NSERVE TCHEWAN wrau Prairie rrov. r- ltd Square mum . i L3Iiu ... ai.TSTEDTER p Pre "" of 0, The axe-blows now preparing for ..n.i,m win be re- h wooden shoes L ,,m Saskatchewan . .. nvprnment's ner'a""- pnougn ... . -i.ibots was , c..f. KuroDe anu .miirpri into aasit . ,n(. wake oi war- .. u, imber from L 1 , fl 1939 to , itof nas begun to (. re-ourne the provin- AMl CI (IIUCIJ to CWi -.unua w vv - ruuowed a preliml- fnrr s which recom- ..... nno.f upntlpth - " - Mill UiW .is timber oe cut each M thnt at mmbe was sawn in JarIbIaH within flvp . .. ,, hnnnff nnupvpr. iu government plans to -thirds ruling and t Y" far v tnis monm mat would be opened up building of roads Into . ... 1..U.. ...Ill .1 . . I., tt,n . ,V.Ti.t ion mlla i. A 11 t i oi (umber to be made with completion next (40 mile road from t. Kiln vrn nnt nnr vpc I" Lnau'd Other new areas ircund Hudson Bay . i2a miles east of Prince i.i Momrpai i.ukp. ou .1 ni rni rf niurii. uitrv only, half of wans 251,700 "square fcrnied, Due to trans- difflculties. however. y 53.0W square mues. uev( : nmpriL hi in ii euement and new :pruce is the leadlna . tvt1 - II I 1 .. n 'm nnvn na rr n spews of wood are th: area first opened establishment of a saw- Prince Albert 65 years panted the Saskatche- inn. n An..H nn.Mnn. 01 a tlmhpr hnnrrf h.- '."v.wii. - VVIIbiUlllU Ui" ... .. wuilllllllll . 1.411- -....lv Mg, HUI. .3 Willi I ho Prints Al- lactory expropriated by labor rl krinto Iter On rrmim lnnrla j wnii uuai uu utru ed bv thp invpnimiit inn fj ... . andj will remain rrnwn until delivered. new Pep and Vim? fti eniintM Jl Unitf ;Jrf. " . "V orut aac.i uimu SANG HING HOP KEE OP UIFV HOUSE 7 ?,k am, WEST Next to King Ta IIP hn.... runage welcome - v-m. to 2 a m . uom 2 pm. to 2 a.m. HfONE RED m, f . i CANADIAN AND AMERICAN SERVED JAPAN ROLLS AT TRIBUNAL RECESS Members of the house military affairs committee attend a buffet luncheon in Tokyo whilst visiting the army installations of the Far East. The luncheon was held in the office of the chief justice of the international war tribunal during a recess of the court. Justice McDougall of Canada, left, and Rep. J, Leroy Johnson of California are served rolls by one of the Japanese wait- ' resses employed at the tribunal. STEWART NEWS Latest from Portland Giiuil Mining Centn SEASON'S FIRST SNOW BLANKETS PORTLAND CANAL MOUNTAINTOPS STEWART The first snow of the season appeared on the mountain tops on September 20th, and since then this district has been experiencing tor- vonrinl mine A v!fr in thu clnnrlc tnrlnv nvrulnppfl a little sunshine and the possibilities for a break in .4 A 1 lM - tun u-nnrnnv nvo rrnrui Dave Ounnanoot the face caused by an explosion of carbide. He was taken to the Stewart General Hospital where Dr, W. R. Walker of Premier at tended his Injuries which, were not as serious as at first anticipated. The r.cml-monthly meeting of the Board of Trade was largely taken up with the consideration of correspondence relative to roads and trails and tne samp-ting plant at Prince Rupert. In formation Is being collected as to the number of properties which will be in a position to take advantage of the sampling plant should It be reopened. stpwart Branch of the Cana dian Legion, 'B.E.S.L., held their election of officers on Tnurs-day, September 19, In the Legion Hall, most of tne new oiucers vctciaiio ui vvuuu vv ai ii. IucJiig Immediate Past President hv' Aubrey Fisher I t i a tt I nt ..1 to go Into the Bowser Lake rrwiaejiv necior a. owwan. country as they Intend travel-! First Vice-President - Don ling by plane this year. They ""im- have about three tons of sup- becona yice-presiaeni - j. plies to go In which would or- , Chaplain-Alex Russwurm. dlnarlly take them forty seven' "scant at Arms-Reg Crolz- days to relay to their trapping' f grounds. i r-vPfiiflvp Rnm Tlrlfnnt.rick. John McKenna.iW. S. Orr. F. McCreadv was brought In u by firtiri.rrnr n m w - UVLlk.lUJ VMJC.A plane suffering from burns about Sweeney, Plans lor a very .acuve pro- gram are being initiated and considerable progress should be noted this year. The annual social gathering will be held Saturday. September 28, In the Legion Hall. Portland Canal Chapter No 16, Women of the Moose, held another successful Initiation on i Thursday, September 19, with ! Senior Regent Ella Storle of flcl-Tatlng. With their charter draped 'In black, one minute's silence was observed In memory of their late co-worker Margaret Demp-sey, who had been a member of the chapter for two years and ! nine months. She was an active worker and her absence will bj felt. i . Advertise in The Dallv News. LOGGER'S DEATH SAID ACCIDENT A coronet's jury which Monday Investigated the death of Harold Jeffrey on September 19, brought in a verdict that the Vancouver logger died "as a result of Injuries sustained in a logging accident at the GildeTsleeve Logging camp at Rivers Inlet." Jeffery was fiown to Prince Rupect General Hospital last Wednesday afternoon by a Queen Charlotte Airlines seaplane after he had suffered head Injuries when a log rolled on him during logging operations at the south ern coast camp. His body was sent to Vancouver, accompanied by his widow, at the week-end. l The Jury commended Dr. John Horning, camp physician, and Jack Teigan and Harry Oreerr "for their prompt action and at-5-tent'.onin rendering all necessary assistance to the injured; and bringing about his speedy transportation by plane to tne Prince Rupert hospital." Members of the jury were Hugq. P. Kraupner; foreman, F. M. Kempton, J. G. Alexander, Emll j G. Blaln, Robeji Greissel and ; William Howard Wright. ; ASPIRIN EASES SIMPLE HEADACHE NEW LOW PRICES 12 tablets lie 24 tablets. ...29c 100 tablets 79c GOES TO WORK IN ? SECONDS GENUINE ASPIRIN IS MARKED THIS WAT I 1 oc, ? EVERY EXTRA TURN HAS A MEANING OF ITS OWN ! TIic average person shifts position tliiity.fivc times during a night's sleep. This is quite normal and licaltliy. Bu how many times do you twist and turn? It is rather difficult to find out-onc cannot exactly ask some member of the household to stay up and count! Yet that would tell the story of how normally you sleep. , Restful sleep is not a matter of how tired you are, what kind of a bed you sleep on, which side you sleep on-it is more likely to depend on the state of your nerves. A common cause of frayed nerves which result in disturbed sleep is the caffein in tea and coffee. If you find caflein is bothering you why not switch to Postum? It contains no stimulants of any kind. It has a full-bodied flavor all its own. Form the Postum habit! Make it right in the cup with boiling water or hot milk. Costs. less than a cent a' serving. 1 II eAvtW A Product of Gnrol Foodj PRETTY MARRIAGE AT SMITHERS SMITH ERS- The United Church here was the scene of a pretty wedding Monday evening when Miss. Dalntre Goodacre. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C R, Goodacre of Smlthers. be came the bride of Fred Rlffel, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Rlffel, Runnymede,. Saskatchewan. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Robert Morris of Hazel-ton. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was gowned In a lovely floor-length dress of white .silk iersev with white coronet. She carried a, bouquet of white carnations and ted roses and wore a string of pearls, a gift from-the bridegroom. Attending the bride was Miss Maf.garet Erlcksen, wearing a eown of blue trlole crepe with1 blue coronet. She carried a bou- ouet of white asters and bronze crysanthemums". The bride's second attendant was her sister, Charlotte, who wore a lovely dess of nlnfc silk with coronet. and earned a bouquet of pink and white carnations. Groonuman was Harry Hay-wcod, and ushers were James Gopdacre and John Chapman, brothe'r and cousin of the bride respectively. Fnllnwlne the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rlffel have leit on a honeymoon to Prince Ru- tempting, hot PARKER HOUSE ROLLS Mad In Canada POLITICIANS ARGUE OVER MOUNTAINS Monument to Great Australian Adjective WELLINGTON, N.2., 0) Ref-' erence to one of the world's most ' curiously named mountains en-1 livened an earnt-st discussion of the New Zealand Geographic Board Bill by the House! of Rep resentatives. This is a steep and difficut peak in the Southern Alps of New Zealand which Is officially named Mount B'Llmlt. "I would like to refer to the suggestive title of Mount B'Llmlt." declared Prof. R. M. Aisle, an ODDOsttiOn member speaking to the bill. 'The band of mountaineers who first scaled this peak must have been" "Australians" Interjected P. G. Connolly. They were either so overcome with the scenic attractions that they called it Beauty Limit and then shortened it, or as Mr. Connolly suggests, they were Aus tralians." added Prof. Algie. The abbreviated portion of the mountain's hame is invariably referred to as "the great Austra lian adjective' In this part of the world. The common toad moults or sheds its outer skin several times a year. pert, Vancouver and Vancouver Island; Thy will return to Smlthers on October 15. This ac iive fresh yeast works fast because It's full-strength. It saves you time and extra steps. And the Parker House rolls you bake with Fleisehmann's will be especially tasty tender, light, IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, order Fleisehmann's acf;Ve Fresh Yeast the dependable yeast with the familiar yellow label. It's been Canada's favorite for more than 10 years. Always fresh dt your grocers A. MacKcniie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" NOW IN STOCK ... CONGOLEUM RUGS All sizes. In Limited Quantity Only. Choose now while a selection is available. WINDOW SHADES All sizes are now In stock for standard windows. WINDOW CKANES which we have long waited for are now In stock. WINDOW CURTAINS and DRAPERIES and accessories are also' In stock. ELECTRIC TOASTERS will be arriving this, week. Everything for the Home. Mall Orders are given prompt attention. Watch.our windows. Phone 775 : 327 Third Ave. TERRACE TRANSFER AND TAXI (Harold Smith) TRUCK AND PASSENGER SERVICE Scheduled Trips to Lakelse Lake Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Charter Trips to Any Part oi District TERRACE P.O. Box 167 -- Terrace Corner Snack Bar MRS. FLAMBLY HOME-MADE PIES SANDWICHES - CAKES LUNCHES FOR TRAVELLERS On the Main Highway TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS OPEN SUN DAYS and HOLIDAYS For minor repairs and gas Prince Rupert Daflp J3cto$ Tuesday. September 24, 1946 ALADa McBride Street T EI JC WEnm ITT ll In Tin iaiaf q I iliM We are here to serve you and guararif)Be you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OP FINE FOODS" PHONE T,47 -:- P.O. Btl 174 Phone RecT 319 Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. H. Schuman - S. Julian Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. P.O. Box 1464 Green & Kermode Builders and Painters All Interior and Exterior Work Free Estimates arid Prompt 'Service Just Arrived! A new shipment of Congoleum Rug? and otHer felt back rugs. See them now at Gordon1 s Hardware I if PHONE 311 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing ' while, you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and'Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD . . l E Hollywood Cafe ' PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST' UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO, PARTIES CHOP SUEY CnOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 1) 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 1l SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarelli, Propi Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert 4