erior Stores T. Sl.i SeeJle;':i flemisn ("risp KETS, LIMITED pitg, ach lie - . - n PnilNI MY MTUKK .,sSAL-KW a y ; co i DAY - SATURDAY V .-w 19 - 20 - 21 lRV Tfrto and Vegetables QuaMy Groceries DDY KILOWATT oat ff. fSEAI. KHMER JAR KINGS lUlflIRE Genera Contractor I'HONE IS OOs lur wc per lb. 20c 2 lbs. l'Jc . . . . per lb. 7c Heads . .... each I5c Lv uRANS. Ensifin, SiU-oz. tin, each l ic Aylnwr imer jLMCK, l-xclmnge Imf SOI iarKS 20-oz. tin, 2 for 2i)c 28-oz. tin, each 15c 20-oz. tin, each 23c 10-oz. tin, 2 for 25c gi'TTEK CLAMS, Clover Leaf, Quaker Muffcta Robin Oats (JuUk Cooking non-premium 48-oz. Pkg. 21c htriT PECTIN , 8-oz. bottle 27c, LASSES doz.,uc! FLOOR. Robin Hood Mb. pkg. 1 c i MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED A OOOD PLACE TO BUY" Lould Go Wrong Ivi U the genuine La-Z-Boy Chair. Ideas can be I t u-z-Boy principles simpiy can t oe uiinaicu. , Jjljltf; JS.PN.IX .ONK,LA-AMOYV - Feature I't-aijtins and automatic. ,m at the required COMFORT anulk. :np-, forward n.s back reclines. Ut, inuoth and noiseless operation. fj. -built throughout. fcZ-BOV ttilh STOOL . $78.."0 and up b : 327 Third Ave. 7c 19-lb. .sack 31.75 2-1-lb. sack 93c PASTRY FLOUR, Tea Time, 7-lb. sack 35c CAKE- KL()LTR, Swansdown, Pkt Mc Local Groups Are Scored Labor unions and other organizations In the city were castigated by the Prince Rupert Industrial Development Committee for their non-attendance at the annual meeting of that body in the city council chamber last night. So small was the attend ance that election of new offi cers was deferred for another month. When only eight delegates representing four organizations turned up, the meeting adopted a motion of censure proposed by committee member James Nlcoll. It was directed at "the C.C.L. unions and service organizations for their lack of interest In the Industrial Development Nevertheless, the meeting heard the annual report of its chairman, Mayor II. M. Da-f.gett, in which he outlined the pro gress of the organization since its start a year.aso. Also present were II. G. Archi bald MP., and W. II. Brett, M.L. A. Mr. Archibald outlined his ef -forts and conversations In Ot- each .'J3c tawa In behalf of development of 1 coal bunkers here, and in devel-ood Hi Your Electric Servant lesson To Remember! .HiKwiTT3niPHTC S1('evalks, remodel your kitchen, demolish or mnvo hnilflinra. I00 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL 1JLUE 610 dnl we will WANT TO TRY SOMETHING SPECIAL-HERB, HAVE A NIP , I I . .II I ms3 AT MY BORDEN'S EVAPORATED till u I ..r.Tmr NO GLARE-NO SHADOWS -NO EYESTRAIN. A GOOD LIGHT mini 10 Tb Burden Co. Ltd, VP0RTfj Natural Content of Vitamin D Increased by Irradiation KWONO SANG KING HOP KEE CHOPSUEY H 0 U S E 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 TAKING PICTURES GEOGRAPHIC F Commissioned to take photographs in all parts of British Columbia with which a featured article on British Columbia In the National Geographic Magazine is to be Illustrated, Ray At-keson, Portland, Oregon, photographer, Is a visitor In Prince Ru pert today, He Is busy today locating what pictures were already available here and prgan- lzlng to take some of his own. Agricultural, Industrial and scenic shots are what he seeks Piloted through the area by W. opment of coal and, mineral re sources. Mr. Brett made sug gestions as to the procedure in sending local delegations to victoria and Ottawa, In his report, Mayor Daggett told the meeting that, "while so far no new industry has been established as a result of our work, I believe that the work of the committee has been worth while, and should be continued." The mayor emphasized that contacts made during the last year are resulting; In an outside Interest In Prince Rupert that mav result in more than one Industry establishing itself here; Mayor Daggett said that during the year, 15 meetings of the committee were Held to consider matters concerning the in dustrial development of the city, j in addition to a eeneral meeting to present briefs to the provincial government, and a joint meeting i with the Chamoer oi uoairacru; I to confer with R. C. Vaughan, chairman of the C.NJt. Contacts made by the committee at a meeting of representatives cf the provincial Reconstruction Council and Department of Trade and Industry here, have already resulted In representations beins made to the min ister of Trade and, Industry in behalf of the city, the mayor declared. Th next meeting was called for Octobpr 15, when the election of officers will take place. Tho nrespnt last nlsht were H. G. Archibald MP.. W. W. Brett M.L-A., committee chairman H. M. Daggett and members James hflftoll and J. S. Wilson. Cana dian Lefion representatives P. M. Ray. William Bremner. Trevor .TnVimtnn. and Harrv Lenman. A. t rvnwlpv rpnresentlns the Junior' Chamber "of Commerce. and J. K. McLeod, representing the Dally News. Mr. and Mrs. George MUton and family of Skeena Crossing are leaving on tonight's train J to return to tneir nome mere. ADEQUATE LIGHT FOR EVERYONE NO DARK CORNERS See us for your Preserving Supplies Jars, Lids, Ruhber Rings, Preserving Kettles, Boilers, Pressure Cookers. McBride Street FOR MM Are Wedded EATURE ARTICLE Terrace H, Crocker, field representative of the Postwar Reconstruction Bureau Jgr this area, Mr. Atke- son arrived by car last nigh from irom the tne interior. interior, On un the uie way way' knife. He had a leg broken and his daughter Edith, who Is a regisered nurse, Is at present caring for him. Fortunately, at the time of the accident, a plane was near at hand so that he ' could be f lown to the hospital at Yellowknlfe. In spite of the long dry spell during the summer, there are still many pretty flower gardens to be seen around Terrace, borne of these are off the main road and are not seen by 'he casual paser-by. One of these Is the garden of Mr. and Mm. S. Kir-kaldv on Park Avenue where dahlias, zinnias, asters and hollyhocks and other flowers are still to be seen in all their loveliness. DUST-FREE BULBS & CLEAN LAMPS SAVE LIGHT Jack Klrkaldy, Harry Haug- innrl nnd Bill Cooper have gone south to continue their studies at the University of British Col umbia. Th Terrace Bov Scout Troop, under the direction of A. Yoxall, started Its fall activities on Monday night in the Anglican Church Hall. H. F. Noakes, Rev. R, Hills and Rev. McAULiter were dn hand to assist, DARK-COLOURED OR PAINTED SHADES WASTE LIGHT 'A growing child's eyes need special care to protect them from eyestrain which might ultimately mean glasses. Make sure they study, read or do hobby work under proper light placed for maximum eye comfort. An extra lamp or two in every room means better light and sight. Gordon's Hardware I'HONE 311 Sirs. Anne Elliot and Leo Brookes Are United TERRACE St. Matthew'3 was fe scene here stops were made at such", of , . wedding ,.,, nf of much iu.h ln nlaces as Prince George. Van derhoof. Telkwa. Hazelton and Kltwanga where pictures were taken and data .gathered. Tomorrow Mr. Atkeson will make a trip to the Portland Canal district aboard Queen Charlotte Airlines' Ilalda Queen and proceed to Vancouver on the same plane next day. Timely TERRACE Topics George Little Breaks Leg at Yelloiv knife Gardens Looking Well a quiet Interest on Saturday evening" when Mrs, Anne ElUot, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Rutt oi Tor onto, became the bride of Leo Brookes, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brookes of Terrace. Rev. R. Hills officiated at the double-ring ceremony. The bride appeared lovely in smart dressmaker suit of Elizabeth blue with matching brown accessories. Bridesmaid was Miss Eileen West wha wOre a becoming tweed suit. Harold Smith was best man. Following the service, the happy couple went to the bride's home on Eby Road where a delicious luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. L. Brookes plan to make their home at Kalum Lake where the' groom is em- .t.j u ii., tr, nloved In logglnz operations. Mr. Brookes was formerly with the . 4v. ritfi Little mr met . Terrace that George ser . with an accident near Yellow- vlce Advertise in The trallv Aew;, LEFTOVERS TRANSFORMED Last night's leftover roast makes tonight's "Magic" Meat Rolls 2 I hi. toft butter 1 cup chopped leftover melt 2 tb. chopped onion 2 cup flour 4 Up. Mnjlc Baking Powder i tip. Mil 4 tb. ahortenlnft i cup milk, or half milk and vier Mil meat, onion, butter. Sift together dry Ingredient!, mil In shortening; aH liquid to make soft dough. Turn on floured board knead lightly. Roll flnch thick, pread with meat mllture. Roll like Jelly roll, cut In alicee. Bake on baking (heet In hot oven (475 F.) for about 14 minutes. Serve with tomato sauce. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue the Uamms vou need CONTAIN VITAMINS A ll Bi C D plus IRON md LIVER CONCENTRATE Vita Vim MULTIPLE CAPSULES Don't be confused as to which Vitamins to buy. When you taVe just 2 VITA-VIM Multiple Capsules (one of the golden and one of the black) each day, you supplement the Vitamins in your diet nerded for normal health. Twenty-five day supply for J1.75 or a fifty day supply $3.00. VITA-VIM MtMpli issUytl Quality PrtJuct, sold mil l ' . i n r, rij'l UJMl ro. McCUTCHEON'S PHARMACY E. C. Wallace, Manager 3rd Ave at Sixth St. PHONE 79 Prince Rupert Dallp JSetos Wednesday September 18, 1946 KIPPER AS SKIPPER LIVERPOOL, Eng., Readers of the Liverpool Pest read with i amusement how "the kipper stood on the brldste directing op-erations with skill and confld ence." The first customer arrived at 5:30 a.m. and within three hour3 ( the police were called to handle the crowd of 2,000 that answered one 700-line advertisement of vashing machines which had appeared In the late edition of an American newspaper. 8 Stratford . . . Phone Red 319 LING THE TAILOR We are takinff cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you, wait. PHONE 619 220 Sixth Street mm Two-Tone Pens a Ki ll THE DEPENDABLE PEN FOR SCHOOL D1BB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE HUT t.l'JM 1 lH rK.OnsVsWsssHssssslsasHsaaiBH We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pieasea. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE 547 -:- P 0- Btx 174 P.O. Box 1484 Green & Kermode Builders and Painters Ail Interior and Exterior Work Free Estimates and Prompt Service SAVOY H 0 TEL Car) Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET prince Rupert UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD i CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 The Seal of Quality i" BRITISH COLUMBIA'S; FINEST SALMON Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. 1 : CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE l.'W 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST it? 1 mi l; i t ft!