5: tod. 11 1 1 J DIE News Items... ifn, W. UU5UI1 arrived In the city crnoon on the B.C.LS. of Terrace jht on the Camosun Vancouver. i-gct Varden Singers intata, Monday Dec. Church, 8 p.m. ,er returned to the prmcess Norah this ai a holiday trip to Ekoaaaaaaaaaaaaats ie 5t I Recipe d Custard Pie u corn syrup Dili butter lIUllC a p uis cornsiarcn rinn salt liuiuiated sugar fei vanilla extract ;nd roasted blanched single 9-lnch crust sy syrup and butter In i ceok and stir until ns to a golden brown jjl :up milk and cook ' kp:ii syrup Is dissolved. om heat. Add re-milk and beaten eggs lend cornstarch, salt :11k mixture. Str in and almonds. Pour -lined pie pan (deep .sprinkle custard with IS minutes in a hot decree-, F.). Reduce re to moderate (350 and continue baking i.inutes or until cust-Ccn) before cutting. x or more. 0 and CLOTH COATS . ' sonttnues pip Felix Wright was a nassenzcr for Prince Rupert Irom Vancou ver aboard the Camosun which docked here northbound Satur day afternoon. George Hanklnson left Sundav night to return to Vancouver, where he is attending the University of British Columbia, af ter spending Christmas with his family. The Misses Dorothy, Sharl and Florence Barber of Ketchikan were passengers aboard the Camosun Saturday afternoon bound for the Alaskan city after a visit to Seattle. A The Retail Merchants Association announce that most of the Men's and Ladies' Roady-To- Wear and Shoe Stores will be closed Wednesday and Thursday. January l and 2. (304) Mr. and Airs. W. J. Pfeffer, who have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Coquitlam last evening. Mr. Pfeffer is a member of the local staff of the Bank of Montreal. W. II. Wilson-Murray Is leaving on this evening's train for Smlthers where he will meet Mrs. J. J. Llttte who Ls coming home with the remains of her husband, the late J. J. Little, vice - president t n d general manager of the Northern British Columbia Power Co., who died last week at Rochester, Minnesota. They will arrive lni the city on tomorrow night's train and the funeral will take plate Thursday afternoon from Flrft Presbyterian Church with rites of the Masonic craft. FUNLKAI, NOTICE LITTLE Funeral service for the late John J. Little will be held at Fir,t Presbyterian Church, January 2, at 2:30 p.m., Rev. A. F. MacSwen officiating. New Shipment of COATS and It's best dress forward this Holiday season and for your fashion pleasure we present our collection of smart frocks USE OUR BUDGET PLAN No Carrying Charges No Interest. Terms In accordance wltli W.P.TiD. Regulations. "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" iMania Plays Tost Office. The Experts Say . . . By KAY REX Canadian Press Staff Writer NEW YEAR'S DINNER For many a Canadian household New Year's Day celebrations include a dinner complete with Just about as many trimmings as the big Christmas meal. For those with chicken or even a second, turkey in mind, home economists suggest a method of getting four or five extra slices from the breast of '.hat New Year's bird. The wish-bone should be re moved before the fowl Is stuf. fed, by cutting out the neck at its base. Fold back the neck skin, which has been left long, and with a sharp knife cut the flesh on each .side of the wish-bone Loosen the bone from shoulder to breast-bone with fingers, and with sharp scissors or pliers cut the bone where It is attached at the shoulder and breast-bone. It will then slip out easily. The bird requires a little more stuf was must be filled. The long piece of neck skin holds the stuffing in place. This new method doesn't change the shape of the turkey or chicken, and ft will be a Joy to the carver to be able to cut large, even slices. Speaking of stuffing, an idea for crumbling the bread easily and quickly Is to cut a two-day-old loaf in thirds, and remove the crusts. Place one piece In a clean tea towel and gather the edges to form a bag. Hold in the left hand and with the right rub tnc cube or bread agah'st the loft until the crumbs arc as fine as required. Repeat until the remainder of the bread is crumbled. One loaf of V2 pounds gives six cups of crumbs. Allow cup stuffing per pound of poultry, NEOPOLITAN LOAF This is the season for entertaining and an easy-to-prepare, yet color ful and appetizing dish for lunchebn or supper party Is the Jellied ncopolitan loaf No special recipe ls necessary as the dish simply Is made up of jellied tomato salad and po tato and chicken salad. Any com blnatlon of cole slaw, chicken, vegetable or meat, may also be used. Directions: Place a layer of tomato jelly In the bottom of a mould or loaf tin which has been lightly greased or rinsed In cold water. When firm add a layer of potato salad and a layer of chicken salad. Pour the remain ing tomato Jelly Into the mould. When firm unmould on serving place, garnish with parsley or green pepper strips and har,d-cooked eggs. Serve with, salad dressing, rolls or bread. MINCEMEAT DROP CAKES Here's a recipe for mincemeat drop drop cakes: ,J cup shorten ing; z cup sugar; 1 egg; 1 cup mincemeat; 2 cups sifted flour; i teaspoon soda; li teaspoon salt. , Cream the shortening and su gar, add the egg. Mix well. Add mincemeat. Sift together flour, soda and salt. Add to creamed mixture. Drop by teaspoonfuls on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake in moderate oven about 20 mln utcs. Sunday, Monday and Always. Advertise In the Dally News. LIFE tlB in rince uPert by BIDDEE JINKS In Prince Rupert last week,' as well as In myriads of homes across the taeadth of the land, the Spirit of Christmas Past was being entertained. In Europe, where Christmas Day did not re move the gnawing teeth of star vation nor the sting of cold, it makes Schooge's wispy visitor look like a .plutocrat. The Crotchet's humble dwelling and scrawny goose would spell luxury and bewildurmenfc even to a spirit who gazed miserably upon a gaunt-eyed family huddling themselyes together beneath an airy roof or" darkened cave, whose chflTlren had forgotten how to laugh, while worlds away, chimes rang out in gladness, and people wen.. -ay. For to the majority, Christmas Past was kind. Even In this land where food is plentiful and good the year around, we somehow retain t-he ability to absorb ex tra upon occasion and to relish It. But in spite of its granted fing as the space where the neck pre-eminence; the table is sec ondary to the happiness of those seated about It, where reunions are perfected and enhanced by comparison with other years, Many a mother toasted the tur key with tender care this year thankful that her boy was home once more, and many a wife watched "John" carve up the big browned -bird, silent in her pride and the wonder of his But now that the celebrated day 'is gone, many of us settle down and enjoy the Christmas tine with a keener relish. For Christmas dqes not come and go on one day. Christmas Day and Christmas Eve are the hub of a great wheel around which spin the many spokes of happiness and cheer. And, once the grand rush is over, the Huge dinner cooked and eaten, the tissue paper and ribbons picked up and all disposed of, or. frugally folded away, we turn ourselves to the rpokes. I start with the cards. For cards mean' friends. From the East coast, from the prairies, from the northlands, from across the line, and ocean, and our own west coast, they roll in. They come in tens and dozens and in bunches are hurriedly opened, scanned' with one eye while while the me other omer stays stays with wun the mc then up on the mantle they go or are crowded together on the piano. Now that I have time, ana a great sense of "having accomplished," I take them all down and, turning my chair exactly right, I read them carefully one by 6ne. The vefses are always beauUful, the design artistic and full df the gaiety of the season, of an awe of the Nativity; dui above both of these I find the warmth of a friend. In a hastily written note, there Is no men-lion of evenings spent together, a steaming cup of tea beside 'the fire, the sincerity of a handclaspyet before my eyes, they march across the page in vividness and everlasting gratitude to Providence that gave me this friend Turning from these, invariably we come back to our own home circle with its rich familiarity, What is to be found that can compare with the spontaneous Joy of children, their utter con tcntment and happiness In a trifling toy, their bubbling laughter? Yet even as I listened, By Chic Young f JUST WANrWylft -vvNv "wilA P Wl & -0 (romantic as J y A WaA ML "MVI&i tSri he used rf M N.-fc5 W3A Wi;Y iL M s W - M4 i ijrl- ray jfeA ' S L! (rnoa I'M GLAD) A I'D HATE TO V. TTINGUPANd) ( tup RFST I I'M NOT HftE TO TRY TO ) OWNS AT THIS ) V, V 11 f A WOMAN J f3 MAKE MYSELF fVi f EVERY r- ( JLith IT T SlSi J 1 7 BEAUTIFUL f' ( HINGIS fe .1 ViLSi 8 ill V EVERV 1 ' I the picture arose of a home in a neighboring city left childless and quiet this year, when a little girl, in the excitement of her sevenin niruiaay parcy, ran blindly In front of a truck. And so it came to me that, even In the symphony of this festive season the low notes of sorrow take their place. Through the lines wrltlen by Kahili Olbran we find the definition of pleas ure, whether at this time of year, or any other. Pleasure ls a freedom-song.. But it is not freedom. It is a deipth calling unto ' height, But It is not the deep nor the high. It is the caged taking wing But it is not space encompassed. Ay, in very truth, pleasure is a freedom-song.. And I fain would have you sing it with fullness of heart; yet I would not have you lose your hearts in the singly. Hotel. . . arrivals C. Thurelge, Terrace; P. Ever- sole, Ketchikan; J. Chlmelewskl, Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. J; E. Parker, city; Miss A. Lips, Ter race; Mr. and Mrs. F. Nash, Ter race; Mrs. II, Baxter, Terrace; J. E. Murphy, Vancouver; p. Brodlc, Butedale; Mr. and Mrs. L. Norton, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gordon, Vancouver; L. M W. Gordon, Vancouver. Announcements All advertisements in tins column will be charged for a full month Rt ase a word. Varden Singers Christmas Cantata "The Light Celestial", Monday, Dec. 30, 8 pm. Oddfellows Scotch Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, New Year's Eve. 9:30 pm. Breimner's Orch. Harmoneer's Dance, every Saturday night, 9 to 12, Oddfellows' Hall. Everybody' welcome. NEURALGIA Don't let the pitiless pain of Neuralgia prevent you from enjoying life. Get fast, f ri:.f with T.R.rVn. poedallv made to . k,y piercing." stabbing parcels Still to be wrapped and pain and dull, throbbing aches. Good I"aln and Stiffness, Sciatica, Lumbago. Get a box today ;0c J t &i druggists. T-41 We Serve You Nothing But the Best" ... SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West And NOW . WED QUIETLY AT CATHEDRAL At a quiet ceremony in St. Andrew's Cathedral Saturday evening, Miss Florence Starr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Starr of Port Esslngton, became the bride of Robert Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, 711 Fifth Avenue East, Prince Rupert. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Basil F. Prockter. The bride, who was given in marriage, by her father, was at tended by Miss Pearl Miller or Port Esslngton, while the groom's attendant was Oliver Leighton of Prince Rupert. Mrs. Edward Upsett jr., who has been visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooksbank, will sail by the Coquitlam tomorrow afternoon on her return to Vancouver. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Cosy home, phone, washing machine, hotplate, radio, toaster, Iron, tables, chairs, dressers, beds, etv. Fenced garden, tools, lime, child's playshed, swing, sa"nd, wagon, sleigh, buggy, crib, high chair, table. Coal, kind ling, pots, pans, dishes. Close In, save $5 per person per month cn bus fare. You walk In; TwalFout. 221 W. 9th Ave Geo. (It) J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS . WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: But Blue I4r Res. Red 12 Aik for George FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Fhone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Happy New Year May we take this opportunity to wish one and all FRIENDLIEST GREETINGS AND ALL GOOD WISHES A COMPLETE CANVAS GOODS SERVICE AM, WE RE CAN .MAKE PAIR PLACE CANVAS' PRODUCTS PHONE ItLUE 12C EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works 1G0 East Third Avenue (Next to McMeekln's) Prince Uupctt Daily Jciust Monday, December 30 1946 Lei next Hat be your a . . . STETSON See the new shades in the latest styles by Stetson. From $8.0p to $15.00 Bob Parker, Limited FORI) AND MONARCH SALES AND SERVICE "The Home of Friendly Service" WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF GENUINE ' FORD PARTS AND ACCESSORIES IN NORTHERN B.C. Out-of-Town Orders Given Prompt Attention XMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CAR OWNER Scat Covers O Patching; Kits Hydraulic Jacks Tires and Tubes Tire Tumps Bumper Guards Midget Car-size Vacuum Cleaners " PHONE !5 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 KWONO SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE . 612 Seventh Avenue West (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE 133 Complete Automobile Repair Service Fast Battery Charging 9 Specialized Lubrication Collision Repairs and Refinishing RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Phone 5G6 Corner Second and Park Ave. For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port .Edward, H.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 am. to 11:00 p.m. REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 561 P.O. UOX 721 .LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Lablhhed 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND. HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND VSA. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 j re- ith: r