REOPENING OF HOSPITAL Hoard of Trade at Stewart Discusses Possibility STEWART -When the Stew art Board of Trade held their stmi-monthly meeting Tuesday the main item of discussion was the possibility of getting the Stewart General Hospital reopened and to obtain a resident phy-i"lan. At present the hos-piu is closed and the company doctor Dr 1'iayiair oi me 8H-bak Premier mine, pays a weekly v sit to Stewart using the hos- as his headquarters. Appli-cinon Ipiiai will be made by the Stew art Hospital Board to the government with a view to ascertaining whether a physician can be secured and also ns to the possibility of obtaining a government grant. With the advent or new mln- I nig operations in the district it i (elt that, with a grant from the 'government and suoscrlp-ttc.;s from the mining companies he hospital can and should be cpened. STEWART SCHOOL PRINCIPAL QUITS STEWART -A meeting of the temporary school board for the Stewart zone was held in the h::me of Mrs, C: McLeod last. Fri day Among those present were Mrs C McLeod, Jack Pearcy. F. A'.falter both of Premier, Mrs V Lees, secretary, and E. E Kj idman, school inspector. Toe Cameron report was dis cussed, the main points or interest being the readjustment of tochers' salaries and the rais in; of the standard cf education. The resignation of the school principal, Miss Zebalotnev. was received and accepted with ex treme regret. The board as at present estab- iishd is only temporary, the an nual meeting an delection will be held in November. Vice-President B. C. Lees presided over the meeting in the absence of Prsident W. R. Tooth. MIDDLETON, Norfolk, Eng. tt) Deep plowing here unearthed a Bronze Age battle-axe, a grind ing stone, Roman glass and a Roman honeypot. SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 12:30 Prince Rupert Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 9 p.m. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 668 Announcing . . . Fresh Killed ROASTING CHICKENS BULKLEY MARKET Third Avenue Phone 178 Campbells Cosy Cabins Skeena Bridge Tourist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 STEWART NEWS Latest from Portland Canal Mining Centre TO CELEBRATE DOMINION DAY; PREMIER WINS IN SOFTBALL GAME At a meeting of the Dominion Day celebration committee, B. C. Lees outlined the program which calls for a two-day celebration commencing Sunday afternoon and continuing until the evening of July 1. This includes a parade, crowning of the queen, sports for both children and adults and a dance which will commence at midnight, June 30. The communities of Premier and Hyder, Alaska, will parUclpate. SS. Chllllwack arrived in town during the week to take on a shipment of concentrates from the Silbak Premier mine. Warm weather has again been experienced curing the past week, the thermometer registering 80 degrees. The Premier boys again upset the Stewartltes at .sottball with u score of 18 to 17. Several of the regular players of the Stewart team were absent and they had to pet assistance from Premier to make up a team. The play was very ragged with a go6d deal if chewing the rag with the umpire. The radio-telephone which was recently installed in the Government Telegraph office by J. Spllsbury and his assistant, Shorty Williamson, is now In operation and contact Is being made each day with the Morris Summit Company in the Salmon River district and the Canadian Exploration Company on ' the Until: River. The Big Four Mining Company is also considering operating one, it is reported. This marks the beginning of a new rra in communications in this district. LONDON 0.i Alexander Knight, 8C-year-old artist and woodcarver, sold a house worth 1,500 ($6,750) to a young married couple for 500 because he thought they had "a greater ! right to it." EvERSHARP S P.-T. DOING GOOD WORK STEWART The annual meeting of the Stewart Parent Teacher Association was held in the Court House on Wednesday last, John Thompson, presidenti in the chair. The following officers were elected: President John Thompson (re-elected). Vice-President Mrs. Catherine McLeod. Treasurer Miss Vanna Jacob-sen. Secretary Miss Elbi Jacobsen (re-elected). This association has done excellent work during the past year among the young people, sponsoring cookng classes for trje' girls of the higher grades, wood working under the tuition of Constable Meredith Jones, fcasketball and other activities. They have also taken up the matter of a new school. The present one, having been built in 1910, Js inadequate for modern requirements. After representations were made to the school board a new lighting system was installed which is a decided advance on the old system. Regret was expressed by the members at the loss of the school principal, Miss Zebalot-ney, who is retiring from teaching this year. Advertise In tne Daily News. CHICK INJECTOR WINS ALL EVENTS IN BIG SHAVATHON"! 50&ster-00S(ffer 200 Smooffier RAZOR! win tit n.w word lor (having ffSsjjJtt ! Ji tpd, ofoty,, comfortl JHr&?S&RtiKf&Lt$ 'sa, ' $'" (illuttrattd) . . . Four csnitt'ants . . . 1h im&KBBky&'1 'V$fi J S winntr Evtrtharp Schick Inj.etor tin Richard M. flJBB jjlfitf'J McCluik.y in an minut., 12 t.tondtl hav MHK t SSil with compiling raior two minut. t, 25 f condi. 'li jBf L'&Bbw MAGIC NEW-BLADE "REPEATER" 1 (MJ Keen new EVER-SHARP Injector blade is instantly, automatically placed and locked in precisely correct shaving position! S $ I I Only $1.00 bring, yen 7 vf V r-llei I l I lh EVERSffARP SCHICK INJECTOR RAZOR WITH 20 BLADES OFFICERS OF MOOSE WOMEN . STEWART The annual installation of officers of the Portland Canal Chapter, No. 16, Women of the Moose, took place on Thursday, June 20. The officers for the ensuing year are: Graduate Regent Mrs. Veronica Fisher. Senior Regent Mrs. Ella Stor-ie. Junior negentMrs. F. Harrison. Recorder Mrs. Hazel Tooth. Treasurer Mrs. W. Wakefield. Chaplain Mrs. Ann Geddes. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When attending church services and a person offers one a song book, should one always accept it? A. Yes; one should graciously accept the book even if unable to sing. Q. Does it indicate good breeding for one who Is seeking a divorce to discuss it with others. Light, luscious hot buns if you bake with Flcischmann's. Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast gives you full value, because it's s m ? p mis vn Pianist Mrs. Jean Stewart. Guide Mrs. Elsie Kustas. Assistant Guide Mrs. Susie Thompson. Argus Mrs. J. Campbell. Sentinel Mrs. D. MacAulay. The Installing officer was Past Graduate Regent Mrs. Catherine McLeod assisted by Mrs. Sybil Rosier, Mrs. COibson, Mrs. F Risen. The hall was very tastefully decorated and the ceremony was well carried out and was very Impressive. Supper was served to members and guests. A. No; the only discussions should be with the attorney and the immediate family. Q. What Is the correct way to address a woman chairman of a meeting? A. Madam Chairman. Q. Why is it the usual custom to send out formal Invitations so far in advance? A. It is done to enable the hostess to invite other guests to take the places of those who cannot accept. tastier CINNAMON BUNS Mad In Canada full-strength, fast-acting. Bakes better bread, tastier buns. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, order Fleischmann's Fresh Yeast from your grocer today. This dependable yeast with the familiar yellow label has been Canada's favorite for over 70 years. Always fresh, at your grocer'- WE SERVE YOU NOTHING BUT THE BEST SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS-COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS QUALITY .y RRANDS THIRD AVENUE WEST Good Food! V ,v I Help yourself to health from our t53 " T stock. You'll find healthful foods 'iiE&M or dt'cious summer menus. All fl1M orders delivered to your kitchen rXTi door. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SU.EY at CENTRAL HOTEL r HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD Phone Blue 850 All Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1464 reen & Kermode Builders and Painters Free Estimates and Prompt Service I Prince Rupert Daflp Bctos Tuesday. June 25, 1946 Good io he last Dropjl- -4 We are here to serve you and guarantee y6u will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" , PHONE -."5-1 T : P.O. Box 174 ENGLISH BREAKFAST SETS 32-piece sets in dainty patterns, ideal for everyday use. Just what you have been .waiting for. $1 "AT .95 $n.95 and IZ Gordon s Hardware McBride Street REX CAFE PHONE 311 t : GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL i , t PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Bqx 1381 Phone 50.'i Evenings: Green lllli f JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Quality Repairs Economy Prices at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTeS Chop Sucy Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 8 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 Announcing ... OPENING OF PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edwardf B.C. 5 7- I ! r CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 5T 7:00 aon. to 11 ',00 pm. r ft