Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers ,U COOKING IN KEEPING WITH YULETIDE SEASON SPIRIT .Cooking With a Flare" ow ot the truest expressions jie Chnsunas spirit is warm, hospitality. At this fn-htarted .uon cf the year we welcome our firesides Jriends or many, ars and those of shorter ....ifi'.snce. Let Us remember : tnose who may be lonely my from heme. This. Is one m c) the year wnerv. mex-.' n mests are really expected. weVf. this is nOi problem lor , ,t modern hostess. With an j :deo touch oil color, an unusual sv matter to spread "festivity" n 1 imps 1 Many homem&kers plan to buy od; m larger quantities than .. nnlrpl for lnimpflrat. nu V I - :th the unused portion she has 'the tafcle centre piece, but also In the food. Whatever you plan to serve, left-over turkey cr chicken Is sure to appear In one of its many delightful and glamorous forms. Home economists suggest the fallc-wins recipes: Chicken Vorkshire 2 cups tficed cooked chicken 2 cups medium white sauce 1 cup pins 2 tablespoons pastry flour OR 1 cup all-purpose nour 1 teaspoon baking powder 'a teaspoon salt 2 es yolks 1 cup milk V4 up chicken or turkey fat (melted) 2 egg whites. Place chicken In bottom of a . crnortunlty to i&e her toiag- ( large sreased casserole. Pour l "' , ire lib j u uvuru- :vjable reputation for the able that the second and ra eotiions win oc more en- ysble than the first. It may toe.that lha homemakor to entertain stveral ..'lids at the same time If space at a premium, it may be wise serve buffet style. The tabk. tf 1 becomes we ene 01 m- rest on which all eyes are cuwtd, Let the gay mood of occasion be reflected not :,y m the Yuletlde decorations, cap white sauce over chicken and set in a-ven to heat. Sift to-B'ther flour, baking powder and ;alt. Beat egg yolks and add milk. Add liquid to dry ingredients and beat until .batter Is smooth. Add melted fat and lastly fold In iho stiffly beaten ejg whites. Batter will be quite thin. Pour ever cfcicken and bake in iriod-erate oven, 350 degrees P., for 35-40 minutes. Serve at once 'frtm baking dish with the re maining cup 01 white jsauce. Left-over chi'eken or turky gravy may be used Instead of the cream sauce. Six servings. Turkey or Chicken Casserole 1 cup uncooked fine noodles 3 tablespoons chicken or turkey fat 1 green pepper, chopped 1 cup eliced imushrooms 3 tablefpoons flour Vs teaspoon salt Vb teaspoon pepper 2 cups milk OR 1 cup milk and 1 cup stock 2 cups diced cooked chicken 1 cup grated cheese 3 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 2 teaspoons fat , Ve up dry bread crumbs Cook noodles in boiling salted water until tender. Drain. Melt fat, .add green pepper and mushrooms. Cook . 15 minutes. Add (flour and seasonings and blend well. Add milk and cook until; thickened, stirring constantly.: half the noodles, turkey, cheese and sliced eggs in layers in a large, .greased cas serole. Pour over half the sauce. Rjpeat with remaining ingredi ents. (Melt the 2 teaspoons fat, add bread crumbs ami toss to gether. Use for topping on cas-:erole. Bake in moderately hot even, 375 degrees F. for 30-40 minutes. Six servings. Turkey or Chicken Mousse 1 tablespoon gelatin Vi cup cold water 2 tablespoons fat 2 talblespoons flour Hi teaspoons salt 'a teaspoon pepper 2 cups milk OR equal parts of milk and stock 1 ci?p ground turkey or chicken 1 hard-cooked egg, chopped V2 cup finely chopped celery Vi cup chopped pimento U.S. PERSONNEL ARE CONFINED Unrest In Peiping, Shanghai and Tientsin Over Alleged Rape Incident PEIPING. KSD -American authorities ordered United States military -personnel nd their families off the streets of Peiping today as students of Yen 's chdng University began march ing into the city In demonstration against the alleged rape of a 20-year 'old Chinese -girl by a United States Marine. All -Marines were 'confined to their Unrest over the Incident iPHPTSTMAQ AT PIONEERS' HOME Residents at the Pioneers' Home enjoyed a good Christmas which began with a visit from the Women of the Moose who distributed Individual gifts on Christmas Eve and continued with visits by three groups of carol singers. Led by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell, & -group of Job's Dauifhteifc carol singers sang to the men in the sitting room. Later, carol singers of First Baptist Church and First Prcsbytrian Church.yormg peoples' groups arrived and their singing brought applause from the men. Following breakfast on Christ mas Day, the men received Epread to Shanghai and Tient- presents hom QUeen Mary sin where the students pro claimed a three-day strike EXPLOIT CHILD LABOR HEMSWORTH, Yorkshire, Eng. Jfo Efforts arc being made to stop hiring of school children as potato pickers, on grounds they are being exploited. One farmer paid a boy one turnip tor his work. 2 cup mayonnaise Soak gelatin in cold "water. Melt fat, add ilour : and seasonings. .Add milk and cook until thickened, stirring; constantly. Continue to cook 5-6 minutes. Dissolve gelatin lnj hot sauce. Chill until partially. set. Add remaining Ingredients and mix thoroughly. Pour into a lightly greased or moistened mould or .individual moulds If desired. Chill until firm. Unmould on salad greens and garnish with tcmato wedges and parsley. Six-eight servings. ' Chapter, I.O.D.E., Airs. J. F. Ma- gulre, Sgt. O. L. Hall and Earl Gordon, At noon a sumptuous dinner was served, which feat' ured roast, turkey. The afternoon was spent in rest, and in the evening, supper was served, which included cooked ham. donated by the Family Meat Market, and ; Christmas cake donated by Ru pert Bakers. Thanks of the residents of the Pioneers' Home was expressed by S. B. Calder, home superin tendent, to those who contribut ed to their Christmas pleasure KIRKWALL, Orkney Islands W Causeways built by Italian prlsoners-of-war; to connect the islands around Scapa Flow naval base and prevent a repetition of the Royal Oak sinking by a Ger-man submarine, are subsiding and may be temporarily abandoned. . I H I MAMA SURE ) S 't PUTS ON A S AVJj ( VEH, BUT I ATE J pl A A IBkflg TTrN GOODSUNDAV) J) TOO .MUCH, ri- mV III ( DCTTCD TALC A I ITT1 P I J. A 1 J I S SOU STOP AT THE )r 1 1 I rVtAH I WANT TO ) ( WELL, HE'LL HAVE TO ) VA ( WHERE ( I WAS GOING J f Qt GO WITH T S WAIT UNTIL I PUT 4 S ARE VOU Jafss TO TAKE A " 1 r"' ' r-7 i L I I WAlT A MINUTE, e. ,pP MP N COME ON,) Fr rrnrv) W u (DAGWCOO. THE PUPS k jU, ' f MR.BUMSTEAD'STAKINb) I I StohoIdS 1 I I SSocSrSbR S A WALK. MAMA "- y Jo ( vnUP HANDS IB 1 1 ?TaX O' Wl LL SOU PLEASE JHCT r POSSIBLE TOP A HUbNT- JsSJS ITS , . - m TAKE A WALK THEV ALL TAJi J f, vv"- VJ? ST. ANDREW'S CHRISTMAS TREE Fine Evetat in Cathedral Hall Saturday Afternoon Children cf St. Aficrew's Cath edral Sunday School gathered In the Church Hall Saturday afterncon to take part in the annual Christmas .concert, spending the early part of the period iplaylng games, after Which they had dinner and then enjoyed a program of music and recitations. Directed by Sunday School Superintendent F. J. Skinner, the party began at 4 0 clock, when the primary enttdren gath-1 also played games under th guidance of the class teachers nntil o'clock when supper was served. Ttis meal consisted of sand wiches and cake which each xftiid had brought from home with the copious sdditlon of ice cream, provided' by the Sunday School. The class teachers who 1n the party enc concert In cluded Sucerintendent F. J. gklnnei-, Mrs. II. c. flood, Walter Morgan, Gerry Voodiide and MLrs Geraldine Procktei. The proeram: Group sorer, "Jinsle BeIIs" Patsy PhiHips, Robert Gilmore, Billy Kersin, Gale Wcise, Bev erly Haiper and Ray Rhodes.. Piano solo, "All Merry Christ mas" Susan Kerkin. Group song, "Away In a Man ger" Joe Scctt. Tommy Ilalver- sen, Pierre Halversen. Ricky Watts, Meta McDonald and Bobby Strand. Piano solo, "Jingle Bells" Julte Frcckter. Song, "Silent Nlghf-diarye- II n Anderson and Annette and Gail Weise. Song, "We Three Kings From the Orient Are" Muriel and Jchanrie Proekter. Songs, "Away lii a Manger" and "O Come All Ye Faithful" Becky Morgan auc Julie Song, "Good King Wnceslas" -Patricia Mitchell. Piano solo, 'What They Love" Robert Mitchell. Messina Pavllkis. Ad J tunny velvety pastel tone to your welii nd ceilings -let your furnishings ppetr In t new letting. B-H Fresconette On ;Cot Velvet Finish offers today'i most reliable One Coat quick-drying, easily tpplied paint. Let us show you the color card. ) McBRIDE STREET PHONE 311 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 m. rat mm Tltree sailings Ter Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAV POINTS Sundays, 12:00 Midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Fortnightly Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Runert Agent Third Ave Phone S6S 13rfiifc Uupm Dan? ,&tivs Monday, December 30, 1846 Piano solo Thelnta Pevllkls. Recitation, "Down 3y the Sea Shore" Paul Olsen and B31y Donaldson. Piano solo Billy Donaldson. Recitation .Barbara Hynd-maru Song, "O Little Town of Beth-leliem" Patricia Hall. Piano solo, '"Silent Night" Song, "Tlie First Newell" Billy Donaldson. Recitation Alan Sheppard. Anthems Jun'.or choir. Song Joanne fcaagridge. During the projrwa, attend' arce prizes fcr the year were ::7t 'nrv'7, presented hv Mr. Skinner and children mm came at 5 0 clock ana" at the conclusion, Santa Clam made his appearance with pres ents for the 80 children DUBLIN, tW -Commerce Scan Lc-mass told the Dail ss,230,5l6 has teen spent on building Shannon Airport (Rlne anna) used by transAtlantlc air liners NO TRACE OF MISSING GIRL ST. CATHERINES, Ont. Scattered groups of volunteer ssarchers at St. Catherines and surrounding sections -of Linooln County braved cold weather today to hunt for clues to the &is- appearance a week ago of a nine-year-old girl, Mario Rus-nak. There were no developments during the week end. The girl was last seen in the company of a tall, dark stranger who -is thought to have enticed her from her home with the promise that he would buy a Christmas present for her baby brother. The father of the missing child said that he had given. up hope of ever seeing her alt?'? again. . TEA NAMES ARE REGIONAL The numerous varieties of teai get their names from the re- 'gions or districts in which thi- are grown. MISERIES OF laby's Cold Reiieve As He Sleeps . . . here's a reliable home-proved NOW medication that works "nys at once to relieve distress of child's cold even while he sleeps, lust rub throat, chest and back with Vicks VarcRub at bedtime. And instantly VapoRub goes to workto relievecough-ing spasms, ease muscular soreness or tightness, and invite restful, comforting sleep. Often by morning,-most of the misery is gone. For baby's sake try Vicks VapoRub tonight. It must be good, because when colds strike, most mothers use Vicks VapoRub. COUCHING SPASMS To relieve distress, melt a spoonful of VapoRub a bowl of boiling water. Inhale the sframintf. medicated vatjors. Feel re lief come right with the first breathl A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Walnut. Dresser, Chiffonier, Bedstead !(l.r0 SPRING FILLED MATR ESSES In all sizes, including the Supreme and Beautyrest $:M .."' to sjU !).."() CUTTER SLEIGHS with handle, railed seat. Ideal for this weather Sfi..0 Phone 775 327 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. ace among' men's smart shoes VENUS For Style and Comfort Come to Cut Rate Shoe Store Prince Rupert, B.C. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO, ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace Box 1308 Box 671 Il : I. "I'll I in imiin i 'I I ' III! Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and ,7th St. Prince Rupert Bottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE ThOflC 'Blue 737 We buy . . . all sizes Pcrfex Beer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE