 'f$ yjite, - T d large ta come alongside the docks tit Kingston, the 18,000-tji Wi-rrior had t; anchor m the harbor during her stay Here one of the ship s motorboats is seen bringing liberty me:, ashore for leave. Warrior lies i: the distance behind BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Remainder of First Half) Senior "A" Dcnmber 7 B.C. Packers vs. R jimakers. Senior "B" De :emtoer 7 Macey vs. Port E-'-ward. Girls' League ' Decembtr10sHii School vs. I Sweet Sixteen.- Drr:mber 17 People's Store H sh School. ! Junior League j December 7 Legion vs. Gyro. D :r.t mber 10 Grotto vs. Gjto ' December 14 Watts and Nick- j Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sale Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUTERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Hut Blue W.l Res. Red 127 Ask for George Advertise In the Dally News. Grotto Of GAR I RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. PARTS AND SERVICE DEPOT CHRYSLER jpj DODGE PLYMOUTH Vy DESOTO DODGE AND FARGO TRUCKS II II MI II T II TV TT' m Uf M 11 11 111 11 ri 11 11 11 111 1 1 11 11 ss 11 n vm M.JLL JMl IULM u ul Mil (LIL AND SPORTING GOODS y-i' VJ KAIEN HARDWARE phone :i P.O. BOX 98 mi 11: STORE I Wholesale and Reiail Tobacconists GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S SUNDRIES SMALL QUANTITIES ROLLS RAZORS RONSOX LIGHTERS Make Your Choice Early "Herf" or "Bud" SHORT SPORT Scone people may stUckw a', the ddea hockey is "the poetry of sport, an art, evocative and mesmeric;" or that the puck, "that merry wanderer of the ice " could have "a restlew evening Mark down their buffoonery to lack of artistic appreciation for Canada's great game. For proo' to show such Doubting Thomas submit this account of the Brltaln-GernHiny nme in the first round nf th Vim, ... " "u'KCiiii anq world , champions at London's Webley Stadium February 17 1937. It was written by the special representative of the old London Morning Post. "Under the arcs we sw a puck flashing Iran lone to zone. fHttln across the icy surface like a shadow skimming the high moors in summer . . . Your player, remember, does not move like any normal man; he jounces hurtles, dives; he flickers and he spins. Sticks clatter, skates rasp ice-chins whirl Mke There is a glltter-andlash-and-scurry, a tempo ever-quickenipsr excitement ever-mounting." And so he went on: "Have you seen a fflm many times accelerated1 Have win uatchoH r, 1 gull or the 'russe t-pated choughs that 'madly sweep trie iky?' Have you been stirred by KipJings 'East Wind:: - "The reeltng f 1 x r . The Gift that reallv and smooth shaving in 1947 "'"no in. . T. ui Here r. Of, M Mr p. '' : v i- AS c reprcsc A:'vr- 11- rt .. " ' c ' f.i t:' Tea- . , A .. . j "7 ' lfi 1 ' .h.-.L t ..f '"ft w2 I XA.VA1' - VV ft. I ' o-s flb -yy 50 Super-keen Gillette Blue Blades (n Attractive Gift Package with Convenient Compartment for Used Blades $1.33 " 9I Gillette Ml m W m He'll enjoy months of luxury -i shaves when he receives this tmartlv Packaged and practical gift. And he'll appreciate your good taste, for Gillette Blue Blades are the btn vou can buy the sharpest and the longest-lasting. SO Gillette Blue Blades in tn JQ gin panting ..... umy , Oikaf Chrittmot PackagW CilUn Oif) at y ruiuiur rti 11 n t " rCDDATLC MArUIMC CWOD d 11 nnni 1 iTifii 1 iiiui 11 1 11 1 u v TERRACE, R.C. Dealers in GENERAL MU'lUKS in MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTKIC UlESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS For minor repairs and t Hnllvwnod Ci ' 'w"7 rKINCE RUPEItrS NEWEST AM UP-TO-UATE RESTAl'KAM FULL-COURSE MEA FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A-M- , Sn,.iA 1 ninni.r Kvprv Sunday 3 ml iw w - r.m CHINESE DISHES A SPECIAL m n D A P T I FOR OUTSIDF ORDERS PHOXI Ttrmn AVENUE WEST REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE. OPPOSITE PRINCE Chop Suey - Choir Mom .P"'4" Chinese Dlshea our Open a-m. to 2 a.m. PUONli 173