MNews It TaL-iBL-w- Vnnurs C289) .lcek returned. to Louise e p-imiess ,s sP-rp to Juneau Du.e Tonight Saturday Mgnt at ., i. 19 tnlrl- U. o . vm.iwr nnd MISS r ya " ' . ., thp weeK- a-hprp thev Illfta" " - " tUt- week visiting ..... n.. Tprrnrp rp ,ji t... . v... . toui 5 the week htf fnnlo'ht.'s . . . a 4Vn In. uruE AT vn.1 tiMi, to Keep arm ami comfv inf.,.. 1 " itcj long. nil I lAvri KU HMIi-l 'TIL llllll I -...j IVUvkal cnvenience . . . V Ts-. ' ur,i :i iij n 1 1. ( x "'cn Rooms CAFE vuection V 1 I Hon PREMISES vated) E 51 ems .. . A Hear George U. Casey, alder- taiarac candidate, CFFR, 5:45 pjn. today on "Civic Affairs." (It) Constable Ernest Bradley, for merly of the city police force here and now stationed at Bella ooia, has been in Vancouver re cently for medical treatment. k Kldsl Take advantage of this opportunity to complete your record collection. Swe-et and swing. Famous bands and vocal ists. From 25c up. 75c for 12" platters. Phone Black G87. '(287) Canadian Legion Execu tive Meeting tonight at 3 o'clock. Regular monthly meeting with Initiation of new mem bers Legion Hall Wed. Dec. 11 8 pjn. 8 1 total ma tZ2 3 L. .It 0-- HI . . "V "Hi. i-:u I W TU I ,v r-- s v w m i ' ' "' ii W What she V, l needs wwmA r m m - Dtrvuu i 'V. a 1 : - . , . tea end coffee V J I nK make lor nail icmncrj. uririK nsicad-for in grand flavor-anil because its the meal I T -i n , I i tn tirwrr vnn. nt-madc richt in the cup economical costs less than tening. A Produtt of Ctnerol foods PI27 A Listen to Brooksbank, candidate for Alderman, on the radio at 6 o'clock this evening. , (It) AEllo Furniture Store will be closed from Dec. 9th to January 5th, 1947. d27) Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Busslnger of Telkwa arrived In the city on the Catala on Saturday from Sella Coola and will proceed on tcnight's train to their home In the interior. Mrs. Busslnger has been away for a month visiting at Courtenay, Vancouver Island. With one daughter, Mrs. Jack Downey, and at Bella Coola with "wither. Mrs. Ernest Bradley. Mr. Busslnger went to Bella Coola the previous week to meet his wife and accompany her home. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Thls is to notify that I will not be held responsible for debts or obligations incurred in my name by any persons except by myself personally. EJVIND NIELSON. (287) LIVERPOOL, Eng. OH The Cu-nard White Star liner Maure-tanla, undergoing refit, will be In service next February. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be chnrpeel for a full month at 25c a word. Orange tea and home cooking. Mrs. J. O. Anderson's, 303 4th East. 2:30 to 5. Dec. 12. Card party, Catholic School Hall, Dec. 12, 8 p.m., In aid of ! Christmas Tree. Seal Cove Young People's Xmas Concert and Play. St Peter's Hall, Dec. 13 and 14, 8 p.m. Silver collection. King Edward High School JANES-CURRIE NUPTIALS BY CANDLE LIGHT At a pretty ceremony solem nized by candle light before Rev. R. A. Wilson in First United Church at 8 o'clock Saturday evening, Norma Charlotte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Currie of Prince Rupert, became the bride of Andrew Eric Janes, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Janes of Vancouver, Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor - lepgth gown of white satin and net with embroidery-trimmed floor-length veil crowned by a Mary Queen ot Scots haio trimmed with orange blossoms. Her bouquet was yellow, tea roses with maidenhair fern. Matron of honor was Mrs, James Currie, sister-in-law of the bride wearing a gown with orchid chiffon top and full skirt gathered in at the waist. She carried a bouquet of mixed 'mums and wore orchid spray mums in her hair. Groomsman was James Currie, brother of the bride, while Sam Currie, another brother, and Jack McPhail were .ushers. Or ganist was Rose Marie Hartwig. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held at the Cana dian Army signal barracks, where the bridegroom was sta tloncd during the war. The many guests were received by the bride's mother and Mrs. R. W. Rudd of Vancouver. Mrs, Currie wore a dress of tcel blue with black accessories with cor stage of pink carnations. The bride's table was decorat - concert, December 16, Civic TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Centre Tnis to notify that I will not .be held responsible for debts or S.O.N. Christmas Tree andi ,--Iirr.H Dance, Civic Centre, December, s nnv pxnt lv 2C. Children's Fancy Dresj Party, Civic Centre, December 27. KWONQ SAN Q HINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE ""612Scvcnth' Avenue West . (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE UVt THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUAL11-Y" surronr junior chamber radio auction personally. FRED M. HILL. Never have ensembles been so lovely so feminine as they arc this season. And when they're lavished with fur . . . they're par excellence! OATS and OTHER COATS THIS IS A HANDY WAY TO SHOP TOR 1IEH DEPOSIT ANY AMOUNT TO HER CREDIT AND WE WILL GIVE YOU A PRESENTATION CERITFICATE YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE THIS WAY. usi; ouu iu:i;.:t plan for your jiuying No Carrying Charges-No Interest. Terms In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. (287) I Cosmetic Cjiftsl Kax. YAKDLEY - IIAKK1ET 1IUI.HAHI) AYKR-ADRIENNE - TUYA MAX FACTOR EVENING IN PARIS - TANG EE Ormes ltd. "Jfis Pioneer Dmq&tets VOTE AS YOU LIKE BUT VOTE ON DECEMBER 12 cd with white candles and a spray of mauve chrisanthemums and was centred with a three- tier wedding cake placed in front of an arch of cedar bows with pink and white streamers. As the bride and bridegroom cut the cake, Corporal Wallace sang "I Love You Truly." Toast to the bride was pro posed by Jack Mcintosh, with the groom responding. R. Cameron toasted the matron of hon or and the groomsman respond ed: Mr. and Mrs. Janes will make their home in Prince Rupert where" the bridegroom is employed by the city telephone depart ment. The bride was formerly on the , nursing staff at Prince Rupert General Hospital, having recently graduated in Victoria from St. Joseph's Hospital. Train Schedule From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 pjn. For the East Ill I ft 9 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 pjn. Kf6l6Vv5 CISTttCSS OF Child's Cold As He Sleeps lPenetrates dtip Into bron-chill tubes with pedal soothing medicinal vspors. Stimulates chest and back surfaces like a warm. Inc. comfortlni poultice. This effective special penetrating-stimulating action works for hours during the night to relievfe distress of colds while your little one sleeps. Results are so good of ten by morning most misery of the cold is c relieved. Try WlwfVd I XMAS GIFTS t y y Rive HER Lovely Linccrie J Nightgown, Slip and Pantie, g w FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday-J5S Coquitlam 1:30 pjn. Fdday 'SS Catala, 10 p.m. Saturday SS Camosun, 9:15 p.m. FOR KETCHIKAN Friday SS Camosun, midnight, Sailings for Queen Charlott Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phonc56S in iitruvy ftiiiiii, alius oi. tu n 12, in white, blue or rose. Deposit. $2.70 Balance, $10.79 C.O.D. Send color, size, deposit, and address to SYLVIA'S I Rcudy-lO'JFcar (MJFAN FALLS, B.C. Delivery in 3 weeks Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. .The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Hotel. . . arrivals A. R. McDonnell, Smlthers; R. Anderson, Vancouver; A. J. Whltmore, Ottawa; E. K. Thomas, Vancouver; E. A. Wood, Van couver; George Jay, Vancouver; A. Warner, Terrace; F. C. Woods, Butedale; A. Benson, Hazelton; Ray Coates, Prince George; Mr, and Mrs. L. Minnaker, Massett; C. Maitland, Butedale; A. Grant, Butedale; J. Hendricks, Surf In let; J. F. Chislett, Edmonton; A. Trueman, Massett; T. A. Tremblay, Victoria; H. King, Terrace; K. Kerr, Terrace; Mrs, P. Brodle, Butedale; S. Horowitz Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Dick, Osborn, Ohio; Mr. and Mts J Butedale 0F- WW Uncle Mac's Nursery Rhymes v' Winnie Tlie Pooh Builds a House u Kfnrr. Winnlp The Pooh SongS The Story of Ferdinand y Dene Kelley's Nursery Songs What Is God Like? ....... FOR YOUNG PEOPLE New Leather Handbags are Jptincc Hupcrt Daily Btv$ Monday, December 9, 1916 WED QUIETLY AT THE MANSE At a quiet ceremony in First Presbyterian Church manse at 8:30 Saturday evening, Miss Dorothy Johnstone of Prince Rupert became the bride of William S. Stevens. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. F. Mac Sween. The bride's attendant was Mrs. Wilbur Sheardown, her sister, while the bridegroom was attended by his brother, Lloyd Stevens. The newly married couple will take up residence on Seventh Avenue East. LONDON CB There now are 10,706,000 radio receiving licen- Hopklns, city; T. W. Reich, J ces In force In the United King dom. for . . . IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS, SCHOOLS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES Vote H. KRAUPNER For ALDERMAN A Sincere, Hard-working and Honest Counselor LISTEN TO CFPR AT 8 O'CLOCK TONIGHT 1 I F V Here! s At Your Service . . . OUR RECORD REIT. VICTOR DECCA COLUMBIA Xmas Suggestions for All Ages CHILDREN'S RECORDS AND ALBUMS The Husband Who Was To Mind the House Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes Three Billy Goats Gruff ' .50 1.50 set .50 1.50 set 1.50 set 1.15 set 5 Dumbo (Album) 3.00 Gulliver's Travcb J-j scl y Little Black Sambo J-J seJ Little Black Sambo's Jungle Band set g Rumpelstiltskin ; y The Little Red Hen : (Album) 2.50 y. Elnlnr. Hrimfle (Album) 2.35 .50 Two sliipntcnts have just arrived from the cast. The styles this year run mostly blacks and browns with some of the new designs in fasteners and quite a number have zippers and different kinds of gadgets and fittings inside. There are a number of new shapes and finishes and the prices run from $7.."0 to $1!5.0(. We have also some of the new plastic bags at somewhat lower prices. Glad 'to show you anyhow even if you don't wish to purchase Just now. Vole As You Like But VOTE on December 12 I A STETSON V TO SUIT n H kj V '. rr. I 1 I y y y y 5 S WMM' y y V y v y y v y y y y y y y 1.50 set S i Nutcracker Suite (Phil. Orchestra) (Album) 5.05 Nutcracker Suite (Spike Jones) (Album) 3.00 Carnival of the Animals (Phil. Orch.) .. (Album) 5.05 y Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 (Grclg). 5Ct y DON'T FORGET . . . "You'll Get Used To It" (by John Pratt) as sung in "Meet The Navy" - 75 VOTE AS YOU LIKE BUT VOTE ON DECEMBER 12'3'a ANY TASTE This Cbristmas-give hini a Stetson Gift Certificate with Miniature Hal. ALL PRICES r It i i rhiiy''"'"' 'flW'H!H 1 j Du Barry Rubenstein 1 Tuya Molinard and Many Others McCUTCHEON Pharmacy Ltd. Third Ave. and Sixth St. 1'IIONE 71) TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVIQE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace