4 Prince nupctt Dailp r3cAos Saturday. October 12, 1946 CALIFORNIA PARTY ON MOOSE HUNT .' BURNS LAKE Dr. Joseph C. ;Lrenz, Dr. W. H. Martin and .Harry G. Frerlch3, all of Bur llnsamc, California, and "Bud" . Barnes, rancher of Covtllo, Cal., ;are In the district on a hunting ;trip. Their, guides were Sam Eakin and Slim Henry, with Oscar Schmidt of Vanderhoof as cook. The party had a most success-fifull hunt as each one of the ; party bagged his moose, an exceptional head falling to the sun "of Bud Barnes. On the early part of the trip brainy weather prevailed!. Reach-Sngrthe Portage between Whits-sail Lake and the Big Eutsuk they found the portage trac!; in good condition and the grade greatly improved, but a new car for portaging the boats is a prime necessity. Mr. Martin missed a big bull moose in the first day out, and bit the second day overshot a billy goat, firing 24 .shots. It was J then he" discovered his telescona ' sight-had been displaced slightly while making the portage. Harry G. Frerichs missed a moose in the failing light of evening and had to make a hurried camp without blankets or grub. He returned to camp at noon the next day. tired and hungry. Returning across the portage, they returned down the Tahtsa river, thence up the Tahtsa, building a new camo some 12 miles upstream. There the kill of four moose was made. .Returning home with their bag they reached the Henry ranch in time to attend the wedding of Jimmy Morgan and drink a toast to his charming bride. No meat was wasted. All was dressed, loaded in the trailer and is on the W2y to California. The: party has arranged to return next fall. ROCKLIKE PLASTER Plasters, such as plaster of Paris, can be made hard as marble and strong as stone with a newly developed process. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 31-ft. trolling boat; 8 horsepower Vivian engine; complete with 6 spool gurdies. Inquire at Fishermen's Co-op. (246) FOR SALE Trolling vessel "Proven"; 8 h.p. Easthope en-glne, complete with Swan gur-dies and crossdrive. Inquire at Fishermen's Co-op. (246) ; WANTED-Hairdresser for shop - in Prince George. Write Box 807, Prince George, B. C. (248) RED SOX ONLY ONE GAME AWAY FROM PENANT BOSTON Boston Red Sox. leading St. Louis Cardinals three games to two in the race for the World Series baseball penant, hope to continue their winning streak Sunday in the cards home town. Another win for the Sox will end the series. War Assets Bowling CHICKS B. Houtson 190 199 S. Stiles 177 204 B. Holden 148 132 E. Houston 120 98 J. Berg 70 47 Low Score 106 116 Totals 811 796 WINGDINGERS G, Brown 106 160 R. Ooodall 152 125 P. Aird 114 116 K. Aird 115 189 S. Macdonald 132 134 G. Nichols 174 205 Handicap 75 75 Totals HELLDIVERS .868 1004 I G. Lemire 209 164 Z. Lemire 166 151 I Al Ross 200 189 M. Simundsen 156 105 A. Calderoni 189 134 Totals 920 743 GULLS M. Murizabu 174 113 O. Nelson 108 183 H. Brewer 179 222 J. Unwin 88 176 P. Dustan 174 113 Totals 723 807 SHARPSHOOTERS L. Hltchins 145 177 V. Carrur 193 143 N. Powell 184 140 A. Nelson 239 200 D. ChaDDle 157 127 Handicap 25 25 Totals 943 813 WASPS D. Frost 103 112 S. Rees 95 117 A. . Tolpy 141 212 Ferris 90 149 F. Stratford 67 135 Totals 496 725 SPITFIRES M. Postuk 181 142 Michl 145 144 Chrissie 46 50 G. Yule .: 152 156 Hartz 118 187 Storseth 108 108 Totals 750 787 MOSQUITOS B. Brown 161 167 M. Edgar 142 142 G. Brown 118 173 T. Parkhouse 158 236 B. Thornton 109 173 C. Gustavson 123 116 Totals 811 1007 Business and Professional PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave W. H. CORRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 FRANK H, PARTRIDGE CONTRACTOR Estimates Oiven On All Work Phone Green 417 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O.'box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 JKM PROMPT m4 EFFICICNT SUMd Mil qour to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. IP HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branche 206 4th Street : Phone 658 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS 239 215 156 122 71 99 922 231 147 103 109 99 193 75 962 132 149 223 173 231 933 141 32 143 150 183 649 203 122 168 221 151 25 895 1C9 107 117 81 117 531 203 161 7C 309 123 96 964 203 121 114 189 105 145 878 Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burner PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 P.N. Kllborn w, Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls, Green 977 Prince Rupert If It's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M. SAUNDERS Blue 686 Concrete sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert 1 HOOP TJMv"tVmt Murray, a mighty ---- ; appears appears to to be be tl After a lapse of nearly seven years, organized basketball will return to the city on Saturday night of this week when the Prince Rupert Basketball Association opens the 1948-47 season at the Civic Centre gym. Seme basketball has been played in the interim in the form of all-star shows against outside competition in which games we took a backseat to few teams but as far as regular commercial league operations go there Just haven t been any. We have had little in the Junior or Intermediate ranks outside of the Bo- Me-Hl teams which have been kept in trim by the efforts of coach Alex Bill and this year will see no less than four Junior outfits and three Intermediate. Many soorts fans who will take in the games this winter will be unaware of the work that ha3 been put in on the various teams and should feel proud of their city when they consider the en thusiasm displayed by all con cerned in the operation of the eague. Coaches such as Wally Landon, Syd Woodsids. youns Bud Pierce and Maurice Tens as patient a foursome as is to be found anywhere, are the men behind the scene and have been spending their evenings with their charges for over six weeks now .getting, them in readinesi for the winter's play. Their teams, the Juniors, are the most important when everything is considered as they are teams that must produce to keep the sport alive. On the intermediate front we have Bobby Houston, George Viereck and of course Alex Bill tearing their hair while thev have it to tear and doinr a job of which they can be proud. Bobby Houston has been confined to hospital and his home for the past week and rather than miss anything hit Macey's pang have bcn"vlslting his home for paper talks on do's and dont's of the game. Bob. by the way, will be missed by his 99 buddies on Saturday night, but will be on the Job, minus his tonsils, for the second game on the following Saturday. Yes it looks like our year here In the north and we hiv th talent on hand to make It our year. We have those three intermediate teams that will bo plri ing their hearts out for the right to meet the Vancouver College sometime later in the year and three senior teams battling it out for the right to represent Prince Rupert in the provincia) playoffs for the senior B. C. championship. Dr. Montgomery, former U.B. C. coach, will trot a gang of youngsters sponsored by Carl Zarelli, the popuplar inn-keeper into the senior league of three teams and great things are expected of his charges when com-bimll with his knowledge of the game. We have of course, chaps around town like Art Murray that never seem to have regard for names or reputations and this year Murray promised defeat to not only the other two teams in the league but to the ultimate vistors in the southern senior B playoffs. "We have had teams here be fore with big names and big name players and we have sent them home with their heads down and this year we mean business more than ever" states rough state- but with what the mostest of the bestest In talent on his team he may not be far out.' B. C. Packers composed of bij Russ White from Tookes In Vancouver and Nick Mazzon of the senior B entry of thsame name in the southern city, teamed with Fred Calderone, John Morrison, Ernie Ratchford, Don Fitch and Bill Vance cannot be overlooked by critics as they have on the line-up ball players of no minor calibre that will improve as the league Drosresses and could easily become the dark horses or the season. Such popular faces as. Jarvis McLeod, collector of customs, E J. (Fitzr Fitzpatrick. public works supterintendent, Jack Mcintosh, Harry Arney, Algie Hunter, Bill Beynon and of course Mrs. "Ma" Dickens will be looked for this Saturday night when the wnisue goes to start off the sea-' son, but this year there will be j many others. It won't be like the i old days when your own blanket was a necessity, everything Is nice and cosy down at Don Forward's sports' emptr:um and its I going to be kept like that if you all get out and aboard the bandwagon for your favorites. So there you have It soort fans. You have- made this little city of ours ".The best darned sportini town in America" and that's the way we want to keep it. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Senior "A" October 12 Savoy vs. 99 Taxi. October 15 B.C. Packers vs. Savoy. Senior "BM October 12 High School vs. Macey's. October 15 Co-op vs. High School. The Seal of Quality BRITISH . COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms .CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 fl cUUOTTE V COASTAL CHARTER SERVICE BY SUFERMARINE FLYING BOAT '"Haida Queen" - n passengers MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert Direct. TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and Return via Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert td Vancouver Direct. SPECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTING 3 Types and Sizes of AIRCRAFT to Serve You From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to 4,000 lbs Freight G. II. STANBRIIXJE, Agent P.O. Rox 1249 Phones 524 or Red 87 LEAGUE SOCCER BY FLOODLIGHT BEING STUDIED LONDON, W-Bill McConnell, chairman of tho Liverpool football club which toured Canada and the United Stales this summer, believes he has a substitute for the Memendous appeal of greyhound racing in the evenings. It's league soccer by floodlight. Liverpool played five matches under the lights during its North America tour and everyone officials, players and the crowd were satisfied, he says. "Soccer is booming all right, but we must do something to challenge with zm,. the appeal of the; dogs in the evenhv?.-:." McConnell believes the Football Association is missing a "great chance' if It doesn't authorize soccer under the. lUhtJ. But his ldeq was tried out 14 years ago when two Arsenal sides played a floodlit match at Highbury with a white ball. There was another test at Lon don's White City stadium. The experts, directors, managers and players were agreed on the possibilities of the- venture If it were done in a big way. Sna?s, chiefly expenses, finally blacked out the floodlights and the idea was pigeon-holed. PROGRESSIVE ICELAND Duelling as a court of last was abolished by the Icelandic parliament in 1000. idtf ll1! 1 1 A C E - T E X MASTIC TILES For a flimr that krep Ia rich, brilliant rnlor 'ami "rar liLp jrmi," rlno- Arr-Tn Mullc Tilro. You'll lia.c a lluor-rotrritiK that' not only cany lit rlran Ixit one that actually i in prow with wrar. You'll ! .urirUil at It low rout. ' THE ACE -TEX LINE Arou.il Hoard Lath Hoard Flora Hoard llardl.oarda llrlrk Sldlac A..liall Sliinalra F I It r a a n WatarpraoNnjl I. u t t r I I I . Moll Hoofing I' I a a t I - t a a I llullilloi Panrra Oraoaola lUiiltl liettrr trifi the ACE-TEX Line c-- Some New Goods Things are still far from plentiful. We have a few of the following at present: RONSON LIGHTERS UMBRELLAS ONE WALNUT MANTEL CLOCK PARKER "51" PENS REYNOLDS BALL' PENS WATERMAN PENS AND PENCILS EVERSHARP NEW PENCILS STERLING CIGARETTE CASES NEW COMPACTS NEW SOUVENIR SPOONS I LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOIt QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AMI RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 Ormes Ltd. 37ut Pioneer Drtu2&tets Prescription Chemists .Kcxall Agents for Prince Rupert and District In Drugs If it's Rexall it's Right PHONE 81 STORE HOURS: Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 p.m. till 2 pm ' and 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. FOR SALE BY Tyjrr-of Asset.; l nUiMi ,5tr War Assets. Corporation "'..1 all or any of the Crown n"ii -a rfc01 The puteW shall rem 'l me site In ""fltaC n . . manner satisfactory ,e,a SiS to the an an Corporation. a"Jiorittla8' Rllllmvr! .w..,W ,,. p SALEnf (IiL , . te'i(rl in, lifthllnir, and hea fnV ! .,,'-Mi S "xturt within Ihe building. AH areas nnrf ,?eTnlIt fhegue r bank borationtboE envelope, plainly marked lia tbetcifel TENDER NO. m.n 1 Addressed to: liratuh ..- .. I t. . Bri Standard. Time QCTOIir.it iVf. iJ iJIU. I LTl1,.tenderf''' mut state th t.. , -i & dl"??vor materials8 coa!ain?AJ as mis win ni n nptann . . . ""rui ..I cepUnce of any tender. Wr Ib JLna"LTlc.e Vfd er clcslne .u. I r "inest or any tendW Z. l be accepted Cheques or bank ffiKSI unsuccessful tenderers. Ij w l 1 The successful tenderer will ., E2. .-f hi.r. '"-.tender beZftfi nn.iuc ui uauit arau lor tp t..i of his or her tender, and In T adffin or banUdraft for an amount 2 .l of restoring th. site or.s rSL comply with all terms and ccndlK11. cheque or bank draft wmvES ...WAR ASSETS CORPORA, nuo iicsi ururgia street NUiE.: passes ror inject: n of the abnvJ ..u... mi i r man next Chrysler! Moparl ft A Di. l i nuiuiiiouvc i arts ana Accesia nilILT n V CIIKTSLEI. Distributed by: RUPERT MOTORS 1 PHONE 566 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince KuperO LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRA CTOKS Commercial - industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black .107 238 Second Avenue West TERRAl TRANS! andtJ TRI CK AS Nil stnal Charter Trial J r mi i f 1 1 1 1 1 DifiJfl Scheduled Trip! Lake Sundij,'! and Sitrl P.O. Box m ymm. rnr winter u WINTER GRADE LUBRICANTS CAR HEATERS DEFROSTERS ANTM'REEZE S. E. PARKER L "THE HOME OP FRIENDLY SERTICT Third Avenue . . air r atui u mi n iul I L ll I J - rH.ll ti i kpipk 1 1 r i r n 1 1 nii vui aanaaaaaaaa b.ibb . i iiu ai.i nun w l K t l it ir unuui"' . A A A , .... .,,...t uiTit CASTAS' Edmondson Awning and Sail 330 .SECOND AVENU P.O Box 302 ' Terrace Corner udq pt.aMBLY il.t,a-r. " Snack LUNCHES FOK i; fin ihe Main tug" a . r ailAn D ! ICKKAU HAinrnt jiivi - TERRACE, B-C . . t,,iui.M Uiw Dealers in UKiNniw" MACHINE WORK OAS and " DIESEL and TRACTOR " I" For minor repair