EWncc Uupm "Dallg rectos Tuesday, June 25, 1946 An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the unbuilding of Prince Rupert and all the communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. Putjushed every afternoon except Sunday; by Prince Rupert Dally Newa United, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. . British Columbia. q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H O. PERRY. Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : By ;Clty Carrier, per wee 15 Pen Month 65 Per Year S7.00 By Mall, per month .40 Per Yeir 4.i SUM dF $193.84 RAISED by tag The gratifying sum of $193.84 realized as a result of ;he tag day of Queen Mary Chapter, Imperia.1 Order, Daughters of the Empire, bh Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Earl Becker was convenor of. 'i the commijtee In charge, ottjer members being Mrs. S. A. Chfeseman, Mrs. E. V. Whiting, Mf$s Ann Whiting, Mrs. Alex Mackenzie, Mrs. F. M. Kempton. Mrs. W. W. Wrathall and Mrs. D.:C. Stuart. The taggers were Mary Doane. Helen Iflbtorvrd. Robert Wood, Barbara Teng, Janet Wong, Eddie Juvik, Carol Moorehouse, ShjEila Bennett, Pat Hill, Yvonne Jackson, Alfred Blackaby, Margie Way, Alex Benson, Elvln Phillips, William Becker, Tommy Moorehouse, Rom Ingram, Leonard Griffiths, Joyce Moorehouse. William Blackaby, Henry Black-by, Sena Pavlikls. Ethel Calder Penio Penoff, Donald McAfee, Rejia Ingram, Leona Webster. June Ratchford, vrtle Miller, Jimmy Holt, Olenna Wlddoes, Terry Ingleson, Bobby Watts, Julian and Patrick Parnell, Eddie; Olen, Molly Petersen and Chester Miller The human body is about 76 pe cent water. AWNINGS SAILS . . . ; ... WINDOW BLINDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S Phone Black' 169 P.O. Box 302 430 Bowser Street ; (Behind 137 Fifth Ave.) INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Bee R.E.MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 MEMBER A.B.C. i (Authorized as Second Class Mill, Post Office i Department, Ottawa). By-ELECTION IN SOUTH Nb SURPRISE is involved in the j result of the Vancouver - Point Grey by-elections to fill the vacancies in the Legislature caused by the recent deaths of Attorney-General R. L. Maitland and J. A. Paton. In; this traditionally Conservative section of Vancouver the Coalition government, as was expected, won a decisive victory, its candidates far more than doubling the count of the C.C.F. whose ticket was headed by the doughty v .nipaigner Dorothy Sfeeves. Doubtless, the C.C.F, them-' selves did not expect to win the seat. Their only disappointment at th;e outcome may be at the mediocre showing they made. j The result of the election, brings the Legislature up to full strength again with no change in the party representation. The Hew members-Mr. Stevenson and Mr. MacDougal will be acquisition to the House. MORE RAIN NEEDED nRINCE RUPERT'S worst knock-' ers, we have some time since concluded, are her own residents and some of the old timers, who have lost sight of the charms and attractions about them, may be listed among the most flagrant offenders. These people cry at Vancouver talking disparagingly about Prince Rupert's weather and in the next breath are complaining themselves about the rain. ; Our readers might be surprised to. hear that, since we wrote about the need of rain a week ago, some Prince. Rupert people have castigated us, even blaming nsfor tliefew v little ineffective fhnvers (we never had any idea that jyc were so influential) we have enjoyed so much these last few days and which have Wen so helpful in various ways. We don't like to be disagreeable . wjth our friends but, in spite of what Hotel. . . we have had during the past week, we think we t;ould do with some more rain and again beseech Jupiter Pluyius to continue for us the favor of liis watering can. Just for curiosity we 'phoned over to the Weather Man yesterday to learn that Prince Rupert all this month of June, now nearly expired, had had only 1.G2 inches of rain t Vancouver had 1.3 inches in one day recently). And, further, the Weather Man, who lives on Digby Island, commented: "We need more rain and plenty of it. We're running short on water supply over here." We are just talking this way to suggest that Prince Rupert's resident knockers had better change their tune and, if they must be miserable, talk about the drought and dust rather than the muskeg and rain. Meantime it is only to be hoped that the optimistic and delighted visitors who are so entranced when they come to Prince Rupert do not come into contact too much with the local grouchers and pessimists who insist upon conjuring up disadvantages and discomforts we suppose they would be kicking anywhere they were anyway. WORRY AND ILLNESS A FREQUENT CAUSE of worry W is ill-health. Sickness, or fear of sickness, causes depression. Depression aggravates the original ailment and indicates still more worry. It becomes a vicious circle with some doubts as to which came first, the sickness or the worry. Worrying about sickness, or any other misfortune, is profitable only up to the point where it induces you to do something about it. If the worrying goes beyond that point, or does not induce any corrective action, it is absolutely fruitless. Then it is likely to end up in something about which you will have real cause for worry. Worry thrives on concealment of its cause. It usually happens that AJ'hen the cause is discussed frankly with some trusted person, the load of worry grows much lighter if it does not disappear altogether. The worrier is no longer brooding alone. He Has 'got it off his chest' and is receptive to advice and assistance. And this is the first step in 'doing something about it.' f arrivals Prince Rupert J. W. Gurliiu. Vancouver ; L F. Bevingfon, Vancouver; R. J. Parker, Vancouver; W. J. Kir-ton, Smlthers; R. A. Creech, Port Edward, N. R. Nancarrow, Toronto; T. Kaye, Vancouver; O. Hargrave, North Vancouver; A. O. Kell, North Vancouver; Mrs. M. Elder, Squadaree; Miss D. Van Sickle. Seattle; Miss E. Zab-otolney, Stewart; Miss M. K Bates, Smlthers. LOOKING FOR OIL Exploration for Oil Is unriir way in the Bahamas, although none has as yet been found. MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial- - Industrial Marine Electricians t Home Wiring and Repatra Phone Black 807 236 Second Avenue West C"R10TTE & "HAIDA QUEEN" SUPERMARIIIE FLYING BOAT PASSENGER, FREIGHT AND AIR-EXPRESS SERVICE TKINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS AND ALL COASTAL POINTS For Information, Reservations, Rates, etc., Phone or Write G. II. STANBRIDGE Agent P.O. Box 1249 PHONES' PRINCE RUPERT 521 or RED 878 m What City Council Did Sale of city owned lots to five purchasers, as reported by the commitee-of-th-whcre, was ap proved by council last night. They were: Let II, Cow Bay Subdivision, to C. K. Vtreberg lor $1,750; lot 13, Cow Bay Su0divi5ion,'to J. L. Parent for $1,200; lot ft. Cow Bay Subdivision, to E. Skognio for $1,000; lot 19, block 9,' section 1. to H. A. Nelson !6r $435; two and , a half lots in block 7, section 6, 1 to P. L. LeHoss Jr. for their arsessed value, two of the lots being subject to 50 per cent discount allowed ex-servicemen. Council a ooro vert Mm nurrhase of a Jack-hammer 'and accessories from War Assets. for $100. Council approved a licensing committee report, granting Mc-Leod, Pitt-Croas and "(M&b a license to operate as building A social assistance committee recommendation that the city undertake to pay the Prince Ru pert Medical Association 50 rent? i per month for each individual ' receiving social astistane allow ance to provWs for medical care, was approved by council. It is subject to acceptance 'by the medical association. Council accepted a committee- of-the - whole recommendation that the city build a garage to house its equipment. Material wHl come largely from the old Exhibition Building. The garage will be built behind the Fire Hall. Payment of accounts for May totalling $41,187, was approved by city council last night on recommendation of committee of the whole. Payments from the general account totalled '$35,712. Blast furnace slag from the old smelter at Anyox Is to be med. experimentally as a finishing surface on newly paved city streets. Council last n:ght authorized the purchase of 100 cubic yards of the material on recommendation of the committee of the whole. Jn the absence of Mayor Daggett, Acting Mayor Nora Arnold was chairman cf last night's council meeting. Aldermen ab-fent were Alderman Ham, who is In Edmonton and Alderman McKay who is In Vancouver. Advertise in The Dally Sews. BLACKHEADS go anickly by aimpU method that dl-lolvti them. Gt two ounet of proiln powder from yoar drufgUt, apply with a hot, wet cloth gently over the blarkheede and you will wonder wtere thty hava goat. BARE STYLES SHOCK INDIA Archbishops Demanding Aloie Modest Garb TRIVANDRIMI, India Q Alarmed by "a growing tendency on the part of Christian women to forget decency and modesty," the Archbishops of Cochin and Travancore have demanded that the ladles wear upper garments long enough to cover at least half the hands and lower garment long enough to cover the knees. ' The regulation, prescribed in a pastoral letter to all churches, convents and monastrieS, was termed "a minimum standard satisfying certain requirements of decency and -modesty based on tne conception of Oriental womanhood ..." "Soft and transparent car- ments and sleeveless ultramodern blouses should be es chewed from the dressina code of Catholic women," said the. Archbishops, adding: "We view with alarm and dismay this contagion of fashion which is' a new phase of paganism and which is working havoc throughout the world. This deplorable neglect of the demands of decency by women, has created a new problem for the Church which requires immediate remedy. "This vulgar liking of the taints of modern sets is one of NAVAL VESSEL INVITED HERE ON PORT DAY Fighting units of the Royal Canadian Navy are to be invited to b? present at Prince Ruperts Port Day on August 22. Considering a request by the Juninr Chamber of Commerce Port Day uomimuee mat the city endorse line committee action in int- (Ins a naval ship here, council went luruwr and decided to put forward on official invitation for the gala occasion. The aldermen also granted the Port n Imlttee'.? request that the day be ... I J.aI.. i urciarea a civic no.Uday to allow all citlrens to take -part in or watch the marine celebration. The Invitations to have a nayal ship present will be sent to naval headquarter. at Esquimau. It Is hoped that either H.MCJ3. Char-lottetown or Crescent will b? present on Port Day. 100,000 INDIANS STRIKE COLOMBO, Cylon, -Nearly 100,000 Indfsns In Ceylon went on strllrj lecemly as a protest against the government's action In serving notice to quit on 400 maian laborers on an estate bought -for a land settlement scheme. the growing pains of civiliza tion which is rocking the solid foundation of the -modesty of Christian womanhood." Shauf'. D? . .,V( urtrirJav LONTVi- LONDO. a of Gciir-.' U; blrthii,,y ,, copl . ,,: In all Of the p. wht. .p,,. 100.000.00', p. llshed ;, r. comm-n, .; , "a. B. .s r. j lays r-1-. 1 neighbor ,.t - Adver: ' '1 sit I ; tr ! 4 SleaiDsl KfSl Serv!' to ocean falls! WESTVIEW (Powell Kivtr) j VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p n, to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FAKES and INFORM.lTIoJ . at CITY TICKtt.orriul S28 Ti.ird Ave:,M and DEPOT TICKET OITkI 6 rings yo&7gris6 cfinct Thousands of people earn their living in the manufacture of fine china which is concentrated in a small industrial area in north Staffordshire in England. From more than fifty factories in this area, English china is exported to all parts of the world. Thousands of Canadians In the Sudbury and Port Colborne, areas earn their living producing Canadian Nickel Other thousands all over Canada find employment in the production of lumber, power, steel, machinery and supplies purchased by the Canadian Nickel industry. Less than three per cent of the Nickel produced n Canada is consumed in Canada. The rest is exported, and the money received helps to pay' for English china and other products necessary to good living in Canada. Canada cannot keep on importing from other lands unless Canadian goods are exported. Uy constantly seeking to expand the use of Nickel at home and abroad, the Canadian Nickel industry brings additional benefits to Canada and Canadians. If H r m ,VW TP i4 full; Mn- THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, 25 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO