:i 41 it i i; lrillfC RllUCtt tDflNt) JT3ChlS An dependent dally newspaper detoted to the upbuilding .of "(; mwrf Prince Prince Rirnert Rupert and and nil all tho the mmmuniMM communities i-nmnrlslni comprising Saturday, October 12, 1946 .U heading east and west across : Canada and ships plying our coasts and inland waterways today testify Iftq the abundance of the Canadian farmer's produce as the Dominion prepares to celebrate its second "peace-time Thanksgiving Day Monday. But the bare spots on the pantry ..shelf and the ever-present ration book in the housewife's purse are eloquent reminders that while Canada's granary is full, her resources . and those of other nations of the New World are strained by the needs of less fortunate peoples abroad. Canadians may well be thankful that we will not lack food in the coming winter and that we are in a position' to make a substantial con-. tribution to areas in many parts of the world which are perilously close to the starvation level, if thev have ".not already reached it. . With British crops hard-hit by ;;v disastrous late summer rains and many lands badly disorganized by the effects of war, the list of countries in need of outside aid reads almost like a roll-call of Europe and '!: Asia. Then let us gladly accept our rationing programs in good nature and give thanks that we are today among the more fortunate of this world's : peoples. : THANKSGIVING DAY A REGULAR thanksgiving holiday was first observed' in Canada in 1870 when the Marquess of Lome, Then governor-general of the young Dominion, fixed November G as "a : day "to attend church and give BOOK WEEK SET OPENING NOV. 2 TORONTO R Tribute will be paid to Canada's writers nex; month during Canadian Book Week, sponsored by the Cana-"dlan Authors Association to gain recognition for native talent. Branches of the association across Canada win join publishers, booksellers, libraries and schools November 2 to November 9 In planning displays of Canadian work and illustrated talks and lectures by Canatilan authors and critics. Mrs. May Pashley Harris of the association's Windsor, Ont., branch, nationa convener of the Book Week, said Canadians had long been accused of harsh treatment and neglect of their native literature. Librarians and booksellers reported that a book by a Canadian writer is never Judged hy the same standards as one written t-j an outsider. Mrs. Pashley -said that in recent years Canadian writers have come to the forefront of the literary world. She cited "Two Solitudes" by Hugh Mac-Lennan of Montreal and Halifax and "Earth and High Heaven" by Gwethalyn Graham of Montreal as outstanding recent works of Canadian fiction and mentioned "Gauntlet to Overlord" by Canadian Press war correspondent Ross Munro which .had. "retained a high place" in .the field of war reporting. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. phone 88 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND i ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS UN SAWMILL and ' MINING MACHINERY nortnera ana central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Dept Ottawa). Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By 0111 Carrle'. Jr week. 15c: Per Month. 65c; Per Year. 7.00; By Mall, per month. 40c: Per Year. $4.00 k MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS i AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION WE ARE FORTUNATE HEAVILY LADEN freicrht trains thanks". Days of thanksgiving had been held earlier to celebrate specific occasions, usually British victories in battle. The early French settlers hel-d similar celebrations and on the capture of Quebec in 1759, the British held a service in the Ursuline chapel "to give thanks to Almighty God for victory." A similar service was held the following year to celebrate the fall of Montreal. But Monday's holiday will be of a different nature. The Thankskiving turkey has become one of the holiday's most significant features especially in the minds of the young and families take advantage of the long week-end to hold reunions around the festive dinner table. From 1918 to 1930 the holiday was celebrated in conjunction with Ann-istice Day on Nov. 11 and took on a greater religious significance. But in 19,31, in response to representations by First Great War veterans and other organizations, the latter date was set aside as Remembrance Day and Thanksgiving reverted to a Monday in October. A day of thanksgiving for material blessings was first set aside by the Pilgrim Fathers who expressed their gratitude to God for their first New England harvest in 1621 In 1S04 President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day and this date is stilladhered to in the United States. SHORT OBSERVATIONS . . . . . . Rumors, even when they support jour views, are dangerous to repeat, even behind closed doors. There have been practically . . . no casfs of juvenile dellquency In Prince Rupert since the Civic Centre opened in March; THE KEY TO YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE Every man worth his salt has dreams and ambitions for the future . . . a better job ... a business of his own . . . financial security when the time comes to take life easier. But most men achieve these things only with the help of a systematic plan. Such a plan is offered by Investors Syndicate, of Canada Limited. It is built to your own specifications, is as flexible as it is sound and earns a reasonable rate of interest. Already thousands Stratford . of Canadians are benefitting from this plan. Take the first step towards your financial goal by sending in this coupon today. It will bring you without obligation, complete details of the Living Protection Plan offered by Investors Syndicate of Canada Limited. You will be astonished to learn how easily you can accumulate $2,500.00, $5,000.00, $10,000.00, $25,000.00 or more. Clip and mail the coupon NOW. E UVING PROTECTION . . . tvtry man's road to financial security t3 Two-Tone Pens THE DEPENDABLE PEN F O It SCHOOL $1.70 DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK ttttph aWttp Prince Rupert Bottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE phonc B,ue 737 We buy... ALL SIZES Pcrfex Beer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE SEEKS SPEEDUP FOR BUILDING . CARDIFF, Waits ffy Members of the Welsh parliamentary Labor group and trades union representatives are seeking a speedup In government plans for the construction -of new factories in Wales. These plants are a major factor In the Labor administration's full-employment program to eliminate the heavy unemployment which wrslsted In the principality between the wars. After a Cardiff meetlner. Cliff Prothroe. secretarv-of the South Wales Regional Council of La bor, said: "Ye agreed that the government dans In themselves were all right, but we felt we should like to have more evidence of the plans being made operative." Ness Edwards, parliamentary secretary to the labor ministry, said xhe building effort in the South Wales development area is "unparalleled." "The total area of new -nro- Jects planned -Is between 6,500,-000 and 7,000,000 square feet," he added. "There are 100 factories in process of construction In Wales, covering an area of 3.900.000 soiare feet." The problem, said Mr. Ed-waTds, is to "provide building labor and materials" for the construction program. Promote Future Of Welsh Towns HAVERFORDWEST, Wales, CP Pembrokeshire Joint Planning Committee is studying a comprehensive program for the future of the towns of Pembroke and Pembroke Dock, aiming at a population of 20,000 compared with the present 12,000. J. A. Price, county planning officer, drafted the scheme. "Pembroke Dock, created and ultimately abandoned by the government, Is .-adly lacking in industrial activity," he said, "but ft Is to be Tioped that the promised assistance under the Distribution of Industries Bill will soon materialize and thus revitalize the area and attract even further industries." Of Pembroke he said: "There seems to be great possibilities of fostering the tourist industry here, and most of many suggestions made for Pembroke have been put forward with this end In view." TOO MUCH VARIETY LONDON O' Walter Stell, 33. variety artist whose off-stage "turn" was fishing letters out of post-boxes, was given 18 months' imprisonment. He pleaded guilty to stealing 19 postal packets in the course of transmission. LONDON; 0 The new Hereditary King's Champion Ls Lieut J. L. M. Dymoke, 20, who succeeds his father who has ALASKA LURES QUEBEC WOMAN MONTREAL Oi The famous "call of the wild" cannot compare with the call o Alaska, "something indescribable." says Bernadette Jean, principal of the Girls' Commercial School at Arvida, Que, who .arrived here recently after spenulns three imonths with her brother Jos eph Jean at Ooodnews Bay, a mining village on the Bering Sea. Joseph Jean is one of Alaska's pioneer prospectors. During her Alaskan stay, Miss Jean visited the platinum mines at ultra-modern Platinum Olty, spent 3 few days at mining camps at Watamuse Creek, went through the salmon canneries at Cordova, and fished for "enormous" trout. While visiting Anchorage, she was the- guest of Mrs, Sydney Lawrence, wife of a 'well-known Alaskan painter. The school principal said Alaska's summer climate Is similar to that of the Saguenay district of Quebec but the cities are much warmer. While she was at Fairbanks the mercury reached 92 degrees. Miss Jean had high prale for the Alaskan scenery and said pictures did not do Justice to the midnight sun, "something that has to be seen to be Buy Canada Savings Bondsl DRIVER HITS MOOSE COW BURNS "LAKE O. H. Fawcet salesman, while driving to Sml'.' thers had the bad luck to run down a little cow moose, soma two miles west of Boo Flat. Finding the little two year old was fatally injured, he had the good sense to put it out of mis. .cry una Dieea . His car was I slightly damaged. Investigation uy uaiuc wuraen Muum sub stantiated the statement of the traveller. REGULATED LIGHTING ' Street lights now can be auto-matlcally regulated to provide' the required lluminatlon. MrH. 1 less of The weather, by use of an G"W electronic switch. McUrlde Street ;;,--';',,4': uestions wm-:. m mil' veto GENERAL Q What are Canada Savings Bonds? A Canada Savings Bonds are the successor to Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. They are your country's promise to return your money to you at any time and to pay you interest at, an attractive rate. Q Why are Canada Savings Bonds being offered? A Because during the war, millions of Canadians learned the savings habit by buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. A recent survey, shows that 82 M them want to keep on saving by a similar plan. Q Is the Government selling Canada Savings Bonds just to raise Money? A No. Borrowing needs' of the Government can be met by other types of loans. The main purpose of the Canada Savings Bond is to provide Canadians with a convenient way to continue this kind of saving and investment in peacetime. Q Is there any limit to the amount 0 Canada Savings Bonds that one person may hold? I! so, why? A Yes. There Is a limit of $2000 for each individual, but each member of a family may hold bonds up to the limit. Q What is the price of Canada Savings Bonds? A 100. That is, a $100 bond costs' $100. If payment is not completed on or before November 15th, 1946, interest will be added to The purchase price. Q 7n what denominations are Canada Savings Bands available? A $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. 1 mi ! CASHING OF BONDS Q Can I cash my bond at any time before November 1, 1956? A Yes, any branch in Canada of any chartered bank will cash your bond immediately at full face value, plus interest at 2, upon your identification as the registered holder. Q Can Canada Savings Bonds be assigned or transferred? A They can be cashed, but not assigned or transferred. This is necessary to prevent any individual from acquiring more than the authorized limit. INTEREST COUPONS Q What interest is paid on Canada Savings Bonds? A 2i payable- yearly on November 1st from 1947 to 1956, by coupon cashable without charge at any branch in Canada of any bank. - Q j4re interest coupons registered? A No. They are payable to bearer. REGISTRATION PROTECTION Q Why is it necessary to register Canada Savings Bonds? A Registration gives protection In case your bond is lost, stolen or destroyed It is also the simplest way to ensure that individuals do not hold rnore than the $2,000 limit. Q In whose name can Canada Savings Bonds be registered? A They can be registered only in the name and ""Kt6tuii 1 .. - vii , ' Console, and ntU: rugs. on uifnim, nswers of one Individual, adult or minor, up . . 1 limit amount 01 me auuiuntcu Q Can Canada Savings Bonds wW the name of a child be cashed? A Yes. Banks are familiar withw sarv regulations. Q Can Canada Savings BondtbtJ' of when registered in me name j tircnn 7 A Yes, any bank will supply the information. O Can l replace my Canada sw' It , Met etnltn or mjW' A Yes. It is wise, however, V sra SavInpBond.ta.l4fl! nny inner vuiuauit notfy if m ois you should immediately of Canada, Ottawa, of the circu 10 1 WHERE HOW. WHEN AND A At any branch of a bank authorized investment dea'ehr;oUghth(l' irusi or 10-11 "'"'-"'.,. in ope1" Ja v roll savings plan if this is your place 01 empiui..- w Q Iloudo I pay forcing; three A In any of the followmg full at W" 1. By payment in chase. thrcw ntt instaln 2. By monthly , banK, iruM 3. By regular ded , ope uhPi-t. employers roll Savings Plan- 8 out of 10 will huy again .... Canada Sawnqs Bond