n ra m m m u u 8 I !BLONDIE r U i. k. 2 t t f liJrintc Rupert Da Hp j3cujs Friday. December 6, 1910 CANDIDATES LINING UP ' Full List for School Board , Brookshank anC iirown Are : Latest Entrants Fifth candidate Tor slve seats on the board of school trustees, Arthur Bruce Brown, barrister, fjlcd his rumination papers this morninsr. He is proposed by W. K. McAfee and seconded by W. M. Watts. Other school board candidates are Dr. R. G. Large. W. F. Stone. A. J. Dominato and Mrs. Earl Becker. Should there be no more nominees, and acclamations to the school board result, some means will have to be devised who will have two- and one-year terms which would otherwise be settled by standing of candidates in number of votes cast. There are now seven candidates entered for four two-year aldermanic terms G. B. Casey, A. E. Field. Hugo JCrauqner, Robert McKay, A. S. Nickerson and Arthur Brcoksbank. Thomas B Black is the sole airant to date to the one-year aldermanic seat. WISE TO i . TERRACE The weather has become very mild within the last few days with the rrsult that the snow is beginning to disappear. Previously there had been snow flurries -with light froit, having about two inches of snow on the ground. Assistant engineer D. T. Willis and Mrs. Willis were in town on Wednesday and Thursday. They were driving from Prince Rupert to Smithcrs but -were held up by heavy snows west cf Miss Freida James, teacher of Grade II, has been ill for a few days and Mrs. R. de Kcrgom- mcaux has been substitute teacher. F. P. Levirs, inspector schools, arrived in Terrace Tuesday nights train. Santa knows what's best for you and Iiis advice is to play smart and shop early. That way you'll have our complete selection to choose from and you'll be able to shop in comfort ... no rush when you shop early. Follow Santa's advice shop now! Wallace's of c uurac The Store of 1000 Gifts for Mother and Daughter NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Expert Foundation Work and Interior Alterations CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL Planning and Designing Estimates 3 STONE BLOCK Phone 563 FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green D74 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre P.O. BOX 1381 Evenings: Blue 30 1 iiT.r 1 rrairwii I OK VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Coquitlam 1:30 pjn. FridaySS Catala, 10 p.m. Saturday SS Camosun. 11:15 p.m. I OK KETCHIKAN Frlday-SS Camosun, midnight. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islunds every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 560 Daisy's Afraid of Colds of on FELINFOEL, Wales O Aely-bryn, huge residence in this near Ilanelly. has been acquired by the Women's Volun tary Services as a hostel for aged pensioners. 'Author Believes Fruillv Security Delayed W ar End COL. It. S. MA LONE IN "MISSING FROM THE RECORD" SAYS CANADIANS COULD HAVE MISSED MONTHS OF WAR By ALAN RANDAL Canadian Press Staff Writer Had it not been for security going wrong or nerhans the Italians hrnk-p faith, tho rmm. dians would never have had those heart-breaking months of fighting in Italy, writes Col. R. S. (Dick) Malone of Winnipeg. A former Canadian liaison officer on the staff of Field Marshal Montgomery, Col.t Malone brings this out in his j book "Missing From The Record" una says me pian was 10 use 'the 1st Canadian Division for "limited operations only" and then send all Canadians back to join the First Canadian Army in England for the frontal attack on Europe. The Italians sued for peace several days before the assault on Italy and the plan was that the Canadians and some British w there while the main assault bv Americans went in later at Salerno for a thrust across Italy to seal the Germans off. "Whether the German Intel ligence was too good or whether the Italians broke faith and tin- 'ped the Germans off it is hard to say but the Germans knew that Reggio was not the main assault," writes Col. Malone. With the element of surprise lost the Americans met much heavier opposition at Salerno than was expected, were largely rescued by the small handful of men "Monty" had under his command in Italy and then the Allies were committed to the We Serve You Notlilng But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINK OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meati Roast Chicken Meat Pics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West I B.1 I 5& 8 malt urus, v.w. iwaione noias mat relieving Field Marshal Montgomery of his over-all land com mand at that time was, in effect, a prolongation of the -war which otherwise might well have been won before 1944 ended. In the view of the author, the reason for relieving Montgomery I nnxsritiPTioN was that victory seemed not only fm. i, n.c ,,1 assurxed but reasonably close insistcnce on conscription to fill "W"WnS n thos gaps in the reinforcement ranks who dirt not tt-nnt n Rriilsh tohI ...... . ... troops roops attacking aiiacKing the the toe toe of of Italy Italy rf Pro! : 7 nnrnminrl , wnicn ne Discovered on a trip to in rt nil A lit. rouid draw the Germans down' , " " "'"tu the battle zones, k ..- . ... armies armies when when surrender surrender ramn came ,.u At the time the Allies were moving on Germany proper and the Arnhcm airborne operations was still to come. Col. Malone holds that at Arnhcm the war could have been won but wasn't because, havlnir been relieved of his over-all command, Montgomery did not have the use of American divisions which could have made Arnhem a success. PLEADED WITH EISENHOWER CoL Malone. a newsnam-r rv ccutive now with the Winnipeg Free Press which he left tr Lovely Lamps 4- C.w I 10 me war, says "Monty" plead any fought a delaying action, rtt. t ,.T. .7? dl .MOST FATEFUL ANNOUNCEMENT As to the Seconc Front Col. mast ratelul of the war. It was .ST-sfiaistfi word that the great "Monty" had Z? been let out of his job as Com-' jf uiajiuer 01 an Aiiiea land iorces ; ? 0.1 the Western Front. i In "Missing From The Rec-i GOLDBLOOM'S GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Fur Coat SALE PRICES CUT AWAY DOWN! No. I Muskrals, $150 to S.150 Coney Coats, $175 to $125 Silver Foxes, 35 Percent Off Mink, Marten and Sable, 25 Percent Off NOTHING HELD! Come In and Look-No Time to Wait. GOLDBLOOM'S FOR FURS wv, uvtiui;i,e Liie nrnnpm NEURALGIA rvn 1. . I. - . "I . ... 1 imr pain 01 Neuralgia Malone goes back to the first j P7ven,t ou from enjoying life. Oct fart. the Allied Communique carried ?in n dux throbbing aches. Good an announcement 50 smaii it tt?. &!"5!!2?,fe Arthritic Neurit mm aiiiainj iiiiiuotinrarw,jiatir3. oiUillim. T limrviin f a ..... :.umb; escaped any great attention, but : today SOciUtUrugjiju. m me aumor it was one of the v 8 i tip i T-41 A new lamp. Many styles, beautifully mounted. A Great Slock ui our toy department job "but was turned down." Missing From The Record." which takes you behind the scenes for InUmatc glimpses of Montgomery, relates that Ocn-cral A. G. L. McNaughton had to step down from command of the Canadian Army solely be cause the British did not think he would be a good army com mander under battle conditions. But they left to Defence Minis ter Ralston the task of telling the Canadian Army commander. The stories of Gen. McNaueh- ton's step-down and Montgom ery being relieved of his command have previously been pub' lished in magazine excerpts from Col. Malone's book. As to Col. Ralston's Own resignation from the cabinet late in 1944. the author says "the facts of the matter are that Col. Ralston was asked to leave . . . the break took place verbally In the middle of one of the cabinet meetings. I INSISTED ON "Ralston decided he could not in his conscience permit the issue to drag a day longer. He got up from his seat and left the room." Angus Macdonald made a move to leave with Col. Ralston but was pulled down "by the coat tails" by a colleague. mm : mtmm An Enormous VARIETY of GIFTS Glassware Crockery Hardware Furniture Electric Goods Later Col. Ralston himself persuaded htm to continue as navy minister. Col. Malone helped plan tho Sicily invasion and reveals that a small group of Canadian engineers "entered the Mediterranean in a British submarine to try and learn the depth of water through which landing vessels would have to run over a bar to make land. They got ashore and got their information but were captured. Even then the Italians never tumbled to what they were there for be cause the attack came as a complete surprise. About the depth of water? Well, Malone says, the planners finally found that out from pictures. Army experts looked at photos showing the size of the waves at this place and estimated to the very inch that the water was four feet six Inches deep over the bar. SUGGESTIONS Advertise In The Daily News. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while 70a wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street 3g DELIGHTFUL TO GIVE THRILLING TO RECEIVE LOVELY TO WEAR Matching p!ctl to Hoik a levtly ntctlin a gra:v wrnf. Snarl thrtt-tontd Iftct. CoU.fm.i YOUg aul Numerous ' Beautiful Mirrors JmWmWX PRESSURE COOKERS C'JM General Contractor " : T hi A -4 A Kitchen Delphi- "KVERYTIIINH FOR T II K HOMK" CORDON & ANDERSON The Newest and Largest Store in North Central B.C. By Chic Young "--''''''y T JI0&B' IFi T IT CmSWOOQ I (OP HIS HOLE 3j VLZTL I L dlW HAVE TO P,PE J VtSw?? -3 A -WaA CATCH THAT J ir- ( Oof.DAiS J Sir DOWN-HE) AM Nyy- ' ''v ; - - . ; We do msuinents, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks remodel your kitchen. . Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. p.o. box 654 pRINCE numn y y y y y y y y y V y TODAY AND SATURDAY y , y y y y ? y y y y v y y y y V y ting, lob 0"d Doll, 1 ft en o 900. j.rfd, aotd ivih (fori a U-lorot laugh fcing Crosby mm l jus Ann 1 - in KQn tlj. uirf, f -OorothtUff T" --r- - Wtkoffw 10 Wf D'oi u XTftA! VOICE OF CANADA GUEST PESTS SATURDAY- SHOWS AT 2.00 - 4; 18 - 6:36 - 8:54 tvtoHoHf "Puilniwt.Pary . , Unf bod'l Sp""fl" f Em tfl """ MMJAm , ..." VWrU Till Mn IIIIIE TABLE AND BOUDOIR LAMPS - IOASIII s SILEX COI I KE MAKEKS 'lor the Kiddies-Electric Motor Kit,, trv.tal Sfb RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC P.O. Box 1321 31.1 Ti.ir.i t.. 1 nnn 11 'in. 1 ANNOUNCEMENT TO TIIOSK WHO r AIT 4 nit llJlllll. Kill.' L ...... .4 , W Vi yL taiw A I) I KLt We have taken over all orders and ,-. r - ,, nm. tianu wim o. r.. ranter L.U3 w- v i ii ,ilUn!l thc oldest orders ' 'i CLf 0- c i iwtA.i.iiuii io any tu s. i 1 w otv iicil- nc aianas on me list KCJK MAHRtD I ikA TC mm -mmr mm m ft liwtl I FORD AND MONARCH DEAlLfl no. .ivenue pk. 5 y yjmh ...and IS fl&'ti'rt .r..r. kf ff St X ml ml ml ml m . lltlTll I w y c tin y PLAYING CARDS CONGRESS. fiAINSIIOROUfill . . . AND THE NEW PLASTICS DM BKSNER BLOCK DRY GOODS & NOVELTY Have done their best to obtain a Christmas stock for you. y Sonic lines arc short, jet we think von JJ could find an acceptable Rift here . - y v Call nnrl Kff hi :invw:ivt (MIT TAOS SEALS .i Goods Printing Co, THIRD tT OOWNoTAU y Support Junior Chamber Radio Am lion- Dec 9. 10 ni y $ MRS. DOWTIIEK AND MISS WATSON v v at Hie y . IV y H li s N K R BLOCK I""1" " NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTKn i,u' GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors r '" PHONE RED 561 uri'INCi OUR NEW STOKIi ... HAPPY WONG CU 211 SIXTH STREET " ' r,Tn H.3 FRFCU CD1TITQ nA Vhutl'"' Wholesale and Retail Aim prtf R STOCK