a. Prince Uupcrt Dnllp .J3ctos Monday, December 9, 1946 today in Sports RAINMAKER-S CHALK!) P FIRST -SENIOR "A" BASKETBALL WIN - Handy Victory Over B.C. Packers Port Edward Takes Measure of Macey's After taking such a trouncing from 99 Taxi on Tuesday night, Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers went out and . gave the hapless B.C. Packers an awful drenching in the Saturday night basketball tussle at the Civic -Centre. The final score was 68 to 47 for the Students of the Green and Gold. After the first quarter' in u-hirh thp nlav was verv evenlv divided, the teams came to the J with 20 and 16 points respective- end of the first quarter with an 11 to 11 tie. From the start of the second quarter,, however, the lads frqm the Bo-Me-Hi really began to sizzle. Moving swiftly and- surely, the students took a quick lead and came coasting Jnto the end of the first half leading 23-19. But if the students though they could coast for the rest of the night they were wrong for, in the third quarter, the Packers outscored them and at times outplayed them. Although they fought right to the final whistle, they couldn't quite seem to get click-Ins the way the Rainmakers ly and Fitch of the B.C. Packers with 15. Handling the whistle In this game was Bc'bby Houston of the 99 iquad. There is an acute shortage of referees and Bob consented to take this game. Ba-Me-Hi Ciccone 16, Thompson 8, Forman 20, Hartwig 6, Lavigne 6, Skog 4, Flaten 2, Davidson 2, Intermela 4. Total 63. B.C. Packers Mazzcni 7, Gur-vich 6, Brown 3, Fitch 15, Cal-deroni 3, White 8, Ross. Total 47. Tort Edward's First Victory Port Edwdard .on their first game in the Senior "B" mix-up were, with Forman and Ciccone i against Macey's 48 to 40. Hustl lobbing them in from all angles (or the Students the Packers began to slow down wnrcn .gate the High School the extra zip, ing all over the floor, the Port Coward tsam did not give the soda bays very many opportunities at the hoop. But, by driving hoping them to move well out in j vhe ball literally through the front with a 20-point lead. High Macey's defences, the cannery-men of the night were Forman men managed to make so many and Ciccone of the High School .-nets nt the net that it was 64 .more of the law of average than good mcrksminshtp that won the game for them. Powerhouse of Port Ed was A. Ourney who copped 31 of his teams 43 points. Trying: just pfoout everything in the book, Macey's were unable to stem the flood as Port Ed tc.V.ci up the floor. Most noticeable thins in this game was the two different styles of ball handling that was displayed Port Ed was shooting from anywhere and everywhere on the floor white Macey's tried desperately to work the ball through the wall of Port Edward's defence. The first half was ended with Port Edward on the long end of a 19-16 rcore. Led by Haugan the lunch counter boys tried hard in the second half but were unable to keen their aggressive opponents down. With Macey's being outscored in this half 29 to 24, Port Edward ended up the winner by a score of 48-40. I Maceys B. Jwenzies 2, is. uui ,3, J. Haugan 14, B. Pierce. E. Pierce 7, U. Arnsten 3, M. Teng 6, J. James 1, O. Slatta, G. Olaf-son 2, N. Skogmo 2. Total 40. Port Edward A. Gurney 31, II. Stevenson, C. Clayton 9, A. iLeeson, M. MacNeil, T. teven-j f on 4, A. Stevens, D. Moven 2, S. ! Bright, C. Barton 2, B. Nelson, j Total 48. j The Junior game showed a I smooth -working Gyro squad tackle the skyline of the Juniors the Legion In a fine display of junior ball handling. Both Reams were ri?ht in there play-' ing very good ball with the Gyro .having -the slight edge over Legion in the first half. Working the ball much smoother than the Legion, Syd Woodde's boys cop ped a 7-point lead which brought them to the ha::vay mark on ' the long side of a 14-7 score. Ccmlng into the second half, 99 Millbank is a Mild, Cool, Straight Cut Virginia Cjgarette Simple words but they mean l ";1ts Ask for them today! MILLBANK STRAIGHT CUT VIRGINIA CIGARETTES PRICTICIL SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 3"! P. O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert 77TI UD TTDirn Tin 7m rr 1 In hi in II II lilillUIIrt) r ..tS II II I nil II II II in ill II II II II tesv IU II II II r&tl M.JLL Ma ilJLM u UJL Jul ILIL. AND 1 SPORTING GOODS I I KAIEN HARDWARE I I'HONE :5 P.O. BOX 98 P RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. PARTS AVND SERVICE DEPOT CHRYSLER S DODGE PLYMOUTH DE SOTO DODGE AND FARGO TRUCKS SHORT SPORT The scramble hockey the Toronto Maple LecJTs play these nights may draw In the fans but Beattle-Ramsay prefers the open, passing game they, featured when he played for them the year the club was formed. The 51-year old contractor, now In Regina, says however, that "the fans seem to like it this way and you've got to give thrrn what they want." Seattle Is one of the few i players to write his own nro-fessional hockey contract. The i management of Uie Leafs told h'-m to name his own terms when contract time came along in the 1925-26 season. He took them up that year and the followlng season. But when the same offer was extended for the 1929-30 season, Beattle turned it down. At 32 he felt he wasn't worth his weight In hockey and stayed with his engineering work in Saskatchewan. That ended a hockey playing career which led from the open-rinks at Lumsden. Saskatchewan, 20 miles northwest of tfteglna, to the Olympic Games of 1924. While studying engineering at the University qf Toronto In 1921, he found time to captain the Blue and White neam. Dr. Billy Pa foe. brother of the Quints physician, was toash. ' Beattle joined the famous Toronto Granites In 1923 and played defence for the sextet at theOlymtic Games the following year when they beat the United States team for the cham-'p'.onshlp. With hUn'on that team twere Hooley Smith, Al McCaf frey, Dune Munro and sensational Harry Watson, tempted but never Jured to professional ranks. Teammates on the Leafs who "would make plays jn which everybody epuld see who was scoring" included Han Day, ,fAce" raailey and Art Duncan. John Ross Roach was the Leaf goal keeper. Hockey has speeded up since those days but Beattle prefers to ;ee a neat play rather than a scramble. But he Is not getting inueh satisfaction along those lines from the Regina Patricias, the Junior hockey club of which he is president. The Pats, formed Legion turpta on sont of their reserve efforts but were unabte to overcome the first half lead Gyro had piled up. Trying desperately In the closing minutes of play Legion came into: the closing second on the short side j of the 35-28 full time score, The fans were well satisfied by 6th j teams good-showing; Gyro Schier 13, Haugan ,6, S;herk 8, Moore 1, Mercer, Sun-berg, S. , Scherk 7, Donaldson. Total 35. Legion Olson .4, Lien 2, Wong 1. Boulter 6, T- Carlson 12, B. Hill, G. Carlson 2, T. Forman 1, Eidsvlck. Total 28. Handling the whistle In the thrtte games for the night were-N. J. Gurvlch (Junior), Alex Bill (Senior B)J and B. Houston (Senior A). The score keepers were D. Bill (Junior), and V. Ciccone (Senior). Timekeepers were Spring (Junior); Di "Bill (Senior B)j and Webster (Senior A)'. Grotto CIGAR STORE Wholesale and Retail Tobacconists COOI) SUPPLY OF MEN'S SUNDRIES SMALL QUANTITIES ROLLS RAZORS RONSON LIGHTERS Make Your Choice Early See-Btrf or-Bud" this year in an alliance of the i 1 1 r,r I P f I f T Abbotts and Commandos. j A U J J I L J U J L wlnning .garnet but-most of it is i 1 TT III mrn scramble hockey. Beattle doesnt , A I U I U A V I IN ofco nnv hfinrt In rnnrhlmr the HilwlVHI I III Pats. Ha rn.trherithp PrlnrMnn TJnl- 22 league games Jn one season. The Regina Aces later prospered Xinder his direction. Now his winter sports activities are confined to curling with the Caledonia club in Regina and administration cf ihe Pats. Tas,t skater has the advantage these days with hockey speeded vp. and he says that wef tern players therefore have a bit of a break rlnce t is "generally accepted" that the westerner Is on the average a faster skater. TEN-PIN ROWLING December 15 Watts St Nicker-son vs. General Motors; Imperial Oil ys. 99; Savoy vs. B.-A. Oil. December 22Savoy vs. Watts ic Nickerson; General Motors vs. 99; Imperial Oil vs. B.-A. Oil. December 29 B.-A. Oil vs. 99: Imperial Oil vs. Watts & Nick erson; Savoy vs. General Motors. , January 5 Savoy vs. 99; B.-A. I Oil vs. Watts Si Nickerson; Im-! perlal Oil vs. General Motors. , January 12 B.-A. Oil vs. Gen- j eral Motors; Savoy vs. Imperial! Oil; Watts & Nickerson vs. 99. January 19 Imperial Oil vs. 99; Watts Si Nickerson vs. General Motors; Savoy vs. B.-A. Oil : Visitor: "Why is the church hell ringing, Sexton?" Sexton: '"Cos I be pulling this, 'ere rope, mister!" PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MININO MACHINERY McBride Street POLICE WORK verslty uad for three seasons SYDNEY. Australia 0-The New TolIowingliU retirement from I South Wales Police Department the Leafs, travelling east from Is using an airplane to speed up his highways job in Saskatche- j its work in the 300.000 square .r. Thn in urn h Prinro miles of state territory over Albert senior team came under his wjng and they won 21 out of j which it has jurisdiction. Wlth-jin a few years the department hopes to have a squadron of planes. The new police plane Is used to fly detectives and dogs to the scene of crimes in country areas, to take aerial photographs of districts where crimes have I occurred and to spot outbreaks "Junior hockey will come into 0f fre. Its own In the next few years," u haJ a crew of three aU Rattle believes. "We can't af- j former membm of the Royal ford first class profenlonal , t ,Un ,Alf Force wno wor hockey ip the west so we do our mi and carr,es four dfi. senior hockey." Generally the j tectlves. The plane has a com partment for police dogs and a portable selection of crime detection equipment. The plane IS equipped with two-way radio which kelps it in touch with headquarters in Sydney and permits it to tune in to the police frequencies of the neighboring states of Queensland and Victoria. The speed transport which the plane permits enables police to reach a country area within hours of a call compared with days of car and train travel. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street ieo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Salts Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) phones: Eiu Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Aik for George CHRISTMAS DECORATING ft You can beautify everything in the honied m. At ri ni t irW jg witn mese inree aaun-uio nnisncs: Satin-Glo Satin-Glo Satin-GIo Enamel Finish Varnish Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TOtDATE RESTAURANT Full-course meals FROM 11 A.SI. TO 6 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES cnop SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDF ORDERS PHONE 1.13 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Gift TIIONE 311 id s? ti li i r i . i m mompson naraware v.ovLtd.A j Phone, 101 P.O. Drawer !)7 W I FOR THE YOUNG . . Ricyclcs - Wagons Roller Skates - Skis Scooters - Kiddy Cars A small deposit will hold any article till Christmas. Remember the Civic Election Dec. 12. Vote as you like ... but VOTE! tl i TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & 6 TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOThpo MACHINE WORK GAS n4 r. hiFcn " IU "' ana IKACTOR REPAIrj For minor rrpairi and t, ""wwwstw,, V I TABLE AND BOUDOIR LMPS T0ASTt SILI.X COFFEE MAKERS l or the Kiddies Electric Motor Kits m,.,, SUPPORT RADIO AUCTION DECEMBER? PITPPPT D A nm a xir nnu CLLC I' ll ll,iv 919 .ru:-. . . . - .... n imru a, , ANNOUNCEME WAITING FOR CARS A X I) ti We have taken over all order end - dr wpre niacen tt'iin k k Fa'icpr iti to see where he stands on the u A dud PARKER LIMIT FORD AND MONARCH DEALE! jru .ivrnur p MJiTTE UUN MSiltiJ? YOUR OR nniinnifirrjn u f f TAA I mm hi w rr 1111 1 11 1 1 Orr1r nm n!linr tin inrl thm fctinnir slfiiaflnn k not -n -; ' vancc 10 Rive us me dcsi possioic enmn w you supplifti. 1 1 r r r T A u i prrnl IT n n .w amrKi m .LurrLK l m mmm mm m a w Phones 116 and 117 A. KJ 1414 ilil 1 lie SUPPORT RADIO AUCTION Call . . . EDWARD L IP S E TT IT for , . . T x H-J Dnn m mr -m m m mr m mw a mmm mmm I mm MX V I ' " " PHONE 237 NEW CONSTRUCTION nHPAiKc ALTERA cxm 9. RPIDD VJIL.L.I IX vwirr- Builders and Contractor vn. PHONE RED 561 t rv a Mir r innrc o (TOO m ' n ii ir s . viiiii ..t(?rtrni.ii iw- niPMm kk mu -,itrp rnMUn. STORED Au " e TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA CABEFCt AM FOR QUICK. EFFICIENT, FR VICE n n ni .... I iMnQAYS bU ' i nnn i - - . - RFX CAFE ontNCE W SECOND AVENUE, OVVVZU Chop Suey - Chow M P'1W' Chinese Dlsh our Open 8 aJj. to 3 ajn. PHONE Via ADVERTISE IN " .rtT NEWS FOB' THE DAILY