arrivals HUP" W!es Island O. nWKO Mr M. isiana Mr " Porchcr Wand. ur E R Cars- ,ir II (XOl no il. " " j 3, En th. r i i , r.arlick. w j Robinson. K Rcub- 1U . Mrs. C snarp. Kinncar Copper naiij Bivers Inlet, n I., tcianri Mr a ' Barsre Oranje. ; pave ' : cans S Young, Smi-. inlthcrs Mr and Monterey Call- n-nntr.. Terrace. savings Stamps i.dcfnr nrother in ha IipIH ..lit- Pmirt vine vu - , rv..n. Ct at. ah mrm- attend. 219t i ot all kinds T Bond, m to . Red M Local News Items A Girls' basketball meeting Civic Centre. Wed. Sept. 18 at 7:30. (219) John durvlch returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Betty Oreig has returned to the city after spending several weeks at Vanderhoof. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Speen returned from a trip to Vancouver this morning on the Prince Rupert. Dr. and Mrs. C. II. Hanklnson returned this morning on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. George Hill, who l)ave been on a five weeks trip to Vancouver, returned .home from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Rt. Rev. Anthony Jordan, Bishop of Prince Rupert, returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver where he visited in the course of ecclesiastical duties. John R. Pollock of Victoria, director of visual education for the Department of Education, will arrive In the city Friday from the south for a visit here on official duties. Former director of visual education for Vancouver schools, Mr Pollock served with the Royal Canadian Air Force during the war. . 1 Ui.' id Decoratlnz Blue i9i W Peterson Wood - Baggage Express Blue 810 X Green 977 ituper. 1 -IUl- NIiKRS 1666 mrk I cannot PARTRIDGE an rtn All tt I- Green 417 lll'll I T SERVICE I T1VTT7 PTnnn Massage for ladies MARIE RICHARD SO N GRADUATE NURSE Special treatment for rheumatics Phone RED 246 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branched 209 4th Street : Phone 853 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Audllor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 FM MOMPTaM IFF1QI NT SSWW alt qur qliat H COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. IP ' ou mle it a point of bol,J -in ,he I0" could. Now they . ,urPingly lrge ,um. A Long tripe or short, day or night, 93 Taxi at your service. (tf) R. Nugent of Wartlmi. irmi. lng Ltd. arrived .... in the, city " on a 1 t uuwness vrsii irom Vancouver, Col. 8. D. Johnston rplnrnoft on the Catala yesterday from uuainess inp io Biewart. Miss A. M. Barbeau returned from a trip to Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. Miss Jean Smith returned today on the Prince RuDcrt after spending a holiday in the south; Douglas Frlzzell returned from a business trip to Vancouver on the Prince Rupertt this morning A Public Library will close Saturday for Indefinite Deriorl. Opening date to be announced. (219) Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Kellett and son returned to the citv at the end of the week from a motor trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Frank Fisher and sra twl son of Hydcr were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday going through for a trip to Seattle. August Pocket or the Premier tramline staff was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday going through on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Vera Lees of Stewart, secretary-treasurer of the Portland Canal district school board, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday going througn on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. R. H. Hansen arrived in the city at the end of the week from Vancouver; accompanied by her young son, and will be in charge of E. Cavenalle's store at Seal Cove while Mr. Cavenalle is away on a trip to Los Angeles. Arnold Flaten, local manager of the Royal Bank of Canada, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver where he attended a conference of branch managers from various parts of the province. Prince Rupert Typographical Union resumed regular monthly sessions last night after summer recess with a meeting at the Carpenters' Hall. There was a full, attendance of members with President S. L. Galloway in the chair. Arriving by aircraft from Vancouver yesterday was E. R. Cars-well, civilian air counsel for Standard Oil Co., who will guide the new Prince Rupert Flying Club through Its organ'zational period. Mr. Carswell will address a meeting of the club CHINAMAN MLS Lee Dong, Chinese cannery employee at Port Edward, died there Monday night. Remains were brought Into the' city by B.C. Undertakers. LEICESTER, Eng., '0 After being married for 67 years, Mr and Mrs. Hiomas Haywood died within two days of each other. j I i- - .1 JL y L- L'' talk t minuti bou ",ing...or savings. "'1 ' in i healthier g",B0 for. long ,h. All In short, you proteJ you could sav?. And you discovered, perhapS for th? first time, whit a nice fceliii j of extra security and independence could be yours with a "nest egg" of savings safety tucked away. Now there's no war to serve as a spur less particular about arc you becoming SARK ATTRACTS TOURISTS AGAIN Quaint Island Playground Draws Visitors Throughout Summer Months By NORMAN CRIBBENS Canadian Tresa Ciaff Wriu-r SARK, Channel Islands Ot Creux Harbor, said to be the smallest In the world, Is being replaced by a larger, more im posing waterway. Thousands of visitors will be sorry. For the old harbor, nestling at the foot of gorse and daisy-clad cliffs, the centre ot mysterious caves and limpid pools, has a romantic quality. ! To the city-dweller it Is so novel so theatrically pretty and unreal that he cheerfully pays the blue-Jerseycd boatman slx-j pence for ferrying him a few yards from ship to harbor steps on top of the fare Irom Guernsey and the shilling poll-tax which every visitor must pay. From there he passes through a cliff tunnel, picturesquely littered with boats and lobster pots and ropes and spars, and climbs the stcep-wlndlng lane through a wooded, flower-deck ed ravine. Now the Germans haveS Sark is once more a happy rejgoiie, jyfpiay- ground. Its dells and lanes and cliffs ring with the laughter of children. Young men and women bathe in sea-battered coves and explore the caves at low tide. Norman Taverns Their elders quaff strong ale in quaint little Norman tav erns and play darts or shove Announcements Job's Daughter's fashion display and entertainment, Masonic Temple, Friday, Sept. 20, 8:15 p.m. (209) Hill 60 Fashion Show Sept. 26, Civic Centre. Catholic School Bazaar, Oct. 2 and 3. K.C. Hall. Presbyterian Anniversary Banquet, October 7. Cambral Spinster's Spree, Civic Centre, October 11. L.O.B.A. Bazaar,. Oct. 23. Queen Mary Tea, Mrs. Parkin's, October 24. Rebekah Bazaar, October 31, I.O.O.F. Hall. C.C.F. Bazaar, Nov. 0, Civic Centre. W-A. Baptist Church fall sale, Nov. 7. Women of the Moose bazaar. Moose Temple, Nov. 13 and 14. W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 20. Presbyterian Fall- Bazaar, November 28th. ' United Church Xmas Bazaar, Dec. 5. Old Time Dance, Prairie Ramblers, every Saturday night, Odd fellows' Hall. HAY FEVtit Relief I hai been wonou icily, safety hy thousand vhooncc luflffed from ure. streaming. Imitated ' eyes. Itchy ear t, and who tneet ed and cheered, combed, choked, spluttered every year. Now they steep, work, (eel normal thanks ti TempWon's RAZ-MAH. You needn't suffer ! Hay Fever misery. Take RAZ-MAII and get I the relief you lung (or. 50e,l at druggist. R-19 putting Jside i set sum tviry month? Are you losing the saving habit? Remember ... the money you "save Jor yoursiif" i the most important part of thfc money you earn. So please consider this simply a friendly reminder that savings do have to be" planned; that sticking to the plan sometimes meins doing without an occasional unbudgeted "extra", and that making regular deposits in a Royal Bank Savings Account is still a good way to jet somewhere with your personal finances . . . and with your ambitions for yourself and your family. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA . a .. i. iti.atem. Manacer rrincc nupert iiraum - ha'penny with the fishermen, the carriers and the harbor hands. But Sark In winter is a different place. The gale-lashed breakers crash and thunder on its rock-bound coast and the savage wind sometimes blcw-s a phenomenon known as the "souffleur" spouting sea-pray to a height of 100 feet. Then, but for telephone and radio, Sark Is cut off from the world. Inaccessible from sea and air. On the cliffs above Gouliot Bay stands a monument erected to the memory of five men, including the harbor engineer, who were drowned while attempting to return to'Guernsev in an open motor launch. In the churchyard are numerous graves of Sark fishermen whose boats, for all their ex perience, were caught and overwhelmed by sudden squalls. Sometimes In winter Sark 1:; Isolated for a week on end. On' ' recently, In mid-summer, no boats arrived here for four da: . Food supplies ran low and visit ors from London found thnm-selvcs, one more, without btrr. That is the only disadvantage In coming to Sark for a holiday you never know how long you may have to stay. Advertise In "Hie Dally News. HOW CAN I ? ? ? I By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove the shiny parts from a woolen suit? A. Sponge with a solution, 1 tablespoon of ammonia to 1 quart of water. Then cover with a wet cloth and press with an iron not too hot. Follow bj brushing the garments with a stiff brush to raise the nap. Q. How can I have stronger clothes pins? A. Keep the clothes pins in a bag free from dust. To preserve them, boll while new for 15 minutes and they will last much longer. Q. How can I remove tobacco stains from copper or brass ashtrays? A. Apply a little denatured alcohol with a small brush. ASPIRIN EASES SIMPLE HEADACHE NIW 10W PRKIS 12 tablets 18c 24 tablets 23c 100 tablets 79c GOES TO WORK IN 2 SKONDS Genuine aspirin MARKED THIS WAY I 'EXHIBITION of ART - h'Bjni Selvi IN DLACK AND WHITE Thursday Friday Saturday at Civic Centre 7 - u.:w r.M. ADMISSION i!5r All householders are urrjed, in their own interests, to have their coal bin filled at once. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 and G52 COLD MEATS FOR WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET WE DELIVEK DAILY THIRD AVENUE PHONE 178 I When that I I Diamond Engagement Ring I I Notion Ii I First strikes you . . . remember that there is I I such a thing as a store having a reputation for good diamond values. I Also that this Is the store. - I Every individual diamond that we sell has got I to prove up to what we .promise for It. I Our diamonds are free from flaws or I spots and of good color and culling. I Prices range from $25.00 to $350.00. tSUhttt Gupctt Daflp J3clus Wednesday, September 13, 1946 FOR COMFORT AND LONG WEAR Und erwear . . . by Mercury COMBINATIONS Fine Cot- ton. Natural, ankle length. s with short sleeves. 5s:ilVv Suit $1.1." (C rfAA ilY rnMniVATtllNS Mprlnn S. . & Type. Containing a larptj ) nprr.ent.asp nf ' wnnl. Anklp- J. length, long sleeves. r..ll ink . t i .. DUil 9MNl VV V - 1 . . , ...... . ..... , ... . I VI ... i uoiiiDcn. uouon; wnuc. vvw Ankle length, short sleeves. v Suit $1.8." m m m m m m m m a m ifc A 7S iV'A' COMBINATIONS Wool. Natural shade. Ankle length, long sleeves. Small sizes only. Suit $1.U5 "THE MEN'S SHOP h IfI M J M MfJJF ' "SrfV PumiHO M) FURXISIIISGS Quality Repairs Economy Prlcej at 532 THIRD AVINUE PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) GOING IN CIRCLES OVER WHAT TO GIVE? SEE OUR PHONE 345 Ormes lid. 77lm Pioneer Dmq&fats Prescription Chemists Hcxall Agents for Prince Kupert and District In Drugs If it's Rcxall it's Right PHONE 81 STORE HOURS: Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12 p.m. till 2 p.m. x and 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. 'THE' CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY": Jj-Sy There's beauty in every careful detail of these luscious virgin wools ... so soft, so handsomely tailored, so exquisitely styled. FashionShow September 2G AT CIVIC CENTRE Use Our Budget Plan. No Interest-No Carrying Charges COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 There Is always a thoughtful gift for that birthday, anniversary or shower at THE VARIETY STORE. Our stock of Rift suggestion is large and original. So don't waste Ume shopping around when you can buy them all at THE VARIETY STORE ... and you will probably find something for yourself here, too. THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE, LITTLE DOLLARS" 518 Third Ave. West : Phone Red 400