4 Induce Rupert Daflp jftctos Tuesday, September 24 194& What Qty ... . Adopted a committee of the whole recommendation that lot 7. block 33, section 5 be sold to M. Hanlch for $145. . . . Recommended that the City Engineer be authorized to negotiate the purchase of an automatic stoker from the School Bdard and have It Installed In the City Hall. . .. . Authorized the payment of accounts for the month of July totalling $104,405. . . Accepted a committee of the whole report recommending EXPECT THREE LACROSSE TEAMS Latest release from the' boxla front point to the possibility of forming a three team city league. Tentative proposals are to mingle experienced players with newcomers in order to create three teams. All players and would-be-, players are asked to turn out to a meeting to discuss this in the "Roosevelt Park Gym at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Enthusiasts are asked to bring along their playing gear as a practice will also be held after the meeting. There Is also talk of organizing a team or teams from among residents of the Seal Cove sec- Classified Clss.'fleds: 2c per word per Insertion, oc; uarua 01 1 names, ucatn Notices, and Engagement FOR SALE FOR SALE 30 ft. trailer Aunga. 10 h.p. Twin Standard engine, f ' Can be seen at Fisherman's Floats. (225) FOR SALR-Crib. Ill 8th Ave. W. (225) FOR SALE Large 8-room house, 346 Fourth Ave. West. Phone Red 400, daytime. (229) FOR SALE House, 8 rooms. plastered, sewer. Upstairs I rented as self-contained suite with own bathroom. Phone ' Black 298. ($25 FOR SALE 18 h.p. heavy duty Palmer engine. New condition. Phone Green 975 or Black 927. , (2251 FOR SALE Heintzman piano! Murphy's lumuVr yard, 1st Ave. Black 884. $150. (224) FOR SALE 12 ft. rowboat with 2 h.p. alrcooled motor, gotxi condition. Phone Red 240 after 6 p.m. (225) FOR SALE Stove, bed, water tank, mirror, tent. Apply Enterprise Fruit Store. Ph6ne 343. (224) FOR SALE Simmon's baby crib. Apply 1532 Overlook St. evenings. (224) FOR SALE Used folding chairs in good shape $1.50, dressers $14.50,- used blankets, all wool $4.50; smoking stands, $1.25; dining room sets from $30; coal and wood heaters and stoves from $22.50; hassocks. $2.50; rug 6xl02 price $18; chesterfield in good shape, $65; Phllco 7 tube radio, $25; new mirrors from $2; large selection of scatter rugs, lovely designs from $1.65; paint brushes from 40c. All kinds of ' new and used furnltun. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawuillls, manufactured by National Machinerj Company I'mlted. Vancouver, B.C. (tfi PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective, 2 weeks' supply $1 12 weeks $5, at all druggists. (228) TIMBER SALE X39857 There will be offered for Bale t public Auction, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon on Tuesday .the 29th day of October, 1946. In the office of the Forest Ranger at Terrace, BC. the Licence X39837 to cut 6.075.000 t.b.m. of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and Balsam on an area comprising part of Surveyed Timber Licence 8016P. Exstew Station, Range S, Coast Land District. "Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. '"Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may .submit tender to be opened at tlm hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister pf Forests Victoria, B.C., or the Din-arlct Forester at Prince Rupert. B C. ESKIMO TRIBUTE The name Alaska Is derived from an Eskimo word meaning Great Country. Council Did that City Wire Chief Fred Kemp-tbri be asked to make a survey of the adequacy of street lighting on Fifth Avenue between McBrlde Street and the General Hospital. . . . Authorized the purchase of a rebuilt motor and necessary repairs to the City Engineer's car. . . . Adopted a committee of the whole recommendation that the telephone Department in- vestlgate and correct the tele- phone crossing at Shawatlans. I.O.D.E. Tag Day Nets $148 Galloway Rapids Chapter, I.OJ5.E., realized $148 for chlN dren's refugee work In their tag day on Saturday, Regent Mrs. N. Moses reported today. Leading taggers were Donnie Leigh-tori, Joan Fletcher, Barbara Teng, Betty Helller and Ethel Calder. NEW AIR CODE A new world aviation code 13 being worked out by 40 nations in order to further greater flying safety. tion. These and other matters of importance to players dhd enthusiasts will be discussed at the1 meeting on Wednesday night. Advertising minimum charge, 60c. Birth No hen Funeral Notices. Marrlaee Announcements: f2. FOR RENT FOR, RENT Furnished housekeeping suite and rooms. Phone Blue 638. (2301 FOR RENT 1 room furnished cabin near Seal Cove Air Base. Phone Blue 825. (226) FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 1142 Park Ave, Phone Green 224. (226) SUITES FOR RENT Bay Apts. Apply Suite 6 or Phone Blue ' 815. (226) FOR RENT Sleeping room. Apply 806 Fraser St. after 5 p.m. (224) FOR RENT Sleeping room, 801 Borden Street. (tfj WANTED WANTED TO RENT 4 room unfurnished house with range, close in, modern. As soon as possible Phone Red 240. (229) WANTED Unfurnished or partially furnished light housekeeping room for gentleman. Close in. Box 159, Daily News'. (124) HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable housekeeper for family of 2 adults and 2 children. No heavy laundrv or waxing:. Larfe private room. $G0 a month. Phone Red 879. Of) ! HELP WANTED Mother's helper from about 2 to 8. Five days a week. Phone Red 879. (tf) WANTED Attendant for City Weigh Scale. Position suitable for elderly man with slight pension. Slight disability no handicap. Apply City Engineer. (224) HELP WANTED Cook and kitchen help wanted immediately, phone Miller Bay Hos-pital or Dr. Galbralth at Green 395. (2241 AGENTS WANTED EXCLUSIVE territorial distributors now being appointed for Kelpak MealSj Concentrates, Vitamins, Tablets, Laxatives, etc. Profitable" adequate range of products rriade from Pacific Kelp, highest In mineral content. If Interested In establishing youf own business, write fully to Box 160, Daily News. (225) LOST READING Glasses lh brown case Saturday evening, please phone 355. (tf) t THIS AND THAT "Let's scram, Mike. This ls no time to ask them to buy tickets to the policeman's ball." ARTESIAN WELLS INCREASE WATER Thousand of Wells Make Up for Australia's Lack Of Rainfall SYDNEY, Australia W Because rain and rivers. are scarce In a large. part of Australia, the country augments its water supply by means of nearly 9,000 artesian and sub-artesian bores which yield about 340,000,000 gallons of water a day. This source of water ls most Important since two of Austra lia's largest Industries, wool. and wheat, depend heavily on water and can be crippled by drought. Though the area of Australia Is about 3,000,000 square miles, about two-thirds of the continent has an average yearly rainfall of less than 20 inches. However, the area In which artesian wells are present extends over nearly one-third of the country and one section of it, known as the Great Australian Artesian Basin, is said to be the largest discovered. This big Dasln alone covers nearly one-fifth of the country extending from the northeast tip to the south. The Northern Territory, and the States of Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia all have a share of It. There ls a second artesian basin covering parts of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia and a few small ones In West Australia. Their water ha3 been tapped from a depth of 10 feet to 7,000 feet and the flow Is in varying quantities. Some yield as much as 1,000,000 galloni a day. The water ls used for domestic Does Your Car Look DOWN AT THE "WHEELS" If so we suggest you have your wheels aligned and your tires checked. If you hope to drive your car . through the winter . . , WATCH YOUR TIRES! IS YOUR CAR SLUGGISH AND TEMPERMENTAL? If so bring it In to have a Motor Tune-Up. Don't wait until cold weather leaves you on the road. LUBRICATE OFTEN I T PAYS! S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers Third Ave. Phone 83 TENTS - PACK SACKS TRAPPER NELSON PACKBOARDS WATERPROOF GROUND SHEETS PROTECT YOUR LUGGAGE WITH CANVAS COVERS Edmondson Awning and Sail Works 330. SECOND AVENUE P.O. Box 32 : PHONE 632 purposes, for gardens and stock watering arid sometimes' is chemically treated yheri the removal of harmful minerals is necessary LONDON" Princess Elizabeth has become president of the Royal Merchant Navy School of which the Khig Is patron. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Excellent buy on 8-roomed house on two lots, 800 6th Ave. East. Complete bathroom on both floors. Full basement. Hot water heating unit. Fireplace. Good for large family or boarding house,, Cash or terms. Apply Collart & McCaf-fery Ltd. (229) Millbank is Virginia tlves of the Prince Rupert and "United Co-operative Assoda- tlons. a new agreement has been negotiated setting up standard rates for both Prince Rupert ,. i ,i u i aim Vancouver vuum.u uu up- eratloils! . . The proposed agreement, which has yet to be approved by the two co-op organizations grants a wage increase of ,15 1 per month to plant workers, 1 hleher ranges of rates for la- 'boatory and office -workers, and an average -nour worn weeK. Under the plan for hours, em- ployees will wor,k a 40-hour week , for nine months of the year and during the months of May, June and July, a 48-hour week with- out overtime. LADIES' BOWLS 1 . "A" League I September 24-Savoy Swingers nnd one of the big Jobs of the vs. Big Sisters, Ideal Cleaners vs. 1 new unit5 wil1 be to develop po-Lucky tentlal officers and N.CO.'s Strikes, Toilers vs. Miller : Bav. Moose vs. Oranee. Varielv i from its own ranks, t vs. Annettes. "B" League September 26 Khatadas vs. Revenuers, Whirlwinds vs. Dock-ettes, Co-op vs. WPTB,. Atlln vs. Watts & Nkkerson, Bankers vs. Peoples. BIG TOURIST YEAR VAMfntTVt'n RrlHeH rv1ni bia experienced a banner year1"111 ,para at at i. for tourist visitors, the Depart- ment of Trade and Industry re- ; "o . L t,Tm " ported. More than 1.000,000 tour-!tlann.fttSZS ists spent $25.000.0,0 In British!" ,n ,nA,J T 7,1 X Columbia this summer. An iiinuifu lau.uuu tourists visiter ine province lasi year, BIG FELLOWS The largest elephants are the. adult males of the African control the action of Its feath-specles. ers. a Mild, Cool, Straight Cut Cigarette Simple words but they mean- 1 w - WW V roGH STANDARD WAGE RATES RESULT OF AGREEMENT ! As a result of several meet- Quick Frozen Cellonhane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS GOD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones . . . No waste . . . No fuss. Try them today from your butcher. Canadian,- Fish . AND Gold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MILITIA UNITS ' RE-ORGANIZING Prince Rupert's two mllltla unlts afe to nave..a cha"g! ? td designation, according to wu. a. Johnston, commanding officer f , ,.,, , , . The"f 'V'tf'L tery R.C.A. Is now to be known ao : hh., tl Canadian Artillery. ' The 2nd ,,,,,,, no n n A Iosrmeriy 'spU betwfen prince Rupert and Prince George now ls COTnpletely jocajlzed Ih Pr,nce R t and u chartgfd m designation to the 9th Anti Air craU duns operation Room. Reorganization ls proceeding and ex-members of the Prince pneprt Machine dun Battalion v,no ere transferred to the 120th Cst. fitv. hire been asked to meeton Friday evening. Post- war physical standards and age will govern transfers Into the new unit. The new artillery units wilt have a backbone of experienced artillery officers and N.CO.'s There will be a meeting of ex-members of the 120th Hy. Bty, and 2nd SL Bty. R.C.A. In the Armory September 30 . Military Orders Prince Rupert Machine dun Bn. All members who were transferred to the 120th Cst. Bty evening, Sept. 25, 8 pm. Vv-MftrnViafo ininJ If. tit of the 102nd and 2ncl sL Bty MUSCULAR GOOSE The wild goose has about 12,000 muscles, 10,000 of which 99 1 m mm m 1 Ask for them today! I'UltNITUltE IMPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP riione Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre MILLBANK STRAIGHT CUT VIRGINIA CIGARETTES $7,500,000 IN NETS VICTORIA-Bettors at British Columbia's race tracks circulated $7,500,000 during the summer racing season, It ls eg. tlmated. A $500,000 slice wei'it the province In taxes. Animal stats earn about $500 weekly when at work in motion pictures. SHAVINGS A CINCH With Minora Blades for comfort and jpeed, you can't equal Minora in its class. It's the quality blddein the low-price fieldl tltS rot DOUfllf.fDCf MZOA LakelseLake CAMP Johnstone's Camp at Laktlse Lake is still open for the limiting season. The trout fishing Is still good. CABINS TO RENT BOATS FOR II 1 R E fc L I kl fc fail : Mil 1 1 ' DOt'Mi. 'r. 1 Roosts t, am fornix fRESSlNO Ths fniwl available In boS 1 nlnton 1916. t, Ap, J SUNDAYS, 2:01 J ?:3I H J WEDXESDAYS-I 1:30, Phone or J civic ctmJ for Club hm Skeena Bridfe tJ One Mile Ea 1 Box 13 tJ EARLY HH IS Local new is publication, shod: office by 10 lit1 are asked to bw. Items of social t Interest are iM General Contraclor We do. basements, reshingling, build a sidewalks, remodel your kitcbeJ Demolish or move 100 SATISFACTION GUABM! CALL HLUE G10 and we will give an estimate! P.O. BOX 654 :- FR33I MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Comrnerclal - industrial Marine Electricians Ilorne Wlrlnf and Repairs Phonfe Black .107 238 Second Avenue West For That Party . . PARAMOUNT CAM at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP HtlKV cnoKM 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. DAILY NEWS UflMflP ROI I w Invited Your Assistance The Dally News U completing a Ro ' 01 ? . .. r ". . . hrttiU' ui mo city iv bait wji.ii me - j . i h and In the air. To make this list compj. obtain the co-operation of the pnom .0 .... -. - ... Jtimi " respohslble.for the submission of tne YOUR girl or YOUR friend. uU i The following ls tnc In find send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITO" Dally News, Prince Rup"' Namt Service (Army Navy. Air Force) "" Next of Kin Relation Address Date of Enlistment " Date of Discharge MBit If Casualty. Nature ana u . Remember, If YOU do nov name, no one else may. i