the home ni at Ka on uw- - Parkin offered her . h. for the pur ! MARY ii ui nil 1 ft I fcn"- SEASON ,1 .- i fall sea- ctmrl. low - A. Teng win i iirc Fierce n" . hn in cnargc . ..ruit-trn i na Stuart u"""" had taken tn m- . ice cream and iring the Civic wn- War Mem- .M,.h the I.O. ., hnlirshins for World War II serv- ' the empire study. it,.rp .it me mri- art read a letter ...... Pnuipit for- ;ed at Port Edward at Okinawa Miss rrfive a llvelv de ter travels and liv- . .....I ..tirlnnte fMH. native of that i wrrr served by ir-.-.-mir) and Mrs. : ac 8 at the home Bc:ltei amva i wmonton, Mr V ... 11-1 T" I i 1. 1 VMIKi Ward, Winnipeg; Shawatlans, Mrs, 'crrace J EUen- ten J Webber .il i.rmrrn ipu nnn i . r-fur i n rr nnni o nw 319 4th E. Sept. J iter's fashion dls- Local News Items... A L.O.B.A. meeting Thursday, j 8 p.m. Scarlet Degree. I Mrs. O. A. Hcdu and son returned on the rrlnce Rupert thli morning from a trip to Powell River. a the chapter . M tIarrv wriEi,t (0l!oin? the sum 1 retUr'ned on the Prince Rupert :n,nt j ., rnn- I this morning from a holiday trip ... Uv- .1.1.. . I. uunrmivpr. .Civic " - ; Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Duchanan i funds, laid si (209) ('in CVtnto Crtt nil i . Hill the Moose bazaar, 1A.51UU ran "tnber 20. I'h..-1- f-ll .. . I ""tn Amas Bazaar, ance. Prairie Ram-Saturday night. Odd- and Heating "ginccrs COAL STOKERS 'MlTED A"' and 4th Btrep p O. Box i2oi 0 WNQ HINQ tOP KEE P SUEY OUSE AVE. Wire- toKlngTal) 'welcome P m-to 2 a.m. ! RED 2(7 of Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mr. nucrmnan Is general manager of D.C. Packers. A IMPORTANT NOTICE Basketball meeting to be held in Civic Centre, Wednesday, Sept. 11, at 8 p.m. All players, man agers and interested persons please attend. Mrs. N. Sherwood of Terrace arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. She will leave on tonight's train to return to her home In the Interior. Staff Sergeant and Mrs. a. A. Johnson of the provincial police returned this morning on the Prince Rupert from Victoria where they have spent the last few weeks while Staff Sergeant Johnson was on sick leave from the force. Mrs. Johnson spent a part of the summer on a trip to Ontario. Arthur Beaudln, well known pioneer of the north and now a resident of Terrace, arrived In the city on last night's train form the interior town and will be returning there this evening Mr. Beaudln plans on leaving Terrace next week for Vancou ver to spend the winter. He will also pay a visit at Lllloet with his brother, Ocorge Beau din, formerly of the Queen Char- j lotte Islands. 'l tHjr A Long trips or sliort, day or night, 93 Taxi at your service. (tf) Mrs, W. 8. lCcrgin and family returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday spent on Vancouver Island, A Canadian Legion, regular monthly meeting, (with Initia tion) Wednesday September 11, Legion Hall, 8 p.m. George Martin of the North west Construction Co. is leaving tomorrow by motor for Prince George whence he will proceed to Vancouver on company busi ness. F. R. Begg and D. L. Begg, of Begg Bros. Motor Co., Vancou ver, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. They plan to motor over the Prince Rupcr Highway on their way back to Vancouver. Mrs. E. Crozlcr and Miss Nell Coatr.s of Winnipeg arrived In the city this morning on the Prince Rupert to spend two weeks here as the guests of Mrs. Crozier's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Montador. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When calling on a. friend, should a guest rmoke without being Invited to do soP A. No. The guest should either ask permission or await an Invitation "to smoke. A hospitable host or hostess will usually suggest it. Q. What Is the correct way to cat a sandwich? A. A sandwich should be taken in the finders and eaten, without breaking Or cutting it. Q. When a man and his wife enter a hotel should they both register? A, No; the man should reg ister for both. ARE WEDDED IN ALBERTA rnnoka Church Scene of Marriage of Hubert Parsons Of This City and Nellie , Esther Harris Robert Parsons, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Parsons o: Prince Rupert and well-known local boy who lived here practically all his life, was a principal in a recent beautiful wedding at Fo-noka, Alberta, when Miss Nellie Esther Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Harris of Ponoka, became his bride- The groom, formerly with Mott Electric Cq. here, recently went to Chicago to take a course and Is now following his occupation as an elec trician at Calgary where he and his bride will reside. Many I friends In Prince Rupert will ex , tend best wlshe and congratu lations to the couple. I The ceremony took place in the Ponoka Baptlst'Church and Rev. Fred Antrobu3, now of Prince Rupert, officiated. The church was tastefully decorated with Gladioli, sweet peas and snapdragon and made a charm lng setting for the ceremony. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, looked beautiful In a floor-length gown of white embroidered organza featuring a low waistline and full skirt. The fitted bodice was styled with short sleeves and a sweetheart neckline, and she It s no trick at all to turn hopeless" gloomy R Q tl f D H f fl fl 111 surroundings Into an enchanting, cheerful UlllbU I U U III room. Yes, even on a slim-Jim budget! Try , a gay print bedspread . . . wallpaper trim around the windows ... a cozy writing new Gold Seal Congoleum rug I That', forf with a sparkling nook. But be sure you the way to get a floor covering that lends excitement to your whole color scheme t . : comfortable underfoot. Best of all, it's such a good . that ii smooth, easy to clean, both and by-the-yard has a wear-layer "buy"l For Gold Seal Congoleum - rugs of hept-toughened paint and baked enamel equal m thclnes o 8 coafs of best floor point applied by hancll ; But remember -- without this familiar Gold Seal it isn't Local Dealers in CoiiRideum Gordon & Anderson Ltd. T II IK I) AVKNUK Congoleuml So look for it before you huvl You'll be surprised how much quality you can buy for so little money. Gold Seal Congoleum is a product of Congoleum Canada limited, Montreal. Yorr dnlur mil b temporarily out ol Congntetm bstjusi supplies an still t . short. Nrisi U him itln. " b ntiiws llirltcd shipments Irom lime to time. VVc handle ConRoleum Products . . . GORDON'S HARDWARE M c B K 1 1) E STREET Consolcums of every description when Ltd. stocks are available. A. MacKenzie Furniture They carried colonial bouquets , FISHERMAN o wore a single strand of pearls which was her gift from the groom, iter uoor-iengm veu was held In place to a Mary Queen ot Scot headdress and was fastened with a red rose. A pair of white lace mittens completed her ensemble. She carried a colonial bouquet of red roses. Matron of honor was Mrs. Fred Strause, sister of the bride, and Miss Dorothy Dick was bridesmaid. They were similarly gowned in dresses of pale green and. pale rose net, respectively. Each wore an attractive matching headdress and long lace mittens. aeucaie puis carnations. Donald Harris, brother of the bride, was best man. Ushering the - guests to their pews were Fred Strau,se, brother-in-law of the bride, and Clarke Brandon. Mrs. Antrobus played the wed- I ding music. During the signing of the register, Miss Doreen Har ris, sister of the bride, and jMIs3 Lorraine Strause, niece of the bride, sang "I'll Be Loving You Always." They were charmingly gowned In Identical yellow, frocks and wore sweet pea corsages. , For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Harris chose a dressmaker suit of light beige wool and a -;reen "off the face" hat. Her corsage was of roses. The home of the bride was prettily decorated with summer flowers for the reception to about 50 guests which followed the ceremony: The bride's table was centred with a three-tiered wedding cake, flanked with sweet peas. Rev. Antrobus pro posed the toast to the bride, to which the .groom ably responded. Out-of-town guests for the occasion were Mrs. Margaret Richie, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke SUCCUMBS HERE Olof K. Olsen, 47-yeSr-old Prince Rupert fisherman, passed away in his room In a downtown hotel last night. His death was apparently due to natural causes. A resident of Prince Rupert for the last 20 years, he was well known as a halibut fisherman and had been a crew member of the boat Oslo dur- intr -the Area Two season this summer. He was born In Nor way and was unmarried. A brother Is said to be residing at Bella Coola. GERSHWIN ON WHEELS George Gershwin, composer was a roller skating champion when he was Graduated from elementary school. Misw V. Cavenaile returned to the city this morning from trip tq Vancouver. Brandon, Joy and Barry, all of Edmonton. The happy couple left for a motor trip to Jasper, the bride wearing a becoming brown tall ored suit with a gold topcoat and brown accessories. Superior Stores LIMITED Formerly MU'SSALLKM'S ECONOMY STOKE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12 - 13 - 11 FREE DELIVERY PHONE 18 . Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Peaches arriving fkiday morning Grapefruit size 80s '.. 2 for 23c OrangCS Size 288 s, Per Dozen - 41 C LettUCC. Crisp ami Solid Heads cad) 13c Quality Groceries Tomato Juice Clarke's. 20-oz. tins 2 for 25c Peas Colombia. Sieve 1, 2-oz. tins .. 2 for 29c Baby Foods Heinz, 5-oz. tins 3 for 25c Grapefruit Juice Aptc, 20-oz. tins each 15c Tomato Soun Clarke's, 10-oz. tins 2 for 19c Flour I'lvc Koses, 43-lb. Sack Vinegar Heinz. 33-oz. Bottle .CcrtO l'ruit rtl". 8-z- KoU'c C . I Dominion Wide rruit Jars j,,,,,!!,, qts.( ,i0z. JELLY GLASSES, D'. OH.IALLARDI VABIETV. .SQUARES Ogiivie Oats d-lb. Sack Ballard's VAHIETY SQUAKES DOC. IJISCUITS 2-lb. Sack NABOB Ceylon Tea l-lb. l'kt. $1.59 69c .69 $1.75 29c - 27c mm quicc"ej School Supplies We have a complete stock of scribblers, loose leaf books, drawing pads, pens, pencils, crayons, Reeve's poster paints, Ink, erasers, rulers, compassesi set" quares, protractors, loose leaf zipper covers. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNEK BLOCK THIRD AVENUE A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Vyow Cpuld Go Wrong ... , But. not with the genuine La-Z-Boy Chair. Ideas can be f copied but La-Z-Boy principles simply can't be imitated. T1IEKE IS 0NLY ONE LA-Z-BOY Exclusive Features: Self-adjusting .ami automatic. S Stays put at the irequired COMFORT ANGLE. 1 Seat comes forward a.s back reclines. T 'T Quiet, smooth and noiseless operation. ? Quahty-bullt' throughout.' LA-Z-BOY with STOOL $78.o() and up . rhone 775 : 327 Third Ave. COLD MEATS FOR WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET WE DELIVER DAILY THIRD AVENUE PHONE 178 tftut ttupfctt Dtlfltj lacltls Wednesday, September 11. 1946 FUNCTIONAL CLOTHING BY DEACON Outing Jacket . . designed by Deacon. . . fine showerproof gabardine. . . medium length, full zipper. . . 2 patch pockets. . . Fawn shade. . . . sizes 36 to 44. : S32 THIRD AVENUE $9.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP' clothing m mwm PHONE 343 General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings.. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE G10 , and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : r-RlNCE RUPERT Touched wilh 0 NO INTEREST Fur Beauty Only a skilled designer knows how much fur. highlights a good .coat r and where to put that one touch of beauty. Today, come in and view our beautiful, new fall coats trimmed in, luxurious furs, and select the coat which docs the most for you!' ; Take Full Advantage of Our . BUDGET PLAN NO CARRYING CHARGES "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Stone Block Phone 503 Evenings: Green 13 L i Fine Wood for Sale! NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class It-inch lengths, free of nails 510 per cord Second elais trimmlnEs up to 11-lnch lengths, $8 per cord Third class, various lengths uncut $6 per cord FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE HEMMONS TRANSFER Phone Black 156 Office: Night Phone: Black 665 J. II. Mair's Auction Rooms rnvilr.l Avpnup East J P.O. Box 1131 aianon a . , I V; lis 1 M tf' Hi n J 1 If -