n n m m u n n H n m n It mm Ml! Fnsliioii By JOB'S DAUGHTERS Friday. September 20, 8:15 p.m. MASONIC TtMl'Li; : ADMISSION 50c Outfit Ensembles by PEOPLES STOKE MRS. MARTIN PASSES AWAY Terrace Woman of Twenty-Five i Years' Standing Dies ! After Long Illness i Death, occurring cany last evening at the "Prince Itupert I General Hospital following a i lon i:'.;Kss. removed an esteemed j woman of Terrace in the person j of Mrs. Grace E. Martin. I wl of Walter J. Martin, well known farmer of Uie interior town. She had been seriously ill for four months. MOTT ELECTRIC (rrince Rupert, LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black .'507 238 Second Avenue West FPU rap Latest I IB VICTOR SAKE JONH HlBtSTAUM THE 1 (s) Over one thousand thrifty Prince Rupert people were buying nylons, ladies' panties, sweaters, children's underwear, cotton prints, white flannelette, broadcloth, curtains, monkscloth,; coats and dresses. It yon weren't here last week, you missed out on a lot of good things. This week we've got more perhaps not the same things and perhaps other items that we didn't have last week. New items arrive every day. Come in and join the crowd? get your share of the bargains. Come see our large stock of desirable merchandise all at prices as low as the largest cities in Canada, including Montreal and Vancouver. Show Dorn in Kansas, 66 years ago, Mrs. 'Martin came west as a giri with her parents to Port Angeles, Washington, where she attended elementary and high schools. In i'jw snc was married to Mr. Mar- tin and the couple first took up residence at Everett, Washington, then moving to Charlo, Mon- tana. Coming to Canada in 1019, they settled first uk Crossfield, Alberta, and two years later moved to Terrace where they have since made their home. Besides the widower, Mrs Martin leaves two daughters-Mrs. A. E. '(Marguerite) Wood of Prince Rupert and Mrs. J. M. (Dorothea) Julseth of Terrace. There .are three grandchildren. Funeral, arrangements are in the hand's of B.C. Undertakers and the funeral will be held at Terrace Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Juheth. who had been here with her mother before she passed away, leaves this evening m her return to Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Wood will accompany !he remains to Terrace Friday night. Advertise in the Oally News. J0Htr Slap. Happy Hits on RECORDS "MUSICAL DEPRCCIATION" ALBUM.. ,13.(0 GIOW-WORM l"" F, "?tJIE MAGIC JONES POLKA HAWAIIAN WAR THAT OLD (LACK JIANS IHANT McKAE BROS. LIMITED !SBiaBSB"M"B"S"a5S""59"S5"Ha9aHSMSHaSS aaaBBaBBaBBaaBHBaaaaiaB9aa9ia9aaaBa55HaaaaaaasBSBS9asaa i You in Wallace's Last Weel ARUITTC rwn h 'w m: mm COASTAL CHARTER SERVICK ttX SUPERMARINE FLYING BOAT '"Haida Queen" - is passengers MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Hupert Direct. TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and Return via Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Direct. SPECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED 1 OK PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTING 3 Types and Sizes of AIRCRAFT to Serve You From 3 to 13 Passengers, or 4f.O lbs. to 4,000 lbs Freight (J. H.'STANURIDGE, Agent P.O. Box 1219 , Phones 521 or Red 878 HER TRAVELS ARE AMAZING President of Women's Clubs Tells of Incidents in Russia WASHINGTON, v. perhaps a woman would understand this exchange which took place at a news conference whpn Mrs. La- Fell Dickinson, president of the General Federation of Women'3 Clubs which has many Canadian affiliates, told of her recent 25- day tour of Russia. "I enjoyed shopping in Russia tremendously," Mrs. Dickinson said. "Oh, what did you buy?" a woman reporter asked, eagerly. "Not a thing." Mrs. Dickinson replied, and, while the male reporters struggled with that one she added something Ahmit shortages and exchange troubles. Mrs. Dickinson, whose published sketches fail to mention her age but who must be slxtyish although she doesn't look it, told of a Russian man dinner mm. panion who asked: "How many years have you?" "I told him how many years I had," she said, "and he became very excited. He passed the word around the party and all the men seemed excited. My Interpreter told me they were amazed that a woman of my age would even leave her fireside to say nothng of flying half around the world with a party of strange men." From that moment the men treated her as tenderly as if she were an old lady, offering theit ,arms and "almost wanting to carry me around." she said, "and I told the men In our party they might take some lessons on how to help ladies get about." With Party Of Six Mrs. Dickinson, who comes from a prominent Keene, W.H., family, went to Russia with a party of six men of the American Society for Russian Relief v.'ho went there on invitation to :ee how relief materials were being used. "I am virtually a teetotaller as you all know," she told the re porters. "But my friends insisted I try vodka and drink it in the proper fashion In one gulp. I did try It and I didn't taste anything I didn't feel anvthln r either," she added. But, she said, a friend who had been facing a tonsil operation tried the experiment with her. "She told me the vodka had so burned her throat, that It cured her tonsil trouble. She hasn't been bothered since." Mrs. Dickinson said she had been asked If American women had equal rights as they had In Russia. "And I had to admit that wc didn't I was so ashamed. And they were so sympathetic." She said she was embarrassed 'oo when the Russian women, who do not indulge in many i RI1ISIIIHI f C D D Radio Dial V I I l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Brian McCarthy & Co. 4:30 TB A 4:45 Oscar Peterson 5:00 Geoffrey Waddtnglon Show 5:30 TB A 6:00 CBC News 6:15 CBC News Roundup 6:30 Classics for Today 7:00 The Nation's Business 7:15 Let's Play Charades 7:30 Invitation to Music 8:00-CBC Sports Review 8:15 Favorite Stories 8:30 Three Suns Trio 8:45 Lee Sims and Int. 9:00 CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9:15 Midweek Review 9:30 Paul Walti Show 10:00 Smooth and Sentimental 10:15 Ken Stevens 10:0 Les Brown's Orch. 10:55 CBC News and Int. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off 11:03 Silent THUkSDAY A.M. 7:30-,Musical Clock 8:00 BBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music For Moderns 8:45 Medley Time 8:59 Time Signal 9:00 Little Concert. 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Song Serenade 9:45- Transcribed Varieties, 10:00 CBR Presents 10:15 Thoughts for Today 10:30 Roundup Time iu;i3 vernon Geyer 11:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 11:25 Program Resume 11:30 CBC News 11:45 Weather Forecast 11:46 Message Period 11:48 Recorded Interlude P.M. 12:00 Tunes for Today 12:15 Henry King's Orch. 12:30 Musical Program 12:45 Canadian Composers 1:00 Sammy Kay's Orch. 1:15 Women's News Commentary and Your Next Job 1:30 Music Makers 1:45--Downbeat 2:00 Western Five 2:15 Echoes From the Tropics 2:30 Serenade 2:45 BBC News and Commentary 3:00 King Edward Hotel Trio 3:15 Midday Melodies 3:30 Songs In Sweet Style 3:45 Stock Quotations Henri Becnuerel di.-.envprpfi radioactivity in 1806. racial animosities, asked her ibout the Negro question in the United Stales and the anti-Semitism that exists in some areas. , The Russian women, she said, were friendly and desperately anxious for peace and friend ship with other peoples, particularly American. "But I am sure, 'f their country were again attacked, they would go out and fight side by .side with the men," Mrs. Dickinson said, Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND-SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones ... No waste ... No fuss. Try them today from your butcher. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. DRAMATIC FILM HERE Shop at Wallace's where you get the widest choice. Shop at Wallace's where your dollars s-t-r-e-t-c-h, Remember, these days it's not only smart to be thrifty it's important. SHOP AT WALLACE'S THIS WEEK ! tin usual Story in "Sentimental Journey" with John Payne and Maureen O'Hara Drama of the tender, poignant type in a heart-warming story of modern family . type features the current offering "Sentimental Journey" at the Capitol Theatre. The picture has been delighting theatre-goers during the past two days and concludes its engagement with this eve ning's showings. Incidentally, the presentation of this picture marks the new showing schedule of a single afternoon matinee and two evening shows each day. Iocal movie patrons seem to be readily adjusting themselves to the change. The quite unusual story of "Sentimental Journey" concerns the career of John Payne, busy show producer, after the sudden illness of his actress-wife, beautiful Maureen O'Hara, and the finding of the little nine-year old girl, Connie Marshall; who Is to become their adopted child. Dramatic circumstances led to the death of Miss O'Hara sifter she bravely tries to carry on, the story developing into a bcautl- lully happy ending. Other Important members of the cast in "Sentimental Journey" are William Bendlx, Sir NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Roqms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 193 STRONO-ARIW CEREMONY The custom of having a best man at weddings is believed to be a survival of primitive marriage by capture, when a man seized a woman and carried her away by force. GERMAN PRODUCT Rhinestones are so named be cause they were first made along tne Rhine river. Ccdrlc Hardwlckc, Glenn Lan-gan, Mischa Aucr, Kurt Kreuier. Trudy Marshall and nuth Nelson. Docs Your Car Look DOWN AT THE "WHEELS" If so we suggest you have your wheels aligned and your tires checked. If you hope to drive your car through the winter . . . WATCH YOUR TIRES! IS YOUR CAR SLUGGISH AND TEMPERMENTAL? If so bring It in to have a Motor Tune-Up. Don't wait until cold weather leaves you on the road. LUBRICATE OFTEN IT PAYS! S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers Third Ave. rhone 83 Innlllrln nnlo . 1 fi.t- n. ,n., i i....t " "c "' For Sale By Tender CROWN-OWNED VESSELS Type of Assets: 8 BUILDINGS SMITHERS AERODROME SMITHERS, B.C. War Assets Corporation will receive offers to purchase of thi Crown-owned buildings described below. The purchaser shall remove the building or buildings, flfl vnHnna?atl7" a,nd the ground to its orlginaYele- i ,, lVleaMln,g hc s tc ln a neat' and tidy condition in a maimer satisfactory to an authorized representative of the No, No. No. No. No. No. No. EIGHT BUILDINGS 1 Headquarters. 27'xl20 2 wings 37'x37 2, Operations, 38'i"x80 2l',irs,t,s- and Mess' 30'21 2 wings 30'xll9'. i'MfV0s.(,t.s 2-storci'. 30'x24 2 wiiiss 3Tx83 .-Officers1 Qtrs 2..storey, 58.'x30Y 2 wings 30'xl5P. 7 Canteen, 2D'6"xI10 8. Stores. No. 32.Bulk Gasoline Storage Pumnhouse. 21'xl9'. (Equipment contained In this building, Is not included in tiiii RALE of thesp hnllHi litre cVlnlt lumbintr. hPnUnrr nnH liahttnrr Fc led within the buildings; b in areas and dimensions given are approximate., A certified cheque or bank draft 'to the 'value of ten percent of the tender price, made payable to War Assets Corporation, must be forwarded with the tender in a sealed envelope plainly marked: TENDER NO. 402-317 FOR 8 BUILDINGS L2S.'K,tS AERODROME. SMITHERS. B.C. ADDRESSED TO: BRANCH SALES MANAGER. WAR ASSETS CORPORATION. 1108 WEST GEORGIA STREET, ... . , , VANCOUVER, B.C. lenders will close at Twelve o'clock Noon Pacific D.S. Time. . . OCTOBER 3, 1946 The tenderer must state the use to which the building ?.b u .ines' or materlals contained therein, will be put, as this wll be a determining factor in deciding the acceptance or any tender. -iHorTrf"3 ?ClvId a?ter c,oslnS tlme cannot con-BSfHri,hlBnestor any tender may not necessarily be c,?Lefd , ;necues r bank drafts will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. nnw0" ssful tenderer will, when notified of accept-K,-'nhK0r.h5r t.ender be required to furnish a certified ,or bank-draft for the remaining ninety per cent of his S fn?er' and addltlon- a certified cheque or bank ttJ thP Stamou?t eqUal t0 the estimated cost, of re-llth SwSf fL,tea,Ja grantee that he will comply & and C04nd tlons of the tender- This cheque n ?Jrt am SuaranteelnR restoration will not carry in- aawissr the satisfactory compietion WAR ASSETS CORPORATION 1108 West Georgia Street Vancouver, U. C. ?tt,e.V:PJls;,es fo,rirlnsPection of the above buildings must be TODAY MAtllil I v ,..... ' ; - jnmi ram tvUNAU:' '.WIS & SO' in TECHNICOLOR! GENE IIERNEY - CORNEL WILDE Ml -HNtENI PRICE john m smhi Js CA K TOON n i: w s MATINEE. 2:30 EVENINGS, 7 - 9:10 P.M. For That Party . . . TOMORROW Ciapin PARAMOUNT CAFE CHOP SUEY at Tort Edward, B.C. 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pm. NORTHWEST CONSTRUCT! Exoert Foundation Work and Interior Ate"' CONTRACTS LARGE OB SMAU Planning and Designing Estimate 6 STONE IJLOCK Phone 563 Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS BARR &-ANDERSON LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 388 P.O. Box 1234 i CHOW Mil P.0-K1 i-vmiIius; Bluffj we Serve You nut the Best SPECIAL RIP 3 nmiri:sT vtcni and rtffl5 COMMUTE 1$ GROCERIES DELICATE fl.nlrest Co4' BoMlCb"! Ki.ni. rlM and Sall riipER BUTCHM I Hum- Announcement... JOHN HARRIS and M. PABlUNSON V resumed proprietorship ATLAS BOILER WORt Boilers, Tanks and General Ir