iff Pctncc Uupcrt DaiTp jt3gUj3 Saturday, penary l. 1946 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiii if" Welding and Body Repairs if '., -tr..... f r us. m 31 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Presenting your year-round Raincoat RAINCAPES $4.95 nyle not betted A.vtirted colors in new water-n -.(f v:uheOc rubber ma-r Sizrs 12 through 1.3. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "kiiiiiiiiiiiiiixiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Add - BEAUTY COLOR CHARM to your walls, furniture and accessories "Decal" Transfers EASY TO APPLY . . . ALL YOC CSE IS WATER: Now 'in display it Gordon's Hardware "McBride Street Phone 311 TO THE PEOPLE OF PRIHCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be interested to know that there ts a man In town who has .-.ad a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that wUl re lieve that painful and axed reeling taat only foot sufferers can. explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many yean of str.dy of Joot afl-ments, is now in fEU'J Shoe Store, and will be pleased to take an impression of your feet and let you know what can be dcr.e your individual Le. Mr BUI T-ry .i i..,o n -hare if he Shoe Repairi? Dept ,v1-.er. 7-jut rpa.:- are exerted -.ear.ijar.d prumpt-17. Ca.; a. urd a. d see tan. fir ei'er reason. 4 r-? TERRACE MACHINE SHOP BOX 2112 5C UAKAbt TERRACE " oerRORNE V LMHOFF TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL, TRAINS-SERVICE: TO ANY POINT Ef THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) PX. BOX 157 TERRACE LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Funutore Repaired Upholstery a Specialty Phone Green 971 117 2nd Ave- W-Opp YMCA BT"Y MOPE WAR c. AVOS STAMPS rfT C 1 I r Rnsiness linate known as PooKon's IJJ jALl K,0k combining Grixery. Botcher Shop and Cafe, as a toinr encem. Splendid investment for rijht party. Any reasonable ffer. Apply at Stre. KAYHI TEAM One if me reature events in 1 HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper for small family, Iar?e private room. biard and $50. DO a month. Other help kept. Phone Red S"9. (tf PE3aON.tr LOOK Younoer! Restore natural color to jtreytne; hair wit3i AngeUque Grey Hair Resesxer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. 34 ALCOHOLICS AlKWYMOtJS This ia a positive and perman- ; eat release from drinking without cost or inconvenience It is a personal and confidential service rendered by other alcoholics who have found freedom through Alcoholics An-1 rmyraous. Box 73 Daily IKews. SCHOOLS A.NO COLLEGES STENOS. TYPISTS. POSTAL CLERKS for Government work. You- can train at home. Free :r. formation. MC.C. Schools. Winnipeg: R.1DIO 3ERVIOS i - - i r-.AEIO SERVICE For snaraa- ..?.& radio satisfaction, phone ft and an Associated Radio Techrwciaa wifl calL McRae, Eros, Ltd. MACHINERY ro SAW better IomSer more economicaUy. use the modem and ap-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver BC (tf) PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iran and B:aas Cajtbig.t Electric and Aeetyfeae Wefdieg SPECTALIST3 ON SAWMILL aad MINING iLtCHTNERY KWONO SANO HINO HOP KEZ CHOP SUEY HOUSE I2 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open a pjn. to 2 n. Outside Orcers from 2 pm. to 2 s-zn. PHONE RED 247 din; .ne Carrie singing 'Let he '. Rest of the World Co By ' ae j companied by Laverna Lnnev La Tenia. Linney playing 'By Moonlight "Patera" on the piano .Joanne La n fridge singing That's for Me." and four Ketch- connection w.th the visit here i ikan boys sin gin? such, numbers :ast week at '.he Ketchikan High School basketball team was a gathering of Bo-Me-Hi seniors in the auditorium of Booth Memorial High School to welcome the vuawrs. A brief but lively and entertaining session I was presided owr by Me! Thomp- son as master of ceremonies. An , address of welcome was given ay j Mr. O'Neill and others heard from were Coach Hannan of Kay hi and Sari Ledlng of the Ketchi-1 kan radio station sports an-! nouncing staff. The entertainment portion of j the program included Lorraine j Youngman singing T Can't Be-; ?in to Tell You.- accompanied by I Christine Currie: Joanne Lang- rfdee. Lorraine Youngman and i in the aopazita coun r op BHtTEBH (XXJJMBIA i IN FHOBATS 1 IN TH MATTZa OP the 'ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THB BSTATB OP JOHN LAMBRRT OBCBA8EO nmsTATK T.UtR NOTTCK ttax by order of HU Honor. W S. Plalicr. auuXe an toe 4tn ly if February. A D 1B4. r vas appointed Aetlns Omctal Ad-minlsuatnr rt the Bwate of Tohn rn-fir otawl. and an parties bavin-cluimr. ;nlnat tba td mate ire hrrfbr rwjutrat to rorouh aamc pmprr!y er1e4. to me an nr bemr" he I th day ot March. A D 1B4. ana all oarctes indebud to cbe araite -ire required to pay toe amount est 'heir inderitexnaas to me fnrthwtlh. DATHD at Prince Rupert. B C . thU ith dmv nf February A.D. 194. GORDON P POBBE8. Acttn Oenetai Admtniatratnr. Prince Rupert. BC. as Tve been Working an the Railroad." 'Dinah. Blow Your Horn" and T:l! Then. SHORT SPORT Canada niaved in Mexico. FOR SALE Modem dtrpiex apartment, stucco front. 327 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 33!). ftt FOR SALE Large stock of new and osed furniture at the iaw-est prices. One fireproof safe, one electric sewins machaae. itadu eoocbea, can be isade into dnoMe bed. eheaterfiefd aliahtly used, osed chairs tram. $750. nortaWe zramaptwc, beds and sprhucs at low oricesv two conina rooot smtes a: map. B. C. Furniture. Phone Black 324. tf FOR SALE Roller Canaries, cluh rune. Males Hfl. Hens $1-Phone Blue W after S o'efoek; Box 315. n FOR SALE 14 h-p. Yivian heavy duty marine zas enene also 3 inch oU homer. H. Melbv, Dodae Cove. P.O. Box 547. Prince Rapert. 34 FOR SALE 5-reocx ftirniahed home. 742 7th Ave. West 3 FOR SALE 4 room house wftb bath, one Week on 3th Ave. E- Irora M Bride. Inquire at ZtCt ath Ave. E 3' FOR SALE Boat Beverly S-. 31 z V. Can be used for ziUnetthsg or trsfling. Phone Bine 33$. FOR SALE Two complete beds. sprhags aad new ntattreasea; S kitchen chatrs. 125X0 Pheni Blue 325 evenings. 134 day time. Mr FOR RENT FOR RENT HooMkeeaiag steeping roots, dm Borden St. (33 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 73c trp 50 Root&s, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, BCT. Phone 231 ?. Boa 154 BO-ME-HI Tanney went even fnrtner and i charge are Mr. McLean and Miss id that Louis can knock: out , Kovach. Since the Journalism Conn in the first or second round Club organized lost fall the vtnner meets die survivor of the cna and making aprons. t Jnited States-Philippines series Electricity Club: Teacher in to decide the North Amertean charge is Mr. Hard wick. In the zone champion. No date has been electricity club the boys are mak-; sen for any of these matehea as mg a door chime uir wruch tney yet. Classified Advertising Claatrleoa 3e oer word per insertion SUe: Caroa of Thank)). Death Oath N and Bufy""" Annoaneementa: t2. FTJNER.1L NOTICE McLEAJC-Died in the city En-1 day. February a. Mary McLean. ; widow of the late Nomina ' Murdoch McLean. Requiem-ISgh Mass will be sung at the Church of Annunciation at a-.3u ajH.. Monday. February, II. Interment will then be, made in the Family Plot in1 Fairvtew Cemetery. Friends i will kindly assemble at the OrenvUle Court Chapel at 2 pjn. Sunday for prayers. BC. Underikers. 1 It minimum chance. SSe. BtrtM Nonsca. Funeral Hot Uanufe FOR SU.E. FOR SALE Piano. 433 Bowser St. phone Green 7 IT, after 9 am. FOR SALE Monarch sve. sood condition. Phone Green 7S5 821 ThomnBon St. ' FOR SALE 1034 Dodge panel delivery. Serial No. 3aiOfl Four Ores. ChesterCrtd suite and two congoteum ruaa, Ta3. 1040 10th A.ve. East. J6 FOR SALE Three room house close co the dry dock. Reasonable for cash. Please eafc Black 347. '36 FOR SALE Cafe, in jaed location on 3rd Ave. EzeeOeat business, steady trade. Far information write Bast 553. '4l FOR SALE lofl-tb. Peter Wright anvil and 7 h.p. Oar eaghv 1136 8ttt Ave- East. - 35 FOR SALE Household tawnv-tnre and many other thinaa too nnmerous to menttoo. Cafl j tie & ant .... tpe- '. anyume. uoo om atk FOR SALE Property at Maesett. j Three -roomed noose with aa-way finished, attte partly 0a- tthed. Boat buncrax snoa, jn by 52'; large waterfront lot. marine ways, donkey, tooft to-ctaded. All year-round bust-new. Price $4500. Sale on account of sickness. Farther information write Godfred Anderson, sew ICassett, Q.CX, BC. '35 haw to set various materiais I juch as tenite tubing. On., wood. I vrewa, etc Tenite tulhng is a j new kind of plastic cubing whleh ! they have tn send to Sew. York t to obtain. This elnb consists of about 39 to 35 boys who rami : from grade 3even up to grade 1 nine. Art Clnb: Teaeher in charge is Mr. Henry. This club a divided into two part. Daring the first part of the period they hold a discussion which Is based an art aopredation. art projects and display of art. The last part of the period is based on activity STCDENT NEWS FROM LOCAL Hir.ll SCHOOL WIDE VARIETY OF ACTIVITIES AT BOOTH MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL I Pupils of Booth Memorial Hin School nave i banded themselves in many clubs to carry on a wide i varietv of extra-curricular activities. The various Gene Tanney has been pre-tclUOa meet eacfl IWirSOay aiuernoou uuuci meting ail along that Je Louis j direction of student officers and teacher sponsors. So Z'ZTZ&V review of the activities of the various clubs championship next June. Biter- j proves interesting. viewed in Havana vesterdav Journalism Crab: Teachers In m. -mr! nnatsrs. murals, making scrap books in art appreciation i and onttoor sketching when; weather oermtta. AU memoer If he wants tn. Tanney added: I members have busied themselves , frame their best ptct lr "Joe is a far better all-around with learning something of the ; amj vve then displayed n Ma tighter than Conn ever wm be." I lundamentals connected witn . june The New York Vankees have I papers. The efforts along this announced that outfielder ! -ine have resulted in one paper Charley Keller has signed his ' Marti Christmas and another contract Keller is understood to in the making. It is their hope be en route to Florida, atttaousrh ; eU this on February 22. if s not known whetherhe will be ! Fancy Work and Sewmg Oub: Senior Dramatics: Teacher charge of Mr. Bates. This club working on three piav.s wti are as Sallows: "The Pmposa. "Betrayed" and "To Meet .1 Duke." The dub is planning there In time to Join the squad , Teacher in charge is Miss Kirk-! present these plays and ot.ir of Yankee regulars scheduled to . Patrick. This club is doing varl- at concert before Eastrr flv to Panama tomorrow. : ous kinds oX fancy work like raise money to send iu:- The Mexican Tenrls Assocla- j tablecloths, knitting stoves. pU- tchooi hasftetbail team ui Or-Mons says it" will eck to have its ' 'ow cases, cushion covers, dresser . paQs. Davis Coo rennis matches with ' scarves, doilies, panchwork. em- camera Club: Tea :i The l broidery, chair ends, plain knit- Rfutrg is MIsk Dean. T-.c r. pose of this club Is to ea.' much about cameras .is v At the last meeting of the O.-r era Clnb it was deocecl ii.c .v send Cot negatives of the Kr-baatetbail team, print the sc the darkroom and whpti 'in.-s:' ed. sell them tn the irudpn;., Bn Me-BL Tvpinir Club: Tm 1 chnrae Is Mas Qiva! :cr T rlnb does ail the typi:-. : Journailem Club. Library Owa-: Cnrt - pervhUB. of Mrs. Muse isefnf aa it is ednc ir T" student ate work :n-.r to est the library be- iaed ant are doinu a w :ir Job. ffiqWand DaneSri 1 T der aV imiei slakin ;: Ca,:; The protects attempted bv van- , Flootf. In tns club jnl 1 F ous members are as follow!': teacher em and t.'1 : : pencil .iketching; pen-and-ink kinds' of datielng in t:i au drawings water color patntlns. , toriam. ail rjainttegufifav drawing, ear- : Stanm Clab: This ts uiwc toons: LQatauie? oSesignfng. letter-' rnervLsion of Mr. Fletcher - taal "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa 19 Look Closely To See If It's THE REAL THING- 3 em ember, tha hantf quicker Ihcra the So whether V rabbits or rooflnej. look daaelr la be rare m'r qethui the real tfala. 2nd don't be adllaOed wish anyhiixf 123. wben it comes to raofinq, thas Cesuiae BarloO 3jaf . . . 3TXI. made vUh best rtxq-felt. Taere ia snlz CUE Genuine SnrsiO 3ojf made esdusiveiv bv Sidney Boafinq. accent ao substi uk a: dealers : tute. Leak lor Sidney Seal of CaaOtr an rrery bundle. It h a Gsnuine mf bo a mm OHIY if ift mad by 7!DMEY ROOFING k PAPER CO. LTD. vawccavza aro txzcva tJC CUtributon of Ten, Test. Masomte. Xunsul Insulation ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. I IT I U.V C IPSL LES - Feelins; worn out and tired? Got the sniffles? Lost that alert feeling? Protext jourself by taking resistance-jrivin?; vita- tamins. Come m for your capsuled sunshine todaj: McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Third Avenue at Sixth Street; Phjne 79 Exclusive Qualified Optical Service Cor. 3rd Ave. and 5th St Telephone 392 Rbutw 4 STONE OpTOMTmr BLOCK PRINCE RCFEKT Bx 1277 i. , :ab discussions af differeni kind.'- a stamps perforated and oerforated itamps. reprints, forgeries and labels t are held. Junior Dramatic: Teacher In marge is Mrs. Mtekiebursn. In this club they have the Junior boys and girls interested in rad-I ng plays, etc Boys' Cooking Club: Teaeher i in charge Is Mrs. Xruexer. This ' club for is a very Interesting boys. They are now busj makhw ! wffl raisin bran-mufQn and soon try more difficult baking: Additional eiabs Me Small Boat Building. sBperrtsor Mr. Pugsley: Shis' Charti. Miss Crawford: and a Science Club under the supervision of Mr. Laird. TONIGHT aaaaaaaaaaLaaaaaaaaamf BaaaaaaaaaP aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL P95aaaaaaaaaaaal FEATURE SHOWN" AT 8 - 5 -4 - 8 2 1 ( Hockey Score, Pacific r ,ant Vancouver 4. HOCKEY ST.WDBQ National Barton Chicago Cutftdien.s Deurolt QHtintD Sew York. WMt-eud .St Satsniay Clu Betrnit at T Sunday chu- Montreal a; at Detroit BUY WAR V?" j - i 1 Olta Hayworth Lee Bamnin X -TONIGHT anl EVERY SIght SUNDAY MIDNIGHT and MONDAY TWO FE.ITCRE PICTCRES .w: nuia JACX HA kit HELEN wax:j 8U0T - OZZ.c PMC. P SEED A3T UNKLETEJ rtoni ui rjmnt ucki an PRANCES kANSFCIl A. ALL IXZZll PR)C iLWI Second Comedy Attraction leave i MM hu ma a taat ars "1m eutM k Sac rnq aits IFUOIS PUTtIS limit sianu tut a CLEARANCE SALE Y.M.CA. War Services Surplus Eqxprneaf Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 11 end III Df OLD NAVAL DRILL HALL CANTEE" aeura 2.00 pun. to 5. 00 pja. and 8 1U : .: Other days call at reception desk. T . In order to dear our warehouse w we are jelling at further reduced prv tantitare inemding Leatherette Tub Tabfes. Magaalne End. Tanir: Wriur.ii c . some Wall and Hoor Lamp, etc. PHONE: 112 TAXI ON CALL NIGHT AND DAY MOTTIELECTRIC t Print e Rapert) LLMfTED ELECTRICAL CO.VIR.tCTORS Coauneriiial - Industrial Marine Electricians Hume Winn; and Repairs Phone Black IUT7 2M Second Avenue West COMME HOTEL COMFt'"" Warrrr w.th t. to re ' , a." Flr-5 A BOX N '. Becoming more popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL S-JM .UI. to 2:9 .V3L We specialize in tender, juic and Chinese dishes. We Have Done IT! '. . ... theF Sinr b Believinr COME IX Lw " ' "TODAY'S SPECLtL- Cards with the "ct ..... ... e. aw tr Lndicatinx one or the Barsains ol tne vi MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY S I Onrs-Llti Panad!ai LtZ3 . o.ill'l -rr pu'