cond Body In Month found i -i.i iKdicnewan Premier sses Away i T l Anilfrson :cd Educationist, Dies 3KATOON - Dr. James Milton Anderson, aged ,1. u3 Premier of Saskat- tuaded a co-operative : :, rovernment composed c: natives, Independents pr -revives from 1929 to ;::: at. his home here ' a brief illness. He the principal of a ., i he deaf here for sev- immunises i o .. r l . . i m - ..'J ave kjvuii uui' i drcided today to set ovcrnmcnt" of their opposition to the cen- :.-wnment at Nanking, Central News Agency 'om Peiping said today. .jlcn was reached at meeting attended by uic leaders riuii i t- WWII w G CAMPS- -ilirrt v.f I W (I Will Sippk cm inarioues ,Vr MTV i .T(uimff ..airm-i Que i Charlotte IsKinds, t me u09 men, are to .: :d ay the Internatlon-:iworker.s f America annaunced by Har-P :.,'U. until jueh time as i c mand? in regard to ti asportation arc Tu. ;e will be no strike tout 3e.i will merely seek work i.. e Mi Pritchard stated, - Queen Charlotte Lsiand tir involved in Uic boy-i.nnounced by the British .b:a district president of A Normallv airoroxlmately are employed, operators have not met :j demands for fares and in .T:iniinrv 1 1(11(5 t Pritchett .said he would is employers some time is dour more pay and fares ls45 and 10 cents an hour uno fares for 1947. n - r i . i . . - u on! oy me operators 01 u i."1 ticur tniast, ictroactlvc to ra.ber 1940. has been turned THE WEATHER SynoitsH t were ovrrciist over most Bu ;h Columbia this morn- Warmer, more moist air is to push eastward across I Tl 1 ' - . I i ... ...111 ... . A . C AL'oerta border by tomorrow cri"!on bringing to an end ;cnt cold .spell which 'i'-'O nt 14 bc- '"ro at Prince George and '" 'Ji jok during the ' The lowest tojiperalurc chid at Sea Island airport "y Ills lmirnlnc was 25 dc- Forccast Printa; Rupert, Qucei Char- lr anH Nnrlh rlnnrl TVvrr- th intermittent rain to 20 nijn.h.. occasionally ""la .'i m.n m irai nnrr- ( ' and evening. Mader to- 11 Minimum cxpei'ted :1 Port Hardy 34, Mitectt 34, ,'t' Rupert 34. Maximums 1 : Pnrt Hardy 42, Uassctt r'UMc Rupert 40. Local Tirlp.s Tuesday, December 31, 946 1RR fppt 19:05 m feet 'W rt'lT foot. u A l v y V V V 13:15 8.1 feet Discovers Nea." Port Edward Believed Remains of Jack Bali our For tre eco:G time In less than a month, the sea near rrince Rupert has yielded up a human body, this time believed to be that of Jack Balfour, 24-year-old army veteran who perished -when his toat was wrecked In a storm off Port Edward last October 30. The body, in a badly decomposed condition, was discovered late Saturday aHernoon on the west side of Ridley Island, near Port Edward, by Chetman Lea-Vltt, of Port Edward. It was lying on the beach, apparently washed up by the sea. Although positive identification had not been made by early afternoon today, the body is believed to he that of Jack Balfour, of Toronto, who was lest in a storm after a wild night in whif h he and his partner, Victor Dell of iYlnce Rupert, clung to their small disabled craft for more than 12 hours. In the ai.'y hours of the morning of October 31, Dell and Balfour decided to swim to shore but Balfour was so exhausted that he drowned in spite of Dell's attempts to- assist him. Dell made it to shore about a mile from Port Edward. Balfour and Dell had left Port Edward in Balfour's newly-purchased boat at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of October 30 and, as they were in unsheltered water, heading for Prince Rupert, the engine stopped. Before it could ,,K-rfii,Ti JM .mil aigfrsi. huge., waves " - . , 4i, followed a night of horror and death. An inquest into the circum stances suiroundlng the body which was discovered Saturday was set for this afternoon Dy Coroner M. M. Stephens. It was expected that positive identification of the body as that of Balfour's would be made. The body is tne second one tn have been found lying on a beach weeks. CARRIE JACOBS BOND IS DEAD Writer of "Dud of Perfect Day" Passes in Hollywood HOLLYWOOD Mrs. Carrie Jacobs Bond, famous song writer among whose compositions were "End of a Perfect Day." "I Love You Truly" and others, died here yesterday. Tragedy thrown into the life of Carrie Jacobs Bord forced her to success, imbued a tender nature with a seriousness that be- u ,.lHmito snlvnMnn nnd GEKALD McBEAN General Manager CAKL IIALTEUMAN Vice-President Jews Floq Britishers PRuV ' AL NORTHERN AND CEllrRAlWtlTISI?X)LOMBIA'S NEWSPAPER o TAXI -I oor Etaxi taxi Phone ZjOfJ rhone -A if DAY tuxv niuin or-ttviuis rovn "OVClAL QOVT Stand: f : TtOVTKCIAL LIBRAHV Lit i'ntnrpi Tlnfrl ThlrH Av f 11 j i nA..j a. . . -.4. luiiiiMit'ii ;ii 1 .:irifi:i c liner Kifitncrin irtT i'rmia if unnrr thn t nr 1 n thn 1 aor fcnnnu m 'h.jl." t Bill AM 0L- XXXV, No. 302. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1948 PRlCEjlilCETS 3I3 SCOTS A AllV"""""1""' EEN GERM i WiH HIIB U.N. ACCEPTS ROCKER FELLER SITE OFFER An aerial view of the proffered site (in white rectangle) in midtown Man-hatten, New York, which John D. Rockefeller, Jr., has offered to the United Nations as a permanent home and which has been accepted. According to the offer, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., would give $8,500,000 to the United Nations to buy ji permanent headquarters on the East River shore of midtown Manhattan, The tract is between 42nd Street and47th Street between First Avenue and Franklin D. Roosevelt 'East River) Drive. It is interesting to note that the playground in the b'ottom right-hand corner of the tract will bey-stalned by the city and children will continue to play practicallyffh U.N.'s backyard. Studious Tommy Brown Amazes Povlluud Audience--Wins Ctish ' (By AL WILLIAMSON in Vancouver News-Herald) On a holiday tour recently, Tom Brown, well-known Prince Rupert lawyer, found he had time to kill in Portland-arid decideiLta bro wse-through: the public library. There he found interesting reading in the story of the founding of Portland, its history and development. Later, he dropped in to a theatre and found he had entered in ! the middle of a quiz contest. Two teams of four persons each were competing on the stage. As he took his seat, Mr. Brown heard the announcer offer a $50 award for answering the question: "Who founded the city of Portland?" Neither of the teams were able to answer, and the within the last three announcrr called for a reply Earlier this month a I from the' theatre audience. Sev- body, later identified as that eral tried and muffed it. Mr. of Hans Jacobson, 73-year-oia hunter, was found on a small island in Kitkalla Inlet, some distance fronf where the elderly disappeared while on a hunting trip on Porchcr Peninsula last October 4. Brown stood up and announced: "It was founded in 1845 by Francis W. Pettygrove and Amos L. Lovejoy." (Tremendous ap plauSe). The announcer was so 1m pressed he called on Mr. Brown to go up to the stage to accept his $50, then asked if he hap pened to know how the city got its name. Said Mr. Brown "Pettygrove was from Maine and Lovejoy was from Massa-chussets. They tossed a coin to decide whether it would be call ed Bdston or Portland. Petty, grove won. The city was char tered in 1851." After the applause had died down and Mr. Brown had been given two ijilrs of nylons as a special award, he was asked how it was that he,- a Canadian (ho said he came from Vancouver because he didn't think they'd know where Prince. Ru pert was!), should know Port- LUil i- , . . , T.,,. made Jut one r( t"e best liked ianus iuu uv.. ..a.i w-of modern American poets, Maud residents. Said Mr. Brown, "union steamships executives with equanimity: "I suppose it's because of our education sys tem." Officer ajid Three N.C.O.'s Whipped in Retaliation Widespread Manhunt On JERUSALEM ?'- -All troops of the British Sixth Airborne Di vision in Palestine were recalled from leave last night and a widespread manhunt, including use of police dogs, was begun in an effort to track down Jewish terrorists responsible for the kidnapping and subsequent public flogging of a British Army major and three sergeants. The major, identified as Major Brett, a hero of Arnheim, and the non-commissioned officers were kidnapped and each given 13 lashe3 in what is believed to be a blow-for-blow retaliation for a flogging administered by the authorities Fri day to a Jew convicted of bank refcbery. All Jewish communities along the Palestine, coast have been placed out of bounds to 30,000 British troops on duty In the area as the authorities souglrt the kidnappers. Military sources predicted that the authorities, fearing that the trcc-;-s might setvc vengeance for the floggings, wou:d keep ruling by force at least until after New Year's Eve. Several arrests were made during the nijht and the authorities i!d they had round two five-foot w":.:, a tomniy-"um, two revolvers, a quantity of -.munition and throb grenades In a c. r in'which the men were riding. AVERAGE SALMON WEIGHT Tha average size for cast coast jlmon is 10 to 15 pounds. UNITED STATES MARINES !( MYSTERIOUS NORTH B.C. Bulletins REVIVE OLD LAW HALIFAX If a satisfactory arrangement in the matter of taxation or grants In lieu thereof cannot be reached with' Ottawa, the province of Nova Scotia is considering reviving; an old Uw iviilch would jive it the power ta impose income tax. RUSSIAN VERSION MOSCOW The Russian version pf the alleged ultimatum to ,an American ship to. leave the port of Dalren last week has licen given. The ultimatum was ail an inven tion to make a sensational story, it is claimed. KXPENSIVE NEW YEAR OTTAWA Canadian night srtols are'biolted solid for" the New Year's Eve celebration, according in a survey. Toron-tons will pay up to $15 and VancouvcriScs as high as $12.50. In Montreal the famous Normandie Roof Is charging $9 a cover. FRANCIS KERMODE '.'DEAD VICTORIA Francis Ker-mode, who joined the British Columbia museum in 1890 and was its curator from ,1901 un til the iiait; f his retirement in 1940, U iead here. He was an authority on flora and fauna and on Indian lore. CRIPPLES) (ilKL HEARD VANCOUVER Olive Neg-rich, paralyzed from buiiei wounds, gave evidence today in tlie hearing of Marvin Lester Mack, charged with attempted murder. ARSON IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Vancouver police arc checking the possibility oj Arson tn a ni- Aber of recent serious fires. DEFENCE OF ALASKA WASHINGTON Ready and adequate air transport, not maintained ground forces, is the secret ot effective defence of Alaska, rays a report of United States military men. BANDIT ARRESTED VANCOUVER The police have in custody a man who lias been identified as the driver of the car tn. which bandits made their getaway after holdfng up a suburban branch at' the Canadian Bank of Commerce, aud escaping with $1000. CHURCH IS BURNED SWIFT CURRENT Two cx-ploMons from the heating bcilcr and fire did $10,000 damage to .Metropolitan United Church here yesterday. OTTAWA APARTMENT FIRE OTTAWA Twenty-six persons were rendered homeless and $150,000 damage was done by fire which swept the Bon Accord apartments in downtown Ottawa early Sunday morning. Temperature here has been IS below zero. S K ETB ALL DUKE OF CONNAUGHT vs. I30-31E-III (New Westminster) JANUARY 1 AND U CIVIC CENTRE Preliminary Game: 99 TAXI vs. SAVOY OLD YEHH FEELING If Will!! TORONTO 0) A peacetime airborne Invasion thit will lljjuti seek to crack mystery' of British Columbia's famed ITatannl klwaM Valley will be launched next summer by a group ol varans iB,.A.etem of the United States Marine Corps, it was announced, here albslw yesterday. Heading the group is Lieut. W. E. BatemanV the United s United States Marines who is a member of a company olatators .antasentiirw. formed while serving in the Pacific during, the war. Hiey will Iliiiatrfrhey will use parachutes and employ Army "ducks" to invade the valley lAsnewIff lr an effort to find John Patterson who entered He y k SAc valler ii June and failed to return. The valley holds the secret of the disappearance ol a 4k3flce of i number .of prospectors in the last twelve -years ilium be- -si unosome believe that a mysterious disease lurks there. Weather Condifa j Throughout Kull i"ianfliiiirWni(ta Continent Gcnrif y..j Disagreeable Ttolnnr 7PM flwalk (rODl U (m! frnn the ! Rockies to Quite tomblnxitoo combined with snow, tint ini rociHiui.d Ace winds to give tin Bit oICailirEosl ol Canada a year-end smash from om jflinmOld Man Winter, It litauptlpifcji interrupted road, rail and all tcmmunioiiiiiEocmiininica-tlons and rMiiitwenijlis as twenty inches of snowlilHiWhorM ji n Northern Ontario. Vancouver and Victoria hi igrjetori had eight to ten degreei net frost. ,talt0 o(W. The prairies nn tad tal s hid hit with 35 below taRt(lni and tajglnaKd 29 below in Wlnnlpti Sleet storms II ttiltra O riwscsta On tario caused, tht ptel w tiitaieattit.wlre communication tle-trp In I we-si il jip j twenty years. United States Way looloe) isiwlay Wed forward to continued Mliuaili: jjed lite of Siberian air niUi leather BUovweatlier bu reau promising till It Buldblnri It would be the better parUIiittkbelidtiw week before sub-zero tempentw. raodeutaasres moderate appreciably, Stormi have svnmi : haiimpt many districts, Ten persons ire dead to IiilisfcleadliNew England, most K then victilr ujjJiem victims being exhausted ta heart oteij mhA conditions while ikir$snowpiflngsw. WAR HU coMPiinyji Germany Not Allowed to ol Ireland lo Manufacture, Imporl or litjjorlir Possess Arnianli einls BERLIN J-HielEidC0li3A AllleiCoun- cil today piilshniwewjui u 1 meplns new law for GtiailP'olrfoqpcany prohibit ing the niannlidire,tapail,"iure,liiiorta-tlon and possealoa ol all llili an of all war materials Iron the ita Id mil 2 atom bomb to daggers andii The (tiaras. Ik Germans must declare to the AM 1 to the Allies any existing installs, zbolteb, " Vawiir Bralornc B. R. Con , B. R. X Crtrlboo Quarts Dentonla' Orull Wlhte ,.,.... Ilcdley Mascot Mlnto Pend Oreille Plonepr 1 Premier Bordil J. Premier Privateer :.. Reeves McDouU, Reno Salmon Ooll. Sheep Creek Taylor Bridge - Whltewitet Vananda Congress Pacific Eastern Hedlcy Arn'alpatfd., Spud Valley Oils 1 A. P. Ciin,; Calmoni ,LT. C. & E. .! Foothills .! Home tarter III. 1U5 , Jiiri, jBmatti. .11 2.70 53 .09 1.23 ,U5 3.05 3,10 .06 128 .53 1.10 .11 V4 ,20 1,23 .67 ,02V- .27 .09 .45 .10 .18 .11 21 1,65 1.80 2.65 1 'IfeSmm LATESXT P0RTRATT Rarely is a. pictire made inside the ICremlii t grounds and almost a.s sel om does Joseph Vis-sa.riono-ich, Stalixi, Russia's biggest wheel, pose for his portrait.. In this recent portrait, tnowever, luc combined tlie twerj rarities. -This is the only picsture ever made of him during a promerxade of the KlrcmllKi grounds, storie from tne ca-pital ol the Soviet "Unions . have completely dis-countecd rumors that Stalin -was sa offering from HI health. ISasis Are StiL! Busy Former Militarists and rroj-agandists of Hitler Offerinf Services to Other rowe:rs WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP)-Crypti c disclosur-c that some of AdBoK Hitler's militarists and Kropa;andists who es caped the Allied, dragnet are offerir ig their slcills to other roers was matcle last night in aru official United States JVrmy document. The- statement further noted that "foreign nilitary staffs now 3i;ive accurate data on vhicbs. to calculate with ac- curacy the timo 'required to liring- ' our military strength into aadion," LOCT-DON, 0) Kadlolympla, Britalm'a pre-war- radio show, Is to be nrevlvcdln October, 1947, uiiaws STOCKS tuiritsySisiiuoourijS,P. Johnstoxn Co, ltd. Torofiiio Aurmaque - -Bsa-ssttic - Bob-Jo Buf-2f alo Canadian .. Senator Roiiyn Shear rlli Cordon SteaP Rock Stuisrgcon Rive r . Lyr-x , - Laraska Coca's Lake . Keesrus - Autelle - He wa Gold - Harricana - McESenzie Red Uake DocnaWa - .72 .70 .15 .19 Cons. Smelters S7.75 Eld-om .71 Eldesr - 1-08 Giaxnt Ycllowk-nlfe 6.10 IIarcirock 53 JacHcknllc 08 Joll-ct Qufbcc 90 Lltt-lcLong Laxi 1.85 Maa4sen Red Luke 3.40 Madcod Cocfcaihutt .... 1 -80 Mdmela - Onicga 11 Picfccle Crow 2.80 Santa. Antonio . - .20 .53 2JI0 2.15 .24 .37 .'15 1.07 .30 .78 1.51 Hi o Pirn h Cciyi'ponfol OWifaltonj ill ilUPIan taeb Outlaw Weapon 0:ljM!!os)WchW .ImhI. ...h. f.. ... J t ' I of ' li Pact WfwwT ri "h' " (TP)-A Ilnitprl Ofi",-i, VvY' - called for the tcrapplng; ; true. ,e;. ,y, .... .V.WPPlWf of. .the? S !L. 4 ami Af Ute'iestem Z".' 5s it Riissla evacuate 0e;, Tht committee also mM hi III nnIM in mate Germany- ifcifc also reco'm- '- mui n tf.? h United State, ing Medge and goci': M manufactur- .l,l 2 , M 1 :. oQf hritto'totelauttMV ' i,t.ital nh ffdtmrcr-n accepts 111 lnterra: V lit special commlWBrc,ltl"; phnnlng bluntly and f "f? Mow'.iireerientiniy V ternaM atomic- JWwtlln ottam.; "dou not (uarante T WC( InspectloHcon, iwrkt Russia Hits Ou'n III .iln: a. n..i Flan-lVoia 1 jatt'jC tipoti. Russia charged 10," ZZl s&' l"!d na atcml: energy was ed.ltei!tep3 teMelec-Swt; 'ii, ,iifc thJl lved on atcmrale tt nations chaBrr- VilsfWch would'usirusc States proposal, sal UM 'e T ill The residence ol VlftL, ... a n.hili i.V') ill. mm t - of Victor DiMjun II or stota, .ccom1"''41 "1 'i85, WadetotM T " llt(itM!tM,mnfnl!!i,J,! hW P i. j .Lj, . . ,i nrttae nouse.HT-iriis S!?S n acoalblndofcte ffsssi w dni. "e 1,,... u,,.o lit area if the city I l, ... ,. , milANSANl Santa Qui. 'I IHAU, SANTA Mil ullt Italian name. as In two inks ; finlij to bsehi,' . . , r,. n.,,,., "'W A.K. PottcrfcJ-rton. heiaioKttliatteJtJ,. ' ..... " " H B va " " tors art Kturilv lorri .33 for ..JiLW CVE FROLIOHir Mrtl.r.a -W(fi stone.s, ,s. v i