OIHES DRIVE MING SOON in W5l for Two Weeks, Mrs. j fiillis Announces was made to-Mr -"ur.rnK'nf j j amis, chalr-.h.- local committee In ,e 0t '.tic National Clothing ((.-n HP campaign wuuiu n In.i underway June m wo weeks '..n:irurs ol the drive will se (r.rmrt Red Cross rooms onhiii- Health Buildlnc of Second Avenue 1C c-niri Fourtb Street. The rooms cprn all day from June mi- close ol the cam- jXJiy Utryufco a"""" in fill) "eir nours arc a5 1U1" j'tco Church, Sixth Avenue, tm say and Thursday C2. ... a iv m rvtfan Church, Fourth .... r-vrt Mondav. Tuesday I c Hut Fulton Street at .1 t. " - " .. n ,., i n m and evenines. u " i j... ...iH FriHnv R ti 10 nm. Ar.r'w Cathedral Mon-Wcinc :day. Friday after- w , Armv Citadel. Mon- Or Saturday, after- ,' fw I- ll ll II I. illUULUlV i Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m l3 C-eet School, Monday i Friday, during school 3 lb. E. JT 3 - ; :is fe- win SUN 9 IK 23 30 MOM 10 17 24 TUES 4 25 Local News Items . . . CCF Club meeting, Tuesday,! 8 p.m., Metropole Hall. (130) W. J. Crawford was a passenger aboard the Catala last night returning to Stewart after a business trip to Vancouver. William Ranee sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess iuuise lor a vacation trip to Vancouver. WED 12 19 26 SUNDAY JUNE 30 A Moose Notice Change of meeting. I.O.D.E. Hall, Monday, June 3, 8 DJn. All members please attend. (129) Inspector of Indian Agencies J. Coleman of Vancouver, who has been in the city on a brief visit, leaves tonight by the Princess Adelaide to return to Vancouver. Mr. Coleman has been on an inspection trip of agencies in the northern part of the province and arrived In Prince Rupert from the interior Saturday night. k For Quick Reliable Taxi Service, Call G6 Taxi. (130) by dropping cardboard boxes at the headquarters and depots. In making up bundles of old clothing a little note might be added to some of the garments telling about Canada and giving your best wishes to the people to whom the clothes will go. Shoes should be tied to gether. During the last drive ; re badly needed for thousands of pairs were useless 'jrr and local mcr- because their males could not in : ive great assistance be found. MS fa fflSlk Weeklv Meat IIU MfN TIIF; i WLD. it jroup C Jibs. 1 "Veal Stew Baked THU. Meat Saus-'t Parttefe' ages Group D 10 oz. 2 tokens Group C Vj lb. 2 tokens 4 tokens left-over. FR1. Fish SAT. Aspen-aijus au Gratin Monthly Sugar-Preserves. 1-1 2oz. jar jam, ielly or marmalade and 1 qt molasses. 1 coupon V--J an Integral pari of spring menus, and '' it Sunday you want to enjoy with your two J- a mould of Jellied veal is suggested. By " j th? stewing variety your two pound purchase F"'Vido enough meat for Monday's hot dish. t r.i op meatless Tuesday is simply prepared "mating a combine of white sauce made in-"r 1 wih n rinsh of eurrv. and cooked: macaroni nA mnlcfid paas. An ideal partner for v uid be a gay vegetable salad. Tabled for ,.,,. TVniToHnv's mpnt natties can ' OUUOUCdi j t- tdo from minced beef or veal. Friday is for. f!"1! done to your liking. Saturday features the seas-i s special fresh asparagus on toast made from ft rt'ile bread you've been tempted to waste, and 'Tr-d with a mellow cheese sause. The four tokens saved from the week's good eating represents YOUR sh::rlng of OUR plenty with those abroad who live w;!h hunger. . ''ine brings two sugar-preserves coupons. blo ana due on the twentieth of the month. Accordingly, o 'w -some will have a total of four couponsto devote to rweets. Three of these might well be used for S' ;.ir, which aside from a modest amonntfor every-dav use, will give you a little extra toraugment your -'-ing supplies. The other coupon can be ex-' -Jd for a 12 oz. jar of Jam, jelly or marmalade. J ! quart of molasses, useful inso many sugar-' ' 3 recipes which add goodness and interest to c-als. CONSUMER'S RATION C0UP0H CALENDAR JUNE THURSDAY BUTTER COUPONS RI to R9 MEAT COUPONS M29 lo M39 Mis. John Boden, wife' of a well known Union Steamship Ce. skipper, is a passenger making the round trip on the steamer Catala this week. Our Spectator and D'Orsay white buck pumps have arrived. Priced at $5.95. See them. Family Shoe Store. (tf) Rev. R. A. Wilson, pastor of First United Church, returned to the city at the end of the week after attending the annual British Columbia conference In Vancouver. j Anyone desirous of taking part In CWL concert for Pioneers' Home phone Mrs. R. Richardson, Red 246, or attend K. of C. Hut, 8 tonight.. (It) E. T. Applewhalte will be the speaker this Wednesday at the weekly, luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. He will discuss the position of Prince Ru pert in regard to being made the Pacific Coast outlet for the Peace River district. Museum Boara will meet Monday, June 3, In Red Cross rooms at Health Centre, 8 p.m. Election of officers and general business. Interested citizens please attend. Membership $1. (129) Prince Rupert local, of the Pile Drivers' Union, held a meeting Sunday afternoon in the Deep Sea Fishermen's Hall at which routine business was discussed. Many of the members were unable to attend, being at work on projects along the coast. Sea Cadet Orders K.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK Lieut.-Cmdr. A. S. Mitchell, Commanding Ship's Company Orders Monday June 3, Ship's Company Parade. 19:00 Duty Watch to Muster on Main Deck. 19:15 Band and Markers to Muster, Fall In. 19:17 Officers' Call. 19:20 Prayers, Colors and Divisions. 19:25 Sports as arranged. 21 :00 Secure. 21:10 Sunset. Directive: Fair weather -r- All personnel 'own lngm'otorboat to moor same alongside whaler and cutters by 19:10, Proceed to Drill Hall and await further orders. Bring soft shoes, towel, trunks, etc., plus sandwiches. Foul Weather (rain) All personal proceed direct to Drill Hall for indoor sports program. O.O.D. Midshipman F. James. Duty Petty Officer AC P.O. P. Wilson. Duty Division Hood Division. Riff of the Day Officers, khaki; Ratings, optional. Tuesday, June 4 19:30 Cutter work party, Drill Hall. Wednesday, June 5 19:00 Band Practice, Drill Hall. 19:30 Official rifle shooting, Hood and Rodney Divisions. 20:00 Central, and clothing stores open. Thursday, June 6 19:30 Cutter work party, Drill Hall. Saturday, June 8 08:00 RJC.S.C. Tag Day All personnel taking part report to Drill Hall 08:00 Boatwork During Week Any ratings wishing to carry on whaler, sailing, pulling or cutter pulling to contact Mid. James. JOHN WILSON Lieutenant, R.C.S.C. Executive Officer FIRST TRAIN The speed record for land propulsion by steam, 126 miles an hour was made by a British train In 1938. BUTTER COUPON RIO MEAT COUPON M40 Volid 1 Q BUTTER COUPON Rll MEAT COUPON M41 Valid 20 SUGAR-PRESERVES S15.S16 niiTTFB COUPON R12 MEAT COUPON M42 Valid 27 MEAT COUPON M43 Valid PRI 14 21 28 EXPIRE SAT I 8 15 22 29 LOCAL MAN WILL ENTER MINISTRY Announcement that Robert Murray Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Henderson, will enter the ministry of the United Church of Canada was made from the pulpit of First United Church last night by Rev. R. A. Wilson. Mr. Henderson, who spoke briefly from the pulpit, gave as one of his reasons, for taking the step the need for the church for young men in the ministry. Mr. Henderson was discharged a few months ago from the Royal Canadian Air Force after war service. Rev. Mr. Wilson used as his sermon topic the four main levels on which life can be lived. He cited them as the "drifting" level, the level of "safety first," the level of "respectability" and the level of "triumDhant religion." The latter ,he declared, offers sta bllity and opportunity for service and control of life lacking in the other three. At the evening service Mr. Henderson of this city gave an interesting account of his dec! sion t0 entar the ministry. He emphasized two things that had brought him to this decision. In his own life he had come to know something of the meaning of God's care. For example he described how he had sought God's helo when he was shot down over Germany a little over a year ago. At that tiime and in the months that followed his life was strengthened axd he felt that his prayers had been $2,000 Received For Church Fund Contributions to the Anglican Advance Appeal fund made by local communicants on Saturday totalled $2,000, according to Rev. Basil Prockter, rector or St. Andrew's Cathedral. Mr. Prock ter said that the amount was subscribed by about half of the Prince Rupert congregation and that he anticipated that the balance would be in equal proportion. He described the response to the appeal as "very encouraging." Minimum local objective is $5,000. Announcements All advertisement In this column will be charged for n lull month at 25c a word. MSonsof - -Norway meeting, Thursday. JUne 6 at I.O.O.F, Hall. United Tea, Home Cooking, June 6, Mrs. George Rorie's, 320 4th Ave. West. Presbyterian Church Tea, Mrs. Robert Parker's, 805 Summit Avenue. June 20. Get your Marxist and current )amphlcts at Rdom 8, Stone 3lock. Open evenings 7 to 9. Military Orders 1st. (R) Bn. Prince Rupert Regt. (MO) by Capt. A. W. Burnlp AOC. There will be a regimental smoker for members and former members of the 1st (R) Bn. Prince Rupert Regt. (MG) on Wednesday nignt June 5, 1946, at 2000 hours. As this is probably the last get-together all person nel are requested to attend, tf INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 FOUR LOCAL VETERANS PRINCE RUPERT DECORATORS Let us hang your wallpaper or do that Interior decorating. We do save you money. See our wallpaper samples. "Lest You Forget" Blue 285 Box 1422 Stn. B. J.H.Mair Auctioneer SALES ARRANGED and Conducted at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. Phone Black 156 answered. From this and similar experiences the speaker said that he felt his life had been given him for a purpose which could best be fulfilled In the ministry. He mentioned his concern for youth. In working with boys this last winter he had. felt their need for a better understanding cf the Christian way of life and became convinced (that something must be done about it, "for they are the men of tomorrow." Mr. Henderson was recom- mended as a candidate for the ministry by the session of First United Church and his name was approved by the Prince Rupert Presbytery at its recent meeting in Vancouver. The course which he will begin this fall will require seven years of study. He plans to study at United College at the University of Manitoba. Mr. Henderson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Henderson who before taking up residence in Prince Rupert lived in Letellier, Man. MOVIE STARDOM GOES TO JASPER One of Paramount's forthcoming pictures, "The Eraperor Waltz," Is In process of production and Jasper National Park has been chosen as the "shooting ground" for Important parts of this spectacular picture. Above are seen four of the key people In its production (1) Joan Fontaine; (2) Bino Cfosbv; (3) Charles Brackett; (4) Billy Wilder. In the centre Is pictured Mount Edith Cavell opposite Jasper Park Lodge. The Jasper mountains and scenery fit the director's requirements perfectly. A special train brought the stars and a large cast to Jasper to do a three-wwks Job In the Canadian Rockies. Bing Crosby is looking forward to testing his great -golfing- skill m the famous Jasper Park Lod-re c'""-pionshlp course. ll . I! Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals ! JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue mm i ANNOUNCEMENT PHONES 11G -.117 X We wish to announce that wc have taken over the business of Tom Lee & Son and will continue to give you the finest in Service and Quality Merchandise. BLAIN BR 837-811 Second Ave. West Phone 517 We Deliver ALBERT AND McCAFFERY LING THE TAILOR We arc taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street 7 Widths B, C, D. PER PAIR $9.25 Prince Rupert Dallp Ji3eto Monday, June 3, 1946 "THE MEN'S SHOP' BOX 1308 W 531 THIRD AVENUE un Burners Installed Moccasin type shoe in Scott & McIIale "Richmond" quality. Antique finish in medium shade of brown. Medium slip-soles, leather heels. CLOTHING AiD FURNISHINGS mm PHONE 345 r HONE 108 and Serviced PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. gchuinan S. Julian KEPAIUS AND ALTERATIONS a ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Warm Weather Accessories . . . PLAY PENS 36"x36"x24' assembled $7.50 unassembled $3.85 DECK CHAIKS, PORCH CHAIRS, RECLINERS with bright' striped canvass and hardwood frames We appreciate your Mail Orders Goods forwarded at once. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert J. KESTEN Furrier 731 DAVIE STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. FUR STORAGE SAFE RELIABLE AND INSURED E TAKE TRADE-INS AS PAYMENT ON YOUR NEW I UR COAT ORDER NOW HAVE IT READY WHEN YOU NEED IT. WE DO REMODELLING, CLEANING, GLAZING, REPAIRING and RELINING REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open G a.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 We Have Done IT Seeing is Believing COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Dayl MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 p.o. Box 873 Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 339 P.O. Box 1294 KWONG SANG 1IING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247