I 1I7Q IK" owe j l n rr h "Xt yJAf- V- -Slir -S. rviccs "... Hchool nuj n'1!: .. .,, H ismulr bi, 0:30 a.m. 2:00 p m. .. HA. D-D. oun(! M . AniroDus (Red 839) Iirldf St AaHPn (Blue SZn ha AKMV i. i.nrriu Black f West (Green oio) West .T i.innev (Oreen 620) 1 in -1. r i i ii ii . r- . im 4vv r,aa v Ant'obus Orren 312 A (916 1U .31 ' cl) school, with ago "ivuik Service. CO .IT. at ioi c:holr ..... I InAl lilt. nu.inin Mcetini . -t . ill'l'l A !) ..iuu Ml- :lnn ttntlfl U Olivine: .', mccl s ttdtided to ask Bering, ask for a t; '.lie offering to no later than rkiian Churcli ivcuue East fecSwccn, B.A., ulster h Choir Leader SUNDAY Brning Worship, pior choir; Illallclujah." urch School. jriiing Worship, Bior Choir: manifold are lallon to worship pngregation, Is led to all. 6323 SATURDAY SERMON A THANKSGIVING MEDITATION By ItEVi A. F. MacSWEEN, First Presbyterian Church Psalm 126:26 He that gocth forth weeping, bearing precious seed, snau ooudwcss come ukuiu whu icjuhuib, uwii&m,, " sheaves with him. Thanksgiving-day, I fear, If one the solemn truth must touch, Is celebrated, not so much To thank the Lord for blessings oer, As for the sake of getting morel Tim unoi is vnrv frank, but he is not altogether accurate, for Thanksgiving to some at least has a real and religious meaning, and mey unci me worm nf flm nsnlmist mnrn congenial. - - - - - ix vv. I o . 1 t 1 p J 1 - --.1 . A word about the oacngrounu oi me psami may not be amiss. The Hebrews had lauen upon evn uays. Weakened by internal strife ana corruption, they were unable to resist, the onrush of a poweriul invader, and soon were carried off as slave labor. In exile they struggled to retain their identity, and to preserve their relig ious concepts and their moral standards. But it was not easy. and their literature reflects their weariness: "by the rivers of Babylon wc sat down and went how can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?" And then, unexpectedly, their hones were rewarded. Their masters- were swept away by the miehtv Persian empire, whose king, Darius, promptly issued a decree liberating the slaves and exiles. The relief was so great, and so sudden, that they were astonished. The years of toil and suffering were past, their faith nnd freedom was restored, ana once more they could -return to ihr.r native land. "When he Lord turned again the captivity of 7.lnn. we were like them that dream, our mouth was fijled with lauahter and our tongue with singing." And they reflect I., to-irc Khali rran ill ioy. He that gocth forth weeping, bearing preciou seed, shall doubt less come again witn rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Harvest thanksgiving is a time for rejoicing. But it is the mitprime of a period which may havn been very hard and rc- milred faith and sacrifice. "I never saw people sowing in tears partlv." writes one author, "but I have often enough known ' them to do it in fear and dis- rp sufficient to draw a tear fnrm anv pve. In seasons of Great scarcity the poor peasants part in enrmw with every measure of the precious seed cast into the . ... . 1. 1 . lUrt ground. It is use kimus hrrart nut of the mouths of Uieir children." Yet the harvest they shall reap depends on Uie quan-tiiv and the Quality of their sowing. It is always so. He who sows mcagcrly snau reap u meagre harvest; he who sows sacrlflclally, weeping, shall come back with rejoicing, bearing his sheaves with him. For the harvest always comes. "And whatsoever a man soweth, ttat shall he reap." Ihe men who sowed Europe with fire and death are today rcap-in hP hitter fruit. Those who -o -- - sow the seeds of unrest, class hatred, racial discrimination religious intolerance and otiier evil things will in due time re celve their reward. For the har vest . never never falls .una. and down the streets of Jerus alem, and He saw a world In desnerate need. On the 110 hill IH" the cities of the world Tn the Ions trek towards a would accomplish anything. DflflB Ji3tu3 3 Sptftue Eupctt Local News Items . . . Saturday, October 12, 1046 ABASKETBALli, Saturday night, Civic Centre Oym. S. C. Mcsser sailed this morn ing on the Cardena on a trip to Vancouver. VnoH. rlnwn nil bi!f.e t.i nrav for a United Church Thanksgiving their recovery. And In every Service and Sunday School Rally, nation on earth today, except ll ajn. Sunday. uw Tibet and Aignamstan. men a women are giving hanks i to ne Ood wno so lovca tne worm uiaM ., , h He gave His only begotten Son, 11 and are learning to walk in tne ways of the Prince of Tcacc. A.BASKETBALL, Saturday night, with rejoicing, bringing sheaves with him." REV. MR. AALEN AT ST. PAUL'S his Publt at St. Paul's Lutheran - d nut tne goou grain oungs - - - . ,. ,,,., RimH ..... - ..t l f IW .HI 111 LilC lUUUmim v-..j forth fruit too. jesus iookco - ,,,.,. , Nnrlh nlnnfT I m KMnroni nf nail PP. I MJ vv . . ... across the plains of Palestine, In our freedom from want civic Centre Gym. and fear we have great cause .., for thanksgiving. But we must JS'Subo not forget the past, with its record of faith and courage, " iU- ". - i nfor0mu0s; we lose sight of the n Civic Centre Mem ers an future, and of the heights tnat we .shall vet attain to by the requested to .attend. h (242. grace of God. If the goa scc.no McKelvle of Prince distant, and the struggle long and grievous, let the message 0i - "-;--" Vrtr.net rnnclirn Villi he that where her husband, editor oi tne coeth forth, bearing precious Prince George Citizen, is reliev- secd, shall doubtless some again jllg on the Daily News edttpriai Vancouver. Mr. Aalen arrived in the citv last week. nev. Mr. Aalen is no stranger In Prince Rupert having done I, v, oflnr Hlnr KPa- ... . . W ill WUl A. lailf 4iyv. uv...3 called Calvary, ana at a leariu. M EngIandi France cost, He sowed the seeds of a urn abundant nVtiioHatit nnrt and pi.priml. eternal. i ... I.-.. life, new "l" . .: to go to Vancouver to tase over jaw And that seed is bearing fruit . . missloils established today, by the shores of Lake by Rcv A. 0. Aasen, formerly of Tanganyika, on the plains of p . nUDert. In the southern Saskatchewan and in streets oi Rev. Mr. Aalen has performed ..... 11 tA f ....-irl. til - . -1 an ouuitaiiuius p-tc u num ... belter worm, men nave oneniosi, i rebulldlng and remodelling a ntA ...ririrlnrnH If Hip VlMVV I . . . . . ti.i l. 1 .1 iicumuim uiiuvii.u l.v.. 17 lJormer jvieinonisi, tiiurtii i" sacrifice and the endless toi. N North varienuver. Vancouver, and and building building statf durlniz the absence of Manasing Editor G. A. Hunter Mrs. McKelvle arrived on Thurs day night's train. Sea Cadet Orders It.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK' Lleut.-Cmdr. A. S. Mitchell, Commanding PARADE Monday October 11, 1916 Parade of Monday October 14, loir, is rnnrpllrd. Next reuular nuin .ik - - iiivii a j.t5.t..v, and Un1l!inri. Holland. Hp He accentcd accepted a a call call parade to be Monday October 21, JOHN S. WILSON, Lieutenant, R.C.S.C. Executive Offficer Announcements All advertisements ta ran column will be cnargea lor a iuu mouui at zac b wuiu. Anglican W. A, Tea, Thursday Some have thrown up their Rrhnn anH , sizeable concreca- cl-17 Mrs-Mlus' knnrlc OllH ulvpn t llPITlSPlVPS OVPrl., I Qnnc KtinKIV DnilCP. FridaV Hallux ....v. 1 L (J 1 1 , 1 uu.fo v. . . v. . j .. , to the enjoyments of the mo- pctober 18. Oddfellows' Hall. mcnt, and of the flesh, consum- PENICILLIN AIDS CATTLE varrien Singers Sacred Con- "IFr'X Bf THANKFUL! MAYBE THE WORLD IS IN AN ATOMIC WHIRL, BUT WE'VE ' A LOT TO BE THANKFUL FOR..." i. . i i N. i ... . . . i .. i . i - ing, as It were, the seed tnat LONDON W-Britatn's minis- Lutheran church. Friday cd . on te outcome of the long should have been sown. Others lcr of 5Uppiy haS announced that October 18 at 8:15 p.m. Admis- V v j ... .. r1nt-tn ir 1 4 li I I t .,1 Ur.rt. I ti K i l ...lit. - m n years now past; "they that sownave miunv wc. ... ""-"r"; oy arrange. t 5lon 50c. JV ... . ... tt - ihn Pronrhor nf inn ()a MrU. nnr tniiHiirP nnil fishef- I . .. I. J ...... i i-- j I t. n RA. Ha.za.an Oct. 23 Tftctimonr' line nnn ri in i ii ui iiiiiuc i A vu.Ul'l I lvD - "All rivers run Into the sea. available for use by veterinary irA iUa enn tc nnt. full! UlltO I ctirtrnnnc r t.hp treatment of the place from when the rivers I bovine ima$tjtis,,..an.d other dls. - t . ...in... il.fii. 'fi'tiim I t An I .nltl. COniC, wmiiei iiii-ji iwui" taes ui uau; i.a.viv aealn. A 1 things are iuu qi . . . ..Itn. f I I laDOur; man uaiu.uif uhh .i., thp eve is not satisfied with seeing, nor the car filled with hearing. The thing that ham been, it is that whicli shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun." But while some have others have been sowing. A hundred years ago many persons proved conclusively that nin rhrisilan church was done .Tnhn Gcddie said little, but set ,i( fmm Nuva Scotia to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to the smith seas. A score of others VW V. V. . fniinwrd him. and some lost their lives. But the seed they snwrrf bore fruit. When Ameri can airmen were shot down, they were rescued from the sea oy men whose fathers were cannibals; the wounded were carried across the mountains on the shoulders of men supposed to be savages, who delivered them safely to a hospital and then Regular Baptist Services I.O.D.E. Hall (5th Ave. and McBrlde St.) We Christ . . . preach reacn c RUCIF1ED ROWNED OMINO SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Gospel Service. "THE MASTER BUILDER" Speaker: Geo. S. Weatheily WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. (Phone 369 or Red 701) THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING NIGHT CLASSES Teacher, MRS. HILL (W.C.T.) PHONE RED 281 promises plenty of food next winter. But whether you're roasting a plump turkey or simmering vegetables, an electric range will do a finer, cleaner job! Queen Mary Tea, Mrs. Par kin's. October 24. wJn.WL. Card Party. CathollQ School Hall. Oct. 24 at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. Gyro Hoedown, Civic Centre, Oct. 31. Rebekah Bazaar, October 31, l.O.O.F. Hall. Cambrai Fall Tea, Mrs. George Rorie's, November 6, nn p. Razaar. Nov. 6. Civic Centre. W.A. Baptist Church fall sale Nov. 7. T.prinii w.A. Pioneer Home Dance, Armories, Nov. 8. Women of the Moose bazaar, Moose Temple, Nov. 13 and 14, W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 20. St. Peters Fall Bazaar, Nov. 21 Lutheran Tea and Home Cook ing, November 23. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, November 30. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, November 28th. Old Time Dance, Prairie Ramblers, every Saturday night, Odd fellows' Hall. - i i Vx tkjTl This year's harvest Turkey at its best! Choice, tender white meat crisply-browned drumsticks . . . Cooked the electric, time-saving way! Dietitians will tell you that little water should be used in cooking vegetables and many other foods, but this requires careful cooking. controlled. There are no sudden Electric cooking is .thermostatically flareups or reduction in heat, but steady even cooking. Plan now to buy an electric as wey oecome avanaw. electric range or other alliances A Cash for old gold. Buiacr's. n n. Vandersluvs nlans to sail Tuesday on the'Catala on a trip to Vancouver. ABASKETBALL, Saturday night, Civic Centre Gym. A Please leave milk bottles out early Monday, Thanksgiving nav Valentin Dairy. uui Thomas Kave. representative of the British American Oil Co., sailed on the Cardena this morn ing after a week's visit to Prince Rupert and Stewart. A Long trips or short, day or nieht. 99 Taxi at your service. Hit rnnt. A. M. Incalls of the B.C. . .. . Coast pilotage service, saiica this mornins on the Cardena to return to Vancouver after a visu to Prince Rupert. Don't let th- pitiless pain of Neuralgia ... Irnm n !nvin 9 life. Get last. uirrcni r,3 - n ----- , - relieve you quickly of piercing, stabbing pain and dull, throbbing aches. Good j also for Rheumatl.:. Ar'.nntic, jMcuriiit Pain and StiHness, Sciatica. LumbagoJUet a triv-.Mic. si at aruKKisis. i i 1.1 rf !l I II If Hi IH n ifii mm HIM 1)1.11 n fill;! U im ts..j!iri I EE i III KU I I MM v 111 1 1 1 Only furs can give jou luxurious warmth and beauty. Picture yourself in this extravagantly styled mink-djed muskrat. Why not order it today on our budget plan? No Carrying Charges No Interest. Terms in accordance with V.r,T.B. Regulations. QWEET OIXTEER Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Box 1308 l'hone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman - S. Julian Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Outing flowing for FALL... Cruiser Coats AH Wool with double shoulder and sleeves. 4 pockets and game pocket $11. ."SO Wool Shirts Red and Green Checked, Heavy, All Wool $."5.."0 in h I 1 P Work Socks All Wool, weights 3 to to 5 pounds to $1.10 INDIAN SWEATERS N E I) R A LG IA Hand Woven by Vancouver Island Natives $10.00 to .$1T III V i . i ill "THE MEN'S SHOP' 1 532 THIRD AVINUE Du B 6 cLoriiixG ami mmm arry See them on display at PHOME 345 BEAUTY SSS PREPARATIONS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THESE FAMOUS COSMETICS . at McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. . .' rhme 7 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avcnuo Announcement... JOHN HARRIS and M. PARKINSON have resumed proprietorship, oi ATLAS BOILER WORKS Boilers, Tanks and General Ironwork THEY'RE IN! A fine selection of . . . TOYS AND GAMES Just received. Our stock is bigger and better than ever. These are now on display for those who wish to do their shopping early. There is also a limited supply of Xmas Tree Lights, Doll Buggies, Kiddie KarSi etc. THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLAKo . ... r,o Tl.l1 Aor V. P.O. llOX 1118 Phone ltea uu jto MECCANO Stock Complete - Standard Prices Set No. 0 ; Set No. 1 Set No. 2 f 'f Set No. 3 .." Set No. .1 g-'j Set No. 5 J-M Also Intermediate Sets 1A to 5A and Dinky Toys Now on display at 'iijifiS iii 5 Mil v