I OR FIANCE LATEST FASHION 'CHIVALRY IS B"" ' ,rfinn in the United States. But It Will m The Ufti" ! future take the average Canadian girl h her brand mi.1 mnw t.tm tn fwrrirtrrt - - - - to he ties ic - .. ,at fatsrui t ee iS the i cm sale seldom contain diamonds i.. rrianv 1UI1. I hjuh.. i '-,- US 1U1 vjvW, are settling Lslons with books Land 1Mt posswy irlwho sits at home Seriously contem- Wn her fiance in ih an engagement Erthod at leasi m .ulna H.'nlVPS. ifmi",r bF.S war canny brides wpre hraded for ! went (n more ana I. double-ring cere fee cuslom of feeling lldcd when your nus-fcearin!-. a gold band iiooular idouble nna eiiT-- pr- -Maim the idea fcir:-- atO in riiuupv Iha: become popular tbrit Even blrthstones have become popular. Most of the rings are suitably- engraved inside with the name, date, and occasion. "Often the happy couple will buv the rings together." -said one Toronto Jeweller. "She usually navs about hall as much for the rinjs :he jives him as he pays for hers." PRODUCES WHITE A new method has been per il cted to depigment cottonseed and produce an almost white meal. A report on the Junior Cham ber of Commerce Radio Auction contribution to the Salvation Army published Friday mistakenly read $5,000. The correct amount was $500. e are here to serve you and guarantee I you win be pleased. I DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS IBLAIN BROTHERS it E OF FINE poods" Ffcsr KtVtKifcU At CAMBRM BALL 1KX 114 Chivalry took a reverse turn last night at theCa'mbral Chap ter; I:0'.D.E.-, Spinsters' Spree In the Civic 'Centre auditorium when the ladles "took the Inltla tive In extending courtesy to their trouser-clad partners. No dinging: down in the old wallet for tickets by the gentle men, forsooth, nor no checking of coats and hats at the door way. Wearing gallantry like well-fitting garments, the ladles did the usual masculine chores including asking for dances. Once they trot used to the idea the boys enjoyed the novelty no end. A good crowd attended the function, dancing to music by the Esaulres orchestra. Manv of the men even wore boutonnleres, presented by tHelr partners as figurative corsages The Carnbral ChapteT commit tee in. charge of the affair con- $i3ted.'of Mrs. William Noble, Mrs NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phnne 281 P.O. BOX 198 FY TYTTVTVTTTTTVTTTTMMr Briefs from Britain liiitiiittl t km A A A VA Ai HYTHE". Eng.. fo - Mothers whose children are eligible for free cod liver oil arid fruit Juices have formed a "'Vftamfn League." SOUTHEND, Eng.-A bundle wrapped In 'cigarette paper, found in the lifeboat house let terbox; 'contained $20. LEICESTER. En,?., Dr. John Hurwich, English interna tional bridge player, died here within one day of his 48tn Mr. and Mrs. Don Forward and two sons left today by car far Hazelton -where they will spend the Thanksgiving week end holiday. Robert' Pa'rker, Mrs. Q. P. Lyons, Mrs. Crawford Moore,. Mrs. a. L. Rorie and Mrs. Stewart Teen Toivn Voters Cast Their Ballots Today The political destiny; of Teen' Town was decided this afternoon as scores of the city's young- people '-ast votes tor tneir cnoice for Mayor, City Clerk and uhiet Constable. A 1 d e r manic elections were forst'alled by filling the Board of Aldermen by acclamation on nomination day ten days ago. 'Contesting the mayoral seat is Mayor Mel Thompson, seck-inz re-election on his record and as head of the Old Reliable Party, a political institution claiming tHe grandeur of a year's administrative exDerience. . Challenging the established order and leading the New Party which claims more progressive 'tendencies in teen age affairs, is mayoralty J candidate --- Reg La jviio. uutiuiu .... . i Evie Rivett were in charge of Vigne, a popular leader at Booth while Mr. Ham : Memorial High School. attended the door. ' Winners of the elections are y - . I f ' I I ' "ZTZTI WE'RE GOING TO ) ! THATS THE I yX - " SIGN A FORMAL li-i' SENSIBLE VvJAV ' i- HERB HOW ) TO SETTLE t . f PEACE TREATy A swm I BWP WOOPLEyANDV. (VJONDERFUL .mct LIKE T PROBLEMS 5 KfS I iBkll lBl L ARE NEVER J mSfr( THA1L , NATIONS DO' ) ' aM? IH1CVOUN&- ' " () A (3M r2! tf&liif - - nJj HI tm'ihM t I I I inn-t - n i EBEWf'im b tjnrt i ? i . . . , US I U-W FOUR WE NEED AN ARTICLE I iVE WORKED )t' NEITHER OF J ARTICLE iM OUT A ROUGHVyl V X WILL HAVE THE f Z3,. ALLOWS ME TOj " -fWBIDDING SHAWNS ! K PRAFT OF OUR N- .IS E POWER OF rr jT ( BORROW TOUR TVrNVNyrTT. TREATY r-rfj Airf VETO LAWN MOWER, tr, , AJ m nT,n c oo co.rvs AOTrtFWWfi I I 1 THINK wEV A xA. . 'PIN Lff,.a HIT, SOCK. WHAM. j- OUR RADIOS f S'pWi-:, b.r:-r,tJ -:-lJ - ! W ' : ; - . : , I s: '-zxl k. Ki TTl r-mrJTfKe WHERE J TS GENUINE .' AN l-Ir ' WAX i IS-r-Wt I b-WT-f JP3Bcr AGO J i xxj ,i!ga,.''"':.'f:-',.-.'-'-: 1 i i n - .. rvu I .v ! 1 : 7WX JK I sJ&&cSNfa yfim PwhkinSofI c 5VsV COLD MEATS FOR WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET WE DELIVER DAILY THIRD AVENUE PHONE 17H 'rtiffr to he artnotfneed tonight. Running 'mates for Mayor Thftmrison are Miss Mickey Mur ray, who is seeking re-election i n pftv clerk, and Ponce uniei "Bob McChesrtey, Who has cam paigned "for a return to office. With Candidate Reg L,avigne on the New Party ticket Is Miss 'Nina YOUrierrtan, running for city clerk, and Ole Skag ror po lice chief. ftnnrfidates 'and their support ers have thundered their plat- !forms to :the electorate during the last week in the liveliest campaign in Teen Town history. Acclaimed members or tne 'Board of Aldermen are Betty "Hamilton. Eddie Clecone, Vina Lavigne, Fred GrJmble. Rosaline Thain, John Cume ana Bin Anderson. Votlns took place this after noon In the Civic Centre when three oolling. booths opened at 2 o'clock. Polling closes at 10 O'clock tonight. Parliamentary Reporters Made Orators Great The Press Gallerv of the Bri tish House of Commons Is a historic Dolitical Institution. It U a co1f-aAv(rnlnef bodv. With lt3 cwn conventions, code of Be havior and traditions resting, like everything else connected with Parliament, On the slow. growth of centuries. Reports had not cctually a special gallery to themselves before 1835, but long before then parliamentary de bates were "reported," usually from gossip, memory or E. R. Thompson, speaking to nwrspas listeners to the BBC, recalled recently that the great Samuel Johnson, as a starving srholar. was employed as a hack-wrftpr tn work nn ro'i"h notes and Jottings on the parlia mentary debates into full reports lor a newspaper. At the most he linrl a few Jottings but irom Viacn Vio nrnrlnr.ed masnlficent, 11 . '.L ..w w i olllns Johnsonian oratory. Years afterwards, at a dinner mrtv elven bv Foote. the actor in 1770. someone was praising a sreat oration delivered bv the elder Pitt 30 years before. Johnson, who was among the fniests, sat silent for a while, then growled' out: "That speech I wrote in a gatret In Exeter Street." Another famous reporter was Mpmorv" Woodfall, who was born exactly 200 years ago and became a celebrity, almost a par liamentary lnstution. He used tn it bv the hour througn tne debates with his eyes-closed and his hands clasped over his stick, rnkinr never a note. All he ever nti was a hard-boiled egg, the shell of which he peeled off into his hat. Then, at the adjourn-mpnt hp would walk to his news paper office and there produce a report of tne aeDaies enurciy- from memory. Many otner ais-t!nrn!shed writers have been parliamentary reporters Ibut the Greatest ol tnem an was uw Dickens, who was incidentiy an expert shorthand writer and one of the first ci tne new sunuui ui reporters who took their notes In shorthand instead oi Buy Canada Savings Bondsl We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West KWONG SANG HINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 "7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 a jn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 Prince Rupert 2aflp TSctos Saturday. October 12, 1946 Don't let constipation get you down. Do this for effective, yet remarkably gentle reliefs Simply take I to 4 tablespoonluls ol F tumps' Milk of Magnesia with water. You'll wake up feeling on top of the world refreshed and bright. In addition, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia is acknowledged by science one of the fastest neutralizes or excess stomach . Steamship Service from ritlNCE KUPEKT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell Kiver) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE ;'Whii ' 1 acidity known! Thus you get double- f f',T?t, ."T"3' action relief irom acta indigestion ir, rniuuirj and sluggishness. Remember ... I $0fJCfc 'V O J. Uttnumsu Geo. i liti s ?a m f Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: fiui Blue H. Res. Red 127 Ask for George TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be interested to know that there Is a man In town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling t'nat only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, is at Hill's Shoe Stort. and will be pleased to" , take an impression of your feet and let you know what can be done in your Individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is also in charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and prompt-, ly. Call around and see him for either reason. 1 Fine Wood mm for Sale! AMI NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY J 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class 14-inch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord Second class trimmings up to 1-inch lengths, $8 per cord Third class, various lengths uncut $C per cord. FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE HEMMONS TRANSFER Phone Black 15G Night Phone: Black 665 P.O. Box 1131 Station B Office:" , II. Mair's Auction Rooms Third Avenue East Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A-M. TO 6 AJI. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE C ATER TO PAR TIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 1S3 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 am. to 11:00 pjn. Quality Repairs Economy Prices at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) 1 " "' "TT "nf iii ii COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE; HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Phi