1;- ii, ,'I f ' 5-. ! ' ft M a M H n a I3rfncc Bupcrt aflp J3etos Monday, August 12, 1946 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE l The SALE YOU WAITED FOR !! NOW ON AT RUPERT PEOPLES STORE AT THE PRICES YOU WAITED FOR! RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Increased Coastal Charter Service BY SUFERMARINE FLYING BOATS 18 PASSENGERS "'Haida Queen" and "Skeena Queen" MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert Direct. TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and Return via Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Direct. SPECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTING 3 Types and Sizes of AIRCRAFT to Serve You tfoiri 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to 4,000, lbs. Freight G. II. STANBKIDGE, Agent P.O. Box 1219 Thones 521 or Red 878 Learn To FLY! WITH THE TERRACE FLYING CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEE $25.00 Per Year DUAL INSTRUCTION $12.00 Per Hour SOLO FLYING $8.00 Per Hour TRIAL FLIGHTS for Non-Members Rates: $18.00 Per Hour; $5.00 for 15 Minutes MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert1 LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repalri Phone Black 307 236 Second Avenue West Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 8 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER CHOP SUEY WE HAVE: Birch Wood, 11, per cord $13.50 Jackpine, 11", per cord $12.50 Slabs, H", per cord $10.00 Lump, Egg Nut arfd Slack Coal in any quantity. Fill up now for winter. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 TO PARTIES CHOW ME IN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST ENTHUSIASTIC FOR LACROSSE The local lacrosse enthusiasts are taking the game seriously since their battle with the crew of the Uganda. They have been working out religiously with the end In view of showing the Uganda a thing or two when they pay a return visit sometime before the end of this summer. Coach Dick Woods announces that another practice has been called for this evening in Roosevelt Gym and since there is some work to be done to complete the box. he asks that all players turn nut. and brin a hammer. .if prible, to give a hand with the final preparations. Running shoes, lacrosse sticks and pads are advised although extra sticks are now at hand and will be available for players needing them. 'c;oveknmi:nt i.mh'ok act" (Section VS) NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of September. A.D. I94fl. the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 7350. Issued In respect oi premises being part of the premises known as the Commercial Hotel situate at the corner of First Avenue and Eighth Street, a In the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) In Block Nine (9) Section One (It Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, from Prince Hotel Limited to Panko Mich-alcruk, of Prince Rupert, the Transferee DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 2nd day of August. A D. 1S46. PANKO MICHALCZUK. B ustness an JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 W. H. CORRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 P.N. Kllborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls, Green 977 Prince Rupert If it's a Rock Job- Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGING 833 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 pjn.) FRANK H. PARTRIDGE CONTRACTOR Estimates Given On All Work Phone Green 417 Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED i Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 ! , ninnm Smithers Flag Day Is Success; Anna Emerson Crowned Queen SMITHERS The Elks' Flag Day, which was held in Smithers last Wednesday, was a huge success. The weather was perfect for such a celebration and the sun shone all day which was a break in a long spell of wet and cloudy weather. The children were treated to hot dogs and ice cream. There were races and sports in which children of all ages competed and no child entered a race without receiving a prize. The Flag Day had been off for a number of years but it is hoped that the Elks will now continue to eive the children - their annual summer treat. The children's sports were enjoyed by young and old. In the afternoon the grownups took over the entertainment in the form of horse races and ball game. There were three very good horse races, the first being marred by an injury to Pat Ebert. The cinch on his saddle broke and he fell off the horse. At the time of his fall he was leading the field and the entire field of horses ran over him. It was fortunate that none hit him ' as theyall Jumped. He suffered bad cut on the chin and bruises arouna the chest, but nothing of a serious or pcrman- ent nature. Earlier In the day during the parade a dog fight started near the station and one young boy was bitten but not severely. The ball game with Hazelton dProfi essiona I CHIROPRACTIC R. J. PARKER! D.C. (Palmer Graduate) Suite 6 Telephone Smith Block Green 995 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branchi i 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red C94 FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SIKV1CI mail sour qUtsas to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. LU HiinaiBsZwuicovvu.ix. auy more War Savings 5tamps. nsnnnun tire... . - D 1. ' X-O. UIHIIiaLHIIHUH a rvC n urn ber 8 s..v We're doing everything we can to keep up with the enormous demand for Firestonea, but supplies are running short. That's why we urgesyou to buy now for emergency needs only. If you will need tires later, order today for future delivery. S. E. PAKKEIf, LTD. FIRESTONE DEALERS, PRINCE RUPERT was the climax of the affair for the afternoon. The Smithers nine won by a handy score of 12-1. Smithers boys 'hit eight times and, with five errors by Hazelton team, ran in their ... . .... s ' "L ' luura wii.il uiiijr tHu ciiuia ujr the Smithers nine. Spicer, Smithers' catcher,.had the Haz-clton team under control at every stage of the game. Umpire-in-chief was Sid Robinson, umpiring first and second was Bill Lambie, well known Prince Rupert ball enthuiast, and umpiring third was Roy Arnold. Line-ups were: Hazelton Willan 3b.; Marshall ss.; Smith 2b.; Sterratt cf.; Parent c- s- Smlth lb: Halvor- sen and Wilson If.; Reynolds rf.; Smith p. Smithers Aida 2b.; Leach If.; Hetherington lb.; Spicer p.; De- Syrnyk c; Walter Wat- son and Joe Watson rf.; Wilf Watson 3b.; Bob Fowler cf. Anna Emerson Crowned Queen During the afternoon Miss Anna Emerson of Smithers was crowned as Queen of the Elks' Flag Day, the Rev. Canon Hinchliffe officiating. Her maids of honor were Misses Nita Kal-; hood of Telkwa, Lorraine Bu chanan of Smithers and Marie Banto of Smithers. The Queen was presented with an Elks' fez with a golden tassel and the the would-be hitters. Forbes words "Flag Day Queen 1946" In yielded 6 hits and struck out 3. gold letters, and she was pre- Downie started as catcher but sented with a purple and. white was not able to get things under cape as well. All four contest- control and, after finding the ants for the Queen were pre- first base job equally unsatis-rented with a beautiful sterling factory, asked to be replaced, silver compact suitably engraved, cloutler went centre field where Presentations were made by Rev. he brought off a couple of good Father Leray. I catches. Antone look over be- The grande finale of the day hind the plate. Beruschl and was a dance held in the Elks' Holden each hit a two-bagger Hall which was well attended, : while Windle hit a beautiful and music supplied Dy me tmim- ers Orchestra. Form No. 13 (Section 40) I,X1I ACT" NOTICF. OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO PURCHASE LAND j In Land IU-cordlnf District of Atltn, ' B.C.. and situate t here describe as i accurately as possible. Riving name j of lake mountain, stream, village. I in wltnttvk nn the edee of 1 Atlin Lake, about a quarter of a I f B10Ck 63 f the ?"s?uth MUn! Take Notice that I, Harper Heed of Atlln. occupation retired, mtenas to snolv for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted (locate with reference to some survey post If possible I. on the edge of Atlln Lsk. about a quarter of a mile south of Atlln Townslte. nioc 63: I thence southerly the length of 30 acres: thence easterly the lenetn oi 2 acres: thence northerly the length of 30 acres: thence westerly to point of commencement, and containing 60 acres more or less about a quarter of a mile south of Block 53 of the Atlln Townslte. Dated thin 28th rtsv -lulv. 1B46. Applicant. HARPER REED. LAND REGISTRY ACT I USD Ki.n:srnv ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 4941-1 tc lot Five Thousand Four Hundred and Elxty-one (5461), Range Five (5). Coast District, said to contain Ten and "Fifty One-IIun-dreths (10 and 50100ths.) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss Df the above Certificate of Title, Issued In the name of Alexander Noble has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first posting hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title, In lieu of said Lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid obpectlon be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C., this 16th day of July, 1946. A.D. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. A17 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 648 220 Sixth Street CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 MOOSE WINS FIRST GAME Defeated Watts and Nickerson 12-9 Sunday Afternoon In a full nine Innings baseball game yesterday afternoon at Roosevelt Park the Moose nine scored their first win of the season by defeating Watts and Nickerson 12-9. They were full value for their win and their showing gives every promise of more wins in the future. The game was well contested all the way through. Watts and Nickerson llILM 1 At III led It II most IllUSb Ul of the I way but Moose went ahead In the sixth. In the last of the seventh Watts and Nickerson was one run up but the lodgemen added three In the eighth and one In the ninth to win by three runs. The Moose nine played well and made few errors. There were a few fielding and throw ing errors but none was crucial. . Dell took a very hard drive from J Forbes and threw to Calderone i for a double ploy to check a ' threatened drive by the clothiers, j Henry pitched a good game yielding sixteen hits and strik-1 ing out 6. He had a good dayl at bat with five hits out of five ' trips to the plate, one of these being a two-bagger. Kurdziel caught well and also hit a two-bagger In the eighth that brought in two runs. Mooie hit a two-bagger and had five hits in six times at bat. Holden pitched the first seven j ' Innings for Watts and Nickerson nnrl then nassrrl thp nltrhlncr ! chores to young Forbes. The latter was charged with the de- feat with two mlscues In the field causing the damage. Hoi den gave up 13 hits and struck out 10, his slow bal Ibaffling three-bagger. He showed poor Judgment when he tried to steel home and was out. He brought off a grand catch from a hard drive by McKinnon. Pierce had 4 hits and scored three runs. BOX SCORE jox Score Moose 12, Watts and Nickerson 9 JWoosc AB R H Moore 6 2 5 Currie 6 1 1 Dell 5 2 1 McKinnon t 1 1 Kurdziel 5 0 3 Calderoni 5 0 0 Linney 5 1 2 Karashowskl 5 2 1 Henry 5 3 3 47 12 19 Watts and Nickerson AB R II Pierce 5 3 4 Wendle 5 2 3' Forbes 5 1 0 Beruschl 5 2 3 Holden 5 1 2 McEwan 5 0 1 Antone 4 0 2 Downie , 0 0 0 Cloutler 4 0 1 Dumad .- - 4 0 0 42 9 16 Moose 3 0 0 1 0 4 0 3 112 W. &N. .. 320200200 9 SEEK TRADE AGREEMENT JOHANNESBURG X5 South Africa, badly in need of timber for housing construction, hopes to olve the shortage by obtaln-ng shipments from Sweden in exchange for coal. Sweden at present is forced to burn wood because of a fuel snortase. fl eUctricaC APPLIANCES 'Oil REPAIRED PHONE 644 Keep 'Em On The Job Our electrical appliance repairs salvage home aids which are Irreplaceable nowl RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC We Pick Up and Deliver Softball Playoffs St To Cummence Tonight Unbeaten General Motors vs. Bo-Me-lli The powerful General Motors nine, having completed the regular league schedule without a defeat, hat been declared the league winners in the men's fastball loop. ' i i la l Since the weainer .ur , , m- pos.siDie io piay oui wc . schedule as It was orijmauy , na . drawn up and since each of the teams have completed a minimum ot five league games, the standings have been worked out on a nerccntage basis. It was decided to run a post General M league play-off series during the 99 Taxi month 6f August and an sixlc-up learns were incl.uded in a draw to determine which thrre teams would meet in a seml-flnal and final nlay-off. This draw pitted General Motors against Bo-Me-Hi, 99 Taxi against Reserve Army while Grotto met Co-op. FET' i: Each of these are currently play- Lpe, ing a two out of three series and rjuo the three winners will then be h,,, drawn for the final and scml- thank final series, rrt'vb!r f'tandln?? In this nvcllnilnary srr.t a:1 series to date show that Reserve 'mawr u Army have been eliminated by snyin': .::-99 Taxi, Grotto have knocked out way I TODAY AND TUES. - A NEW STAR!! HE'S DIFFERENT! HE'S DANGEROUS! The DARK CORNE LUCILLE HALL WJ1. HINDU a nnrn sWB H I LJ U U COLORED MUSICAL CARTOON MECCANO Just Arrived! SETS Set No. 0 Set No. 1 fl Set No. 2 J Qnf Mo l 15" Spt. No! 4 ft36 Q,r Kn T, 5105 1 14 V vvw - . - NOW ON DISPLAY AT BULKLEY MARKET WE DELIVER DAILY THIRD AVENUE ALSO FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre QUALITY,. BRANDS Help mm stock. for orders door. Co-Op rirl and B;. iij' one sams teams rr Gyro Park t. Both t for the i , hibiti end to k-- cral Met park, Foil my league of the r Bo-Me-Hl Grotto Reserve A :arti HE'S SENSATIONAL In - WITH Caplf Stock Comptel Arrossorv Sets - Dinfrl rflo1 We Serve Y-:u Set! nut the Bi " I SPECIAL KED EJ CHOICEST Ui-H AND FKCnS COMHXTE LI GKOCEBIW DELICATE!'! Choicest Cookd"! Koast CBl I Meat Pics and S! RUPER BUTCrlE TllllA1 ....nn, 21 FooS yourself to hW J You'll delicious sum Ym delivered to J MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY (Opposite Canadian Lr Phones 18 and 19 si I I