Tractor Train Crosses Frozen Wastes to Haul Supplies to The Town of Yellowknife For f) Bex 13CC rappers C FURNITURE ERRACE fansfer&Taxi borage Meet Air. a t.,o lS.!ANY POINT ius DISTRICT ! 'II. SMITH) Box 167 Turn p Ann Ml .. welding and Body Repairs J0 is too large mzn for us. Phone I OS PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING Repairs and Alterations II. KI KNMS INSTAI.I.ri), SICKVICH) AND CLKANKll r Second and (,ve it.v, st West Night Calls Green 787 Black 861 Blue 170 Highest Prices Paid for Your Attcnti on FURS I SRP. TT Q tjt? rrrE vnTf opfr m w f A-J 14 1 J 4 V l-t X W W W - M w HILL siiitiAi;i:ito Phone ISlark .'12 1 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty I'lione Green 974 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA ' are e3PerU in u Trn rePal- Dependable, prompt service. RACE MACHINE SHOP bhv DUX 202 f?r P. AD APP -r.rir W c OSBORNE :r V. IMHOFF i i ' 1 McEride Slrert T One of the reasons why newspaper advertising does such a good year-round selling Job is that just about as many people buy and read dally newspapers in .summer as in winter. ' Plumbing and Healing Engineers OIL AM) COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 383 P.O. Box 1294 Gord SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pjn. Friday SS Cardena, 10 pjn. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Are. Phone 568 V.D. CLINIC CLOSING HERE The venereal disease clinic operated by the Prince Rupert Health Unit since May, 1943, will be closed after March 31. and patients or the clinic will receive necessary treatment from private medical practitioners. Announcement of the closure was made at a meeting of the Prince Rupert Union Board of Health Thursday afternoon by Dr. W. C. Mooney, provincial director of venereal disease control, who said that the Health Department's policy Is mainly preventative and does not cover treatment. Dr. Mooney, who came here to make arrangements for closing the clinic, sailed last night to return to Vancouver. I on s SMALL CIRCULATIONS In the early 1800's, no newspapers had a circulation of 1000 C. C. M. BICYCLES Men's and Ladies' models now In stock. The guaranteed bicycle that will give you the maximum of service. Hard ware Phone 311 STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home is convenient an Inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, phone no LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue Along the Wo hundred mile route of the tractor train -to Yellowknife. an aircraft Fg ppots the best route, brings flaBj54s?M The 'sleds stop to unload a 'S', shipment at the gold town's 'Hudson's Day Co. store, where regular shipments are delivered by tractor train. protection airalnst weather, each nf ihd fwm'a VA.iWVn.Ve 1 4Aae ik .iaq a, ca u, it owed alerts is covered with tarpaulins and carefully it back and checks shipment's destination. The tractor train hauls supplies for .084 """" Miiiim; ioie ui wasieiana wmas. a pound to trie town's mercnanis wno cannot anora the airnne s rate of .50 a pound. ENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING-E,5T,IMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION -eBbck LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone Evenings: Green KITKATLA NAMES YEAR'S COUNCIL Matthew liiil is Head of Native Village Other Village Leaders Matthew Hill has been elected chief councillor of the native village of Kitkatla for the en suina year. Other councilors are Norman Lewis,. William Ridley. Nathan Shaw. William Gladstone, Henry Brown. Job Tolmie, Joseph Shaw and Solomon Brown. Constables have been named i! the persons of Frank Russ, Ernest Jackson , John Vlckers, C. Nelson. Frank Ryan, Peter Col-llson and Gordon Temple. Hotel. . . Is arrivals Prince Rupert A. G. Provost. Vancouver; Mr and Mrs. D. M;:L2od, Humpback Bay; Mrs. A. Matilda. Porcher Island; Mr. and Mis. Baronsky, Oona River; Mr. and Mrs. N. F. A. McSweyn, Vancouver. HAWAIIAN. BIRDS There are about 100 species of birds on the Hawaiian Islands. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 CHURCH HAS SHORTAGE OF FIELD STAFF At the semi-annual meeting of Prince Rupert Presbytery of the United Church here this week serious concern was expressed at' the continual shortage of workers for Indian fields. Nurses, teachers and ordained ministers are needed. A committee was set up to investigate the possibility of releasing one man from his charge for the summer months for the purpose of travelling across the country to recruit workers. It was noted that, despite the shortage of workers In the various fields, there was an increase of $1,000 In the gifts from the churches to missionary and CRITICIZES POWER COMPANY Editor, Daily News: In your paper of February 20 there appeared a letter from the general manager of the Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. referring to criticism of the company that has recently taken place and one part states: "If Prince Rupert Is desirlous of lnduslng large capital outlays in this area we will have to approach these Investors with a more concilia tory attitude than we have done In the past etc." I trust this is not an Implied threat. I for one believe that the people of this city have been generally fair and patient with the Power Co. for the last 17 years in the light of the development they had expected from their entry Into this city. Another extraordinary state ment was that the" Power Com pany at the time of purchase of the city plant 'Did not make promises" In taking over the plant etc. I think considering a large part of our people here are new arrivals a little pa;;t history might be placed before them by one who has been a resident of over 30 years and Is In the electrical business. When the city decided to sell out about 1928-29 two companies franchise first, a comparative ly small and unknown U. S. company; second, The Power Corporation of Canada, Montreal, the parent company or our N. B. C. Power Co. Ltd. Along with many hundreds of " others I strongly supported the plan to sell to the Power Corporation of Canada who had and still have an outstanding record in Eastern and other parts of Canada of fostering In- dustrlal development in communities that they serve. Both bidders put on an active campaign to enlighten the voters using lawyers, office, speakers, meetings, even the movies. The Power Corporation sent from Montreal to handle their campaign Mr. Pawson, commercial manager. He, In conversation with myself and on the public platform, most definitely promised that, should their company secure the franchise here, there would follow most extensive industrial development-mentioning pulp, paper, lumber mainly as I remember and other good possibilities, pointing out that the yhad the financial contact, prestige, experience and an outstanding record along that line wherever they operated. Whether the depression that followed and later World War II, was responsible for the lack of results I do not know but It Is a fact that, since 1928, there have been extensive invest ments In new and additional oulp and paper works In Canada. The present year In B. C. alone the sum of 14 millions Is the outlay for four companies. This can be verified easily from the press of recent months. When one considers the remarkable record of the Power Corporation, the parent company of our utility. In other places, it is hard to understand their lack of action here. I believe the company should take SCOTTY'S Old Country ISriiifc Uupcrr Dailp f3ctos Saturday, February 23, 1946 maintenance funds of the United Church. The contributions for 1945 totalled nearly $3,400. Ou the other hand over $15,000 was received by the Presbytery for missionary wcrx within Its hounds. On Thursday evening Presbytery delegates met with members of the newly formed'Pres-bytery of the Women's Missionary Society in the home of Rev. and Mrs, R. A. Wilson. Th Presbytery comprises all the United Church Women's Missionary Societies in the ?rince Rupert Presbytery. A round table discussion on the missionary aspect of the work 'n Prince Rupert Presbytery wa led by Rev. D. W. More of Ocean Falls. The outcome was the decision of the ladies to raise V-i 5 Mtmi-A 7 M' Sex Magazines Not Reputable Ml fll III W - ' r n VANCOUVER, JScx maga zines on Canadian nemtands are not printed or published by reputable Canadian publishing houses, A. S. Christie, president of the Periodical Press Associa tion, said in an interview here yesterday. These magazines are not censored, he said, "because the free press in Canada 'i$ opposed to censorship." Buv more War Savings Stamps. money to purchase a moving pic-lure carema which will be, used throughout the country ".publicize the work done by IT i IT1 the city council or some other I not caused by married women public body into their confld- working. It is caused by the f alienee. Otherwise the criticism is ure of governments to put any only natural. kind of effective reconversion I submit Prince Rupert people plan into effect and sucjy fac-have earned the right to indulge tors as the CNit.'s apparent un- in some criticism these last years. W.R.LOVE. 17 MR. MILLER CORRECTED Editor, Dally News: We appreciate the interest of your correspondent, Mr. Miller, in our picket line and would suggest that. If he is able, he should, join us in our march for jobs. As acting secretary of the "Jobs for AH" Association I must however, draw attention to an error in his letter. He implies that the picketing oi me CN R. is sponsored by the Labor-Progressive Party. This is not cor rect. While anybody who sup ports our cause Is welcome to help us picket the C.N.R. to get them to 5ive contracts to the local dry dock, the fact is that the picket line is sponsored by the "Jobs for All Association" wVlV Vine vr rtOl tftol a f f 11 In - lions-. As a matter of fact the majority oi mose picseung on Saturdav were not members of the LJ.P. A tn his remarks on two of bid strongly for the plant andi picketers I would point" out that the present Jobs crisis Is willingness to operate their own dry dock. It can be cured by policies that will create jobs at good wages for all willing and able to work. As to married .women teaching I understand there are a considerable number In Prince Rupert. They seem to be glvln? good service and, in view of the serious shortageJ-of teachers, it would stem that, without them, many children would be without a teacher. Thanking you, Mr. Editor for your courtesy in publishing this. DORIS BLAKEY, Secretary, "Jobs.for All" Association ASTHMA From aU over Canada and thft UAA. come glowing reports of quick-rellel with "Davis" Asthma Remedy No. 7895." Get It together with diet sheets, at any Edmonton Drug Store. Three weeks supply 3.00. ECZEMA For adult tar baby, don't miss this "Davis Pruritus Cream." greasrlesa. stalnlsa. odorless, and Immediately effective To try .t Is to boost It. COc. J.OO, 1.65. NOTICE The City of Prince Rupert is considering the advisability of granting a franchise for the exclusive operation-of motor buses within the city limits. ' Interested parties are invited to submit proposal to the undersigned prior to March 15th, 1946j giving the 'following Information:' . .; . ; (a) Proposed Schedule, showing routes In detail. (b) Proposed fares, showing reduction" Uf-any) for quantity purchasing. f.T (c) Proposed Equipment. (1) For immediate use. : (2) To be obtained within a specified tlmej (d) The proposed terms of the franchise. j (el Such other and further details which it is; considered advisable to include in the agreement.: All submissions should be incipsed in sealed envelopes and marked "Proposal re Bus Franchise." j II. I). TIIAIN; City Clerk. (4?) REX CAFE ! SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL i Chop Sucy Chow Mcin f Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open G ajn. to 2 a.m. r PHONE 17! N'e neliver Your Order Ml 42m Ti Be Wise ,SAV MONEY Many costfy repairs can be j avoided by regular LUBRICATION j SERVICE ) STOr WEAR TODAY! RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO C AM. Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone 864 EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) I i Completely Renovated and Redecorated ) FULL MEALS, LUNCHI CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUKY 11 ajn, to 1 ajn. i Mm