fcs Grave Near man He Killed RNHAM, Eng. 0 - A . 21- nA truck driver was saw av . ii ... irM?r to nave nttin-u . mil the bill ior a gravr in j" . . . bought next 10 me t. he P of the woman he was ac- nf murdering. e was ,is John Nash, and ne was d r.uilty but Insane of irli:- Arnes Muriel Ella- r.r?d 34, of upper i:e, hum Evidence wm Biitu wa':h had rauen in love Mi J Ellacott and, after he killed her in her kitchen .... f mid had a drink at CiJ' w ic nou; " with her husband. E:; :coU said ne noucea .1 AUiit XTicV or 111'! Unusual UUUUb iuau nv time EER TRADE FORESEEN inister of Trade and lf cAA ii 1 1 ii i i i t aMj'vw Vw 'It. I. I.a. I MllffAl1 adlan price controls to fa-niitish trade with the inion and loosening of Brlt- mnort. regulations to permit adlan wads to enter the ed Kingdom more freely r 4 I. . . linn TnmAn A Klnnon, minister of trade ; commerce, yesterday. Mr. Klnnon said Canada wili ;.tjs i i rely on trade with United Klnsdom and united hi hut. must find new mar- itid will spare no effort to a fair share of European, ii nwenlth. Oriental and u-American trade. riSII GUIANA DIAMONDS EOKGETOWN, British n.a Maurice Nasclmento di covered In the Kurupung k bed a diamond deposit be- to be the largest In the ? He estimates that the ( provided necessary ured to carry out large- operations, should yield m iu years approximately J fieri Ar hnncr results m EHKS mm m I ;1 WFADMHIITW IC I iiLnnrivuill IJ. PROPERTY IS SOLD Fred Lewis, who received hi: discharge recently from the Navy, has purchased the poultry raising enterprise of H. F. Wear mouth on Lak Anlan Island across Prince Rupert Harbor and, with his wife, has now taken up residence thereon. Mr. and Mrs. Wearmouth will be leaving Prince Rupert February 14 to take up future residence in the south, the point of location having not yet been decided upon. With the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Weamouth, Prince Rupert will lose esteemed residents of many years' standing. Mr. Wear-mouth arrived first In this district from England In 1910 and was at Massett before the First Great War In which he enlisted early to' serve in France with the 10th Canadian Scottish. Wounded in -1910 he was In valjded home In 1917. For a while he engaged In fish packing and In 1930 started the poultry farm which he has developed into a thriving and beautiful property., Mrs. Wear-mouth, at one time a member of the Prlnoe Rupert, General Hospital nursing staff, has been active In Red Crass work and has been poula locally. They lost their only son, Jack, while serving with the Canadian Army In Italy. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) i SATURDAY P-M. 4:00 London Pallldlum Orch. 4:30 Tommy Dorsey's Orch. 5:00 Vocal Varieties 5:30 Polka Time , ' 0:00 CBC News 6:05 National Hockey League Broadcast 7:30 Organ Music 7:45 Sports College 8:00- The Workshop 8:30 Latin American Rhythms. 9:00 Old Time Rnythm 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Dal Richards' Orchestra 10:30 Saturday Night Serenade SUNDAY A.M. 10:00 Music for Sunday 10:30 Sunday Serenade 11:03- -Gems from the Opera j CANADIAN RADIO'S "GREATS" The Academy of Radio Arts, intended to tfraJLn young actors; and musicians how to perfect their talent for radio careers, has been launched by Lome Greene, famous as a, CBC news announcer and later as "the voice" on National Film Board motion pictures such as the "Canada Carries On" ;series. Radio headliners have been picked aS the "professors." Here Is the faculty, from the left: John Dralnie, dramatics; Greene, announcing; Fletcher Markle, writing; Jack Allison, singing; Steve Brodle of the CBC, speech. Beginning February over the CBC's TransCanada Network, each Tuesday and Thursday from 1:45 to 2 ES.T., prize students of the Academy will appear In playlets, with two-year scholarships at the New York Neighborhood Playhouse awarded each 10 weeks. The program is "Stars To Be." Medical Degree Won By Former Mpuntie LONDON, Richard Cllth-erow, 43, former Royal Canadian Mounted Police corporal In southern Saskatchewan who started his medical studies when he was '38. has passed his final examinations and returns to the House of Commons as a doctor. He Is labor member of parliament for Edgehlll, Liverpool. He Is a pharmacist and says he studied for his medical, degree simply because "I wanted to have an Intelligent understand- In? of what doctors think." He will not;practlse. He Intends to visit Canada again for "that country really got In my blood." PUMSOLL LINE Every ship has a painted mark on Its hull showing how low In the water she ean be permitted to sink safely when loaded. NOW THEY WANT TO WORK FOR Veterans of the navy, the nriny, the air force . . . tlioiiHniwls of them are reaily to go to work. Kmplojirn everywhere nreI men like these men you can depend on, men with knowledge and Initiative, many of litem with specialized quulifieutioiiit und technical knowledge readily adaptable to the field of peace-time industry. They don't want diurily. They don't wan t preferential treatment. They want un opportunity to put their skill, their abilities to work for you. Give at least one veteran a job. IlV not n duty, it's an opportunity. It's an investment In the future prosperity of Canada and your busiiiets. INVEST IN A VETERAN v. Contributed hy c&V&'CAPILANO !& BREWERY LIMITED FIRST ELECTRIC MICROSCOPE OUT LONDON ffi The first British-manufactured electron microscope, capable of revealing An object as. small as l,000,0t)6th of an Inch, was displayed at the 30th exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Apparatus. The microscope stands nine feet high, contains 53 radio tubes, several dry batteries, transformers and a complicated set of switches. MALTA NEEDS BUILDERS VALETTA, Malta 0 fionie Idea of Malta's housing problem may be gleaned from figures showing that in seven months of 1945 only 390 families were Je-housed, leaving 2J579 families still to be found adequate accommodation. The chief difficulty Is Insufficient building operatives. YOU! 413A WOMEN WOULD LEAVE BRITAIN Old London Publication is Marriage Negotiator for "All Classes" LONDON, (CP British women t who want husbands and are willing lo pay for them are also looking for homes outside of the tightly rationed British Isles. At le,it half the 250 spinls-ters. widows and divorcees who adyertlse monthly for mates in London's unique "Matrimonial Post and Fashionable Marriage Advertiser" express willingness, 1 If not eagerness, to live abroad. Not one In ten specifics that her potential husband must be British, or live In Great Britain. Bachelors, widowers and di vorced men who seek wives through the columns of the 80-year old publication, sell des-scrlbed as ''the only marrla.ee negotiator for the nobility, gen try, commercial and all classes," appear iot to care where they Jive, so long as it's In the state of matrimony. But the 200 or more adver- PRINCE RUPERT Honor Roll List of Men and Women on Active Service Are YOU responsible for someone's name not in this list? (See entry form .elsewhere) WAVY MEN Sidney Alezandei Arvla J. Landals Peter D. Alien Jack R. Laurie Charles Anderson Maurice Lay Harold Anderson James Q. Laurie Stanley Anderson Klchard Lelghton J. Armstrong Jr. Jantoft Leland K. Armstrong Fred Lewis k. u. Armstrong TUly K. Lloyd Fred a. Barber Bruce Love Don Arney Harry Lundqulst Ted Arney M. it. Mease Oeorge Bagshaw rTea Miller w. u. Barker Ted Mills Emlle Blaln Harry Monkley John Bowman John Morrison Arthur Bredeson T. A. Mulhern J. K. Breeu William Murdoch William Bremner William Murray Bernard Brtdden Wm. H. Murray F. H. BrookHbaiik W. IS. Murray George J. Brown Daniel McDonald James Bryant Jack Maclle Tony Bussanlch Robert McKay uronson Bussey Ernest McKlnley Harold Bunn Robert McLean John Bunn E. (Ned) McLeod Hugh Burbank John McLeod a. Caklerwood Norman McLeod Richard Cameron David McMeekln Russell Cameron David McNab Edward Cnpsttck Robert McNab Robert Capstlck John D. McRae Doug. Chrtstlson Harold Neville Vernon C. Clccone John O'Neill Wm. J. Commons It. K. Olsen Allstalr D. Crerar Charles Ormlston . Sydney Croxford P. E. M. Palmer Spencer Davles Frank D. Parker Edward Dawes Gordon Parkin Oeorge Dlbb C. R. Parsons A. F. Dudd Peter J. Peterson Vincent Dodd Douglas Payne John Dohl A. M. Phllllpsor. C. J. Phllllpson Robert Duggan Bud Ponder Donald Eastman N. O. Powell Elmer Eburue Mali ne Rabben Melvln Eburne Lloyd M. Rice John Eby David Ritchie Robert L. Ehy Jack Ritchie William Earl Eby Robert Ritchie Robert Elklns Harry Robb l William P. Elklns J. H. Robinson Le-n Enfrstrom Robert Roy Msrtln Erlksen Arvld J. Sandhals James Feasby Arthur Saunders Bernard Fortune W. J. Schealfcr Terry Fortune R. M. Scberk Oordon Fraser Stanley Scherk , Mitchell Oav J. D. Schubert ' Patrick M. Gill Is A. Slmundson lufner Oreen C. Rllversldes James Greer i. J. Sims Lester Orlmble M. Skalmerud Terrv Orlmble F. W. Skinner Ian Grlmsson Henry Sklnper Boyo Gurvlch John Skog John arimsson Ole Glstta Crl J. Gustsfson Carl Smith neone D. "aeue Jack E. Smith , Hnren HanMnson Malcolm Smith , Victor Hanley Ralph Smith I Matt Harris Walter Smith Ole Wemmflln Thor Solllen W W. Hlldebrand F. H. Stephens. Jr. Trevor Hill Carl Strand Ravmond Hougan John Strand HUl mmtpr Jack Btorrie Foster Husoy Orme Stuart Peter Husov Charles Sunberg mes M. Irvine .Tame Tnvlor Tom Johnstone I. W Tevlor vnev Jones Paddy Taylor Inge Valen Jack W. Joy Stanley Veltch L (Sonny) Keays Pld White T Harry I Knutson r' "'""S ' . Cnrl O. Wilson i Pcrcv Knrtson Winrhm I Lloyd Lahte Gerald P. Woodslde George TuU Jack Yule ( Women i Lavlnla Kxley l. M. Thomson Dapane Ilemmel US. NAVT (MmiJ T J. Robertson Howard Frtaell U.S. NAVT (Women) Viola M. Dybhavn ARMT Richard Adklns Wm. I.. Leverett Douglas E. Alvey James Evan love J. Armstrong Sr. Cluience Lovtn Louis Astoria Charles O. Lord Stanley Bailing? r a. P. Lyons C, F. Bartlett Danny Magnet Jack Ballour O. Marchlldon Eric Bartun Cecil M. Marr R. H. Beerllng Murlll Mathews W, Beynon Ionard Mendels S. W. Blrell Steve Mentenko V O. ittrd Jack Mlcholuk Leonard Blrtch Leo Mlcholuk Walter Bird victor Miller N. Blackhall D. Montgomery Donald Blake R. Montgomery R. L. Bouvette R. Montgomery w. W. Bowes M. D. Montesano Lloyd Bowman E. T. S. Moore Ray Bracewell Clyde Moraes Ronald Bracewell Stanley Moraes William Brass Ford Moran J. W. Brldden Jack Moran Earl Brocnu James Moran w. M. Brown Carl Mostad Frank Bruce nttn Mostad winner Brvant Robert Moxley Alfred E. Burnlp Arthur Murray Melbourne Bussey John K. Murray Annur r uaae j. u. a. Murray John A. V. Cade Jack Mussallem Alfred Calderone George W. McAfee H. D. Calderwood M. P. McCaffery AlrtoCi.mnsnola K, McCrlmmon Jack Camnbell ,T. r. McCubbln .tVn Campbell N. McOiasian wnilsm Cavalier A. A. MscDonald Marc Cavenalle Ian Maedonald T CVimt.pnfy Tnrk McWvriT Eric Chrlstlson Alen -McFarlane O. Christopher Gerald Mclntyre Arthur T ciark Tan A Vrn.ni) tvinald ciark Joseph Navlor "Mwarrt mark W. TT. Ne.bltt t.iv c. rirk VSS fteore Collins Jr. D. N. Nlron O. M. Collins Donald Norton Users In each Issue agree that the wives they want should be cheerful, healthy, neat and economical, preleraWy with a trim figure and a little .something In the bank. No estimate is given of the number of marriages that result from these advertisements but Editor R. Charlesworth, whoj says the Post has a larger circulation than all other matrl-' monlal paper In the world com-1 bined, .claims "thousands of tes- tlmontals from satisfied clients." t Fees, like the paper's actual circulation, are secret. Advertls-. ers pay nothing until as the Court Circular would say, "a marriage has been arranged." Male advertisers average 36 years of age; women on the basis of their own statements-three years younger. Seventy per cent of the women list playing the piano among their attractions. About live per cent require that would-be husbands abstain from strong drink. FRESHENED UP If stale bread is frozen it becomes fresh textured when defrosted. Henry P, Cloutler 'David W. Oland James W. Collins Robert Rniv,P. n..m( Oime Jim Cmussl Mike Colusst Hobert Parks Frank Comadlna Frank arlette . D. J. T. Cook Robert D. Patrick Mr van Cooten O. F. Penney Grant Coverdale Walter Perkins Walter Cross Ernie Perlstrom Bert Cross Peter Peterson Charles Dennis Thomas A. Phelps Thomas Dennis Arthur Phillips Peter Doberty W. A. PIKold Jr. faui Dvornek N. R, Powell R. C. H. Durnford Allan Prevost George Dybhavn L. C. R Raabe u. j. twund jsrnest Ratchford Malcolm Elder Alt. M. Rlvett "Whitfield Elder N. A. Pavllkls Frank Elliott Ed. Regnery Helge Essen James E. Rell A. It. Finer Carl Reich Charles V. Evltt Freddie Reich evorge Flewln Alex G. Rlx Thomas Flewln R. O. Robinson Dick Fong E. S: Roper William oarrick P.. Rudrterham James Oarlk-k Krare Rudsvlck J. Q. Garrett Thomas H. Ryan Ami nye James H. Gibson Olav Rvsstad m.pn Oinies Wldar A. Sandhals i Alfred E. S.31I11s Fred Slmonds Joseph D. Gllns 'id Skattebol MUton P. Glllls Fred 8cheaffer 1 Andrew Glover R. J. Scheaffer I William Gomez William Scherk I Darrow Gomez John T. Scully John Good Thomas .Scully Far! Gordon Bob ShrubsaU Lee Oordon Thomas Sibley Edward Oosnoll B. Slmundson T. W. -Graham Glenn Smith burton Oreen Hugh J. Smith T. N. Greenfield James smith O. B. Gun-a-Noot J. S. Smith oiln nureerleh W. n. Smith Splro Qurvlch Douglas Stalker James Hadden J. A. Stewart Gerry Hamelln Albert Stiles J. T. Harvey A. L. St. John L. J. R. Haynes Alexander Storrie K. C. W. Havnea .Isek Storrie R. H. A. Haynes Nell Stromdahl E. D. Head James Suden Cecil Hemmons J. G. Sutherland David Henderson Hot Sweet Howard Hlbbard Richard Byivesier F. C. Hill C. Don Taper U H. Hlnton L. V. Tattertil P. E. Hodcklnsati Robert Taylor "amid Hodsson John Albert Teng v. o. Horner .'V. B. Tobey David Houston O. Thompson Robert Houston Arnold Tweed Perev Hudson Jark Unwln R. E. Hudson Omar H. Tweed Fred Hunter Rodney Valpy wuilam Hutson A. (Bill I Vance TTsrold Irarson Clarence Vaushnn inhert Johnson S. Vlckerman "'alter .Jo'inson Robert Vekovlch Kenneth Johnston John Walker 1. D. Johnston C Wanamaker t. n. Johnston Harry S. Ward Nick J. Klllas C. D Watson Mlrhncl Kowall R, M. Watson be-t W. Keays Jack Wearmouth Ree. Ktn("s .lairiH. Welr Mike Kowall Islle West Nick Kurulok nun Wick Predk. A. Large William White Ronald Lee T. J. Williams . S. A. Lee James Won Kverett R. f,eek James Wood Maorlce Ilhton It. R, Wrnthall niiver R. Lelahton Jack Wrsths'l v. T. Lelhton .V. V W'ruthsll Pierre tRoss T M WH.ft. O. M. Iinea Charles T. Younr Charles E. Love (Women 1 Beatrice Berner Maxlne Llewellyn rmlse Bird P. Anne McDamos PhvlH HamWIn Edith Mutrle Ida E. Hanklnson Irene Sully Matilda Larsen Jane Taper U.S. ARMY (Women) Mary McCaffery O.S.- ARMT (Men) Chester B. Clapp Terence Orme George A. Glay Thomas W. Pierce Glenn Gbodltve E. Santurbane Richard J. Moore El Rood E, Stephens AIR PORCH Ronald Allen 'Mike Hudema II. G. Archibald John P. Johnson Harry Astoria David L. Jones Alex Eatllle Sam Jurmaln Howard Beale Robert Kelsey Marcel Blaln Oliver J. Keays J. P. Bouzek Francis W. Leask J. J. Bouzek I. L. licavens .1. V. Bousek Kam Y. Lee Peter Brass JAlan Lelghton Wm. M. Brown Harold Leverett Alan Burbank Donald Llewellyn Alfred E. Burnlp John Lindsay uems w. Burnlp Albert Man W. C. Cameron Cedrlc Man Peter Cartwrlsht George R. Mayer Rene Cavenalle Henry Mayer Victor Cavenalle J. H. McLeod Elmer Clausen Gavin D. Mead William Collins John J. Miller Jack Corbould Richard Mills Eddie Crosby Herbert Morgan Ray crosoy Ralph Mnrln George M. Currle'H. W. Maedonald James Currle Don McCavour Arthur Davey Eric Orme John W, Davey Ed. M. Ormhelra Pat Deane Robert L. Peachey Don H. Deane Paul Postolu Victor Dell Vernon Oulnlan M. J. Dougherty Olof Rudsvlck Jack Eastwood Tore A. Seivlg Donald Eby Ken Schubert Thomas J. Evans Arne J. Selvlg Jack C. Ewart wm. Shrubsall Victor Field Robert Silverslcfes Clarence Flnley Eddie Smith Albert Flateji James D. Stuart C. E. Flewln Robert Taper Hugh L. Forrest J. J. Thompson Thomas Forrest R. E. Tobey Rupert Fulton D C. Tumllson Douglas Gusha Rb,rt TiirReon William Hadden John A. Walker Harry Hamilton 'Rudolph Warn Elmore Hanklnson ,,. wlatn rvtd Hansen )Vm- , lawrenc Hansen Henry WorsMd Harold Helwrson George Zbura Murray Henderson Helge Holkestad (Women) Betty Barber Noreen O. Gibson Jean R, Cameron Isobel Mackenzie Iris Corbould Molly Mackenrle Lilian Croxford Kay Nickerson Made Biipreme Sacrifice Prince Uiijicrt Daily rectos Saturday, January 20, 1940 ZULU VILLAGE RESTORATION CAPE TOWN, 0) Headquarters of the Infamous King Din-eaan, the Natal centre of the former royal kingdom of Zululand may rise again from the ashes It became when the Zulus used a "scorched-earth" policy In 1838. The South African Historical Monuments Commission Is con sidering rebuilding the more Important huts in the kraal. The Intention to reopen some grain pits, which have remained untouched since Dingaan's defeat in 1833, may cause some diffl culty, owing to the natives' superstition. The history of Dlngaan is one of murderous treachery In 1837, Pieter Itetlef, leader of the first party of Boer imimgrants to enter Natal, received formal concession to settle In. the country and then was murdered by the Zulus under Dingaan's orders. Alter two unsuccessful attempts to avenge their slain in which the Boers were aided by .the British, Dingaan's army was defeated on Decernber 16, 1838, by a Boer force under Andries Pre-torlus. The defeat of the Zulus as well as the anniversary of the proclamation of Boer Independence in 1880, is celebrated In South Africa on Dingaan's Day. December 1C. Members of the Historical Monument Commission feel that It the natives are assured that the reconstruction 'of the kraal will perpetuate their history the move will be welcome. Prom several descriptions written by contemporary European traders and missionaries it is believed the krall was formed o' two concentric circular hedges between which stood the circular Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market agajn "RUPERT BRAND' SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED 'KIPPERS! SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED. MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish - A1SD - Cold Storage " COMPANY LIMITED PRINCK RUPERT, B.C. The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals! 5 row of huts. Opposite the entrance were the king's quarters where his wives vf re hoiised In a seclusion which .mean death to any male Intruders,. According to a reportheft by Retlef, the royal kraal contained 1,700 huts, each of which accommodated about 20 men, forming more of a barracks than a town. It was here that Retlef and his associates were killed by Din-gaan. When the avenging Boers arrived at the kraal a few months later they foun,d It In flames and deserted. man ib n a NEW LOW PRICES 12 labials' lie H labials 29c 100 tobUts 79 GfNUINE ASPIRIN IS At MARKED THIS WAY J.H.Mair Auctioneer Sales Arranged at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. KWONO SANO HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE ; 812 7th AVE. WEST N"xt to King Tal) . All your patronage welcome Open a pjn. to 2 ajn. i" Outside Orders from p.m. to 2 ajn. i PHONE RED 2471 i V PHONES ; 11G -.117 i ALBERT AND McCAFFERY i