u I' .i.-i 5 : it; ltfntr tHtiprtt Dflflp Iftetos Wednesday, September 11, 1918 AIR TRAVEL SIMPLIFIED ,As Easy for Visitors to Conic :Ilcrc by Planes Now as ? Ily Automobile 'Under amended regulations concerning entry of aircraft Into IJritlsh Columbia, tourists may now flyprivatc aircraft for purposes of health or pleasure to tiic province, land at any customs" airport, customs port or outport and remain three months without payment of duty on the plane. Persons contemplating private plane trips to British Columbia are required to advise local customs officers of the (ime and place of first landing or arrival and the flight may not be started until Quick Frozen NATIVE KILLS OFFICER .NAIROBI, Kenya, fl Major Hugh Grant, a district commissioner in the reserve for Kenya's Masai tribe, was killed by a spear thrown by a native. The government of the East Africa colony reported that he Incident was Isolated but that precautionary measures against unrest had been taken. receipt of the reply which must be carried toy the tourist or pilot. On arrival, the owner or pilot shall, report Inwards to customs and apply for a special permit which shall be surrendered on the final take-off for departure fr6m Canada when the aircraft will be reported outwards and clearance granted. Under the amended regulations planes now enter British Columbia in the same manner as automobiles. Supplies Jiz Office Large Assortment of Staplers . . $1.50 to $l.75 Staples, boxed, 1,000 for 45c to 5,000 for $1.75 Presto Stapler Removers 55c Presto Paper Punches ...... , . . 25c Waterman's Ink . . 2-oz., 8-oz., 16-oz. and 32:oz. GJoy Paste 5-oz. and 10-oz. Stamp Pads Various Colors and Sizes N .Synoptics, Cash. Ledgers and Journals by Dominion a, .aim uuun at MC31CII1 111113. nun in; u stamps made to order McuMvs.Ml Cellophane Wrapped RUPERT BRAND- sole FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones ... No waste . . . No fuss. Try them today from your butcher. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Is Named Delegate To Winnipeg Meet Desirability of Prince. Rupert and Central British Columbia being represented at the annual convention of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce to toe held in Winnipeg October 8. 9 and 10 was emphasized at the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Monday night. G. A. Hunter, the vice-president of the Chamber, who will be in the East about that time, was asked, If possible, to arrange his trip to be in Winnipeg at that time and agreed to do so. It was left to J. T. Harvey and Mr. Hunter to consider any representations it might be deemed advisable to present to the convention. MANCHESTER. Eng. ff Tho three-mile twin tunnels at Woodhead on the L.N.E.R. line to Sheffield are to be relincd. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Fall Style - : Interpretations . . . People have learned to- expect just a little more at Peoples a little niorc style at a little bit sooner than you might expect to find it in Prince Rupert. And there's no reason why you ' shouldn't expect just that because season after season and year after year we've given you just that. This Fall is no exception. Come in this week. ' Coots Dresses Suits Mill inery Sweaters Blouses Lingerie Skirts Just a Utile Bit Ahead! Rupert Peoples Store I 7 : Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Gales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOOD8 WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Rm Blue. 145 Res. Red 127 Aa'K for George mm SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. 1:20 pin. (Davllght Ravins Time !?-3C rrince, kupert Time) Friday S3 Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 9 p.m. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 I SKEENA QUEEN I As the Skeena Queen to Stewart flew Ken That an extra sitting there. pilot, was passenger was She sat beside him all the way When he answered a call that night. He didn't know, as lie soared away This was hl.s last flight. Rup-Rcc Leaders Training Again . Early interest Is being shown " i In the forthcoming winter sea son of physical education and recreational activities at . the Prince Rupert Civic Centre and pn Monday there was a turn-out of 18 for the initial leaders' class Of these 12 were women and six men, the most of them having taken part in the programs of last winter. An intensive .schedule of leaders training courses has now been Instituted in preparation for the resumption of general classes two weeks hence. C BALED TENDERS addressed to tM -J undersigned, and endorsed "Tnder lor Wharf Kenewai, Uella Bella, 15.C." will be received until 3;00 p.m. (East-' em daylight saving time), Wednesday, September 25. 1948 for wharf renewal at Bella Bella, Skeena District, B.C. fians, lorm of contract and tpeel location can be Been and forms a tender obtained at the office .of thi Chief Engineer. Department of Pub . lie wonts, utiawa, at the office oi the District Engineer, Post Offlci Building. New Westminster,' B.C.. ana at the PoBt Offices at Vancouver B.C., Victoria. B.C., and Bella Bella B.C. NOTE: Upon application to the undersigned, the Department will supply blue-prints and -'specification of the work on deposit of a sum ol 120.00. In the form of a certiriea oank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. The deposit will be released on the return of the blue-prints and specification within a month from the date of reception of tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will be forfeited. ..Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by the Department and In accordance with conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a ohartercd bank In Canada, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and Its constituent companies, unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and Interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the af. orementloned bonds and a certified cheque If required to make up an odd amount. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, ' Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa Septembe- 8 1948. Consider Tunnel Under Clyde River GLASGOW tti The Glasgow project of building a bridge across the Clyde at Finnieston, The Angel of Death was one of j dcbated for 40 years, will prob IICl III.W. ' K, v, ohanr1rnof In fon f unaware ;i cross river tunnel costlne I . 1 CO n AA AAA I . n Ann mure wan i,uuv,uuu ifii.uuu,-CCO). This Is the recommendation of the city's Highways and Planning Committee and the whole council will discuss the. matter soon. In 1937 a formal decision was made to build a high-level bridge costing 1,250,-" 1 000 but the-war caused post- A baby lay dying In this great ponemcnt of construction. Some North, ! land was acquired, however. The Twas a call for a mercy flight, suggestion is that It be used to Ken Wilson knew this country, build new factories. Soared o'er It day and night. But alas! The fog came drifting round, The airmen couldn't see the he ground. To make a landing was unwise They circled helpless In the skies The Tucson spread her beams of H3ht. Trying to. guide them In their flight. To pierce that heavy fog, 'twas vain They disappeared, ne'er heard again. For days the planes and boats searched on, Hoping they did survive. Praying ns they looked for them Some might be alive. The mother of the baby was found upon the shore, The fishermen had recognized the jacRct that she wore. The Skccna Queen, and gallant crew. ' Had perished in the night. Out there in fog where none could help them in their plight. To those with broken hearts today, There Isn't much that we can say To ease their sorrows, or' their tears. The only healer i God and years. As they pass on. should we j forget? (To ' those brave men we owe a j debt. ! ITt's ne'er forget to say a prayer Whene'er we see a plane "up there" And keep In memory all the lads 'Who "gave" 'that we might live. Brave men. God rest thy souls, the prayer we .give. JOSEPHINE MaCDONALD Box 395, City. Salt Lakes. WAREHOUSE USE URGED Cliaml'cr of Commerce Would Assist Purchasing Interests in Obtaining Concessions Tlie assistance of the executive of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce is to be offered to any worthy interests who would take over the big water-, front warehouse at Prince Rupert and make fitting use of it In connection with the development of industry here. It was suggested that ' the Chamber might use its Influence in concessions being obtained for the Interests that took the establishment over. Tlie matter was left In the hands of the trade and commerce committee. r"VT NKRD PAINT CHELTENHAM, Eng., V "Girls just leaving school arc the only ones "who can use cosmetics well, and they don't need thrm." said Dr. Ethel Dukes at a Marriage Guidance conference here. HELPFUL VESUVIUS Volcanic dust Is used for WOULD AID HAINES PORT Haines, Alaska, Chamber of Commerce will be communicated with .by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, it was decided at Monday night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber, with a view to the chamber co-operating to resist a customs order, recently reported, whereby commercial shipments through Haines for delivery .over the highway from there to central Alaska would be prohibited. Part of the highway passes over Canadian territory. Prince Rupert Is particularly Interested In the Haines Highway route to Alaska since It would constitute a part of the proposed new transportation system involving a ferry ser vice frcm Prince Rupert to Haines, thereby connecting cen tral Alaska with the Prince nu-nert Highway running Into this' city. 1 A letter from the secretary' of the Haines Chamber of Commerce, read at the mcclng Mon- j day night; expressed appreciation at the Interest which had been taken by the local Chamber in the Prince Rupert-Haincs auto ferry proposal and the question of repairs to, the Haines Highway. The local Chamber was also thanked for courtesies extended to M. S. Whlttler of Juneau. Haines delegate to the recent Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia convention, while passing througn the city. CAT'S EYES CHANGE In brhht light the pupil of the eye of a cat Is a vertical silt In dim light It becomes circular. ASTHMA? RAZ-MAH For quick relief from the wheeiinj. lanpin. coughing, choking f.iiwry of AetHma. tale RAZ-MAItl Pranrl by thousands of ueri. KAZ-M AH it ifeciallr made to relieve Itching, suramin eye.1 choked-up bronchial tube and exhausting coughs caused by A Mb ma. Chronic Hnmdittla and Hay Fever, Sc SI. H-13 For Sale By Tender 4 Crown-Owned Vessels War Assets Corporation will receive tenders for the purchase of all or any of the Crown-owned assets described below: GATE VESSEL NO. 7 Flat Wooden Scow, 88'x31'. Housework 5Txl9'x9' is erected on the Scow to accommodate 11 persons. More accommodation can be fitted. Housework steam heated and electrically wired throughout. Very suitable for floating camp. Appraised Value, $4,000.01). Location, Bedwell Bay, Van ccuvei, B.C. TENDER NO. 193- 201 -r,r SCOW M571 Flat Scow 90'x35 . , . Fir construction. Top and sides appear good. Requires new bottom. In sunken condition. Appraised Vlue, $1,500.00. Location, Bedwell Bay, Vancouver, B.C. TENDER NO. 195 - 208 "MERRY CHASE" Regular Seiner type boat. Length 67'; Beam 16'G"; Built 1929. Washington Estop Diesel, 75 B.H.P. In fair condition. Appraised Value $3,000.-00. Location, Bedwell Bay, Vancouver, B.C. TENDER NO. 195 - 203 . "K.C.A.S.C. NO. 2" Troller of Gillnct type. Length 31'; Beam 7'IOV Studebaker Oasollne Engine (Marine Conversion) 75 H.P. Appraised Value, $750.00. Location, Bedwell Bay. Vancouver, B.C. . TENDER NO. 195 -201 A CERTIFIED CHEQUE OR BANK DRAFT to Hie value of 10 of (he lender price, made payable to War Assets Corporation, must be forwaided wllh the tender In a sealed envelope plainly marked: . TENDER NO. addressed lo Hie Secretary, War Assets Corpotatlon. 1095 St. Catherine Street West, Montreal 6, Que. (.P.O. Box 6099). Tenders will close at 12 o'clock Noon, Eastern Daylight Time, in Montreal MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 19IG and tenders received thereafter cannot be considered. CONDITIONS: ' ! ..The balance of the purchase price shall be payable by certified cheque or bank draft within 10 days from the receipt by the successful tenderer of notice of acceptance of the tender. In default of payment within sucli delay, the deposit made with the tender may be retained bv the Corporation as liquidated damages. 2. The sale shall be without warranty of any kind except as to the Crown's title. 3. Cheques or bank drafts will be returned ' to unsuccessful tenderers. hlShSt r a"y te"der msT not ""arily be accepted' WAR ASSETS CORPORATION 1095 St. Catherine Street AVVst. Montreal 6, Que. P.O. Box 6099 Phone BEIalr 3771 CANADA ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE RECRUITS ARK NOW BEING ACCEPTED for service In the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE The Forre offers to young men with suitable qualifications a career in which variety of interest, opportunity (or travel, and clean outdoor life may be found. Applications may be made in writing to the COMMISSIONER, R.C.M. POLICE, OTTAWA, ONTARIO or vby calling at any R.p.M. Police Post or Detachment In Canada. FULL PARTICULARS WILL BE FORWARDED UPON REQUEST f srmunt Prtttnlft ill Tempted by two women. ..to kiss one ...to kill the other! lMtr chtclysur blood pmiurt al Iht door . , . btcouM Roymond Chandler has writltn rh yor'i faitttl iuipni. filltd mytltry ol murdr in full bloom! VERONICA WILUAM . LAKE BENDIX 1RENT DUNNE In "OVER 21" 03 Canto! WWW nil iii 1 1 1 inn 1 hi For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, ll.C CHOP SUEY CHOW Mil! 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. I New Typewriters I Just A.rrived! j I One Smilh Corona Clipper in leather J I carrying case I One Smith Corona Sterling Portable in S I carrying case t I tine Smith Corona "Silent" In carrying i I Also ue have one Underwood Standard in I first class condition. Has been usrd but Nf I the maroon enamel is unsrratrhrd and yl the nickel trimmings arc like new Ormes Ltd "Jim JHonetr DruqfW Prescription Chemists Rcxall Aucnts for Prince Rupert and f 1 III MllltfO If II - PHONE 81 . - STORE HOURS: Dally from 9 a.m till P Sundays and Holidays from 12 p.m tin v and 7 p.m. till 9 p.m Hollywood Cafe rillNCK RUPERT'S NEWEST AM Ms UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEA rROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. . , c? !l I! t o I...r . S n.tll. 1' oiix'jui winner nvviy ouuuj " CHINESE DISHES ASPKCIAI WE CATER TO PARTI CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS rHONE J' mt irtrinn AVRNUE W b