BMTlSH RED TOP CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL CpLVMB'S.NpWSPAPER Phone Jjtj Phone TAXI TAXI 537 l KASPER C. McINTYRE Stind: Rupert Tobacco Store (acrcxM from Ormes) DAT and NIGHT SERVICE DAY AND NIQHT . SERVICE Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Bill and Ken Nesbitt ' VOL. XXXV, No. 148. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS aseball tbm Nearly Wiped Out In Accident i t. vtN mum p AYrR. nF LLS NOT I IHIL.M f In Krsummlnn nf p hiiu hiiuiirr w ii r k 1 ri v U.. . i ? n.UI.u t l u i.i win ur- ui.miii.spii in 1 i i ruw r.iirn xjuerxiauonai Tirccrx or Amprira nin- meet with operators' rep- III- L 'J 1IUIIU1UU WUUU WU1 fV - . . . .... . . t . wA Dii:KCt lines In the in- iiiver union officiate are ill New Westminster sawmill, (i in Ui'rimi i r i kb Minin c a r r union on the basis thereof. 'A " 17 fnMTIIAI O lAWA wage controls in una arc nni ipicawn nnripr ... oraer m-councn issued ves- granting "ust and reason- increases, a government psmfln Liin in iiil w pp mis at this Uoiet.TOHttJpdl :;e farces which would ijiors toaarrevisited the scene of plpaf:i k the economic life of the I rv Rtm inmmit inn Atomic Control cut forward a proposal to un nn ma , pr enmm I pp tn olan;. atomic energy i ' i nnn rpcnnp p it nns. r snr.c Detvern me unitea ' aim .tu...i.n. I TCV . Ol AM 111 V I. I V r' ; party has accepted the nrt DrUnh plan lor an .pndeiit federal union of In-1 Hhougn it nas rejected ; for the rstabllshment n mrer m nnvnrnmenr - 1 1VT . 1 T-V 1- i;al man's appeal against vlrttlon on a charge of - y was dismissed In Ap-! 1 mr' In Vancouver recent- nert couit el for Rufus White, " 'e Rupert native, said that !' "d abandoned White's mil' tot rmnutlne the nna- if Jiutse W. E. Fisher in 1 'v Court here which result- in White beliia sentenced to nr. in juison. White was in r 1 1 1 1 i.. Turin- i' rhn nr if Ward Electric last April. i"?1 f'-r White at the Appeal r hearing was T. F. Hurley. iiver lawyer. the weather Synopsis he outbreak of cool moist f'le alrwhlch entered British I'imbia from th west has re- l(1 in general cloudiness and fclpitation. Temperatures dur- 'he night were about the ne p.'. or slightly higher than P had been the previous Jht Ttaln'.ill nf iimrt. Ihn lr an inch in 24 hours was re- I'-ed on the west coast ol Van- Ppr Island Waiiv in the I'bcj as well as at Vancouver. r'IDitntlrin I. nviliul tllll "noon alonir the southern 4 and locally over the In- wniRSit with overcast to J 'dy condltl.on.s generally over I-1 Province on Wednesday. ROBBED BY GHOULISH DESERTERS MONTREAL The Montreal Herald said today that bcdles of 24 Canadian airmen who were killed In the crash of a Royal Canadian Air Force Liberator bomber near St. Donat. Quebec. In 1943, the wreckage of which has only now been Identified, were looted of large sums of leave ni"r,iey nd Savings by Army de.'-.irio who i'ved In a mountain hide-out. GENERAL STRIKE IN EGYPT IS OFF CAluu A general strike; of all workers in Egypt, set lor today, was called off by the executive committee of the Egyptian labor unions. The ministry of social affairs agreed,, to appoint a committee to study workers' demands and grievances. LOOKING FOR HIS ASSETS ruiire Revisit Scene of Bis Lntiry Selzuie at Vancouver Last Week VANCOUVER IB National the Chinatown lottery raid of last Friday in search for assets "f Chow Ming Suey. Ou Wsnday a deputy sheriff seized and a quantity of Jewelry at a bank in Vancouver irt a rlt Issued out of Exchequer Court. DOG SMUGGLING RING IS FOUND VANCOUVER - - There is believed to be a deig smuggling ring In Vancouver. Chinese puppies being landed f;om deepsea rtE.gttS-'-s 5or illegal sale. Would Pay Relief If They Had Money VANCOUVER W At the open- lng sessi0n yesterday of the con- ,.entiGrl 0t Canadian Mayors and Munldriilttes, Mayor Luclen Borne of Quebec told delegates that municipalities woulf be glad to bear the cost of unemployment relief if 'It could be borne by our yearly budgets." MAN KILLED, WOMAN HELD Slaying in St. Vital, Suburb of Winipeg, Early Yesterday WINNIPEG CP) Joseph F. 0"Ci)nncll, aged 28, was shot to death in suburban St. Vital yesterday and police arc holding Mrs. Inez Lungren, 52. on a' coroner's warrant. The shooting occurred Jn the Lungren home. It Is alleged that O'Connell was forcing his way Into the house when shot. Old Age Pension Board 'to Convene OTTAWA-A meeting of the intergovernmental board on old .mc pensions will be held September 26, It Is announced by Hon. Brook Claxton. MRS. CARNEGIE PASSES AT 89 iXEW YORK Mrs. Andrew Carnegie, widow of the noted Scottish steel magnate and philanthropist, who died many years ago, passed away at her Finn 'Avenue home yesterday. She was 89 years of age. ntfrnat rna Vehicle Plunged 500 Feet Down Cliff in Treacherous Snoqualmie Pass Country SEATTLE (CP) Seven members of Spokane's! Western International League baseball club met death last night in the flaming plunge of a chartered bus from the Snonualmie Pass Highway, four mile west of its summit in the Cascade Mountains. The driver and eight other players were injured, several : f-ciltlrally with fractured skullj ALDERMEN TO VIEW AIR BASE In an endeavor to get first hand, knowledge of the portion ef the Seal Cove air base which might be required for use as a civic air port, members of city council will visit the base thi3 week on an inspection tour. During discussion of a letter from Transport Minister Hon. Lionel Chevricr, In which he Informed Mayor Daggett that the city would be allowed to take over a portion of the base, the alder men decided that It would be. wise to inspect the base. They hope to be accompanied by War Assets Manager I. M. Mackin-non. who has Intimate knowledge of the base through his air force experience. The meeting appointed Mayor Daggett and City Clerk Thaln to Investigate the air port matter, with power to add as many aldermen and air experts as are required. No Work On Farms No UnemployctTPay OTTAWA Unemployment Insurance benefits for single men who refuse to work on farms will be cancelled, it is announced by Hon. Humphrey Mitchell, minister of labor. Bus Franchise Appeal . 'Waste of Time Aid. Youngs Charges However, Council Will Press For Appeal of Public Utilities Commission Ruling The draft of city council's appeal against a ruling of the provincial Public Utilities Commission, handed clown May 28, which purportedly denies the city, the right to select its own internal transportation system, was approved by council last night after a crackling exchange of words centering around Alderman T. N. Youngs' objection to the phras- Ing of parts of the document. The appeal, dratted by City Solicitor T. W. Brown, branded "arbitrary, capricious and frivolous" the franchise decision following hearing of last May 23 when the Public Utilities Boa'rd heard arguments In " the city's attempt to grant a bus franchise to Black and White Transportation Co., over the objection of Arrow Bus Lines which operates buses here without franchise. The Commission's decision declined to grant a franchise to Black and White, and suggested that city council consider another application from Arrow. As approved by council last night over the temporary objection of Alderman Youngs, the appeal will be forwarded to Victoria immediately where it will be considered by the government executive council next Tuesday. Mayor Daggett and Alderman Robert McKay, who are in the south, will be asked to present the appeal to the government body. Alderman McKay Is chairman of the franchise committee which recommended acceptance I of the Black and White tender; last April. After hearing the draft of the appeal read by City Clerk II. D. Thaln last night, Alderman Youngs hotly demanded that It be referred back to City Solicitor Brown with instructions that "it was not Intended to give Mr. Brown a chance to air his personal opinions." Referring to the fact that Mr. Brown was also counsel for Charles Pustak Nell McDonald nnp mm and other injuries. Identified dead are: Vic Pecettl, first baseman. i George C. Risk, 27, Hlllsboro, Orpgon. Frederick T. Martinez, San Diego. Four bodies are unidentified, one believed to be that of Manager Mel Cole of Wenatchee. The bus veered through- a cable guard railing, caught fire and hurtled down a mountainside for 500 feet. First Baseman Tecetti was de -scribed as "the most promising player In the Pacific Coast League last season. The team, which had played in Vancouver last, May 20 to 25, was on its way from Spokane to Bremerton. NOT BREAKING WITH FRANCE Resolution of Poland Rejected br United Nations Security Council NEW YORK. The United Na- terday voted 7 to 4 against a complete diplomatic break with Franco Spain. The resolution calling for such a break was proposed by Poland 'which, with Russia. France and Mexico, voted In its favor. . and Stewart Johnston, partners of Black and White Transportation Co. as well as City Solicitor at the time of the commission hearing, Alderman Youngs suggested that Mr. Brpwn was now defending his inability to have the earnings of Arrow Bus Co. made public as evidence at the commission hearing. "It's an entirely personal document," he declared. "As a private citizen I protest .the way Tenders For New Reformatory Are Being Invited VICTORIA Tenders are being called for a new boys' industrial school near Wellington, Vancouver Island. Cost 13 estimated at $600,000. After it is completed, the buildings of thePVght asreed on a cost Scale for present Industrial .school at Co-qnltlam will be absorbed Into the Essondale mental hospital establishment. Tenders are also beln? called for additions to Tranqullle sani tarium. ANTHONY EDEN ENTERTAINED OTTAWA- Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden, former British foreign secretary, and other members of a British parliamentary party, here on their way home after attending a conference of the Hrli tlsh Empire Parliamentary Association in (Bermuda, were guests of the Canadian government at a dinner held here last night in r s hush K' WSF BRITAIN'S MINISTER OF NATIONAL INSURANCE AT THE BBC MICROPHONE Rt. Hon. James Griffiths, -who Is Minister of National Insurance in Britain's present government. Mr. Griffiths, who comes from South Wales, has been" Member of Parliament for Llanelly since 1936. He was a Miners' agent from 1925 onwards, and was president of the (South Wales Miners' Federation from 1934. until his election to Parliament. ' CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND i OTTAWA--The government of Cartas a is ready and willing to oWc'arivhrrewlfhTNeW- ffundland the idea of Newfoundland joining up with Canada. Hon. Louis St. Laurent, minister of Justice-, said last night. There will be "sympathetic, and earnest" consideration. In which my name is used in that 'document' lUarsay Evidence ' Is Suggested He made specific reference to a section of the appeal that charged that the Public Utilities Commission had "acted on lnadmissable .evidence, a great part- of the evidence of Mr. Youngs being hearsay." Alderman Youngs gave testimony In behalf of Arrow Bus. Co., of which he Ls manager, at the franchise' hearing. When City Clerk Thaln said that the transcript of evidence of the hearing Indicated that Alderman Youngs' evidence had been based on some occasions on hearsay, Alderman Youngs retorted "Hearsay In your opinion." "No, hearsay from the standpoint of legal evidence," Mr. Thaln retorted. "However, I was informed by Mr. Carrothers, the FIRES OF ARMY CITY TO COVER The city has agreed to take over the fire protection of army buildings in this area following the removal of army fire fighting equipment. Council last tnis lire protection aner tne a's-contmuance of the army's fire truck-and its two-man fire de paitment. Basing its cnargts on the amount of equipment decided necessary by the city fire chief or h's deputy, in case of fire, the following rates were set: False alarms, $10. Fires requiring the use of not more Uian one piece of equipment and four men, $20 per hour or,portion thereof. Each additional, piece of equipment, $4 per hour. Each additional man, $1.50 per hour. SOIL LOST BY RAIN During a hard, prolonged rain, a cultivated field may lose two inches of tonsoll. Bulletins RECORD PLANE LIST NEW YORK A British Airways plane, with a record number of 53 transAtlantic passengers on board, arrived heie last night. Among the passengers was Sir Arthur Brown who made the first crossing irom ' Newfoundland to Ireland in 1916 with the late John Alcock. CRASH IN MEXICO MEXICO A four-motored plane of the Mexican Aviation Co. clashed today shortly after taking off and caught fire but none of the forty-two. passengers or the crew of four members were seriously injured. HALIFAX EXPLOSION HALIFAX A bollei exploded in a ship docked at the naval barracks on the Dary-mouth of Halifax Harbor, f irst reports said that three or four men weie hurt, NAMED ADMINISTRATOR VICTORIA Gordon Fraser Forbes, government agent at Prince Rupert, was appointed official administrator foi a portion of Prince Rupert. PROVINCE MAY ASSERT RIGHTS HAMILTON t Suggestion that western provinces might be forced f0 act' upon""oui'Tjrovlrx cial rights" in entering Into agreement with the Dominion government and governments of other provinces was made by Premier Stuart Qarson of Manitoba In speaking before a meeting of the Klwanls Club here. commission chairman prior to the hearing that he did not In-end to be too 'technical' in the matter of formal evidence." "If we let Mr. Brown send that document down, we are letting him make fools of us," Alderman Youngs asserted. Alderman Hills replied: "Alderman Youngs Is objecting to the counsel employed by the city. He ls objecting to the city solicitor." "No, I'm objecting to the form In which he has put that appeal," Alderman Youngs countered. "It sounds like Brown Is defending Brown. We are only wasting our time and the executive council's time." Faced with unanimous opposition by the other aldermen, Alderman Youngs withdrew his opposition to hayng the appeal heard but pointed out that the fact that, since the Commission's decision had been handed down, WILL HANG WEDNESDAY German rrisoner-ofWar To He Executed at Lethbridge Tomorrow LETHBRIDGE t Sgt. Werner Schwalb, aged 31, is sched-:;eld to hang early Wednesday for the murder of a fellow prisoner in Medicine Hat internment camp almost three years ago. It will be the first prlsoner-nf-war, hanslng In, Canada at the order of a civil court. EARL BROWDER IS OVER ATLANTIC LONDON Earl Br,owder. United States Communist leader, held by security police here for two days following his arrival from a visit to Moscow, left by plane today for New York and ls due to arrive'there tonight. Point Grey Coalition Is Winner Leigh Stevenson and A. R. MacDougal Get Sweeping Majorities Over C.C.F. Opponents VANCOUVER Two coalition candidates Leigh F. Stevenson and A. R MacDougal were elected to the Legislature yesterday by a large majority over two C.C.F. candidates, .oiie Democrat and one Liberal-Industrialist in the Point Grey by-election. With returns for 244 polls complete, the vote Is: Stevenson, Coalition, 14,067. MacDougal, Coalition, 13,929 Mrs. D. G. Sleeves, C.C.F., 5,693. George Isherwood, C. C. F., " 5,422. William Smith, Democrat, 414. . Peter McAllister Llberll-In-dustrlallst, 309. The by-election la the three- member constituency was called after the deaths of .Attorney-General R. L. Maitland and J. A. Paton, both Conservative supporters of the Coalition. The by-election filled the only two vacant seats in the 48 -member Legislature, the standing In which Is now: Coalition. 27. C.C.F., 10. Labor, one. Trying to Set XJL Up-GraMf- JERUSALEM The Jewish underground charges the Arab League with trying to set up the Grand Mufti, now in Egypt, as the head of a new provisional government of Palestine. Black and White Co. had sold at least one of its two buses and that ,Stewart Johnston had reportedly left- the partnership, the city's case probably had been weakened. "It's a waste of time," he repeated. , "It's a matter of principle that we must assert," Alderman Hills replied. Alderman Rudderham agreed. We are testing the right of the city to choose its own form of transportation," he said. LOCAL OFFICER RETIRING SOON Constable C. F. Oland, who has been attached to the district office of the provincial, police nere since 1939 as district clerk, 13 retiring from the police force at the end of June after 30 years of service. Following his retirement he and Mrs. Oland will 'ike uo residence on Vancouver Island. During his service with the police. Constable Oland has been posted In many centres throughout the province. He has been in he north central area since 1929. He" came here from Smlthers seven years ago. Replacing Constable Oland in the district office will be Constable Edward Anderson who has been clerk in the city police office for the last several months.- Shidehara Knew Of Invasion Plan T O K Y O Premier Shidehara told the war crimes tribunal today that he was aware of Japan's plan to invade China in 1937. He was at that time Japan's foreign minister. Local Tides Wednesday, June 26, 1946 High 11:13 17.8 feet 23:12 21.6 feet Low 5:01 3.5 feet 16:58 6.9 feet Difference Over Atomic Control ; NEW YORK, tt Dr. Herbert V. Evatt of Australia, chairman of the atomic energy commission, has taken Issue with a Russian proposal on procedure for the drafting of an atomic control plan. Dr. Evatt believes the work should be done by one master committee Instead of dividing It among two of 12 members a3 the Russians suggest. FORT FRANCES HAS BIG BLOW Western Ontario Pulp Mill Swept by Wind of Cyclonic Proportions FORT FRANCES, Ont. St-A terrific tornado, supposedly caused by suddenly Variable tem peratures, ripped Into this town In mid-afternoon yesterday and In three'-to four minutes caused widespread damage and left eleven persons injured. Ten of the Injured were children of a family on an Indian reservation whose house was blown down. Other houses were lifted from their foundations. Power lines were blown down to disrupt service and Fort Fran ces, 180 miles east of Winnipeg, was left in partial darkness. The wind blew sixty and more miles per hour. Damage estimated at $500,000, and possibly more, was counted today after the "twister" had ripped Its way through this northwestern Ontario pulp and paper town of 6,000 persons yesterday. - Search la on for the body of a man eT6rtedttfhaver-beeri crushed by flying debris in a lumber yard. TODAY S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd Vancouver Bralorne 12.00 B. R. Con. B. R. X. .?. M4 Cariboo Quartz 3.25 Dentonla . '.49 Grull Wlhksne 1.15 Hedley Mascot 1.65. Minto i.0534 Pend Oreille 3.30 Pioneer 5.50 Premier Border .08'2 Premier Gold 1.90 Privateer ...... .55 Reeves McDonald 1.50 Reno (ask) .16s Salmon Gold .. V19 Sheep Creek 3.3t Taylor Bridge .67i Whitewater .03', Congress Vananda 35, Hedley Amalgamated .122 Spud Valley .22 Oils A. P. Con u... -.11..4 Calmont -.30 -2.00 C. & E .'. Foothills 1.60i Home - 3.05: , . - .Hi... rr.y , tat-; 2.81- Toronto Aumaque Beattie 1.21r Bobjo ..... .19 Buffalo Cdn. . 28 Hardrock .90 Con. Smelters .'. 93.50 Eldona .66 Elder . .82 Giant Yellowknlfe .... 7.20 Jacknlfe . .19 Jolle Quebec . 83 Little Long Lac 2.25 Madsen Red Lake .... 3.60 MacLeod Oockshutt 2.30 Moneta J. Omega . .26 Pickle Crow 3.65 San Antonio - &.oot. Senator Rouyn Sherrlt Gordon ........ Steep. Rock ,3,30,. Sturgeon Rer . Lynx ...25. Lapaska 'Ood's Lake .80. Negus . 2.63 ONE MAIN'S FAMILY Brigham Young, Mdrnio'n-leader. Hied in 1S77, survived Dy 17 wives and 47 children. 1 i A i if! V 1