'A ! 1 1 6 ptfnrc Rupert Daflp tortus Saturday, October 12, 1946 IDHBSnOBBRIRIHI For FWdcry and Saturday Only WALL AC PS Odds and Ends SALE 5c- 10c-5Qc 5 At n n WALLACE'S m bbwm HnasBnnaKaonRnaaBBannBiiiiaaaai NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering . Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP I'lionc Green 971 . 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre -si price SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala 1:30 pjn. (Standard Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Standard Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 563 327 Third Ave. : A. Mackenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Sec us for i MATTRESSES - SPRINGS BEDS and BEDDING Jioie or send in your mail order I'lionc 75 : Ox General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL IJLUE G10 and we will give an estimate. ' P.O. BOX 654 PRINCE RUPERT REX CAFE GECOND AVENUE. OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors niONE RED 5G1 P.O. uox 721 CONTINUING SEARCH FOR MISSING MAN Plans for a comprehensive search of Porcner Peninsula for Hans Jacobsen, missing since October 4 while on a deer hunting trip in that wild region of Porcher Island, were being laid today by friends of the 73-year old man. Carrying a number of search crs, thF halibut boats Gony, Capt. Olaf Andreassen and the Dovrc B., Capt. Tony Martinsen are going out Sunday morning and it is expected that others may take part, being transport ed to the inland by smaller boats. FAILED TO RETURN jacoosen nas not been seen since he disappeared into the bush on a deer hunt a week ago Friday. A search for him has been in progress since that after noon when he failed to return to the boat of his partner, Martin Gunderson. Jacobsen, Gunderson, Einer Christiansen and Louis Anderson left the city October 1 on the hunting trip. Searchers doubt that the aged man is alive since It is known that he had heart trouble. It Is doubted that he could have survived the ordeal of 10 days In the wild bushland. - - Classified Advertising - - CIms.'NmIs; 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charce. 50c. nirth NsNces 60c; Cards of Thunka. Death Notices, Funeral Notleoa. Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. FOR- RENT FOR RENT 6 room flat, two furnished bedrooms, kitchen stove. Fifth Avenue West. Apply Suite 1, Helgerson Block. (215) FOR RENT Sleeping room, 801 Borden Street. (tfj FOR RENT 2 single housekeep ing rooms. Single men only. Apply 221 5th Ave. East (243) FOR RENT 2 room furnisher! apartment. Apply 801 Borden Street, (tf) PERSONAL BURPING Is a social error Take Wilder's Stomach Powder pleasant, soothing. 50c and SI at all druggists. (it) FOR, SALE FOR SALE Brick lined heater in good condition, fern ba, Ket, kitchen table, 2 smaller laoies, ana single bed and spring. Phone Red 347. (242) FOR SALE 66 acres fenced, new buildings, good water, 250 laying hens, 1 mile KItwanga, B.C., school on place. Price $2500. Mrs. Kay Rowc. (240) FOR SALE Electric percolator, 10 cup size, $28.00. Phone Black 408. (241) FOR SALEl-1 ton dodge truck. 1928 Model. Apply at Suite 15, Mclnlyre Block, between 6 and 7 (tf) FOR SALE New Restaurant at New Hazelton, B.C., on highway to Prince Rupert, next to hotel; running hot and cold water In kitchen; putting electric light in now; six furnished bedrooms upstairs. Apply Gust Chrlstianson, New Hazelton, B.C. ' (256) FOR SALE Used folding chairs in good shape $1.50, dressers $14.50, used blankets, all wool $4.50; smoking stands,-$1.25; dining room sets from $30; coal and wood heaters and stoves from $22.50; hassocks. $2.50; rug 6xl0iz price '$18; chesterfield In good shape, $65; Phllco 7 tube radio. $25 i new mirrors from $2; large selection of scatter rugs, love ly designs from $1.65; paint brushes from 40c- All kinds of new and used furniture B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324 FOR SALE 1940 Dodge Sedan. Apply 13 Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE Furniture Including Monarch oil stove. 735 5th Ave. West. (240) FOR SALE-1 single bed, like new; 115 firebrick, 1 drill press with blower, 2 gas tanks with stand for oil burner. 1143 8th Ave. East. Phone. Blue 942. (243) FOR SALE Live and Dressed Poultry. Laying Pullets, pure bred New Hampshlres, $2.00 each, express extra. Leroy's Ranch, KItwanga, B.C. (249) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. . . (rfi JOHN LAWSON, 80, SUCCUMBS John Lawson, veteran Britlsji Columbia bollermaker and a resident of Prince Rupert for the last 20 years, died last night In the Prince Rupert General Hos pital. He was 80 years old. Born In Victoria, Mr. Lawson learned the boilermaklng trade in that ctly and was among the first to follow that type of work In the capital city. During his lifetime he travelled widely in the United States, settling In Prince Rupert 20 years ago.' He was employed at the Prince Rupert Dry Dock until his retirement eight years ago. He lived on Eleventh Street. He never married, and Is survived by one brother, Charles R. Lawson, In Vancouver. MAN CAN TAKE IT BRISBANE. Aust. Man can stand high temperatures much better than animals, says Prof. D. H. K. Lee, after sweltering three university students and four cows for periods during 15 days In a hot box up to 110 de- recs. The students lost one pound an hour in the hot cham ber but put it on again during the hours spent outside. LONDON. O Tiit R.A.F.'s No 147 transport squadron has car ried 152,000 passengers and $168,-000.000 wrrth of freight without mishap. WANTED WANTED-Baby's steel crib, 23" x 51". Phone Blue 785. (In WANTED Oil burning range. Phone Red 443. (210) WANTED TO RENT Two or three room unfurnished house Frank Burdett, Station "B," City. (243 1 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Capable woman for housework, by hour. Black 805. (24fi HELP VANTED Female general help, business hours. Good wages. Reference at Gold-bloom's, 322 Third Ave. (240) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and table meals. Home away from home. Green Rooms, 622 Fraser St. (244) LOST LOST Hand bag containing keys and papers, also navy blue striped trousers on Mon day night. Finder please return to Daily News Office. (246) LOST Lady's wrist watch on 3rd Avenue around noon Friday. Finder please leave at Daily News Office. (210) SCHOOLS ftMl COLLEGES YOU CAN RUN a Home Kinder garten with our help. Canadian Kindcgarten Institute, care M.C.C. Schools, Winnipeg, Man. The finishing an eictlltnt 2 fK, nam. ,11, Jl l.-o.o.,.i J lalilmiioon M I all I'l Je In a laLr 37. r. o-ii Radio Dial CFPR 1210 Kilocycles (Subject to change) SATURDAY PM. 4:00 Hawaii Calls 4:30-Flying Down to Rio 4: 45--5 wing Time 5:00 Melodies and Memories 5:30 Sweet and Low Down 5:45 Sports College 6:00 La Plaza 6:30 Leave It to the Girls 7:00 CBC News 7:05 Actuality Broadcast 7:15 To be announced 7:30 Hayloft Hoedown 8:00 Red River Barn Dance 8:30-Old Time Rhythm 9:00 Here's Juliette 9:15 This Week 9:30 Three SunsTrio 9:55 Interlude 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15- Dance Och. j 10:45 Dance Orch. j 11:00 Weather and sign off ami. SUNDAY AM. 8:00 To be announced (Rcc) 8:30 -Concert Album '9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9: 15 - From Old Vienna 9:30 Alan and Mc 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Canadian Party ll:P0CBC News 11:03 Capitol Reports 11 :30-4leligious Period 12:00 New York Philharmonic Symphony Orch. P.ivi. 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00-CBC News 2:03 John Fisher Reports 2:15 Week-end Review 2:30 Indian Summer 3:00 Music for Sunday 3:30 CBC News 3:33 Regional Weather Forecast 3:33 Vancouver symphony Orch. 4:3 Record Album 5:00 Music in Three-Quarter Time 5:30-Stage 47 6:30 To be announced 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Tenth Anniversary of Radio Talks 7:30 Serenade For Strings 8:00 The Readers Take Over 8:30 Soliloquy 9:00 Organ Recital 9:30 Vcsoer Hour 10:00 CEC News 10:10 BC. News 10:15 Canadian Yams i0:30 Prelude to Midnisht 11:00 Weather and sijn off ann. FREE AT LAST LONDON Q -Forty years of horedom" came tc an end when Meivyn Ansley Curtis, retired as engine driver for the Central London Railway. "Every day was the same," he said. "All there was to do was to turn the little handle." .LONDON, Oi Kent Yeomanry gunner battery, which left Its band Instruments at Pcrcnchlcs. near Lille in the north of France in 1940 retreat, will receive them back at a formal ceremony there. PUMPKIN PIE TIME! much to your TlianlagMng Dlnnrr lMiinpLiri picl Here' rrlpi OLD FASHION!!!) PUMPKIN IMH liitlilljr l.ralrnj 2 cup "Itojal City" I'linipLin, 1 ien,v r. raon mar, i tranpoon nutiiirK, I lra.j..u (ilnurr, rloirn, !3 lfnM..,. Mll, , cup light hroMii nar, mola !.?, ruit ton milk. thoroughly. Cook In lop of douhlr iM.lli-r pic ahell. .Sprinkle with a little for Id mimilrs. Cool, ami srre. You can get "Koyal City" Pumpkin SISTER SHIPS TO RETURN TO THEIR WEST INDIES RUN MONTREAL The sister ships, Lady Nelson and Lady Rodney, only two of Canada's famed "Lady" liners to survive the war, again will ply the Canada-West Indies trade route on completing their sailings for the Department of National Defence, It was announced here today by R. C. Vaughan, C.N.R. chairman and president of the Canadian National Steamships. "Both ships are at present engaged in repatriation service," he said. Lady Nelson, distinguished as a hospital ship, will return to the C.N.S.S. this month, followed by the Lady Rodney in November. SAIL EARLY IN 1917 First sailing from Halifax to the West Indies will he made late In February or early In March, 1917. Three sister ships. Lady Drake, Lady Hawkins and Lady Somcrs, were lost by enemy action. Mr. Vaughan indicated that the Canadian Cruiser, first of three new dlcsci-driven vessels purchased by the ON.S.S. from War Assets Cohrporatlon, will be received from the builders In time to embark passengers at Halifax late In November. SECOND NEW SHIP Canadian Challenger, second of the new 7,500 deadweight tonnage vessels, will be delivered during the latter part of November. Both vessels will call at West Indies ports. . Canadian Constructor, third new ship, being built In Vancouver, is expected to sail from Vancouver on her maiden voyage late In November, carrying passengers and cargo for Kingston, Trinidad, Barbados and Demcrrara. She will return to eastern Canada and Join the other vessels In the eastern group service. WE'LL KEEP YOU UlinU IIPVT IIIIUTPn r 'you order your coal for next winter NOW. By ordering today you protect your fam-ily and yourself against being caught without coal when winter comes. Philpott, Evitt & CO. LTD. Phone 651 and 652 just until the rtram rises. extra nutmeg ami put In al yur grocrr't. Xal City CANNED FOODS HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I sew' hM silk tape on the bottom of a skirt, where the stitches must not come through? A. Open the hem sufficiently to insert a strip of cardboard The cardboard can be pushed along through the hem, kecpin it directly under the place being sewed. Q. How can I clean zinc? A, Dip a piece of flannel In warm flannel and rub article thoroughly. Then wash with hot water and soap and polish with a sun, Qiy ciom. Q. How can I relieve burnln-feet? " A. If OriP Sllfflr frnn. I ing feet, shake a little powdered tannin, or powdered borax, into mi.- atotMiigs. une will find enner very soothing. TODAY rl. . l.mirii... In ,, -J .."iahliEhM Mr n Vhil son 51 L6 471 : v.ur;j" Kail mu w! it i rn ... ::::: -uu :3.. SUNDAY AT MIDNIIE AINU MONDAY - 4:30 0NU ACTION AND LAUGHS! The llowery Hoys In "Fast Company" "' ROARING UKSTLRN! William BtJ Jr. -II I uopaion; Pr...:j.. n , STARTING - MONDI Matinee : 2 :80 Evening Shows 7 and J M ' THE ALL-TIME BEST StLlill LOVE STORY OF THE WEST.,, I ON THE SCREEN IK SPECIE - I 0M W-l'tr'l ImiMrW CWttfwJ fht thrilling rmMt 1 m A J lm tM lawltu M cvia ItiM tumi t I J 4- 7W: '. r ON THf !AMf PIOCliM MARCH OI TIMi: SrORTSRLKL CARTOON sS. w Jot! I cJtf Brian m- Sonnyil Irrttni-Tlf fil'mta'TO Tit M BKIIII VHUW" lJ Ei