P MS. :prf tjrc .Uuum sDnlly ;j3cui$ Monday, December :30, 1&46 moT .'771 . When the puke of Corinaught basketball squad arrives In Prince Rupeit oft New Year's Day they will have behind them a string cf victories over the'best teams in southern British Col-umbia and northern Washington E-tats. TnU -.ea;ii frocn'New .rwestmin-.ter wtll toe the first southern high school team "to ..play in Prince-Rupert since bas-; .. ketball first started to be played i in town. That is what makes , : this game so important to all local hoopsters. If the local students put on a. good show it wilt do much to strengthen the ties between the north and the jsauth of B.C. Sciii2 interesting highlights '"oh the "Diikti?" have been brcught ifowvard in. correspondence witli the coach At the so'ithjtn team, Ken "Hooker" WiJght, who has been coaching basketball teams for the pasM5 I "y:rrs. When Ken was. 18; he pHyed for the University ofBri-: i-v- rohmbfa feam that hsld the senior me's . championship - of t JJ4iter iw ps. :oimect for Vw yetminte Adauacs, Var sity and Royal Canadian Air Force teams. The team he Is coachihiihis year 4111 has Tour players oil the first strlng.roni last year. When the Dukes arrive in toun they will have an average .--'e : : 17 year?, 10 months, aver- Steamship Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell Kiver) VANCOUVER Thursday at . 11:15 p.m. TO KETCHIKAN Wednesday.JIidnight For reservations call or wnte City or Depot Ticket Offices. MANSON'S JEWELLERS "The Home of Better Jewellry'' BEST BARGAIN IN Y?EARS I am going out of the retail businesi and will handle only traw ;f urs. Everything must be cleared oubby New Year's. . ' DONT MISS THE BARGAINS AT GO LDB HoclceyS cores .Saturday Chicago 2, Montreal 8. Boston. 3, Toronto 4. sNw YorkS,: Detroit 2 (tie). Sunday Boston 2, New York 2 (tie). rage height of 5 feet 11 'A Inches and. -an, average weight of 153! pounds.' This is almost identical with the, averages of the "Rain makers," ;But this Is the onlj i-imilarity .between the teams. AVhereasiheiscal hoopsters play a wide-open style of ball, the "Dukes" play for possession of theball. The difference is most notable. in the way they make their baskets. Bo-Me-Hi brings the'toall.urv fast and gets rid of it feJb.hut-thc.'Dukes" are th2 verv ccpo!ite. They bring it up slow and work it nrery slcwlv until they -have opened their cnoon- ents'.defeii:es. Then they boom theiball' through to score. Now .that the local students I are at last coming out of then-slump they are in a good position to give the southerners a , good beatinqr in the first eame (That, is providing the local stud- Nentsi dX'the green android keep coming out of their slump and put .on sonie xf the fiiht they showed last teascn. iThe games arc ; to 'toe played In the Civic Centre on 'Wednesday and .Thursday. War Assets Bowling Individual scores, in last week's play were as follows: CB20KBHS B.' Houston 184 201 201 D. Houston 148 133 113 J.Berg - 112 73 116 I. Stiles 115 119 92 S. Stiles '172 205 273 Totals ',Z 731 795 WING 'DINGERS KLAlrd i!90 176 137 R. Goodlad .152 191 202 F. Aird .. ,152 262 111 L. Ham 128 111 121 Low ..Score .1)2 73 92 Totals 734 813 "63 SHARPSHOOTERS V. Carrier '150 103 100 A. Nelson -181 -246 187 L. Hitchens 161 119 187 E. TllcManus '119 138 140, J. Mulliiv 109 147 113 Totals 710 753 727 WASPS J. f lkes -.140 122 103 R. Vuckovich 211 183 171 M. Towe-ll 163 '144 196 V. Layigrte 200 96 184 Lew Score .109 J03 100 Totals . . 823 648 754 SPITFIRES Postuk 161 249 182 Gustafsen 149 101 125 DeMaer 77 85 120 Calgleish '113 118 128 Low Score 105 98 136 Totals 605 651 692 MOSQUITOES B. Brown 105' 144 161 V. Cireon. . wots bJB Smithy V. Chamberlain .... 155 135 151' H, Hartz 158 158 160 E. 'Mennell ;125 98 136 T. Barkhouse . 105 174 147 Totals 648 709 755 GULLS P. Dustan 59 172 186 O. Nelson 161 189 .153 H. Brewer ;J18 89 205 M. Munizaba 175 143 139 G. Yule 107 168 .133 Totals -:s 660 '761 816 HELL-DIVERS hO. 'Lemire 156 168 151 Z. Lemire ,194 209 221 G. Lemire 205 157 255 R. .Bradshaw 149 144 136 A. Ross 287 146 191 Totals 991 824 944 Classified Advertising Pays! LI A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up MiRooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE 1 RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. ..Box 198 LOOM'S In nn intensive training program at H. M. C. S. Naden in Esquimau, tB.C.,. men .bf. fill branches of the post-war Royal Canadian "Navy undergo new entry training designed; to acquaint them with the iM Ml I 11 I Mllll IHH I 1 (Upper Left) CPO. William Mundie of Saltcoats, Sask., instructs Stoker Jack Palmer of Hamilton, 'Ont'., In the use of an antl-alrcraft training device-which gives the trainee-practice in making necessary allowances for the speed and angle of flht of aircraft. g (Lower Left) Coiling rope is the seamari!s forte but Air Mechanic Jack Eplett, Toronto, and Stoker Howard Dench, Brantford, Ont., can get things ship-shape on. the bow of the captain's barge, thanks to their new entry training. SCHEDULE FOR MIXED BOWLS. January 8 McMeekins vs. i Thistles; Pushovers vs. Reddy Kilowatts; Atomics vs. Head-pinners; Co-op vs. Lipsetts; Pirates vs. Rockets; Midgets .vs. King Pinners. January 15 Pirates vs. Pushovers; Co-op vs. Headoinners: McMeekins vs. Midgets; Rockets vs. Thistles; King Pinners vs. Lipsetts; Reddy Kilowatts vs. Atomics. January 22 Lipsetts vs. Head-plnners; King Pinners vs. Rockets; Thistles vs. Pirates; Reddy Kilowatts vs. McMeekins; Midgets vs. Atomics; Pushovers vs. Co-op. January 29 Midgets vs. Coop; McMeekins vs. Pirates; Pushovers vs. Kingpinners; Head-pinners vs. Rockets;; Lipsetts vs. Reddy Kilowatts; Atomics vs. Thistles. February 5 Atomics vs. McMeekins; Headpinners vs. King-, pinners; Reddy :Kilowatts vs: Thistles: Pushovers vs. Mldeets: Rockets vs. Co-op; Pirates vs. Lipsetts. February 12 Kine Pinners vs. Reddy Kilowatts; Lipsetts vs, Atomics; Midgets vs. Rocket3; Pirates vs. Co-op; Pushovers vs. McMeekins; Thistles vs. Headpinners. Ladies' League Jan. 5 Cleaners vs. Tollers; Savoy vs. Orange; Variety vs. Miller Bay; Moose vs. Big Sisters; Lucky Strlkes-vs. Annettes. Jan. 12 Big sisters vs. Annettes; Variety vs. Tollers; Cleaners vs. Orange; Savoy vs. Miller Bay; Moose vs. Lucky Strikes. DUBLIN, 0) Most RV. J. C. McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin, laid the foundation stone of a new chapel at St. Joseph's-Car melite House of Studies. f SHORT SPORT The work of Toe Bhfce of the Mcntreal Canadiens in -winninz the National Hockey'. League scoring title with x sixth place club was voted the outstandlne achievement lh' 1939 in The Can adian Bress poll seven years: ago, Blake is still .with . the Cana- Tdiens. Charley Gehrlnger, Detrfilt second baseman, topped the American League In both batting and fielding in records released nine years ago. One-time Toronto player in theilnterna'tlonal League, he was -voted, the circuit's most valuable player' In 1937, winning the batting title, with an average of 1371. INDIA BUILDS LABORATORIES NEW DELHI W Four nation al laboratories are to be built In India at an estimated cost of $3,999,600. They will consist of a metallurgical laboratory, a chemical and physical laboratory, and a fuel reasearch Institute, SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert HI-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light sRepalrs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 404 ;McBride rudiments of naval life. They learn to do things : .the nayy wayH)e'foregoing on to advanced technical training courses and actual sea experience on board Canadian warships, -r.c.n. Photos. (Upper Tlight)A complete knowledge of all parts of an aircraft Is essential to these Air Stores Assistants, who 'will be handling the spare parts. Checking this plane are Paul Dnnve of Kapuskasing, Ont., Paul Quick of Moose Jaw, Alvin BJorn-son Dawson Creek, B.C., and Edward Haddad of Winnipeg. (Lower Right) All new entry men must take a brief course In communications. .Here, Stoker Edward Rawllngs or Calgary, watches as Leading 'Signalman Arthur Williams does some flag hoisting with the aid of a Tuffnell signalling box. SCHEDULE FOR LADIES "B" BOWLS January 2Co-ap vs. Atlin, Dockettes vs. Bankers, Revenuers vs. Watts & Nickerson, Peoples ys. Khatada, Whirlwinds vs. WPTB. January 9 Whirlwinds vs. Bankers, Dockettert vs, Revenu ers, Watts & Nickerson vs. Peoples, WPTB vs. Atlln, Co-op vs. Khatadas. January 16 Dockettes vs. Peoples, Watts it Nickerson v-Bankers, WPTB vs. Co-op, Atlin vs. Khatadas, WhihSwinds vs. Revenuers. TEN-RIN BOWLING January 5 Savoy vs. 99; B.-A. Oil vs. Watts & Nickerson; Imperial oil vs. General Motors. January 12 B.-A. Oil vs. General Motors; Savoy vs. Imperial Oil; Watts & Nickerson vs. 99. January 19 Imperial Oil vs. 09; Watts & Nickerson vs. General Motors; Savoy vs. B.-A. Oil While in Terrhcc stay at . . . T errace for Convenience and Comfort RECENTLY REMODELLED HEATING TROUGHOUT . TO ALL 'OUR FRIENDS. .It is a privilege at this season of the year to extend our sincere good wishes and to express our appreciation of your valued goodwill. GIGLI TO ENGLAND cnOYDON, Eng. O) Beniam-ino Glgll, Italian tenor, alleged to be n collaborator In 1913, reported dead In 1944, and finally cleared of the collaboration charge In 1945, arrived in England recently to appear in an opera. The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Hotel . UP-TO-DATE CENTRAL HOT AND COLD WATER Terrace Machine Shop & Garage GENERAL MOTORS DEALER f FDD Radio:Dial I I l i 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to' change) 'MONDAY-tPAI. '4:00 Edmund Hockridge 4:lS-iMldday Melodies 4:30 Songs in Sweet Style '4:45-itory Time 5:00 Top Bands 5:30 Sweet and Low' Down 5 ;45 Supper Serenade 6:00 Accordlana 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Hawaiian Echoes C!45-iRlvals Above. "Friends Below 6:50-tRecorded Interlude 7;0O CBCNews 1 : 15 ,CBC News Roundup 7:30 Recital Time 7:45 City. Desk, 8:CO Parfde of Bands U:30 Feidler Conducts 9:00 Farm Broadcast Drama 9:30 Here's Juliette 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Neighborly News 10:30 Dance Orch. CBS lt:0OWeather and SHgn6ff TUESDAY A JM . 70 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns B.-45 Little. Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Alornlng Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert .9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Music by Goodman 10:15 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodic , 11:00 CBR Presents 11:15 Songs or Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert REX CAFE H;ONU AVliWUlS. UffUaiTE i'KlNCE KUFEKI Chop Sucy Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our sprelaltj. Open 6 am. to 2 am PHONE 173 so all may see . . . As long as you tan read the printed word, J'u ' the woild before your eyes! Foreign diplomacy: fa 1'aris; the rebuilding of war's devastated lands. M r-anarln. Mm hM( enciriv romance: Ilolljrwoni Houslnr ritht here: Sirs. Jones' new baby what have for you to buy. Read all, know an Illuminating columns of your news 1 pa per. Lookng for a job or offeilnc one? Got a house to sell or want to buy? Interested in the stock market. Read all about it! Want to have the best of everything O Yu" vnii nn .'rrnril? IMml il nrt III llie ,,u nv t- ad columns of your favorite paper. c'jd then enjoy it in your own home. I'UK TI1K JNl'iWS . . . i P, 1 T3. 12:'?- B: t':3o bcn;; t - 1 1.-4" 143 .nr.. 2: v Favor. 2:r,0-3:11. 3: It 3:3d t. r 3:4," Mi t:: Train Sch i rom the iMU Tue-da- Thurs4iJ 'or the Easi- Mondav WoHn4. vuy. BTavi ! y o; noic 1. 4. man PRINCE Rlj DRY DO rntpmnLDE? ENGINES!." Iron ai.3 Brr t SPECIALISTS 1 vs and MTVTNn mrc ILLUMINATIC .it IfirnU! mici 01 P tS VI know1 7 t-m THE $